why was scrappy doo a bad guy

By absorbing the souls, Scrappy is able to become a powerful monster known as Scrappy Rex. Ghost Hunter Haunter | Scrappy idolizes his uncle Scooby and would often assist Scooby and his friends in solving mysteries (Scrappy saves Scooby several times from monsters when they were looking for the rest of the gang shown). You can't do this to me! William Fischer is a writer, artist, and filmmaker from Nebraska, currently studying animation in Ireland while writing for Collider. His last words to the gang are, "And I would have gotten away with it, too! The bad guys are essentially the epicenter of each episode and have delivered lasting spooks and scares throughout the series. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Scooby Doo Winter Wonderdog (DVD, 2002), Free Shipping at the best online prices at eBay! Showrunners felt he wasn't right, so Lennie Weinrib got the part. Scrappy's voice actor in the 2002 movie, Scott Innes also voiced Scooby in. I would've gotten away with it too! Then came The Scooby-Doo Project, which treated Scrappy as a horrifying creature the Gang fears, though that was satirical and all of the Gang were portrayed in negative lights in said special. Hi. However, after the series was rebooted into episodes made up of 3 individual 7-minute segments, we lost Fred, Velma and Daphne and Scrappy received a much greater focus. Typically, Scrappy would be seen having meltdowns about how people don't care about him anymore and how he's important. And for how uneven they were, there was a sense of experimentation with the different ghostly encounters of the Red Shirt Shaggy period thats fun to watch, and at least offers some relief from the otherwise interminable man in mask formula. And the Scrappy has become a popular term for late-addition characters rejected by fans. Scrappy faces his uncle, telling him he can still take him and he challenges him to a rematch, but Scooby easily whacks Scrappy into a wall. Every Scooby-Doo Series, Ranked from Worst to Best - Collider To top it off, in 2000 Cartoon Network's website launchedan interactive game called Scrappy Stinks. Why Scooby's maligned nephew deserves some slack. He was also briefly the star of his own seven minute shorts the Scrappy & Yabba Doo segments of Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo. Scooby and Shaggy might be there only for comic relief, but they do it well. Why did everyone hate scrappy doo? : r/Scoobydoo - reddit Site debuted on January 28, 1998. Riddler | Reply. Babyface Boretti | They took the most defining traits of the dismissed characters and placed them into Scrappy, while refusing to develop him past his initial character traits or his borrowed character traits. Since then, we've gotten Shaggy Busted, which started the long-running gag of Scrappy's corpse showing up in the background of Harvey Birdman episodes. Selena Drake | Due to some behind-the-scenes issues regarding the character, Scrappy-Doo's voice changed abruptly after the first season he appeared in. Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo: Blue Scarab | Night Ghoul | Alien | Neon Phantom | Snake Demon | Sky Skeleton | Dragon Beast | Devil Bear | Sea Beast | Lady Vampire of the Bay | Star Creature | Shadow Creature | Ghost of Jeremiah Pratt | Great Haldane | Minotaur | Carl and Tony He invited his uncle Scooby (because he had a pure soul), and also invited his friends to Spooky Island so they could witness Scrappy's triumph. It's currently unknown what happened to Scrappy and his henchmen in the end, but they most likely remained in prison for life, leaving Scrappy's plans for conquest in vain. Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! Laura | September 11, 1976. Scooby-Doo! Scooby Doo, Where are You! Ricky LaRue | Jacques | Thats the main reason I want to see him . So he always remained this headstrong, abrasive character instead of growing and learning. Between Scrappy's first and second season, Weinrib asked for a raise. Velma | Daphne | Cartoon Network began running promotional shorts that besmirched the pint-sized star's reputation, then the live-actionScooby-Doo movie turned everyone against Scrappy by making him the main antagonist. Toy Robotus | Can you navigate and watch the . Getty Images Photo by Hulton Archive This video sums it up pretty well. RELATED: Why 'Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island' Is One of the Best & Scariest Films of the Franchise. However, social media has created an illusion that being a normal person is somehow a bad thing. There Was A Conspiracy To Make You Hate Scrappy Doo, And We - Ranker Kyle | Most hated characters in fiction? - Page 7 - Toho Kingdom "And I'd have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling kids!" He was childish, obnoxious, impulsive and immature. Finding the right voice was a torturous process requiring multiple recordings of the entire episode, and a money and personality dispute ended up costing Scrappy his first performer after just one season (Don Messick, Scooby's VA, ultimately got the part for most of Scrappy's run). When Scrappy realizes this, he gasps in shock and Fred immediately stops the Mystery Machine, sending Scrappy flying into the windscreen. In 1988, he vanished from the scene completely, and when he returned in the late '90s, the cartoon industry had soured on his persona. NOT BY A LONGSHOT! Refusing to admit defeat, an enraged Scrappy goes ballistic and tells Fred and Velma their fight isn't over and he'll still kill them, but Shaggy controls the claw, taunts Scrappy and pulls the Daemon Ritus out of his chest, returning Scrappy to his normal form. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. and I admit, I Principal Deedle | why does everyone hate scrappy-doo exactly? | Fandom Scrappy didn't have an easy start, and his journey onlygot rockier as time went on. Referred toasScooby-Doo's cousin, he's a buck-toothed dimwit who's, in his own way, endearing. The live-action Scooby-Doo underwent multiple changes, with its original ending being altered to transform Scrappy-Doo into a villain. Evanier eventually concluded that Scrappy wasnt a good addition to the cast long-term. Ezekial Gallows | 12 Reasons Why "Be Cool, Scooby-Doo!" Doesn't Deserve All the Hate And his initial run of episodes was given out to a less than stellar animation house. Thanks to Scrappy being the villain in the movie (and of course being extremely unpopular), he hasn't been seen again, at least physically, in any more Scooby-Doo projects to date. On a related note, an instance of foreshadowing that Mondavarious was actually Scrappy was displayed when he, as his said persona, was seen scratching his face in a way that only a dog would do. note Scooby-Doo Theories That Will Make You See The Characters - Looper On Halloween1999, Cartoon Network aireda series of "found footage" clipsreferred to asThe Scooby-Doo Project. The puppy hollers out to them they can't do this since people adore him (which is not exactly true). I doubt was the issue. Why would fight fans care so much to see a guy with no amateur boxing experience and didnt start Boxing 5 years ago. Muppet Central exists to unite fans of the Muppets around the world. Scrappy-Doo was largely absent from the spotlight from 1988-1999, at which point the powers that be made a concerted effort to run his name through the mud. Hanna-Barberas TV animation never had good production value, and the quality of the writing (never exactly Pulitzer-worthy) started to slip well before Scrappy turned up. He was too rebellious, too outspoken," Evanier remembers. Let me at 'em! However, Zarkos falls over the vat after his fight with Daphne (who pushed him in), releasing the people's protoplasm to their bodies, returning to their bodies while the demons exploded from being exposed to the sunlight reflection on the skeleton disco ball, having Scrappy completely outsmarted and his army destroyed. I am an admin of this site. !Shaggy: You're a bad puppy! He also idolizes Scooby and is firmly loyal to the group, often courageously (or brazenly) standing up for them when they were being attacked. This would have made him a sympathetic villain, as opposed to a merciless monster loathed by the Mystery Inc. gang. List of The Scooby-Doo Show episodes - Wikipedia Has anyone died in scooby doo? - jddilc.coolfire25.com Mystery Incorporated, the eleventh incarnation of the Scooby-Doo . In addition to the cast's shifting responsibilities, '80sScooby-Dooabandoned one of the franchise's oldest conceits. As a villain, following his corruption by the Daemon Ritus, Scrappy showed no problem with committing murder and kidnapping and was perfectly happy to consume the souls of thousands (perhaps millions) of innocent people in order to increase his own power, kill Mystery, Inc., and rule the world with his army of monsters. Scrappy has appeared in a number of the various incarnations of the Scooby-Doo cartoon series. 45 Best Scooby-Doo Quotes - SplashLearn Blog By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The inclusion of Scrappy-Doo actually saved the Scooby-Doo series. El Chupacabra | Goblin King | Someone already summarized it here but TLDR version: he went from a vital part of reviving the franchise as it was dying to unfortunately becoming overexposed and pop culture kicked into making him a joke. Scrappy angrily tells him he isn't worthy of being the team leader. Fred annoyingly tells him he has told him before ghosts do not exist (referencing the fact that the versions of the show Scrappy are in by portraying real supernatural creatures as commonplace). And I brought you here, puny, pathetic Mystery Inc. to witness my moment of triumph! The writers (at least some of them) even enjoyed working with the character. The new, improved Scrappy! Zarkos | 4:47 PM - 7 Jan 2016. Looking back as an adult, I dont see a case for Scrappy having brought the franchise to its knees. And then came the 2002 live-action movie. Yeah Scrappy doo actually saved scooby doo and got more likable particularly in the 80s with the 13 ghosts but what i couldnt stand was the way warner bros treated his character! The Scooby and Scrappy-Doo Puppy Hour TV Series 1982 TV-G 1 h IMDb RATING 6.6 /10 1.7K YOUR RATING Rate Animation Adventure Comedy Scooby, Scrappy, and Shaggy travel the world doing various things. While Scrappy was originally added in order to keep Scooby-Doo new and exciting, the. and Scooby shrugs. TL;DR it was a mix of people genuinely disliking Scrappy, and a smear campaign instigated by Cartoon Network and bolstered by the 2002 live-action movie inspiring people who hated the character to vent all of their frustrations online and in media, resulting in the character being hated and disliked. Carroll, Animated Movies Despite that it was his own fault for being a bad friend and a jerk to all of them. And Scrappy isn't really a villain. Scooby-Doo's Original Ending Explained & Why Scrappy Became The Villain, Scooby Doo's R-Rated Cut: 8 Details & Deleted Scenes Revealed, Scooby Doo's Deleted Drug Scene Explains Its Best Hidden Adult Joke. Scrappy argues that ghosts do exist and when he finds them, he'll give them a dose of his "puppy power" and he then accidentally urinates on Daphne, giving a long hot stream of yellow pee on her as he sighs with relief, demonstrating his puppy power, much to Daphne's disgust. He then chased Scooby and Shaggy until he finally had them cornered. It's been since revealed that this was not to capitalize on Scrappy's newfound popularity, but rather an attempt to switch up the formula yet again in order to maintain an increase in ratings. If not for you meddling sons of--", only to be cut off by a police officer shutting the door as the puppy continues to rant and rave. I'm as cute as a Powerpuff Girl! However, the movie suffered several cuts and story changes, with one of the biggest additions being a new ending with Scrappy replacing two other villain plans. Lena Dupree | The New Scooby-Doo Mysteries: Red Skull | Maid Mummy | Norma Deathman | Sea Demons | Cyclops | Mastermind | Giant Bees | Ebenezer Overview | Codefinger | Zombies | Evil Elf | Mad Sea Lion | Dr. Van Helsing | Ghost of George Washington | Ghost of Abraham Lincoln | Colonel Beauregard | Laser Band Thief | Ghost of Sherlock Holmes | Monster Mutt | Monster Mouse | Ghost of Christmas Never Or something like that. In order to keep Scrappy's appearance and role in the live-action movie a true surprise, Warner Bros. purposely excluded him from the movie's Game Boy Advance videogame. Enslave Spooky Island and the world with an army of Demons (all failed). He had teamed up with an insane man named N'goo and his evil cohort Zarkos. The version of Scrappy in the movie, while obviously exaggerated to be evil and egomaniacal, actually stayed true to the spirit of Scrappy. He is significantly larger than he was before and on the middle of his chest contains the Daemon Ritus. He is the nephew of Hanna-Barbera cartoon star Scooby-Doo. Made this again on my Windows 10 phone with easy movie maker app. Also a point of contention was Lennie Weinrib's initial portrayal of the character in Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo. And when Daphne left, Scrappy took her role as the one who was always getting captured by the villain (this is pretty apparent in all his appearances without Daphne). But this is not the way he acted all the time). Were these TV movies any good? Despite its poor critical reception, Scooby-Doo has gained a cult following among those who grew up with the adaptation. Speaking on the DVD commentary, producer Richard Suckle admitted that a lot of people we previewed the movie for had some concerns with Scrappy. Although parents were aware Scrappy wasnt well-liked, they didnt understand why Scoobys nephew was suddenly evil. People laugh at 22-year-old young man for having a regular job When Dirft Away played, it made me think of how Scrappy was sitting in waiting infront of the CN studio in that infamous bumper when he has a temper-meltdown with Cartoon-Cartoon stars. This is Thesecret1070. Rest in pieces, Scrappy-Doo. While Scrappy did leave after The Reluctant Werewolf in 1988, his mother was featured in A Pup Named Scooby-Doo as a puppy, and he made regular appearances in video games and comics even as late as 2003, during the first season of What's New Scooby-Doo. People adore me! Wiki-Tiki | Because he's like the Elmo of the Scooby universe. In his original 1979 series, he was voiced by Lennie Weinrib. How Scrappy went from cocky but heroic to obnoxious and demanding (then villainous and cruel) is unknown, though perhaps in the cartoons, he never became a villain and / or something terrible happened to him or was caused by him, inadvertently or otherwise that caused the gang to stop talking about him. The Dawson Leery crying meme will be etched into our memories forever. In response, Scrappy says, "Is that all you got?" The 100 Best Jobs Homer Simpson Has Worked on The Simpsons. Gosnell thought the original monster was really unsatisfying, as it wasnt known to the gang and didnt really come from anywhere. Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo (1979-1980) Scooby-Doo is one of the longest-running cartoon franchises of all time, and for many, its worst periods were when Scrappy-Doo was at the show's forefront. The Phantom | "All it took to make a firm decision was someone asking for above scale," Mark Evanier(Scrappy-Doo's creator)recalled.

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