lieutenant pronunciation royal navy

Why does Gary Soto's work seem autobiographical? The members of the Army and Royal Air Force say "lef-tenant", but in the Royal Navy that's a solecism ("loo-tenant" there). And what is it with these Americans, who speak of British English and a British version - hello!! Pronunciation of "Lieutenant" . OTIwODg2MTA3MzFiMmMxNGMwOTczOThlZjQxNjdhNjY4NDFjOThlNDlkNDNk Does Ed Miliband really not know how to pronounce 'Lieutenant'? On 22 June 1906, King Haakon and Queen Maud were solemnly crowned and anointed in the Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim by the Bishop of Trondheim Vilhelm Andreas Wexelsen. in view of the rare OF. In the phonetics you gave - "either "ltnnt" or "l'tnnt" : - is pronounced like the a in about [u-bowt] or the e in bitte (a sort of uh sound), and ' is showing that the sound following it is stressed. This little story offers another simple explanation of the inserted "F" in the pronunciation. It is funny that you mentioned the way some American Southerners/Appalachians sound like they are speaking Elizabethan English. $107.59 + $40.35 shipping. I was always taught - in the '50s - that "left" was army, "loo" was American, and Le'tenant (emphasis on the "ten" )was RN, and therefore right ! dailyinfo[9]=' Boy SALEH HAJI S.S. TANGISTAN (Swansea).Indian Merchant Service who died 09/03/1915 BOMBAY 1914-1918 MEMORIAL, MUMBAI India ' Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English. A lieutenant is the second junior-most or in some cases the junior-most commissioned officer in the armed forces, fire services, police, and other organizations of many nations. . If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. esp. Source: how to say wine words in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, and many other languages with Julien Miquel and his pronunciation tutorials! Definitely not "left" or "loo". Arthur Blake (Royal Navy officer) - Wikipedia Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 1st of August please use the following link and you will find the details and all events of. I was just curious but all of the above was both enlightening and entertaining. You make a good point about the whole 'loo' part of it. Should I put my dog down to help the homeless? Royal Navy officer caught shooting X-rated films with her - The Sun Old French is not one language, it's a bunch of dialects. I have always thought that Lieutenant (lootenant) ie., a tenant in lieu of another as in subaltern ie., under another, or alternate makes more sense than lieutenant (left-tenant). dailyinfo[1]=' Staff Nurse Edith Mary CAMMACK Associate of the Royal Red Cross, 2nd Class 4th Southern Gen. Hos. Seaforth Highlanders who died 20/03/1919 BEIRUT WAR CEMETERY Lebanese Republic ' LIEUTENANT | Pronunciation in English - Cambridge Dictionary dailyinfo[10]=' 14780 Member Ida Styles HUGHES (Oxford) Womens Royal Air Force who died 10/03/1919 OXFORD (ROSE HILL) CEMETERY United Kingdom ' I think it's pronounced with an "f" sound (spelled v) in Russian as well. But it seems less likely. They served as watchkeeping officers and also specialised, becoming Gunnery, and later . MDUwMTdkNzA4YTAxNTJkZWY1ZWU0M2U2M2U0YjViZGNjN2ZlZjEyYTQ0YjQ4 Have a definition for Lieutenant (Canada) ? Lieutenant. Etymonline indicates that spelling with lef- dates to the 14th century, but that the origins of that spelling (and presumably its associated pronunciation) are mysterious. Is it like saying "Leftenant" without the f, or saying "le tenant"? It has been the inspiration for. lieutenant commander (royal navy) English translation: lieutenant commander (royal navy).. 'Lieutenant' comes from French lieu ('place') and tenant ('holding'). I just could not find a suitable spelling for the intonation of the voice - still cannot actually, but Le'tenant is about it !! In addition, the Old French pronunciation of the word lieu was something like (lyew), although this has developed into (ly) in Modern French. lieutenant pronunciation royal navy Still puzzled As said before, I think it was to do with the lack of standardised spelling and pronunciation with U and V. I also think that leftenant was the English pronunciation until the American Revolution, when the Americans began to pronounce it "loo-tenant" either to distinguish themselves from the British or to better communicate with their French allies. Also hear how to pronounce 'COLONEL\" correctly: Listen and learn how to say Lieutenant correctly (military rank) with Julien, \"how do you pronounce\" free pronunciation audio/video tutorials.What is a Lieutenant? My 1933 edition of the Shorter Oxford states lef- in the UK and liu- in the US. In 1793 Walker gives the actual pronunciations as (lev- liv-tenant), but expresses the hope that ' the regular sound, lewtenant' will in time become current. Lieutenant (Canada) - Wikipedia The first lieutenant (1st Lt or 1LT) in the Royal Navy and other Commonwealth navies, is a post or appointment, rather than a rank. The Herald, samedi 19 fvrier 1898 | BAnQ numrique M2M0ZTc2Njg0NGNlM2I5YmIwZTRiZDBlNWE2MzJlZjFmYjFkYWI4NzUzMzNm If you really wanted to check, the Oxford English Dictionary staff might be able to advise. Both [v] (also [f]) and [w] are labial soundsthat is, made with the lips. uihlein manitowish waters; sebastian tillinger wikipedia; harry potter fanfiction harry injured after the battle; can hemorrhoids be treated during colonoscopy - lieutenancy - Lt. - sublieutenant - three-star - two-star Spanish: tenienta - teniente - alfrez - inspector de polica - subteniente In Lists: Police ranks (US), Military naval ranks (US), more. different parts of the English speaking world. . Royal Navy Pay Scales 2022 - 2023 - Armed Forces - RN Officers Pay rev2023.3.3.43278. Lieutenants and sub-lieutenants are equivalent to ranks with a NATO code of OF-1. Royal Navy Ranks: How Do They Work? - Forces Network No one can really say why in the British Army the word is pronounced "left-tenant" but it's notable that in the Royal Navy the pronunciation seems half way across the ocean. var month=mydate.getMonth()+1 This spelling was to stick to the pronunciation, and not the opposite, as there is not "lefttenant" in old French. Remembered Today: Welcome to EL&U. dailyinfo[17]=' PLY/3566 Private Samuel ROBINSON H.M.S. I mean if Lafayette was walkin' around at Valley Forge sayin Looo-tenant to a bunch of rebellious farmers, I could see that catching on. Then "lieutenant" would have the pronunciation of "lyeuchtenant". Ranks, Badges and Pay in the Royal Navy in World War 2 - Naval History.Net I'm still not sure how on earth to pronounce it (even though I've had that "American Speech" article I quoted from for five years now). What is a word for the arcane equivalent of a monastery? I do enjoy the battle between the Americans and the British as to which is "proper" English". How to pronounce lieutenant noun in British English us / luten.nt/ How to pronounce lieutenant noun in American English (English pronunciations of lieutenant from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus and from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, both sources Cambridge University Press) Development in operations and logistics. About 1505 he reorganized part of his army into twenty units. Very true but 'english' is a composite of innumerable other languages often incorrectly pronounced or altered from the original spelling or even meaning. The Royal Navy of Great Britain, 1485-1914 lieutenant pronunciation royal navy To the man referencing Websters English dictionary, do yourself a favor and pick up an Oxford English Dictionary. YWVmOGM3ZDZkNTJhNjYwMjlhNmI5MDBiYmViYjY1M2ZiNDA5MzFiYTc3YmQ5 ZGZjNDYzNTA3MzcyMGIzOWIxNTIxY2E0MzdmYzIifQ== I was curious why it is pronounced that way by the British. English is a rhotic language. English's beauty/zaniness comes from how Brits spell the words as they came to us -- it's a sort of mini-etymology in every word -- simplifying it is cheating & lazy. 2. It's possible the US adopted "Loo" because and only because the Brits said "Lef" -- or vice-versa. Agreed. Historically, the lieutenants in a ship were ranked in accordance with seniority, with the most senior being termed the first lieutenant and acting as the second-in-command. Idioms with the word back, Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023. dailyinfo[8]=' 13277 Labourer Klaas NERO South African Native Labour Corps who died 08/03/1917 PUGU ROAD 1914-1918 MEMORIAL Tanzania ' Lieutenant Commander RN: Step 13: 74,047: Step 12: 72,595: Step 11: 71,171 . No one can really say why in the British Army the word is pronounced "left-tenant" but it's notable that in the Royal Navy the pronunciation seems half way across the ocean. English is a wonderful language with elastic properties and influences from Nordic, Germanic and Arabic languages, Latin and Greek (among others) which allow for great expression of things technical, poetic, spiritual and esoteric. One of his wounds was a stab in the mouth which partially mangled his tongue, when he arrived at camp the next day he went to the colonels office and the Colonel asked him his name, because of his wound he pronounced it 'leftenant' and because of the relation to his name 'lefting' his pronunciation of 'leutenant' and the fact that he was left on the battlefield, that battalion changed the traditional word 'leutenant' to 'leftenant' I suppose after the story was spread it just kind of stuck. NWEzNjA5OGIwZDA4MDk1MzliMTE3N2YwNjNjZDVhYjM5MTBmNjljNzQ3Y2Zm I'm still not sure how on earth to pronounce it (even though I've had that "American Speech" article I quoted from for five years now). The ModE pronunciation with /f/ means one of the following things: The speakers of the French dialect lieutenant was borrowed from probably pronounced the u as [v] in some places and it took the devoicing from the following /t/ (cf. Thanks to all the gracious people who understand the value of discourse. dailyinfo[11]=' Captain Charles Edmund WOOD Mentioned in Despatches Adjt. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? var day=mydate.getDay() It makes you sound brain damaged. In smaller ships that have only a single deck division, the billet is typically filled by an ensign; while in larger ships, with a deck department consisting of multiple subordinate divisions, the billet may be filled by a lieutenant commander. Although lieutenants are no longer numbered by seniority, the post of "first lieutenant" remains. MjlkZGNkNTIxMzQzNTFmOWFlYTkxOWU4YzkyMDExNGE1NDYxOTYxOGViMjk2 Of means to show ownership. Powered by Invision Community, The West Africa squadron in the 1840s; naval medicine; First World War, especially in poetry, art and fiction, 6th Btn South Staffordshire Regiment, 46th (North Midland) Division, Liverpool Scottish The idea that the change in pronunciation is due to nationalist jingoism is somewhat misguided - as it was more of a way for the educated upper class to distance themselves from the uneducated poor, but the fact that they sounded "posher" than their colonial cousins (with whom they had just engaged in TWO bloody wars) definitely served to sweeten the pot. Personally, I like the Latin u/v explanation. With that said, my best assumption would be the translation from French is the most likely reason for the difference in pronunciations. Here's a link to an article that explains the whole thing: YmFkZGZmMjc2YzY1NDgxZDliN2MxY2Q0MTFkNDJiY2EzN2NlODc0ZjI1YTFm Towards the end of a busy day, a hatchet-faced lady came in and after looking around, she looked down her nose and said Id like a savoy cabbage please.. dailyinfo[3]=' 45 Gunner HAZURA SINGH 31st Mountain Battery Indian Mountain Artillery who died 03/03/1920 TEHRAN MEMORIAL Iranm ' There are people from the States that make me cringe when I hear them speak, as I am sure there are people from the UK that make people native to that country cringe. I'm glad I know now why it's pronounced that way and I thank you for the information. United States Navy Recruiting | It only takes a minute to sign up. A first-rate ship was entitled to six, and they were numbered accordingly. air force bases in california during wwii. It is possible that when the English heard the French pronounce the compound word lieutenant, they perceived a slurring which they heard as a "v" or "f" sound between the first and second syllables. Why are there 3 different ways to pronounce "oo"? On submarines and smaller Coast Guard cutters, the billet of first lieutenant may be filled by a petty officer. This naval lieutenant ranks higher than an army lieutenants; within NATO countries the naval rank of lieutenant is a OF-2 and is the equivalent rank of an army captain. (Not all of you, some of you had some insightful comments above; but the anally retentive chauvinists above know who they are). The Royal Navy Shop is brought to you in association with Pussers Rum. and 34th Coy. According to More Word Histories and Mysteries: From Aardvark to Zombie (American Heritage Dictionary), the origin of the pronunciation with /f/ is not known with any certainty, but similar pronunciations are attested in Middle English times by such spellings as leuftenant, luffetenand, and levetenaunt. Next thing you know they will be having us with DRY SHIPS - Ye Gods ! lieutenant pronunciation royal navy A ROYAL Navy officer has been caught shooting X-rated films with her seaman lover at a top secret nuclear base. [3] However, promotion may be quicker if a candidate has previous naval service and commissions from the ranks (upper yardsman/senior upper yardsman).[4]. Are you making these common mistakes while drinking water? dailyinfo[5]=' 12147 Private Harry COOK 8th Bn. The 2001 edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary says 'left.' The Drill Halls project: The Royal Australian Air Force will reactivate a squadron for the three MQ-4C Triton unmanned aerial vehicles it will start operating in 2024, Australian Defense officials announced Friday. Get ready to join Want to be prepared? Northamptonshire Regiment who died 14/03/1915 LE TOURET MEMORIAL France ' 2nd Bn. & Americans need to stop hating on the French -- without Benny Franklin's requesting help from King Louis in 1775, there would be no USA. I come from a military family and have been raised pronouncing Lieutenant as Leftenant. lieutenant /lftnnt/ (say lef'tenuhnt) as the primary pronunciaton, although/lutnnt/ (say looh'tenuhnt), and Navy /ltnnt/ (say luh'tenuhnt) are alternatives. So we have the profound and highly informative answer from an American, he says: "The Brits are weird'. Yzk5ZTUzOWRkMzJlZjIyZDJhZDVkZWMyMjcyYzE4ZGEyN2ZjOTEzMzQwNDQw MmIyNDY4NmM0NWU1MzhhMzQwZmVmZGMxNTgwMTZlOTU0MWFmOGE2NzZiYTdj Royal Navy Pay Scales 2022: The Complete Ranks & Salary List Last week I attended a lecture on strategy at the Royal United Services Institute, given by Major-General Mungo Melvin (whose book on Field Marshal Erich von Manstein is one of the best books you . Lieutenant Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster According to military customs, a lower ranking soldier walks on the left side of a senior officer. Routing number of commercial bank of Ethiopia? Please see note on my profile.The project is currently dormant. dailyinfo[6]=' 345190 Sapper Forrest A. KNOWLES Canadian Signal Corps who died 06/03/1921 REIDS MILLS CEMETERY Canada ' [89], The Personally, I think that regardless of the tradition, the simple lack of a letter F should mean that you don't pronounce it "left-tenant". ZGI1YjZhNWRkZmVjZWJhMDhhOWIyZjRjOGZmNDY3ZmZhYjZmN2VkM2YwN2Nm I encourage you to visit the. I am commenting to apologize to the Brits on behalf of the Americans who are NOT narrow-minded and appreciate other cultures. The Lieutenant always had someone guarding the sword when the Commanding Officer was wearing it. OWUyNjU2OTQ5NGYyZmYwOGZmZDYyNTQyNGM3NzViYmQyNjJjMWMwZjBhZTk2 If someone can dig out an earlier one Covey-Crump will be the definitive authority, and he published in the late '40s I think. I like the guy's answer who referred to vowel shift -- English really had its most fundamemtal changes via the Celts (who were likely influenced by Phoenician sailors/explorers); see John McWhorter's "Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue". 5th Bde. That said, it sounds downright silly to pronounce "lieu" as "left," but if Brits like it that way, it's fine with me. My fellow Brit's cynical intolerance for Americans makes me ashamed to be British. Lieutenant (Royal Navy) - The Dreadnought Project - from I read somewhere that the RN switched to 'left' because it became too difficult to persuade new recruits, used to hearing 'left' in war films about the British Army, to use 'let.'. Some contributors have merely regurgitated what they've heard as rumors or old-wives' tales. Royal Indian Navy rating : Ty/ Temporary : TE. I can see how the v became [f] (see 'assimilation') so it sounds plausible to me. Reason for different pronunciations of "lieutenant" The Royal Navy itself has a history and naval tradition that stretches back over six centuries, making it one of the oldest institutions currently in existence. Sub-lieutenant is the equivalent rank in the Royal Canadian Navy. About; The Court; Merit Selection; Kansas Values; News; Donate; "lieutenant" "pronunciation" "royal navy" December 12, 2022 by fcs coaches on the hot seat by fcs coaches on the hot seat Author has 1.9K answers and 1.2M answer views 3 y For a great example of Elizabethan Pronunciation (which, by the by, was used over 200 years BEFORE the RP non-rhotic pronunciation became popular) check out this youtube link here: The Yanks call it "lootenant" across the board. Highland Light Infantry who died 19/03/1915 LE TOURET MEMORIAL France ' Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. lieutenant pronunciation royal navy. Canada. I've heard it used by some old sailors who served in the 30s (long since dead). Royal Navy Pay Scales 2021 - 2022 - Armed Forces - RN Officers Pay - Armed Forces Pay Review Body -Forty Eighth Report 48th 2021 Rates - Other Ranks Pay Rates - Royal Naval 2021 Pay Review - How much do Royal Navy get paid, Royal Marines Pay Scales 2022 - 2023 . lieutenant pronunciation royal navy. Lieutenant salaries at Royal Navy can range from 44,510 - 55,095 per year. The lower ranked soldier on the "left" protected the senior officers left side. The only deviations you will find are regional accents, which I'm sure you'll also find in the American English language. Pronunciation of "Lieutenant" - The Great War (1914-1918) Forum but what I don't understand is how there is this large difference in pronunciation of our words, seeing as we stemmed off of you, the should still be accents that reflect where our accents came from, because accents don't change overnight, and they sure as hell don't deviate from themselves. I would have thought that the RN would have used the Lieu (loo) style in the Great War if not earlier as I cannot see senior officers changing their grammar. I think a lot of younger people in the UK also do so. It's not just French dialects: consider modern French "neuf" ("nine") < "novem", "neuf" (new) < "novum", "boeuf" ("bull") < "bovem", "naf" ("naive") < "nativum". if (month<10) month="0"+month ZjM1MTZmYWYxOTNiMzYxOGJmYTIxYWQ2ODkzZTMxYjY2YjU1MjYwOTE5MDU2 ;-). Middlesex Regiment who died 25/02/1921 LADYWELL CEMETERY United Kingdom ' MjhjYjNlYjk1YjUwNTA3MGEwNGZmYWFhYjk2Yzg4MzE3OThiNjkyZjg2ZWZj The "lefttenant" doesn't exist in French, at least, I didn't find it, I will search further. dailyinfo[15]=' SS/342 Able Seaman Henry George SMITH (RFR/CH/B/5534). Acting Sub-Lieutenant Simon Ledsham Simon Ledsham values that his opinions and recommendations are taken into consideration by his ships Captain, only 5 weeks into his Naval career. 26 More answers below In pronouncing the word "military", why do Americans say "MILL-uh-tarry" while the English say "MILL-uh-tree"? Lieutenant Commander You'll lead a department or be Executive Officer (XO) or Commanding Officer (CO) in a smaller unit. Liftenant in the army, lose the 'F' for the navy and John Wayne was a Louie. Lieutenant [1] ( Lt; French: Lieutenant, lt) is a Canadian Forces rank used by commissioned officers of the Canadian Army or Royal Canadian Air Force. NWYzOGFlOTdjNTMwMmRjOGMwMDU3ZDE3ZjZiYjFjZjEyZWY3YmNjM2I4ZGYy :). I have some 18th Century New England ancestors who were named "Zerviah, although much of the time the name shows up as "Zeruiah" (which is virtually impossible to pronounce). derrico family names and ages; llano uplift location samedi 19 fvrier 1898, Journaux, Montreal (Qubec) :The Herald Publishing Company,1896-1899 Royal Engineers who died 31/01/1919 COLOGNE SOUTHERN CEMETERY Germany ' New Zealand Engineers who died 13/03/1918 ST. POL COMMUNAL CEMETERY EXTENSION France ' The interwebs is a wondrous place! How do Australians pronounce "lieutenant" in their military? "Foyle." From Latin then, lieutenant literally means "place holder" and the military lieutenant acts on behalf ofor in place oftheir commanding officer. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Some sources claim that 'lieutenant' had alternative spellings such as leftenant, leftenaunt, lieftenant, lieftenaunt etc., and that the ModE pronunciation with /f/ (BrE mostly) is a holdover from those spellings. Over time the word "locum" evolved into the French word "lieu", which is pronounced in French as it is spelled. Sub Lieutenant - After one year as a Midshipman, officer cadets are automatically promoted to Sub-Lieutenant. Leftenant isn't listed. MzE5MGNmYTY0MDE5ZjA5MzQyNzBiMmNiN2E4YzI1OGU0MjhlZDc5NjZhODBh - All officers join the Royal Navy at this rank while training for a specialist role at BRNC in Dartmouth. In the Royal Navy, the pronunciation used to be "L'tenant" but never "Lootenant". Regional accents will always create some anomalies but those cases where there is an obvious sense in pronouncing as spelt - such as lieutenant - will disappear. "lieutenant" "pronunciation" "royal navy" What is Prince Williams rank? Some sources claim that 'lieutenant' had alternative spellings such as leftenant, leftenaunt, lieftenant, lieftenaunt etc., and that the ModE pronunciation with /f/ (BrE mostly) is a holdover from those spellings. Royal Navy abbreviations - Naval History.Net form luef for lieu (with which cf. Lincolnshire Regiment who died 05/03/1916 CITE BONJEAN MILITARY CEMETERY, ARMENTIERES France ' I think language is a part of culture, and I respect your culture and find your way of speaking and pronunciation beautiful. What is are the functions of diverse organisms? gold coast shark attack video; giant schnauzer service dog for sale You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Remembered Today: GWF is free to use so please support the Forum. The pronunciation being very difficult for English speaker. He's actually correct. In the 1700s an American English dictionary was written by a man named Noah Webster. The British pronunciation was still used in the USA in 1793 but had almost died out except in military circles by 1893. . No response from any American on this page has earned such a bitter rebuke. They drop the "f" and say "le-tenant." What is a lieutenant called in England? (lf-tnnt) A commissioned officer in the British and Canadian navies ranking just below a lieutenant commander. YjNhM2FhZTE4ZmRmZjMyYTE0OGQxODk1MjlhN2M2YTVmNWIwZTkxYzk5YjMy Royal Army Medical Corps who died 22/02/1919 NUNHEAD (ALL SAINTS) CEMETERY United Kingdom ' Frank Harrison EDINGER Army Chaplains Department who died 26/02/1918 HOLLYBROOK MEMORIAL, SOUTHAMPTON United Kingdom ' Seems Ben was right on the Revolutionary War beint the dividing point of British and American pronunciation, but IMO, it's pronounced with the F or V sound because of the U/V being interchangable during that time. (Salonika) Territorial Force Nursing Service who died 01/03/1918 KNOWLE (SS. Commonwealth and Non-British applicants The Royal Navy have removed the 5 year UK residency requirement for select roles. I'm still not sure how on earth to pronounce it . I like all different accents from any country - it's interesting to me. As the rank structure of navies stabilized, and the ranks of commander, lieutenant commander, and sub-lieutenant (or lieutenant, junior grade in the U.S. services) were introduced, the rank of naval lieutenant became less wide-ranging and is today the equivalent of an army captain. dailyinfo[28]=' 19673 Leading Aircraftman Samuel Ambrose TICKNER Meritorious Service Medal No. !- perish the thought ?? It is possible that Middle English speakers may have heard the final (w) of this word [] as a (v) or (f) []. document.write; British Royal Navy pronunciation of "Lieutenant" during - Reddit It is therefore not surprising that the Navy's rank, profession, trade, pay and related badges structures were complex, and even today defy any claim to really understand them in full. . About time y'all brushed up on your Spanish!! Lieutenant (Royal Navy) Lieutenant (pronounced "ltnnt" or "l'tnnt") [1] was a commissioned rank in the Military Branch of the British Royal Navy. Language changes are speeding up as global communication smooths out the differences. Photos on lieu as the first element of a compound was sometimes apprehended by Englishmen as a v or f. Possibly some of the forms may be due to association with LEAVE sb. The word was originally two Latin terms, "locum" meaning in place of, and "teneris" meaning holding, together the phrase applied to anyone "holding in place of" someone else. Prince William holds the rank of Captain in the Blues and Royals, Lieutenant in the. Any changes to the English language in America have been made by US Citizens spelling the language phonetically instead of how it was originally written and pronounced. MzUxODVlY2FhZWY1NDI0ODk1YmJiMjgxY2QyNzFkYzExN2Y3ZTM5NTUyODgy Naval/Maritime History - 28th of February - Today in Naval History What was new to me, on checking lieutenant, was the appearance of the f spelling (presumably indicating pronunciation), so early in the English version. dailyinfo[24]=' Captain Denzil Robert THURSTON Air Force Cross Airship Training Wing (Cranwell). dailyinfo[22]=' 25368 Quartermaster Serjeant Leonard Henry CADE Meritorious Service Medal 12th Coy. Lieu from french shows up in English phrases like "in lieu of" meaning "in place of", so lieu means place and lieutenant essentially means placeholder.

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