pineapple and seizures

Also Specialist Keeps Playing With My Medication By Giving Me Different Medication All The Time And One Of Them Had A Bad Side Affect That Was Setting Them Off. Checked on us constantly, made sure to set the expectations of any delays regarding food or drinks. Dialog window appears over the main content page asking you to be part of the Epsy community and get relevant monthly content delivered by email. There is a site called that helps ones that want to reduce their seizures. This is unrelated, but I also saw some video testimonials on youtube about people reducing or stopping their seizures with chiropractic work. I tried going back to my old ways.. ( its less expensive)and got nothing but my seizures back!! I couldn't eat anything not even a bowl of soup. The anti-stress vitamin. Looking back I used to eat lots of nuts because they are rather healthy and have a lot of protein but now I don't and I'm seizure free. This is truely a discipline but it really works. Necessary for the health of the nervous system. However, you should know that calcium can interfere with anticonvulsant drugs and should only be taken under a doctors supervision. These are usually tonic-clonic. Hello I have had epilepsy all my life, and I am 28 years old now. All rights reserved. Just wanted to let you know! Your midwife or GP can give you more information about this. He still gets sugar in fruit and limited fruit juice. I Also Ended Up In A & E For Having Too Many Seizure's I Even Had One Right In Front Of Them They Pushed Me Straight In One Doctor Wanted It In Video Camera And He Asked Me And I Said No I Don't Mind But They Are Too Slow So They Missed Out. I was able to keep my memory this time. Good sources of vitamin B5include broccoli, turnip greens and sunflower seeds., crimini mushrooms, corn, winter squash and strawberries. Just this week I realized studies show a connection between MSG and seizures. Totally my fault. Its a low carb diet that encourages ketosis, yet is much easier to stay on than the ketogenic diet. I agree who would ever think of making police lights strobe lights! Calcium When balanced with magnesium, it helps prevents bone loss. Lamotrigine (also known by its brand name Lamictal) is one of the most common anti-epilepsy drugs. I have been told not to day nuts or artificial aweetners such as aspartame.yesterday I had a candy with a macadamia but in it.and within about 30min I had a weird feeling, my right arm went up and unable to make it go down and started crying and was a little out of it. I'm hopeful that being MSG-free will also help control my seizures with a lower dose of med. The Epilepsy Therapy Project notes that 10 percent of people will have seizures in their lifetime.. Epilepsy affects more than 300,000 children under the age . Hes the specialist. The first step towards controlling your seizures is getting in control of what you eat. This powerful antioxidant protects the body from damage by free radicals and aids circulation. Well I shud say the seizures started then. Pure 100% VIRGIN coconut & olive oils are best to use. The good news is that its easy to get it in all kinds of different foodsfresh juicy fruits like apples, oranges, grapefruits, grapes, (especially grape juice), pineapples, peaches, pears and lemonsgreen leafy vegetables, carrots, peanuts, rice, milk, cereals, seeds, nuts and grain. We are working through the vitamin process at the moment. You would be surprised to find out how many foods it is in, and it is not required to be listed on labels other than in the general category of 'spices'. It came back at the age of 13 and now I'm 36. This focus on fats may alter your brain's "excitability," which may in turn lower your risk for seizures, per the Cleveland Clinic. Anyways, I never went to a neurologist (until January this year) becuase I would link my seizures either to my period or food. Youre probably well aware of these, but heres a gentle reminder Unfortunately the seizures havent been controlled. Goodafternoon Phylis . Wish I could isolate a simple trigger so that I could make them stop without meds! Carol, you might also enjoy reading this article: Brain Food for Your Health Afghan Kush 6. Of course, everyones epilepsy is different. I'm dedicated & a believer that food does effect seizures.. Eat healthy it keeps our weight down and self esteem up.. With E we need that badly! If necessary, vitamin supplements such as folic acid can help deal with vitamin loss caused by medication. "Bromelain appears to produce substances that combat in pain and swelling." Consuming bromelain from pineapple might also help your skin heal after surgery or injury. Leafy greens like spinach, kale and swiss chard. "Pineapple is the only food known to contain bromelain, an enzyme that helps your skin and tissues heal," Zumpano shares. High school students designed, 3D printed and sized a prosthetic hand, for a new classmate whose right hand is not fully-formed. having uncontrollable muscle spasms. I am 24 years old. So Ill ask the pharmacist if they can please help me find a multivitamin (ONE PILL INSTEAD OF 7 individual pills) to take and for their assistance as well and let them pick it out themselves for me. But for some people the taste or smell of certain foods may trigger seizures. Educational resources: There is not ample evidence that any one type of food causes seizures, but being in control of what you eat can certainly help prevent them. Whole-grain cereals, wheat germ, nuts, and legumes. I would love to learn more about. FOODS: Meat, especially, kidney, liver, and poultry. ButIm staying on the LGIT keto type of diet. Pineapple Kush What can you tell us about food and histamine in relation to siezures,, Histamine in the brain may act as both a neuromodulator and classical transmitter, Though the trendy diet is typically touted for weight loss, it's been used to treat epilepsy since the 1920s, per an October 2019 review in Nutrients. Today, it's still used to reduce seizures, especially in children with drug-resistant epilepsy, per a January 2018 review in Current Neuropharmacology. I recently watched this video that speaks of some of the links between gluten & seizures: Some people with epilepsy will avoid certain foods over time if they bear witness to eating specific food items before experiencing a seizure multiple times over. The more water you drink the healthier you're going to be in general. Fruity Pebbles 10. Flashing lights are my worst enemy! It also produces a powerful case of the munchies that could help patients with wasting or eating disorders. Not necessarily. Hi, is propolis beneficial for epilepsy patient? Obviously, you should get most of your vitamins from food by eating a balanced diet. If necessary, vitamin supplements such as folic acid can help deal with vitamin loss caused by medication. I would advise anyone to stop taking the medicine but I'm on five hundred mg of kepra that helps prevent seizures Not stop them completely. When this happens, the seizure is known as a febrile seizure. This superbud tastes of . Magnesium (Needed to balance with calcium.) Consider limiting the following caffeinated beverages: Some people report that food additives like artificial sweeteners can trigger seizures, according to the Epilepsy Society. Since then I have been placed on different anti-conlvolsion medcine. I dont eat mcdonalds, Chinese or all that processed crap. Though listed as an integral part of our food pyramid, dairy is frankly not as beneficial to us with modern farming practices than it was a century or two ago. I dont have celiac disease, but once i have pizza, Also I stopped eating any wheat due to a diagnosis of Celiac Disease three years ago. Pretty interesting! Thiamine (B1) Pineapple juice is also a great source of beta-carotene and vitamin A. Beyond epilepsy, the most common . The last thing your company wants to experience is a complaint or lawsuit from a consumer on behalf of their pet. Pineapple juice is a popular base for smoothies and cocktails, and a person can even use it to . Another common food allergen, many children have reactions to dairy products that started coming about only in recent decades. This includes grapefruits and other types of citrus, spicy food, alcohol and caffeinated drinks. It doesn't help them as far as safety goes, and they think they are being good to the world and don't realize they are a danger to us. Its good to speak to people who is in the same boat as me. plan and simple citrus fruit can it cause u to have a seizure. Getting enough sleep may help to reduce the risk of seizures for some people. However, even though milk is fortified with vitamin D, dairy products made from milk such as cheese, yogurt, and ice cream are generally not. Also no caffiene because it seems to get him hyped up. I know that other things affect other people, but this one happens to be my own personal demon. Sorry for the length I just thought I'd pass on what I have found. What you eat, the way you eat, your lifestyle and your anti epilepsy medication can all interact in specific ways that could affect the number of seizures you have.. Food health: Learn about the link between diabetes and epilepsy. However, it can interact with Depakote when a combination of Depakote with Klonopin is used. Though things like stress or sleep deprivation can trigger seizures for some people, there are no specific trigger foods, according to the Epilepsy Foundation. Its a tricky one to avoid, as it sometimes isnt even labeled. The usual dosage of bromelain is 40 mg taken 3 or 4 times daily. Anti-seizure medication increases vitamin D turnover in your body and decreases your absorption of biotin, says Cathy Breedon, PhD, RD, a clinical and metabolic nutrition specialist and registered dietitian at Sanford Medical Center in North Dakota. Selenium Found to significantly reduce seizures. Please dont forget about the power of vitamin B-12. And it boosts the metabolism of various neurotransmitters which are needed for normal brain function. I have Celiac Disease and am wanting to also start the modified-atkins diet to help control my seizures. I've never noticed foods that I'm allergic to causing seizures, or any that seem to be a seizure trigger for me. Its called the sun vitamin since the most effective way (other than supplements) to get vitamin D is from the suns ultraviolet rays. If you are allergic to certain kinds of food, you may go into anaphylactic shock. For most people, a varied, healthy diet will provide most of the vitamins and minerals they need, and taking unnecessary supplements can be harmful. One thing that pisses me off is the bike riders that use the flashing lights in the evening. Here are the best foods to support your health as you manage seizures. Epilepsy Society You might want to try any one of these diets: Three Anti-Seizure Diets That Could Change Your Life Pineapple's effects lean toward the cerebral, with a spacey sensation and a strong boost of happiness. Navy beans, kidney beans, and lima beans. because of seizures, which were caused by there medications. Two unprovoked seizures are required for diagnosis of epilepsy. Here are some interesting factoidsfor sensible eating and supplementing your diet. What If I Have a Seizure While I Exercise? Caffeine Observations suggest that caffeine (cocoa, coffee, tea, cola,) can exacerbate seizures in people with epilepsy, especially when combined. Hope this helps. I suggest u all guys to eat 3-4 walnut has antioxidants helpul for damaged nuerons. But The Specialist And Doctor Has To Confirm It. it works really well on me and stop taking that insane poison called Though I may have been having seizures for a very long time without knowing it (absence or simple partialsstill learning the names), I only started having convulsive ones this year, almost daily, and I haven't had any gluten (as far as I know) for almost 3 years now. NUTRIENT: Calcium. He's talked to doctors since and they are absolutely baffled as to how much it helped him and have actually wrote studies and things in medical journals about my friend. The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommends 11.5 cups of fluid from beverages and food per day for people assigned female at birth (AFAB) and 15.5 cups for people assigned male at birth (AMAB). Looking back I used to eat lots of nuts because they are rather healthy and have a lot of protein but now I don't and I'm seizure free. Vitamin D is also found in a small number of foods including egg yolks, red meat, liver, oily fish such as salmon, sardines, herring, and mackerel, and fortified foods such as some breakfast cereals and some fat spreads. A meal might include a small portion of chicken, a little bit of fruit, and a lot of fat, typically butter or cream. So i guess it really is just how each person's body reacts to different treatments. Wheat was definitely a problem and I think nuts might have been also. I know it's hard to believe but if I was able to give you a proper rundown as he did to me then you'd be convinced also. But when you significantly decrease your carb intake on the keto diet, your body instead burns fat to create ketones to use for energy. Frankly i find it odd so many if you claim greasy foods can cause seizures. Im glad you found the best med for you. Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. B) I believe the specialist more!! Needed for bone growth and is often deficient in those with epilepsy. Seizures caused by alcohol Alcohol can cause your brain to become more excitable. It is always your choice as to whether you want to receive information from us. The only think I am able to link my seizers, aura, deja-vu to is my period and sometimes even that is not accurate. I am on Lamictal 200 mg. will be a real bad. Its good to speak to people who is in the same boat as me. NUTRIENT: Manganese. He has not had a seizure since we switched to a mostly sugar free diet. Sialorrhoea is a common and problematic symptom that arises from a range of neurological conditions associated with bulbar or facial muscle dysfunction. Bubba Kush 5. Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) Is necessary for the health of the nervous system. I only stick to fresh organic stuff or I will have a seizure. This article discusses the proposed mechanisms of a ketogenic diet's. I also echo the awesomeness of this website! Animals with this deficiency can suffer from depression, dilated pupils, and ataxia that may lead to seizures and sudden death. Selenium is also found in seafood like tuna, crab and especially lobster! And while more research is needed to better understand the connection between your nervous system, epilepsy and caffeine, there is some evidence to suggest that caffeine may up the odds of having a seizure, according to the Epilepsy Society. So I am able to keep after myself to stay on the diet to feel that much better. Him and his parents gave it a shot and he got better and is now the healthiest person I know. I agree foods play a major role in keeping us healthy & Maintaining our Health. A meal might include a small portion of chicken, a little bit of fruit, and a lot of fat, typically butter or cream. I have been nailed a number of times by foods that, at the time, I didn't suspect. A tonic-clonic seizure usually begins on both sides of the brain. Needed for proper digestion, the formation of cells, and the production of myelin, the protective coating surrounding the nerves. I have Celiac Disease and am wanting to also start the modified-atkins diet to help control my seizures. The doctor was very into natural healing and no medications and if my friend devoted himself to what this doctor said he'd get better. The other nutrient thing that my regular internal medical md has found is the my blood serum Calcium is increased. However, my GI specialist and Neurologist both say they haven't encountered patients with both conditions (and therefore there can't be a connection, despite my telling them that many medical articles posted on the internet clearly state there is a connection). Never had seizure again. Pretty interesting! It was also a problem for my best friend as well. I recently done a search and found this to be good information about Celiac Disease and Epilepsy. I had a checkup with my neurologist a few months after starting keto and he is a firm believer in low carb to help epilepsy. Nutrition. You would be surprised to find out how many foods it is in, and it is not required to be listed on labels other than in the general category of 'spices'. This is also called a drop attack. If you feel uneasy with too much greasy food, avoid them. According to Healthline: The low glycemic (low GI) diet involves swapping high GI foods for low GI alternatives. I had been on an extra Calcium vitamin but he took me off that and I remain just on my female multivitamin. Whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving, attending a religious festival, or are simply making your breakfast, eating food is a big part of everyday life. Plus he's in his 50s and looks like he's in his 30s. 206186, Care and treatment: your rights and choices, Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP), Her Majesty The Queen: 70 years of service, Queens Memorial Fund & book of condolences, NHS Choices information onvitamins and pregnancy. Theketogenic dietis a medical treatment carried out under the supervision of a dietitian and an epilepsy specialist. According to the Epilepsy Foundation, epilepsy affects three million people in the U.S. and 50 million worldwide.Epileptic seizures may be tied to a brain injury or genetics, but for 70 percent of epilepsy patients, the cause is unknown. The only suggestion is to keep eating at regular interval healthy food. Now to break it all into bite-size pieces: FOODS: Fish, lean meats, nuts, and poultry. I am 62 and have had epilepsy since I was 10. (NOTE: Folic acid may be depleted during seizures and in some people with seizures. Pineapple may also cause latex i allergies in some ( 1 ). Food is what makes our bodies go and function properly and if you eat certain foods it can be no different than taking medications and in some cases better if you devote yourself entirely. Women who are pregnant orplanning a pregnancyneed to avoid taking too much vitamin A, (found in liver and fish oil supplements like cod liver oil), as large amounts of vitamin A can harm an unborn baby. I am a believer that your diet and the food you eat effects every aspect of your life from energy, sleep, seizures or other disorders, the way you act and everything. Thank you! Attitude is everything. Hello, my name is Earnest Mitchell. The good news is that its easy to get it in all kinds of different foodsfresh juicy fruits like apples, oranges, grapefruits, grapes, (especially grape juice), pineapples, peaches, pears and lemonsgreen leafy vegetables, carrots, peanuts, rice, milk, cereals, seeds, nuts and grain. Other treatments, like stimulating your brain or vagus nerve with electrodes, could also help reduce seizures. Attitude is everything. My first seizure was at 46 and again at 47 and both were right after eating at 52 I am still scared to death. We chalked it up to being a freak thing. Clonic: Periods of shaking or jerking parts on the body. And is the juice plus ok please!!!!!! Are there foods that cause seizures? I would like to support this suggestion about link with my case. I've had maybe one aura in the past year and I highly contribute that to my diet. Forget the other 3.6 & 9 fish oils that have few to no benefit for any health issue where fish oil is needed. Symptoms of Pseudoseizures. Traffic light labelling on supermarket food is one way to help you see what is in food. The most important thing is that it has an ample amount of Vitamin B-Complex in it. Assuming you follow a healthy, balanced diet, there is no reason to believe that seizures will be caused by your food on its own. I was diagnosed with epi when i was 16. i took VITAMINS Had 1 at the age of 7. When this happens it is called an interaction. More. What Is the Ketogenic Diet for Epilepsy?The ketogenic diet is an extremely high-fat diet that requires a child to eat four times as many fat calories as calories from protein or carbohydrates. Needed to balance with calcium. discovered the articles online about nutritional deficiencies caused by because of seizures, which were caused by there medications. Method 1 Coring Individual Slices 1 Slice off the top and base of the pineapple. . The brain, the body are far far too complex to ever consider controlling with drugs. I have a history of grand mal seizures and I take 3000 mg of Keppra a day and 1000 mg of Depakote a day and it is working very well for me but I think there's more to it than my meds. Although there are some common triggers for seizures, such as lack of sleep, stress and alcohol, everyones epilepsy is different.

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