sefton council taxi grant

Please consult the checklist at the bottom of this page. Liverpool City Council is to give a grant to thousands of hard-pressed cab drivers struggling as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The ARG3 Grant will be OPEN for applications from 10.00 am on Tuesday 25th January 2022, and CLOSE at 5.00 pm on Monday 7th February. The Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant scheme is a one-off grant for businesses on the ratings list only. It has been required to close for a consecutive period of no less than two weeks because of regulations made under the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984. The company's business plan has just. The business is not in liquidation, dissolved, struck off or subject to a striking of notice or under notice. The Council is aware that many businesses in these sectors will have been impacted by the COVID-19 Omicron variant. Southport One Stop Shop recently relocated from Cambridge Arcade to The Atkinson and is also by appointment only during the hours of 11am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. The Government has determined a deadline of 31 March 2022 for all payments to be issued. If guidance is updated and we need additional information we will contact you and advise you of anything that is required. Public sector organisations and other bodies directly funded by government grants, including education and health related sectors. Dean O'Neill-Davey, of Conrad Close in . Please note that the application window will close on 31 August 2022. Businesses required to remain closed (from 16 February 2021 to 31 March 2021), Businesses that were instructed to close on 5 January 2021 will be eligible for a further support payment in the form of a Local Restrictions Support Grant for a period of 44 days as follows:-. Complete the application form ensuring up to date contact details such as name, address, email and telephone number are included. Current Government guidance indicates that businesses may have to provide evidence of their eligibility for this payment by providing a copy of their accounts from prior to 11 March 2020. If you are applying to be a new Sefton Taxi Driver, contact the Council Taxi Licensing Team by email to arrange an appointment. The ARG3 grant is targeted at businesses that meet the criteria set out below i.e., those businesses that have been severely impacted by the Omicron variant and that are outside of the business rates system: -. Please refer to the proforma letter for the types of qualifications expected of an accountant. Depending upon when the application is received some recipients may receive both elements in a single payment as follows: Soft Play Centres for the Period (24 October 2020 to 4 November 2020). It has chosen to, rather than has been required to, close. We know this is frustrating but its so important we uphold these strict standards and we do appreciate your continued patience. Below are some key features of the Trading On Scheme. For example, a business that was forced to close as a result of Tier 2 instructions imposed from 2 December 2020, will still be deemed to be trading up to 4 January 2021, the day before national restrictions were imposed, provided that the business has not been sold or permanently closed during that period. Please note that if you do not have your reference number we cannot provide it by telephone or e-mail. As a result of Tier 3 local restrictions imposed to manage the spread of COVID-19, the following business premises will be required to close: The following entertainment and tourist venues must close: At the following outdoor entertainment venues, the indoor attractions must close: Businesses subject to Tier 2 Local Restrictions (from 2 December 2020 to 30 December 2021). In some cases the Council may need to make quick decisions with imperfect information. The Restart Grant will need to be included as income in the tax return of the business. Businesses will be required to make a declaration and to provide evidence that more than 50% of the business income is derived from a qualifying criteria. The eighth round of funding has now closed and we are looking forward to working with the groups and . This should be interpreted as carrying on a trade or profession or buying and selling goods or services in order to generate turnover. (For example, advertising rights, communications stations, electronic lockers, energy generation and distribution networks). Hereditaments which do not have employees directly working at them. In a joint statement with the other city region leaders, Cllr Maher said: We recognise the hardship experienced by our areas taxi drivers, who have seen their trade seriously affected by the Coronavirus restrictions. The Government has advised Councils that a decision whether to award a grant has to be made no later than 28 February 2022. If you are contacting us for an update on your application, we advise businesses not to call or email us unless you think you have made an error on your original application. The Additional Restrictions Grant ( ARG) provides local councils with grant funding to support businesses that are severely impacted by coronavirus restrictions and the rise of the Omicron variant . A small number of successful applicants will mean that the grant values will generally be higher. Further details of the proceedings may be obtained by writing to UBLs solicitors, Hogan Lovells International LLP (, copying the Council( This can be completed by your own registered GP or a GP who has access to your medical records (not needed for horse omnibus or pedicab driver licences), Your fees for the DBS check and DVLA referral, The details of the Sefton licensed Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence Holder (Plate Number and address) that you intend to use, Valid current proof of Public Hire Insurance cover for the vehicle, The vehicle registration document (or bill of sale for recently purchased vehicles), The licence fee (this will vary depending on the licence type), A valid certificate of relevant insurance cover, Your Licence and Vehicle inspection fees (this will vary depending on licence type), A valid certificate of fitness issued by a specialist veterinary surgeon, for each horse that is to be used. You can apply if youre a self-employed individual or a member of a partnership. We will correspond with you by e-mail with the next steps in the application process. At a full council meeting on Thursday, Sefton Council approved the roll-out of a 3 million scheme to retrofit poorly insulated homes in Sefton. A business that was ordered to close due to due to Tier 3 restrictions are entitled to a payment for complete 14-day cycle. The Chancellor announced a number of other measures as part of his package of support: The EU State aid rules no longer apply to subsidies granted in the UK following the end of the transition period, which ended on 31 December 2020. Have a look on our or call us on 0345 140 0845. has been forced to close due to national restrictions. The Council is using its Household Support Grant funding allocation from the Department of Work and Pensions to provide this invaluable service. An accountants letter from those businesses applying under Category D is required in order to help avoid fraud and to speed up the process of paying grants to eligible businesses. Applicants for New Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Driver licences should download and complete the New Driver Application form. New tax regulations come into force on 4th April 2022, From 4th April 2022 you must complete a tax check to renew a taxi, private hire, taxi operator or scrap metal licence, or to apply for the same type of licence with a different licensing authority. So please make sure your application is submitted well in advance. For the purposes of this scheme, a hospitality business can be defined as a business whose main function is to provide a venue for the consumption and sale of food and drink. 55 14 There are two Registry Offices in Sefton. How much a business receives will be calculated according to the rateable value of the business premises on the date that restrictions are imposed and will also depend upon the length of time a business is required to remain closed. Pubs and bars may not provide alcohol for consumption on the premises, unless with a substantial meal, so they are operating as a restaurant. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Direct access to driver management team to help with any queries Funding. It is the applicants responsibility to complete the application form and attach the required evidence, and we will not be able to chase individual businesses for supporting information if it is not included in the original application. By working together we aim to deliver the best possible outcomes for Sefton businesses and residents throughout the Covid-19 outbreak. To apply for a new licence, applicants must attend a Sefton One Stop Shop, by appointment, and provide: If your application is successful and payment is made the licence and plates will be issued. Businesses that may assume particular public safety responsibilities. To apply for a new licence, applicants must contact the Council Taxi Licensing Team byemailand notify us that you wish to apply for a licence. The funding will be allocated proportionately to each local authority, according to the number of licenced taxi drivers in their area. This is interpreted as where the primary purpose is carrying on a trade or profession or buying and selling goods or services in order to generate turnover. 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Manchester Airport transfers and taxis are our speciality. We will not be able to chase individual businesses for supporting information if it is not included in the original application. Businesses who were eligible for other existing Government support grant schemes were not eligible for the Discretionary Business Grant. Only businesses that make an overall profit once grant income is included will be subject to tax. We know this fund can only make a small contribution but wanted to make this available as a gesture of support for a sector that has been hit hard without adequate support. Best Prague Taxi Companies. It has already received grant payments that equal the maximum levels of state aid permitted under the minimum limit or the Covid-19 Temporary State Aid Framework. Changes to the Rating List after 30 December 2021, Any changes to the rating list (rateable value or to the hereditament) after 30 December 2021 are to be ignored for the purposes of eligibility. c) Self-employed / sole trader / home based business (that predominantly works in or supplies the hospitality and leisure sectors) / licensed market trader. Businesses will be eligible to receive a discount on more than one property. EXP 01.01.22). Through becoming one of the UK's biggest taxi training academies we have built relationships with Sefton Council that enable us to offer you . Forward ordering of goods and services if required, Change is service delivery model to facilitate continuity of supply to Sefton Council. Sefton Council is urging local business rates payers in the in the hospitality and leisure sectors to apply for the next round of the Government's Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant scheme. Before applying for the Hospitality, Leisure and Retail Grant (Expanded Scheme) we would urge you to read the Guidance Notes and Checklist document. Incomplete applications will be rejected. The business that according to the Councils records was the ratepayer in respect of the hereditament on 30 December 2021 is eligible to receive the grant. 10 There are two Magistrates Courts in Sefton. Required fields are marked *. Grants will be paid on a phased basis and future payments will be subject to the satisfactory receipt of relevant information that shows that the business is still trading, that it is employing the number of staff claimed for and that it is able to receive the grant as per State Aid rules. This provides businesses with a further two weeks to collate and submit the necessary evidence to support their application. Full details are available on the government website but includes: The NHS and medical services remain open, including: Businesses subject to Tier 3 Local Restrictions (from 31 December 2020 to 4 January 2021). Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council has lodged an appeal with Liverpool Crown Court over whether a former policeman convicted 14 years ago of abducting a 15-year-old girl should be granted a taxi driver licence. The vehicle test standards are provided in the Vehicle Preconditions document. Sefton Council is currently distributing over 400,000 in grant funding to support taxi drivers who have been affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. A business that was ordered to remain closed on 2 December 2020 due to the imposition of Tier 2 restrictions will be eligible to receive a payment for each complete 14-day cycle they remained closed. The Discretionary Business Grant fund was launched on Thursday 11 June 2020 and as of Wednesday 23 September 2020 all available funds have been allocated. The grant will be administered by each of the six local authorities that form the Combined Authority, namely Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral. Sefton Council has ensured a dedicated team will be on hand to support all applicants through the claims process. To Guarantee your booking please book as early as you can using the booking form. Once you're there, put your email address where it says at the top, then click on the Echo Daily News button. For further information pleaseclick here. 'The safety of passengers using taxi and private hire vehicles is vital, which is why since 2020 Ministers have consistently urged licencing authorities to make use of the database . Once your vehicle has passed its inspection, you will be required to produce: If all the above is in order, you will be issued with a vehicle licence. In accordance with the guidance issued by the government, there are no appeals against a decision whether to award a grant. Businesses that are eligible for this scheme are actively encouraged to apply. Personal care facilities such as hair, beauty, tanning and nail salons. For the purposes of this grant scheme, a business is considered to be trading if it is engaged in business activity. Hospitality venues such as cafes, restaurants, pubs, bars and social clubs; with the exception of providing food and non-alcoholic drinks for takeaway (until 11pm), click-and-collect and drive-through. Tattoo parlours, spas, massage parlours, body and skin piercing services must also close. There is no appeal against a decision whether to award a grant. For these purposes, the definition of a pub excludes: restaurants, cafes, nightclubs, hotels, snack bars, guesthouses, boarding houses, sporting venues, music venues, festival sites, theatres, museums, exhibition halls, cinemas, concert halls and casinos. As a result of Tier 2 local restrictions being put in place to manage the spread of COVID-19, the following rules apply: If a pub or bar is closed during the period Tier 2 restrictions apply because, it does not or cannot provide meals, then further grant payments may be payable. These include: These businesses and places will also be permitted to be open for a small number of exempt activities, including: A Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG) will be available to eligible businesses for the period of the national restrictions. From Monday 5th September 2022, all renewal letters will be posted out to drivers confirming the date that their licence expires. Sefton Council will, once again, be providing vital 'much-needed' school holiday meal vouchers to eligible local families during next week's half-term holiday. not trading but not insolvent. Trading as at date of application and continues to trade, i.e., continuing to trade with a view to making a profit or surplus (not a dormant company). Stay up to date with our latest news, receive exclusive deals, and more. Applicants who do not have an accountant may wish to approach one via a professional accountancy organisation or simply by searching on the internet. The amount of relief to be awarded to successful applicants will be determined once the application window has closed. All businesses should be contacted via email by Friday 5 February 2021. The form is not compatible with many mobile phones or with the Safari browser. More than 4,000 drivers will be eligible for a 100 support grant from. Businesses that had retail services restricted during January lockdown. The following businesses are eligible for the Care Providers Grant: All businesses must be an Ofsted registered childcare provider or CQC registered adult care home provider. Personal care facilities such as hair, beauty, tanning and nail salons. Food kiosks and businesses whose main service is a takeaway (not applicable to those that have adapted to offer takeaways during periods of restrictions, in alignment with previous COVID-19 business grant schemes). On 3 March 2021, Government announced the introduction of grant support for non-essential retail, hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal care and gym businesses in England. A Micro Business must satisfy two or more of the following requirements in a year: Turnover, not more than 632,000; Balance sheet total of not more than 316,000; Staff headcount of not more than 10. It's never been more important to stay in touch with the news, so subscribe now to the Liverpool Echo newsletter. The council's taxi licensing panel had refused Imran Ali a licence. Therefore, a further small pro-rata payment will be made for the 6 days from 30 December 2020 to 4 January 2021 in addition to any other payments due for other periods of closure. A Small or Micro business as described under the Companies Act 2006: A Small Business must satisfy two or more of the following requirements in a year: Turnover not more than 10.2 million; Balance sheet total of not more than 5.1 million; Staff headcount of not more than 50. Call Dominique and Sharon on 0151 934 3452, email or follow us on Twitter @InvestSefton. Those businesses that have applied for the Local Restrictions Support Grant do not need to re-apply for grants they are eligible for during further National Lockdown restrictions. . Business eligible for the Closed Business Lockdown Payment will be eligible for a one-off lump sum payment. All drivers who have already received the first payment of 210 will automatically get a top-up payment of 200. Please note, the deadline for applications was 30 October - the grant is currently closed. Education and training for schools to use sports, leisure and community facilities where that is part of their normal provision, Childcare purposes and supervised activities for those children eligible to attend, Hosting blood donation sessions and food banks, For elite sports persons to train and compete (in indoor and outdoor sports facilities), and professional dancers and choreographers to work (in fitness and dance studios), For training and rehearsal without an audience (in theatres and concert halls), Essential retail such as food shops, supermarkets, pharmacies, garden centres, building merchants and suppliers of building products and off-licences, Market stalls selling essential retail may also stay open, Businesses providing repair services may also stay open, where they primarily offer repair services, Petrol stations, automatic (but not manual) car washes, vehicle repair garages and MOT services, bicycle shops, and taxi and vehicle hire businesses, Banks, building societies, post offices, short-term loan providers and money transfer businesses, Vets and retailers of products and food for the upkeep and welfare of animals, Animal rescue centres, boarding facilities and animal groomers (may continue to be used for animal welfare, rather than aesthetic purposes), Car parks, public toilets and motorway service areas, Outdoor parts of botanical gardens and heritage sites for exercise, Other medical or health services, including services relating to mental health, Hospitality settings, such as bars (including shisha bars), pubs, cafes, restaurants, and social clubs, Accommodation such as hotels, B&Bs, campsites, holiday lets and guest houses, Indoor play centres and areas, including inflatable parks and soft play centres and areas (other than for people who have a disability), Trampolining parks (other than for elite athletes, people with a disability, supervised activities for children and for formal education or training purposes), Indoor skating rinks (other than for elite athletes, professional dancers and choreographers, people with a disability, supervised activities for children and for formal education or training purposes), Amusement arcades and adult gaming centres, Nightclubs and adult entertainment venues, Cinemas, theatres concert halls other than drive-in events, broadcasting performances, training or rehearsal, Snooker and pool halls (other than for elite athletes), Botanical or other gardens, biomes or greenhouses, Adventure playgrounds and parks, including ziplining, Heritage sites such as castles, stately homes or heritage railways, Landmarks including observation wheels and viewing platforms.

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