In the city of Yuma's mayoral election, preliminary results show incumbent Douglas Nicholls is in the lead with 59% of the vote compared to his opponent Karen Watts with 38% of the . Reach out to Court with story ideas and tips at: The City of Yuma Municipal Codes was originally published by Book Publishing Company in 1983, has been kept current by regular supplementation. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Calendar of Events - Yuma Art Center & Historic Yuma Theatre, Name (if applicable) On Tuesday February 28, 2023, just after 8:30 pm, a fire was reported in the 100 block of North 17 th Avenue. The survey is open now through the end of January. City Council Worksessions are held at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays preceding the City Council Meetings. Residents are encouraged to take a short survey to provide City leadership with data on illegal firework usage. In 2013 Mr. Knight was elected to his first term on Yuma City Council and was then re-elected in 2017 to a second term and re-appointed Deputy Mayor. For after-hours utility or street issues (water line leaks, water main breaks, road safety issues, etc. Here are the candidates you'll see on your ballot this upcoming election. - Median Home Cost is 33% cheaper in Atlantic City. Contact Us; Get Involved; Facebook; Instagram; Email Back; State Blog; Our Team; Yuma City Council Election Date: 08/02/2022. The survey is anonymous, and intended to provide the City with a better understanding of fireworks use and to inform future decisions. Yuma City Manager Scott Moore addressed the situation with the Yuma City Council during its Continue Reading. Subject. Yuma Public Library; City Council. Ducey first began busing migrants to Washington, D.C., in May 2022. Click on a party to view the candidate list. The Yuma County Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority will ask for an extension to be able to use the remaining grant money for design and pre-construction costs. Lake Havasu city council members readily agreed to start the meeting a little earlier in the day. From partnering with Cox to expand affordable internet services to providing an additional $21 million to fund the School Safety Grant Program, Superintendent Hoffman has shown the successes of having an educator lead. Any person found to have violated fireworks laws is liable for the expenses of any emergency response required and can be fined up to $1,000. Council meetings provide a forum for questions or concerns about municipal issues. City Council - February 7, 2023. All employees serve under the direction of the city administrator. Karen Watts is a City Councilmember and nurse practitioner fighting for improved infrastructure and a sustainable future for Yuma. Contests & Promotions. Join a community of Arizonans committed to electing pro-choice, Democratic women to school boards, city councils, county boards, the state legislature, and state-wide office. 2022 All rights reserved. Safer school buses on the way to Yuma County, Travel advisories for spring break travel, Sexual abuse case reaches final verdict for YPG guard, Proposition 17: Voting Rights Restoration for Persons on Parole Amendment. Click Here for a calendar view of "dark" Fridays. Therefore, six candidates are on the ballot for three open seats. In the event of a life threatening emergency, dial 911. Please keep your comments respectful and relevant. A public service of Arizona Western College. Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. She has served as a flight nurse, a primary care provider for adults and pediatrics, a provider of hospice care, a practitioner in treating substance abuse patients, and a sexual assault nurse examiner. 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM (closed every other friday). Yuma City Council to begin the process of road updates. Click Here for a calendar view of "dark" Fridays. Departments such as public works, utilities, engineering, and municipal court operate 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday. We encourage you to participate: attend a City Council meeting and share your opinion or join a board or commission and take a more active part or simply attend a public meeting. The city administrator is appointed and is responsible for the daily operations. Close . The City of Yuma Municipal Codes, as supplemented, contains ordinances up to and including ordinance 10-2012, passed October 16, 2012. Kathy Hoffman is Arizonas Superintendent of Public Instruction and is currently running for re-election. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Calendar of Events - Yuma Art Center & Historic Yuma Theatre. Show/Hide . Mohave 208 N. 4th St. Kingman, AZ 86401 The latter collected at least one ballot from a third party. To report a problem or issue that needs to be addressed visit Yuma Click & Fix. Staff Title Departments Phone Email; Nicholls, Douglas J. Name (if applicable) YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - The addition of several safety features such as crosswalks and traffic lights to address traffic and accident concerns have been heard by the city of Yuma and is being addressed. For a calendar view of City Hall Days/Hours of Operation and Solid Waste Collection view/download the2022 Customer Convenience Calendar. Home Public Notices Employment En Espaol 970-848-3878. Zoom: go to, click on Calendar,, Website Design By Granicus - Connecting People and Government. Closed on designated City Holidays. . Morning Weather Catalog; For You; Yuma Sun. Contact Us; Home; City Council - February 7, 2023 . (928) 373-5012 Fax, You're invited to the City of Yuma Fire Department Fire Station #7 Ground Breaking Ceremony! Monday, February 6, 2023. The other candidates are Gary Knight, Art Morales, Nicole Wilkinson, Edward Thomas and Robert Scarborough. . City Council - February . International City/CountyManagement Association (ICMA) Learn more about Kathy and her campaign at her website here. All seven members were in attendance Mayor Ron Swehla, Mayor Pro-tem Marc Shay, and council members Marylu Smith-Dischner, Tim McClung, Dan Baucke, Daniel Ebersole, and Terri Frame. He believes we have seen great growth and change during his term, however, says there is more to do. This past fall, the Yuma City Council approved an update to Chapter 139 of the Yuma City Code, which added penalties for use of illegal fireworks. Your Email. Arizona List has endorsed strong pro-choice women in Yuma. With a traffic light being one of the utmost concerns to fix traffic issues, no safety measure trumps another. Scarborough, noting that Yuma has been his home for 30 years . Cable channel 73 Kathy Hoffman is running for re-election as Superintendent of Public Instruction. Residents can pay their City services bill (water bill) at the kiosk. Robert T Scarborough for Yuma City Council, Proposition 17: Voting Rights Restoration for Persons on Parole Amendment. Box 265 Yuma, CO 80759 970.848.3878 ext. It will be held at 1:3, Join tonight's Council Meeting by: Hosted by Lou Gum, Arizona Edition, KAWC's news program, is our focus on the issues facing Arizona. The council will also discuss several local road improvements in the area. City of Yuma @cityofyuma. Mohave County Advisory Council Regional Council on Aging Policy Council Western Arizona Community Alliance Community Action Board WACOG is. . Office running for: Yuma City Council. Severe Weather Alerts We are committed to deliver quality public services and to advance the social and economic well-being of our present and future citizens. If any receive 50 percent of the vote plus one, they win a seat. A salary of $50,000 in Yuma, Arizona could decrease to $45,683 in Atlantic City, New Jersey (assumptions include Homeowner, no Child Care, . He enjoys spending time with his family and friends and following most sports. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Zoom: go to, click on Calendar,, Website Design By Granicus - Connecting People and Government. If they restored, get the building up and running get ittogetheritsa bus now, Im actually waiting for my bus right now,its a good building , please save the building and keep it," said Yuma resident Miguel Otero. - Overall, Atlantic City, New Jersey is 8.6% cheaper than Yuma, Arizona - Median Home Cost is the biggest factor in the cost of living difference. Agendas; Minutes; Agenda Item Comment Form; Annual Budgets; City Annual Audits; City of Yuma Org/Pay Chart; Online Payments; COVID-19; Contact Us; Home; . It was the spring training home of the San Diego Padres from 1970 through 1993, the North American League 's Yuma Scorpions minor league baseball team, the Arizona Winter League, and the Arizona Summer League. Visit "Where can I get vaccinated" or call 1-877-COVAXCO (1-877-268-2926) for vaccine information. UPDATED NOV. 5: Preliminary results have been released in the Yuma City Council election.Total Ballots Cast: 7,079Councilmember Ballots Cast Percentage of. You can review our Community Guidelines by clicking here. The Yuma City Council held its last meeting of 2021, last week in the Council Chambers at Yuma City Hall. Construction is estimated to take four months to complete. The remaining four candidates appeared in the June 20, 2022, edition of the Yuma Sun. Her experience as both an educator and advocate for students with disabilities informs her vision for public education. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy |Community Guidelines | FCC Applications | Jobs/Internships |, Daily News Updates Please keep your comments respectful and relevant. ), call 928-783-7601. The survey is open now through the end of January. Please Note: As of February 2015, all future City Council meeting agendas, packets, legal . She also is glad to see Arizona Western College's partnerships with the three state universities to promote higher education in Yuma County. Contests & Promotions. ET on Feb. 23 after a field hearing at Yuma, Arizona, on the impact the illegal immigrants brought to the border community . Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Calendar of Events - Yuma Art Center & Historic Yuma Theatre. Send message The second forum will be held Thursday at 6:30 a.m. for the candidates for the Yuma mayoral race. Lisa Sturgis, KAWC. If you would like to share a story idea, please submit it here. Mayor: Mayor & Council (928) 373-5002: Email: Morris, Chris: Deputy Mayor . Craft is the sales manager at Academy Mortgage [3].He served in the U.S. Marine Corps for 20 years [4]. Mayor and Council; Municipal Court; Parks & Recreation; Public Works; Utilities; Yuma Fire Department; . City Hall Hours. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. --Adapted from ICMA's Council-Manager Form of Government Frequently Asked Questions pamphlet. Superintendent Hoffman has spent her entire career working in public education, first as a preschool teacher and then as a speech-language pathologist. City of Yuma State Representative Tim Dunn (R-Yuma) told The Arizona Sun Times that "there are lots of side deals that go in" in San Luis. The Yuma Police Department (YPD) is putting an alert out for romance scams, after reporting at least one case in the city. In 1994, Sterling Codifiers began providing supplemental service for the city code. He also served as the editor for The New Vision, the newspaper for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tucson, which includes Yuma and La Paz counties. There are seven candidates for three at-large seats on the Yuma City Council. Calendar of Events - Yuma Art Center & Historic Yuma Theatre, Historic Preservation and Architectural Design Review, Transportation System Management & Operations, Apprenticeship (Operator-In-Training) Program, Water/Wastewater Rates Tables/Reports/Forms, City of Yuma Drought Preparedness and Response Plan, The Compliance Engine and Electronic Reporting, City of Yuma Targeted Industry Report 07-2022, City of Yuma Targeted Industry Study Presentation. Karen Watts in running for Mayor of Yuma. (Left to right) Yuma city council candidates William Craft, Paul Johnson and Gary Knight laugh together at the KYMA and KAWC Colorado River Public Media for the Yuma City Elections Candidate Forum on Thursday at Arizona Western College's Schoening Conference Center. Join tonight's Council Meeting by: Cable channel 73 Zoom: go to https: . For general City questions, comments, and inquiries, please complete the fill form found here. Jerome Benish was absent. For a calendar view of City Hall Days/Hours of Operation and Solid Waste Collection view/download the. Smith said she wants to focus on public safety, specifically retaining staff and attracting others as Yuma grows. If you would like to share a story idea, please submit it here. In order to better serve our residents, departments located in City Hall operate under a 9/80 schedule, to allow extended business hours. In the primary race for Yuma City Council, no candidate met the 50 percent plus 1 threshold to automatically win. Yuma City Council to discuss Hotel Del Sol . Submitted by [user:field_first_name] Agenda Recent. Click Here for a calendar view of "dark" Fridays. 2023 by KYMA / NPG of Yuma-El Centro Broadcasting. Proposition 17: Voting Rights Restoration for Persons on Parole Amendment. 2023 by KYMA / NPG of Yuma-El Centro Broadcasting. We have reached a time where many people are vocal about their mistrust in government. CLOSE. Now hiring City of Yuma police officers and 911 dispatchers. Oct 3, 2013 Updated May 8, 2014. She began her career in the Vail School District in Southern Arizona before joining the Peoria School District. In the first work session since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Yuma City Council on Tuesday focused on the proposed 2022 General Plan. Public Safety (police and fire) operates 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. About Yuma; Both are held in the City Hall Council Chambers, One City Plaza. The Mayor and City Council are responsible for. To report a problem or issue that needs to be addressed visitYuma Click & Fix. 340 W. 32nd St., Yuma, AZ 85364 +1(480)710-5675 Quality Rehab Network Physical Therapy Craft has served as a Yuma City Councilmember and Deputy Mayor [1].Craft was also elected to serve as the Airport Authority President for the Yuma County Airport. Any person found to have violated fireworks laws is liable for the expenses of any emergency response required and can be fined up to $1,000. If you have any story ideas, you can contact her at . She was elected to the Crane Governing Board in 2020 where she learned the importance of being accessible to constituents. The City of Yuma will hold a primary election August 2 and a general election, if necessary, on November 8th, for one mayoral seat, three city council seats and one presiding municipal judge seat . In the event of a life threatening emergency, dial 911. One City Plaza Background. She has been a Yuma resident for over 28 years [1]. Carol Smith is one of the candidates. Contests & Promotions. Your Name. The city administrator carries out council adopted policies, directs the day-to-day operations of the organization, and prepares the annual budget and capital improvement program. Political experience: Crane School district Governing Board member. It will be held at 1:3, Join tonight's Council Meeting by: Cable channel 73 She said the high number of migrants coming into the Yuma Sector is a humanitarian crisis that needs a structure to help those seeking asylum while not straining the resources of the city or non-governmental organizations. And that was before about eight to nine more inches fell on Yuma. . City Hall is open from 7am to 5pm, Monday through Friday (closed every other Friday). With hard work and great desire, her unique background has led her to become a Yuma City Councilmember and now run for Mayor of Yuma. You're invited to the City of Yuma Fire Department Fire Station #7 Ground Breaking Ceremony! Yuma, AZ 85364-1436 Arriving Yuma Fire Department personnel found light smoke coming from the front door of a single family home. Contact. Cable channel 73 YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) - The Yuma City Council is set to discuss several key topics at Wednesday's meeting including the future of transportation. Examples of illegal fireworks include firecrackers, bottle rockets, sky rockets, missile type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, torpedoes, roman candles, mine devices, shell devices, and aerial shell kits or reloadable tubes. For a calendar view of City Hall Days/Hours of Operation and Solid Waste Collection view/download the. Seven candidates vying for three open seats on the Yuma City Council addressed local issues in a forum held Tuesday at Arizona Western College and moderated by Yuma Sun Editor Roxanne Molenar. For general inquiries about water service and billing, email Customer Service at Breaking News November 3, 2019. She would like to work with developers to provide incentive for them to build here, or allow for modification of existing structures for affordability. Holding elected office requires a significant time commitment for meetings, as well as "homework" prior to meetings to be prepared. Preliminary Results For Yuma City Council: Shelton, Shoop and Morris Leading. A Community Action Agency . Firefighters quickly extinguished a small fire in the kitchen, and kept it from . Yuma, Ariz. The City is interested in gathering data on illegal firework use throughout the community. Legal fireworks can be used Dec. 24 through Jan. 3 and June 24 through July 6 from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.; with the exception of Dec. 31, Jan. 1, July 4, July 5, when legal fireworks can be used until 1 a.m. You're invited to the City of Yuma Fire Department Fire Station #7 Ground Breaking Ceremony! Yuma Click & Fix; Contact Information; Jump to subpage. Edward Thomas graduated from the University of Phoenix with a BS in Information Technology. Join our team! 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM (closed every other friday). City of Yuma Municipal Codes; Comprehensive Plan; Historic Preservation Committee; Economic Development; . COVID-19; Contact Us; Home; Contact Us Contact Us. City of Yuma Elected officials, including the mayor and city council, are responsible for administration and implementation of city policies, laws, and services. Cable channel 73 Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Calendar of Events - Yuma Art Center & Historic Yuma Theatre, Historic Preservation and Architectural Design Review, Transportation System Management & Operations, Apprenticeship (Operator-In-Training) Program, Water/Wastewater Rates Tables/Reports/Forms, City of Yuma Drought Preparedness and Response Plan, The Compliance Engine and Electronic Reporting. For after-hours utility or street issues (water line leaks, water main breaks, road safety issues, etc. La Paz 1713 Kofa, Suite D Parker, AZ 85344 928.669.9496. They speak to the inability to reach their politicians, or even gain a response when asking or submitting questions. You can review our Community Guidelines by clicking here. Current Mayor of Yuma Doug Nicholls is running for reelection against councilwoman Karen Watts. He also pledged to work with fellow council members to address concerns and issues. Karen is a Yuma native, born and raised, who's family presence in the Yuma community dates back to the 1800's. She has had the privilege to raise a family of her own . A full listing of legal and illegal fireworks can be found in Chapter 139 of the Yuma City Code. Click here for more information. 2023 by KYMA / NPG of Yuma-El Centro Broadcasting. Through interviews with local newsmakers, KAWC keeps you informed on issues in the region. Worksession/Council Retreat: Meeting details: Agenda: Accessible Agenda: Not available: Not available: Not available: Not available: City Council Meeting: 3/1/2023: 5:30 PM: Yuma City Hall Council Chambers One City Plaza, Yuma: Meeting . We must also pursue opportunities to accelerate and expand the economic vitality of Yuma's business community and neighborhoods. Closed on designated City Holidays. Background. Yuma City Officials Inaugurated. Karen has reached a point in her life where she believes she can make even greater efforts in serving Yuma County. Severe Weather Alerts City administration implements City council priorities and provides management direction and leadership of the organization in a fair, transparent and accountable manner. 2023 by KYMA / NPG of Yuma-El Centro Broadcasting. KYMA/CBS 13/KECY is an equal opportunity employer. YUMA, Ariz. (KAWC) - Members of the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday held a field hearing in Yuma to learn more about the impact the influx of undocumented immigrants is having on the county. KYMA/CBS 13/KECY is an equal opportunity employer. For many years now we have been talking about the city's plan to make the Hotel Del Sol Transportation Hub. He explained that since few people in the town have . Enjoy concerts at the Colorado River State Historic Park beginning January 8. Morning Weather Zoom: go to, click on Calendar,, Website Design By Granicus - Connecting People and Government. The Yuma County Chamber of Commerce is hosting two candidate forums this week to give people an opportunity to hear from candidates in their own words. City Council Worksession: 3/2/2023: 11:30 AM: The Church Event Venue 256 S. 1st Avenue, Yuma AZ 85364 Spc. Click here for more information. Yuma City Hall Meetings start at 6:30 PM at Yuma City Hall, 320 South Main Street, Yuma CO 80759 Submitted by [user:field_first_name] Agenda *Please note, if you are joining the Zoom meeting with your phone, you will need . It will be held at 1:3, Join tonight's Council Meeting by: Among the comments voiced by at least one council member was a desire to see less regulations and requirements for developers to open the way for more affordable housing. Wilkinson received the Heart of Yuma award and has managed over $200 million projects in her field. Carol Smith is one of the candidates. Victor lives in Somerton. The Mayor and City Council are responsible forappointinga city administrator who serves as the chief executive officer of the city. The last year has been one of the most challenging for our schools, but she has led this office by listening to our students, teachers, and administrators to implement data-driven policies and solutions that will protect our students and schools.