Leg Football Tattoos 9. He didnt draft the guy and then say theses things. The Hip Hop culture cost the NBA a lot of money. It seems to be accepted in industries that dont deal much with the public, except for the carnival. How many would just harbor a disdain and not address it? Youd think a guy walking around with donated organs pumping through him would not be concerned with such trivial issues. Obviously there are exceptions to this idea such as Mike Vick but even Vick acknowledged that before his stint in the clink he didnt spend near enough time studying. ============================== ************************************************** I think we are seeing more and more owners stay out of the football side of things. But for every Mike Vick their are even more JaMarcus Russells, Vince Youngs, and Terrelle Pryors. Such is life. Most other teams expect to win. This is not so much about race as it is about, the bottom line which is money. However, what Cam does with his body outside the realm of being in shape, keeping himself healthy and making sure he is prepared to lead the team effectively, is none of the owners business. Tattoos are the new mainstream. From a business stand point Mr. Richardson is well within his rights to make that request. Ryan Leaf has no visible tattoos or piercings, but I wouldnt want him on my team. EvalAngell 7 years ago #11 While I can't tell you which players don't have tattoos, I can tell you that offensive linemen always have the worst ones. You pay me that kind of money, you own me Im yours, sir. im not sure why the first reaction to all these stories where the league seeks to impose some sort of standard on its players has to be negative. He thought he had the right to demand to be allowed to represent the company his way; problem is, it wasnt his company. Lavezzi, as well as being one of the strongest Argentine strikers, is one of the most tattooed football players in the world. Artwork on his neck, arms and any area that is exposed outside of normal clothing and the uniform should be cool. What flies in NY or even the ATL may not work in the Charlotte market. Its his team so he can do so. An NFL owner can tell his employers whatever he wants. I have no problem with asking players. Here is a list of popular unblocked games that fall under the WTF category: I Want to Be the Guy A platformer game in which the player must navigate a series of challenging levels and defeat a series of bosses. The people doing the interview told him they didnt want any men representing their company wearing earrings or any other body piercings. WebDerek, or Derek Arthur Paggao-Ramsay, was born in Enfield, England on December 7, 1976 to British father Derek Ramsay Sr. See Derek Ramsay full list of movies and tv shows from their career. A bigger issue (in my mind) is that an owner shouldnt be able to selectively enforce any policy on any one employee. 3. Some are police officers who are willing to take a bullet to protect your stupid a##. Hes an extremely handsome man, and with a little success on the field, can parlay that into a lucrative marketing deal. This is pretty standard. Pittsburgh, New England and New York are thought to have the best onwership and those rules dont exist. In the wake of the Aaron Hernandez arrest, some eyebrows were raised at the news that authorities were scanning his vast array of tattoos for evidence of gang connections. Were as free and wild as we were in the 70s, just not as successful as then and the early 80s. Its simpleIf you want to play in the NFL you have to follow rules. He looked at me with such disgust. 4. you dont get labor protection for discrimination against tats, piercings, smoking, having kids, being a Nazi or any one of a multitude of personal traits. Just ask your grandparents. if he doesnt want him to have tqtoos or piercings, he has every right to request that. Youre right. The only superstar duo without tattoos is Embiid and Simmonds. Jerry Richardson wants it to be 1962 forever. While I disagree with Richardson on many many things. One guy I graduated from college learned this lesson the hard way. I do not think its unreasonable that he wants a certain image for his franchise. I wondered how I would have felt if one of my back surgeons showed up in his scrubs with arms full of tattoos and lips, nose, cheeks and ears pierced. 5. I dont have any. I said, Do you have any piercings? He said, No, sir. If your view is so clouded and cant see thru it, I have no need for your job or your friendship. July 31, 2013. Big Cat Richardson said he was aggressive in FREE AGENCY- Ha, signed NO ONE NEW-ran off Julius Peppers whom Chicago loves and traded for Gregg Olson which is not a free agency signing To dictate what a person can do is ok if you dont sell and make your HUGE PROFITS from Grease filled Bonjangles doublely fried chicken & Hardees Big Fat burgers which is cloggin up arteries in the south causing heart attacks & OBEeSITY- And he basically didnt get crap for his hardass stand in the CBA Cam Newton must be thinkin your players suck and no wonder this team sucks- he is smoke and mirrors- what he gonna say when they go 1-15? A guy who has size, strength and perfectly merges RB talent and elite passing skills. First I think we need to remember that the NFL is a JOB! The New York Yankees do the same thing with all of their players. I didnt know Jerry Richardson was a Michelle Bachmann backer. The kids might like it but adults ie people with money were turned off. Absolutely, Ill expect a dress code. Whether he wanted to get a tattoo or not he should have stood his ground and said respectfully sir, I dont have any tattoos or piercings, but I alone will decide if I do or I dont. Richardson is just helping Cam be an entertainer and an icon.. to middle aged white people, just like himself. While Im sure Richardson is an old-school guy who has low regard for any manner of body ornamentation, this isnt so much about Jerry imposing his own personal values on a player; its a matter of maintaining and maximizing Cams image and marketability, particularly as it relates to the corporate sector. I have tats all overhowever, I now work in a field that requires I cover them when there. Pogba is Hes difficult, and in all liklihood the reason he doesnt want newton to have tattoos is because of a misconcdption about whether Newton can be successfully marketed while simultaneously being tatted and black. Translation: Dont want to scare white people. No matter how famous you are, somethings are prohibited in the Bale household and that includes tattoos. You can agree or disagree with Richardson. Switch to the dark mode that's kinder on your eyes at night time. He said, No, sir. Ya know, ol JR has been given a pass before when he berated a player in a meeting. Shin Football Tattoos 13. Richardson is entitled to cut him, if he likes, but that would be contrary to his interests, if Newton is as good as Richardson thinks. WebThe adidas Predator Absolute Gold dropped without warning this morning, November 1st, 2022 on adidas. but when its their time (ie: off the clock), they let the arms show. Last I checked, if the OWNER wants one of his EMPLOYEES to exhude a certain image, then the EMPLOYEE had better comply. Richardson doesnt care if Cam has a white girl, just not his grand daughter, ha ha. Kante is the only chelsea players without tattoos in our list. If youre more concerned with your QBs looks than his dedication and hard-work, than that explains why you havent drafted a good one in as long as I can remember. There just arent that many supremely gifted athletes like Vick out there that can spend virtually no extra time on being a great QB. NFL players can have as many tattoos as they want, and they do not have to cover them under any rules. Shoulder Football Tattoos 12. If he doesnt have any at this age he probably doesnt want them, but its the principle. This mentality is being shoved down all of americas work force as Unions are being forced out. If Im getting paid millions of dollars to be a high profile leader in a company and represent that company publicly? This is no different than someone going to work for a store that required a certain presentation.thats what the owner wants.his team.if Newton doesnt like it, he doesnt have to play! Richardson owns the team so he can ask whatever he wants. I just want to play football.. If you work ANYPLACEyou have to follow rules. I made that point in another post. Lighten up people. brientomas says: Aug 24, 2011 5:09 AM I am 34, but todays generation has gone hog wild with this tattoo craze and it needs to stop, or at least slow down. Welcome to the real world Jerry. realitypolice says: Previous to this article, I was down on Cameron Newton. If Jerry Richardson is a racist, how come he drafted Newton to be the face of the franchise? Richardson presumably wants him to do nothing that would potentially alienate the mainstream paying customers.. Cam can choose to bag groceries instead of get paid 30 mil to play a game. Joel Embiid. McDonalds can tell me pretty much the same thing. Cam does not have an issue with it. Richardson, who said that Newton was dressed perfectly for their meeting, was blunt. I just wanna know why you cant tackle some fool by his hair if hes going to wear it hanging out so far. Thats just the way it is. Jerry owns the team and can ask his player(s) to have no tattoos. But Earrings denote immaturity. owners of a business dont actively seek out 1 person, they set a standard that all applicants have to adhere to. As we can see, Fitzgerald has no tattoos, which is kind of rare in the NFL. People are giving examples of how things are in the workplace for non-professional athletesbecause (some of) these athletes are often out of touch with the reality of their fans lives. Solid Oak Sketches filed suit on Monday in New York federal court, saying that particular tattoos depicted on players in the recent game NBA2K16 was the company's copyrighted work. Jason Thompson 9. But I cant have BOTH at this stage in my career. Brazilian international David Luiz also said no to having tattoos on his body. My boss wont let me have visible tats or piercings (I work for a bank, where I am a member of senior management). Love the fact that Cam doesnt have any, but it is certainly not up to Mr. Richardson to dictate this. The recent fight and shooting at the Raider-Niner game last weekend was a huge red flag. Of course, if Richardson keeps writing checks like he has these past few months, Im sure those offended players could get over it. Jerry owns the team and can ask his player (s) to have no tattoos. you ppl mean nothing, could find a monkey to do your job. Please explain how you managed to make this about race, I gotta see this. Do it all in one complete sports tournament management system. He is one of the few footballers without tattoos. The only issue is: a) Whether the team is willing to enforce the code to everyone fairly. This isnt a matter of an owner telling a player how to dress and act; its about a businessman maximizing his products marketability. Some employers even take it a step furtherMy partner is a firefighter, and she had to sign a morals clause as part of her employment contract with the city. We wont allow an employee to enter a home with vivible tattoos or piercings. Its his team so he can do so. Dwyane Wade 8. Better keep him away from LameBron James then. my 80+ yr old great uncle has a tat that says mom on his arm, does that make him a bad person? He held up a photo of Steve Smith and said, Yeah, basically just dont be like this., Just take a look around the league If owners seriously considered only signing players who looked like choir boys they wouldnt even be able to field a team. I could go on with many more examples, but hopefully even your ignorant and mean- spirited brain can understand. Fans may be the lifeblood of the NFL, but theyre going to be there regardless. Pogba is the only man utd players without tattoos in our list. updated March 23, 2022, 7:35 am My job gets done the same whether I have hair like repunzel or Im completely bald, whether I have a collared shirt on or not, whether I have piercings or not, or whether I have tattoos or not. ahI remember when America used to be alot more about personal freedom (about 10-12 years ago) and less about conforming to the new corporate america that is now in control. Name one great leader to have earrings or other visible piercings. @oldhamletman, than he has to put those rules in for everyone and not single people out. A winning QB gets the endorsements, so as long as he win games then his endorsements will be there. successful business owners in general (not the rule) tend to be type A personalities that think because they are the boss they can control everything. OMG End of story. if the owner is paying the face of a franchise millions and he does not want his franchise player haveing tatoos or pierceing that is cool to me.i worked as a waiter and i had to take my pierceings out and cover my tatoos when i was at work,because i was a represenitive of the restarunt.so if the owner of a million dollar company does not want you to have tats or pierceing than you should not have them. And thats why theyre the Panthers. I wonder if he also told Newton to stay off his lawn. Then French young sensation Kylian Mbappe refuses to wear any tattoos on his body. but find one company that says if you get a tat youre fired. thats crossing the line. In the real world one is not restricted to one team or look for a new line of unemployment. I have never worked for a company, as an adult, that did not have a visible tattoo policy. Employers generally dont want people with visible tats/excessive piercings interfacing with customersunfortunately some NFL players are pretty much always interfacing with customers because they are famous. A direction to a single employee isnt a policy. Maybe their owner should focus more on the talent of the product on the field instead of what they look like. You are the biggest herd of sheep I have ever seen. Anyone whos worked in the real world knows this isnt uncommon. 16. He is the best deep threat in NFL and has been waiting to be paid accordingly. Maybe that makes him unattractive to media but he is the best!. Aug 24, 2011 6:29 AM Guy lost his mind, your paying him for his play, not to tell him what to wear.& way go Raiders!!! You are watching the sterilization of this country happening right before your eyesand I notice that most of you respondersare already touting the corporate linelike good lemmings do. Back Football Tattoos 7. Carolina expects its players to look nice. The employer has a right to spend their money on a person who looks presentable. Its none of his business. I absolutely HATE looking at those players with tattoos up and down their arms, gold teeth, big diamonds in both of their ear lobes and hair down to their a$$. Obviously this poll isnt important, but other more telling polls show the same thing. nflofficeadmin says: Aug 24, 2011 6:03 AM. I thought, Oh my God! My mate was in and he felt proper awkward.. If this is Richardsons policy, why isnt the whole team held to this standard? Every person (not just NFL player) should have the right to look, speak, and portray themselve the way they feel comfortable. He is one of a few footballers without tattoos. Cam didnt have to sign the contract, and Richardson can run his own business. Richardson is trying to keep Cam Newtons already tainted name from getting anymore questionable. lets review the poll question: Should teams be able to tell players not to get tattoos or piercings? While Cam is not a front office guy he is the CEO on the field. It sounds to me like Jerry was asking him to keep it the way he has. You want no tats or piercings? The Senegalese star devoted himself completely to football and does not care about fancy stuff. By even asking this question of Cam, JR has now planted a seed in Cams mind that maybe he should ask JR before doing anything that Massa JR dont prefer. 6 of 19 against the bengals. cam wont get to draw that line. Heck no. Cam Newton has no opportunity, zero, to find gainful employment in his chosen field other than to work for JR. Im a bleeding heart liberal, but believe Richardson is within his rights here, and its to Cams best interest. Not to be superstitious but a tattoo would definitely mess up the team mojo if he got one now, right? Yesterday, team management made a pitch to the South Florida media in hopes of convincing local governments to subsidize $250 million in. But it is rediculous to think that people would watch the NFL less if all the players had tattoos and piercings. We want to keep no tattoos, no piercings, and I think youve got a very nice haircut., Interjected the host: You sound like a Lombardi., Said Richardson, No, I just sound reasonable to me.. More people think the owners have the right to tell a guy if he can get tattoos and piercings or not? No wonder the panthers blow. Sounds like a real bigot. It may not be your choice, and it may not be the most courageous choice, but its a legitimate choice. The difference is you can also go to another restaurant that allows tats and piercings. Guess again. I didnt realize having tattoos and piercings was unreasonable. And as a subscriber to that corporate mindset, Jerry Richardson knows this all too well. In a recent interview on "The Charlie Rose Show", Jerry Richardson recounted a conversation he had with Cam Newton on April 4 in which he asked Newton if he had any tattoos or piercings. Hell, I took my mother-in-law to get her 1st tattoo for her 60th birthday. Cmon Cam show a pair! But for every Mike Vick their are even more JaMarcus Russells, Vince Youngs, and Terrelle Pryors. Why all the indignation because the owner wants the face of his franchise to be Wheaties cereal cover material? 5. 1.8k Views. Not to mention a conduct code. But you cant do EVERYTHING you want. Bicep Football Tattoos 3. Richardson, who said that Newton was dressed perfectly for their meeting, was blunt. Now obviously an athlete will have a little more trouble hiding these things because of the locker room, but Richardson made a request, Newton, as a man (and if they are men here, they are men when they make a mistake too), can follow that request or ignore it. How about this.let Cam get the tattoo then rescind his contract and let him sign somewhere else where there is actual talent around him. No one can reasonably claim that a tattoo on a players butt affects his appearance. That being saiduntil the NFL states itI dont think the individual owners have the right as they are just pieces of the whole organization. i think a TON of people are missing the point. That being said I have for along time felt that there is a reason you dont see very many successful QBs with tattoos. In fact, instead of having fancy tattoos, he decides to help humanity. And the 29-year-old has an equally impressive tattoo collection to match his amazing hands and electric speed. Unless Gabbert comes out and says he was told the same thing by Richardson in regards to his appearance, I have a problem with it. I think Cam wants to be the next commercial superstar. They dont have to work at the establishment. I hate tattos, that being said, if I were Cams friend, I would be advising him to go out and get some ink, ASAP. To all the posters that have said some variaton of if he doesnt like it, work somewhere else or I own a business and my employees do as they are told the guy was drafted. I see your point and its a good one. ' Richardson told Rose. You can ask them, not tell them. Nikola Jokic. Lionel Messi or Kylian Mbappe? Players have to cover tattoos and be well groomed. If a potential employee doesnt agree with itthat is fine. Where is Allen Iverson when you need him?. I have no problem with Richardson making a suggestion like that, its his company and hed like it if the face of his franchise was clean cut. Thats just fact. Cam Newton Just Checked his map and realized hes in that country called AMERICA. With Cam Newton, I understand Jerrys position; he wants a clean cut guy to represent the franchise. Most companies have an expectation that their leaders present themselves in a certain way. Cast a vote below. No offense, but my workplace has a dress code that states no visible tattoos and no piercings on men. No doubt, now that he has moved to play in the Chinese league, Smith runs second-fastest 40 by DL since 03, Saleh compares Carr to Stafford pre-Rams trade, Allen to be ready to roll for offseason program, How to maximize leverage of No. From hair length, to facial hair, and most certainly tattoos (can you imagine a big professional law or accounting firm having a employee with tattoos and piercings all over their bodies?). I didnt realize having tattoos and piercings was unreasonable. Teams should let players know what they expect form their players, and if the players get tatoos then they should know that their owner frowns on it. My dad walked in and I swear I thought he was going to kill me, said Bale. Take Donald Driver for examplehe wears two big earrings and it looks like (from a quick google image search) he has some tattoos on his arms. CAVEAT: Richardson is 78 and will not be around to head the team through Cams tenure. If Newton busts, hell be off the team regardless if he has any tats or not. Its called be an adult and realizing that you dont just get to do whatever you want and not possibly suffer consequences. If Cam chooses to do something contrary to the owners wishes then Richardson will no doubt calculate it when decided to resign him or not. tats are so common if he held the rest of the team to that rule he would have a lot of roster spots to fill . There are huge differences, to be sure, but the same laws apply. If I want piercings or tats, I can go do something else. And for that I applaud him. 1. On the other hand, if it doesnt interfere with your job function, its not in the bosss interest to lose talented employees because of the personal choices they make. D@amn right he can dictate as he chooses. You can. To everyone that keeps talking about my companys policy handbook has thisThis doesnt apply to this situation because Cam is being singled out. He said, No, sir. Thigh Football Tattoos 11. ===================. First of all, there is no race issue here. It is completely up to the owner how his team looks, just as it is in any business. Full disclosure Im a 25 yo white male with a lot of tattoos. Jerry Richardson has every right to ask that a player not have tats or piercings. At least hopefully Cam will show better judgement than Pryor and avoid getting any tattoos on his throwing arm in the 24 hours leading up to a game, that habit really hurt Pryors consistency. i work for a guy that wanted to fire someone because they had an extra-marital affair with someone who wasnt affiliated with the job. I believe they both come from religious families. I am fairly sure that Cam wouldnt have chosen the Panthers had he had the opportunity. No long hair, no facial hair, etc, and no one has a problem with that. He hired a latino hc, drafted an african american QB, and steve smith adores him(and he hates everybody). Come to think of it, Ive seen far more whites with tattoos and piercings falling off their bodies than I have blacks. catman72 says: August 24, 2011 at 7:59 am Nothing wrong with JR stating his preferences to kid that hes going to draft and pay to be the face of his franchise. Jerry Richardson is becoming the East Coast Al Davis Thats it. The most successful franchise in the history of sports: Yankees have been doing that for years. should rememberand how could they forgetthat Newton, as a union member, is covered by a collective bargaining agreement that sets out the conditions of his employment. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. is. Call it what you want. (Peppers) And I think by all accounts hes a model citizen but thats just me. Whether he will get it or not is Cams choice. I guess it is a fair assumption you have never heard of the CFL, UFL or Arena Football League. NOW that is FUNNY. Giannis Antetokounmpo. I dont see what the big deal is. You CAN tackle by the hair. Believe it or not hes no dummy. . In my opinion, in most cases, tattoos and piercings just make players look immature and unprofessional. Most employers have some sort of dress code employees must stick to-even our military when it comes to tattoos and piercings. If Cam decides to get a piercing or tat, Im sure he will. Either way, there is nothing JR can do if Newton goes and gets a dozen tattoos and piercings tomorrow. So what if he doesnt want his team represented by someone with sleeved up arms and a long hair cut. As a Panthers fan, this is one of the biggest non stories i have ever read on this site. And, with that change, youre right. Cam liked what he heard, Richardson liked what he saw and heard. There is nothing wrong with the owner telling Cam his preferences with tatoos. Why risk losing a commercial deal or something over a tatt. When has it ever been cool to make up rules as we go? However, here are the rules that I want you to play with. if the owner is more concerned with the dress code than whether or not they have that particular talent then thats their problem. Kante is the only chelsea players without tattoos in our list. A player on a team is a product you market with a certain image it wishes to promote and portrayand you want the face of it to be as clean as a whistle. Claiming that our jobs mean nothing & that monkeys could do it. You know NOTHING about any of us.some are firefighters who run into a burning building to save lives & property. He will not fine or discipline him, but what it will do is strain the relationship between the two.
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