2021-2022 Proposed IHSA State Qualifying Standards Event 1A Girls 1A Boys 2A Girls 2A Boys 3A Girls 3A Boys LJ 5.00m (16-5) 6.35m (20-10) 5.20m (17-1) 6.57m (21-7) VHSL Outdoor Track and Field State Standards - MileStat.com Eight 42" lanes on the infield straightaway and six 42" lanes on the curve. They will contain seed sheets, competitors' numbers and any other information that may be necessary. MILESTAT WINDOW: The window will open at noon on Sunday, 2/14/2021 and close at 4:00 PM on Tuesday 2/23/2021 a 4:00 PM. Share VHSL Class 3 & 4 Indoor Track & Field State Championships, Share VHSL Class 3 & 4 Indoor Track & Field State Championships on Facebook, Share VHSL Class 3 & 4 Indoor Track & Field State Championships on Twitter, Share VHSL Class 3 & 4 Indoor Track & Field State Championships on LinkedIn, VHSL Class 3 & 4 Indoor Track & Field State Championships. Clayton Stoil. Embed an event on your website: Widget Builder, Get a custom list of events in your inbox: Sign Up with our Digest Emailer. The facility has over 1400 permanent seats and a separate area for team camps above the warm-up track. Weather Conditions for Competition or Practice. NOTE: Girls will use a 4.0 kg shot. Team Trophies (1st & 2nd) will be presented at the conclusion of the meet. STATE INDOOR TRACK & FIELD MEET INFORMATION. PARTICIPATION LIMITATIONS: A contestant may compete in any number of field events but shall be limited to participation in only three running events; except that a contestant, who competes in the 3200M run, may compete in only one other running event on the same day as the 3200M run.If a contestant is entered in a field event, which conflicts in the time schedule with a track event in which he is entered, he shall make advance arrangements with the official in charge of the field event to postpone his trials until after the track event has been run. 1:00 PM - approximate Conclusion : Coaches may pick up packets at the table in the lobby of the Track area at the Athletes entrance. 2023 Copyright ATHLETIC TRAINER: Certified athletic trainers will be available for limited services. More information will be provided at each site on race day. Nolan Jez , Contact Us announcementastotheexact timeawards willbepresented. Each relay will be allowed 1 alternate only. VHSL forms should be submitted according to instructions given to you by your Regional Director. Female participants will compete in the morning session. Online sales will begin on Monday, June 14, 2021 starting 8:00 AM at https://gofan.co/app/school/VHSL. Bassett High School junior Sienna Bailey came away with an all-state finish at the VHSL Class 3 Indoor Track and Field State Championship on Tuesday. Each school with a relay event should bring their own batons. Nearly 174,000 students participate in VHSL athletic activities and more than 22,000 in academic activities. Cookie Preferences / Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Generated by fresh in 170 milliseconds, The Class 4 State Indoor Championships will be held on, he Class 3 State Indoor Championships will be held on. . Tarps will be provided to cover the pits in the High Jump and Pole Vault. VHSL Class 3 & 4 Indoor Track & Field State Championships endobj SEEDING: In state events of 300 meters or less, including hurdles all FAT qualifying times will be seeded above hand-held qualifying times. Bassett High School junior Sienna Bailey came away with an all-state finish at the VHSL Class 3 Indoor Track and Field State Championship on Tuesday. 10qgIz.N/?lVd'BSWF}q3=rW1 .eeSl NOTE: Competitors shall be disqualified for an event if his/her coach, manager, attendant or anyone associated with his/her team is in areas other than those designated as coaches' boxes. Bassetts girls 4x200 meter relay team, which featured Brianna Taylor, Vintoria Manns, Gracie Ratcliff, and Egypt Phillips, also finished 13th. Virginia VHSL Outdoor State Championships, June 18th-19th 2021 Various, Virginia, United States. In the unlikely event that there is an issue with the download or that a mistake is made on the Milestat entry you are encouraged to complete the VHSL entry forms. <> To view this content, you need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. VHSL forms should be submitted according to instructions given to you by your Regional Director. Virginia High School Track and Field Statistics and Results - Athletic.net Meets will be streamed using Mile Stat. The window will open at noon on Sunday, 2/14/2021 and close at 4:00 PM on Tuesday 2/23/2021. CONFIRMATION OF ENTRIES: Contestants from a school are confirmed for the meet unless the Coach E-mails their scratches to the State Meet Director or The Regional Representative bynoon Wednesday, February 24th.No additions to or changes in the official list of entries (other than scratches shall be permitted after the entry has been received. 2021 Boys & Girls Track and Field. RULES: NFHS Track and Field Rule Book for 2020 as well as the VHSL rules as stated in the VHSL handbook will be observed. Jun 3, 2022 Jun 4, 2022. met the qualifying times, heights and distances for the state meet during the regional championship meet or in a regular meet of 3 or more teams. Please remember to send your Regional Results Mike McCall at the VHSL office after your Region Meet.HTML file from Hy-tek will suffice. 2023 Copyright : Contestants from a school are confirmed for the meet unless the Coach, their scratches to the State Meet Director or The Regional Representative, No additions to or changes in the official list of entries (other than scratches shall be permitted after the entry has been received. Privacy Policy Virginia High School League (VHSL)Track and Field - NFHS Network The Bassett girls 4x200 meter relay team finished 13th at the VHSL Class 3 Indoor Track State Championship on Tuesday. The Virginia High School League (VHSL) conference meets were held January 27-28 with many swimmers looking to make their 'cuts' to swim in the Regional and State championship meets.To qualify for Regions, a swimmer has to be one of the top six finishers in the Finals heat at the Conference meet or achieve a Regions qualifying time at any high vhsl track and field state qualifying times 2021 (the track, the infield, or those areas designated only for officials and contestants who are participating or preparing for an event are off limits.). should contact Joe Curcio. Scoring will be 8 places. 300 Meter Dash Finals - 2 Sections Boston Qualifying In More Detail. Whether you are looking for a bachelors, masters, or doctoral degree, find out everything you need to know about getting into the program you want and how much it will cost for tuition and other fees. 2:00 PM - Facility Opens for Boys Participants % STATE INDOOR TRACK & FIELD MEET INFORMATION. UHSAA Track & Field State Qualifying Standards 2021 Boys' Standards Event 6A 5A 4A 3A 2A 1A 100 M. Dash 11.27 11.30 11.35 11.54 11.84 11.99 200 M. Dash 22.89 22.78 23.07 23.43 24.11 24.32 400 M. Dash 50.78 50.76 50.99 52.04 53.71 54.50 Each contestant must wear proper track uniform, which shall consist of a jersey (with a number provided by VHSL), trunks and shoes as identified in rule 43 of the current rulebook. . endstream endobj startxref Tarps will be provided to cover the pits in the High Jump and Pole Vault. should contact Coach Curcio so you can be added to the list. March 1st, 2021- Indoor Track Championships 3:00 PM - Boys High Jump, Boys Triple Jump, Boys Pole Vault, Boys Shot Put, Boys 55Meter Hurdles Timed Finals - 2 Sections, Boys 55Meter Dash Timed Finals - 2 Sections, Class 4 on Monday, 3/1@ Liberty Univ. (the track, the infield, or those areas designated only for officials and contestants who are participating or preparing for an event are off limits.). 44544 views , , DyeStat.com posted a video Nov 25th 2014, 3:09am. Terms of Use Shot: Implement Certification will be at Shot Circle Area. It was split again in 2021 into the current classes of 7-1A, 7-2A, 7-3A, 7-4A, 8-1A, 8-2A, 8-3A, and 8-4A. Brianna Taylor, Vintoria Manns, Gracie Ratcliff, and Egypt Phillips. Times and Distances achieved in Club meets or an unattached athlete cannot be used for entry into the State Championships. (434) 977-8475 ENTRY INSTRUCTIONS: Coaches will enter their athletes by using milestat.com online entry service. 804-358-7159, CLASS 1/2 | June 2-3, 2023 at James Madison University | Harrisonburg Starting blocks will be furnished. Select a Season and Year. ***The Online Store will be open until February 28th. VHSL passes will not be accepted. The road leading to the indoor track is directly across from the Fairfield Inn & Suites. Takeoff boards: Long Jump 10'00"Women's Triple Jump 35'00" Men's Triple Jump 41'-00, Runway length: Long Jump 163'-00"Women's Triple Jump 128'00" Men's Triple Jump 132'00. 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A State Entry Deadline May 18 - May 20. endobj VHSL Track and Field Championships - roanoke.com COACHES PASSES: 1 - 10 Athletes - 2 passes, 11 or more athletes an additional pass will be provided. Meets will be streamed using Mile Stat. 2021 State Qualifying Standards GIRLS A BOYS A Event 2021 Event 2021 100m 0:12.67 100m 0:11.29 200m 0:25.94 200m 0:22.66 400m 0:58.67 400m 0:50.54 800m 2:19.35 800m 1:59.64 For exact times please see the time schedule. A 100 m warmup track is located outside the oval. Boys 55Meter Hurdles Timed Finals - 2 Sections Each contestant must wear proper track uniform, which shall consist of a jersey (with a number provided by VHSL), trunks and shoes as identified in rule 43 of the current rulebook. Magna Vista graduate Anthony Redd brings Zoned In Performance to Sports Complex, Patrick County's Missy Hazard named PD Girls Basketball Player of the Year; Full All-PD basketball lists, Martinsville High School's Jahmal Jones wins two state titles, breaks two state records at VHSL Class 2 Indoor Track and Field State Championship, Martinsvilles Rickyah Mitchell-Hairston, 4x200 relay team take second place at indoor state finals, Tunstall softball standout Greenly Elliott commits to P&HCC, FIFA called "tone deaf" for appointing supermodel as ambassador, Lawsuit alleges NFL database contains lewd photos of fans and cheerleaders, Dan Snyder is under investigation over line of credit taken out by Commanders. MILESTAT WINDOW: The window will open at noon on Sunday, 2/14/2021 and close at 4:00 PM on Tuesday 2/23/2021. > I was very nervous for the mile, nervous for the 800. VHSL Class 3 State Indoor Championships 2021 - Meet Information DRESSINGAREA:There willbe no dressingareaprovided.Portablerestrooms willbeprovided. STATE OUTDOOR TRACK T-SHIRTS &SWEATSHIRTS:T-Shirts (crewneck, short,&longsleeve) and sweatshirtswillbeavailableinvariousstyles. Month. The Class 3 State Indoor Championships will be held on TUESDAY, MARCH 2ND, 2021. Track and Field State Tournament 2022; Class AAA Recap. : Each team must furnish its own towels, shots, and poles. Bassett High School junior Sienna Bailey was named all-state for a sixth place finish in the 1,600 meter run at the VHSL Class 3 Indoor Track Championship on Tuesday. Throwing and High Jump areas are on the outside of the oval. Share VHSL Class 3 & 4 Indoor Track & Field State Championships. Schools advancing 11 or more athletes will receive a third pass. All athletes and/or spectators are expected to adhere to face covering and social distancing guidelines while in line. A 100 m warmup track is located outside the oval. VHSL Track Championships: Glenvar girls win Class 2 Title, JF - WSLS Coaches who are willing to volunteer with raking pits, placing Cross bars etc. We will need assistance with these jobs. 2100 Freeway Boulevard, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430-1735 More information will be provided in the near future. 2021 VHSL TRACK & FIELD CHAMPIONSHIPS | VirginiaPreps.com Vaulters must weigh-in dressed as they will compete, including,shoes, helmets etc. FACILITY LAYOUT: The facility houses a hydraulically banked 200-meter track oval by Beynon. Individual medals (1st-6th) will be bagged and given to Coaches at the conclusion of the meet. vhsl state qualifying times - listreklam.com Also at the Class 3 states, Magna Vista junior Jolen Schoefield finished 17th in the boys 55 meter dash, running a time of 6.73. Class 3 on Tuesday, 3/2@ Liberty Univ. Each Region can advance only three entries in each event. Individual medals (1st-6th) will be bagged and given to Coaches at the conclusion of the meet. The indoor track facility is located off Candler's Mountain Road, underneath the LU monogram. ELIGIBLE TO STATE MEET: Entries may be only those contestants who placed first, second, third in a Regional Meet or those contestants who were properly reported by the Regional Meet Director. All entries must be submitted using FAT times. The 4 x 200 and 4 x 400 meter Relay will be allowed 1 alternate between the two events. RULES: NFHS Track and Field Rule Book for 2020 as well as the VHSL rules as stated in the VHSL handbook will be observed. FACILITY LOCATION: Liberty University Indoor Track & Field Complex - 1521 Liberty Mountain Dr. Lynchburg Va. Times and Distances achieved in Club meets or an unattached athlete cannot be used. 564 0 obj <>stream {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}. these entries by the director and/or coach will render the competitor's ineligible. UHSAA Track & Field - Utah High School Activities Association 1 0 obj Address: 199 E 7200 S Midvale, UT 84047 Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30am-4pm (UHSAA Office Closed from Dec. 21-Jan. 2) Phone: (801) 566-0681 Fax: (801) 566-0633 Contact Us Cookie Preferences / Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Generated by fresh in 155 milliseconds, Class 5 - June 18, 2021Class 6 - June 19, 2021, Classes 5, 6 at Todd Stadium, Newport News, VA. he Regional Director through the Mile stat Database can verify performance into the state meet, their best time or performance achieved at any meet of 3 or more teams during the season for seeding purposes. Weather Conditions for Competition or Practice. Vaulters must weigh-in dressed as they will compete, including. Vaulters: will certify their poles and weigh in the Pit Area. vhsl track and field state qualifying times 2021 NDHSAA administrates two divisions of girls' track. vhsl track and field state qualifying times 2021. vhsl track and field state qualifying times 2021chaska community center day pass. A contestant may compete in any number of field events but shall be limited to participation in only three running events; except that a contestant, who competes in the 3200M run, may compete in only one other running event on the same day as the 3200M run. : Competitors shall be disqualified for an event if his/her coach, manager, attendant or anyone associated with his/her team is in areas other than those designated as coaches' boxes. Starting blocks will be furnished. Version: master-175, Alabama High School Athletic Association (AHSAA), Alabama Independent School Association (AISA), Alaska School Activities Association (ASAA), Arizona Interscholastic Association (AIA), California Interscholastic Federation (CIF), Colorado High School Activities Association (CHSAA), Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC), Delaware Interscholastic Athlectic Association (DIAA), District of Columbia State Athletic Association (DCSAA), Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA), Idaho High School Activities Association (IHSAA), Indiana High School Athletic Association (IHSAA), Iowa High School Athletic Association (IHSAA), Kansas State High School Athletic Association (KSHSAA), Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSAA), Louisiana High School Athletic Association (LHSAA), Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association (MPSSAA), Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA), Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA), Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL), Mississippi High School Activities Association (MHSAA), Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA), Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA), Nevada Interscholsatic Activities Association (NIAA), New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association (NHIAA), New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA), New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA), North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA), North Dakota High School Activities Association (NDHSAA), Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA), Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association (OSSAA), Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA), Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA), Rhode Island Interscholastic League (RIIL), South Carolina High School League (SCHSL), South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA), South Dakota High School Activities Association (SDHSAA), Tennessee Seconday School Athletic Association (TSSAA), Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS), Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA), Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association (VISAA), Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA), West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission (SSAC), Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA), Wyoming High School Activities Association (WHSAA), New York Public Schools Athletic League (PSAL). Written by. The 4 x 800 Relay will be allowed 1 alternate. VHSL forms should be submitted according to instructions given to you by your Regional Director. The top four teams in each region, according to the VHSL's power rankings, will qualify for the playoffs. ]x0p^N|iY$s75N(RNyA`#-ll^^9%(P 'CfXi]+q y%1W Please remember to send your Regional Results Mike McCall at the VHSL office after your Region Meet. IESA Track & Field Qualifying Standards Get a world-class education with the solid Christian foundation youre looking for at Liberty University. state track meet is terminated by weather conditions unless a clear-cut champion can be . Ice will be available. 8:00 AM - Girls High Jump, Girls Triple Jump, Girls Pole Vault, Girls Shot Put SEEDING: In state events of 300 meters or less, including hurdles all FAT qualifying times will be seeded above hand-held qualifying times. League staff will have clear log-in information for each person through the clinic program. Track & Field/Cross Country - NFHS The 2019 Virginia VHSL Outdoor State Championships will be broadcast live from various locations in Virginia on Friday and Saturday, May 31 and June 1 by the NFHS Network. Please subscribe to keep reading. nevada library association conference 2022. 549 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<783D67D0E70DB94C8DAAFCE89DDEC1D7><3B24497601BDB94DB7CC5849A94DB3E6>]/Index[534 31]/Info 533 0 R/Length 80/Prev 45996/Root 535 0 R/Size 565/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream LP & UP Finals - June 3. Watch Here. vhsl track and field state qualifying times 2021. by | Oct 29, 2021 | ccdc google earth engine | antecedent phrase of ako mananggete | Oct 29, 2021 | ccdc google earth engine | antecedent phrase of ako mananggete Eight 42" lanes on the infield straightaway and six 42" lanes on the curve. junio 16, 2022 . Failure to convert these entries by the director and/or coach will render the competitor's ineligible. Track & Field - South Carolina High School League Spikes will be checked at the check in site. The 4 x 200 and 4 x 400 meter Relay will be allowed 1 alternate between the two events. facility includes an eight-lane track, high jump and pole vault setups, two sand pits for jumps, and a separate throws area for shot put, discus. ENTRY INSTRUCTIONS: Coaches will enter their athletes by using milestat.com online entry service. '6BQ"b2,jE+5&PymUc}lp3x'VV|h@B3u}w8G|rle{TNXYowDC {b`~ACkd$[ E 3\]n2[oQQ{6it~{fr_6NE{w\8|u{t-v97|AO}"PZrGb 1P}E)q$w:LO$Da:~NM-HJ|Dr 0Qg7/SS]nc*EVyY1G[}[z^[E9ss|,#'oX~Ek.rXP-2xuY,cPaotD)=jow.bek'lWj:qA}4.G@yaEG'OXisq+#xojtX`U /n6MapP{RZ[c=f,MIF.>!DTxJ9"M{X8xy6l},8Fs'E@"u-6D PHS@)kvDmcgv2NCSDsZ .b\?PZaa5 [BAW\~V'>YCz9GnlU=d7wNC|C9G\x/w|6uj~EIJ>e(+Wxfk}Rdb/&i U>9PO"1PJRG\Ay!x YaiDegEZd.m)ENp)O\lWP-fs=/)26 COACHES PASSES: Schools advancing 1 - 10 athletes will be provided 2 coaching passes. 2023 State Meet Qualifying Standards. Here, youll gain the values, knowledge, and skills youll need for success in every aspect of life. Dates: The Class 4 State Indoor Championships will be held on MONDAY, MARCH 1st, 2021. 1600 Meter Run Finals - 1 Section https://sports.jemshospitality.com/vhsl/56outdoortrack/. WATCH: VHSL Class 3/4/5/6 State Meet Archive Mar 1, 2023 . To get the full depth of our meet coverage, become PRO! Bailey finished sixth in the girls 1,600 meter . Privacy Policy VHSL Handbook 2021 - 2022 (copied and pasted) SECTION 84: TRACK AND FIELD. More information will be provided in the near future. Cookie Preferences / Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Generated by fresh in 158 milliseconds, The Class 4 State Indoor Championships will be held on, The Class 3 State Indoor Championships will be held on. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 3 0 obj Dupont, Faberge, Imperial, Visconti and many more. If an athlete or Relay qualifies by placing in the top three at the regional meet, the Regional Director through the Mile stat Database can verify performance into the state meet, their best time or performance achieved at any meet of 3 or more teams during the season. Dressing room facilities will. h\7vo~f8y$00 ql${ cudI>/4Y\pExYtQ|:zV ;=T;CCRTiW)RT4VJ-x7}_z|OrC8=tsh/!>}{? All events will have a maximum field of 12 Athletes. Scoring(Rule 2-Section 1-3) from the NFHS Track and Field Rules for 2020 will be followed. All Events will have a Maximum of 12 athletes In the unlikely event that there is an issue with the download or that a mistake is made on the Milestat entry, you are required to complete the VHSL entry forms. No VHSCA or VHSL coaching passes will be accepted. The Class 3 State Indoor Championships will be held on TUESDAY, MARCH 2ND, 2021. Kelley Haney PARTICIPATION LIMITATIONS: A contestant may compete in any number of field events but shall be limited to participation in only three running events; except that a contestant, who competes in the 3200M run, may compete in only one other running event on the same day as the 3200M run.If a contestant is entered in a field event, which conflicts in the time schedule with a track event in which he is entered, he shall make advance arrangements with the official in charge of the field event to postpone his trials until after the track event has been run. [emailprotected], Rules Interpreter The 2021 Virginia VHSL Outdoor State Championships will be broadcast live from various locations in Virginia on Friday and Saturday,Jum 18-19 by the NFHS Network. The 4 x 800 Relay will be allowed 1 alternate. Each relay will be allowed 1 alternate only. 4X200 Relay Finals - 2 Sections Nolan Jez , Contact Us ), COACHES ARE ADVISED TO FOLLOW ENTRY INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN BY YOUR REGION DIRECTOR, Class 3 - Region AGreg Rountree - gregoryrountree@spsk.12.netLakeland High SchoolW 757 925-5790, Class 3 - Region B Jim Holdren - jimholdren@aol.comMaggie Walker, Class 3 - Region C Dennis Knight -knightcd@lcsedu.netHeritage High School - Lynchburg, Class 3 - Region D Dan King - doking@rcps.us Hidden Valley High School, Class 4 - Region A Ron Cabbler - ronald.cabbler@portsk12.comWilson High School, Class 4 - Region BGeorge Stanley - stanlega@lcps.k12.va.usLousia County High School, Class 4 - Region C Mark Ott - mott@FCPS1.ORGFauquier High School, Class 4 - Region D Lance Carter - lancervaulter@gmail.com Amherst High School. Class 4 on Monday, 3/1@ Liberty Univ. In the unlikely event that there is an issue with the download or that a mistake is made on the Milestat entry you are encouraged to complete the VHSL entry forms. DATES:Class 5 - June 18, 2021Class 6 - June 19, 2021, PLACE:Classes 5, 6 at Todd Stadium, Newport News, VA, MEET DIRECTORS:Ray Smith, Bethel High School. To get the full depth of our meet coverage, become PRO! The 4 x 800 Relay will be allowed 1 alternate. vhsl track and field state qualifying times 2021 - mcii.co If an athlete or Relay qualifies by placing in the top three at the regional meet, the Regional Director through the Mile stat Database can verify performance into the state meet, their best time or performance achieved at any meet of 3 or more teams during the season. %%EOF All entries must be submitted using FAT times. Individual medals (1st-6th) will be bagged and given to Coaches at the conclusion of the meet. : Competitors shall be disqualified for an event if his/her coach, manager, attendant or anyone associated with his/her team is in areas other than those designated as coaches' boxes. Tarps will be provided to cover the pits in the High Jump and Pole Vault. TIMING: FAT timing will be used when scoringthe meet.Finish LynxCameras willbe set up at the finishline. PDF VHSL Handbook 2021 SECTION 84: TRACK AND FIELD. - MileSplit shoes, helmets etc. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. The dates for the dead periods are Dec. 7-Dec. 19 for. The infield holds two horizontal jump and two pole vault runways. You have permission to edit this article. Orders will begin shipping 2 weeks after the store closes. a@X dr1x?-R]$" $9-5q}>O S)DL9a)m : Coaches may pick up packets at the table in the lobby of the Track area at the Athletes entrance. 2023 Copyright The Bengal also finished 13th in the girls 1,000 meter run, with a time of 3:17.86. In state events of 300 meters or less, including hurdles all FAT qualifying times will be seeded above hand-held qualifying times. Jun 16, 2021 #1 Fri Jun 18 8:00 AM VHSL Class 5 State Outdoor Track Championship Outdoor Track - Finals Todd Stadium Newport News, VA GET TICKETS Fri Jun 18 8:00 AM VHSL Class 3 State Outdoor Track . PDF 202 State Qualifying Standards - Minnesota State High School League Takeoff boards: Long Jump 10'00"Women's Triple Jump 35'00" Men's Triple Jump 41'-00, Runway length: Long Jump 163'-00"Women's Triple Jump 128'00" Men's Triple Jump 132'00. Boys 1600m 4A Section 1 - Virginia VHSL Outdoor State Championships 2017, Girls 400m 4A Section 2 - Virginia VHSL Outdoor State Championships 2017, Girls 400m 4A Section 1 - Virginia VHSL Outdoor State Championships 2017, Girls 100m Hurdles 4A Heat 2 - Virginia VHSL Outdoor State Championships 2017, Girls 300m Hurdles 4A Section 2 - Virginia VHSL Outdoor State Championships 2017, History for Virginia VHSL Outdoor State Championships, 6/18-19/21 - Virginia VHSL Outdoor State Championships Live Webcast Info, Western Branch Sweeps 6A Titles - Virginia State Meet Recap 2019, 2019 Results - Virginia VHSL Outdoor State Championships, 5/31-6/1/19 - Virginia VHSL Outdoor State Championships Live Webcast Info, 2018 Results - Virginia VHSL Outdoor State Championships, Girls 3200m 4A Section 2 - Virginia VHSL Outdoor State Championships 2017. For exact times please see the time schedule. In the unlikely event that there is an issue with the download or that a mistake is made on the Milestat entry you are encouraged to complete the VHSL entry forms.
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