iroh takes care of sick zuko fanfic

He is the new Fire Lord, and although Iroh says the team can trust him, the Gaang is not entirely sure about that. Another Brother is an AU For Want of a Nail Avatar: The Last Airbender fanfic by Avocado Love. The problem? Crown Prince Zuko was not what his crew expected. After losing it all, Zuko was the only one who could bring him back. Foregone Conclusion: One for each story.. am i the only one who still thinks that kuvira being redeemed - reddit Hakoda missed his daughter growing up. trader joes distribution center irving texas . I will try to mark each chapter that contains such themes. He has never known terror like that before, not even as he was holding Tophs hand, certain they would both fall to their deaths in a war they were too young to fight. Crown Prince Zuko was not what his crew expected. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. iroh takes care of sick zuko fanficjack paar cause of death. Even though you might think that this is just a simple fever, it is not, regardless of it's insignificance to you. Sangi has many great one-shots on the Fire Nation Royals, and they are really worth checking out. There was a fanfic I read once in ao3 about sokka getting kidnapped by Zuko, while wearing the kiyoshi Warriors uniform and Zuko does a power move and gives sokka only dresses to change into. The Six Rules: Rule Number One: Alec won't warn the Gaang about things in advance or solve their problems for them, with a few rare exceptions. 15 MINUTES LATER. Technically, it would be his duty to bond with said omega, because Azula is incapable of raising the child. Extremely good, lots of Gaang focus, great Aang and Zuko friendship vibes and so much more. Sokka helps out. Until he has to fight an agni kai with Zhao to save his crew. However when Aang runs away from the the Southern Air Temple | : Im new to this. In spite of Zuko's best efforts, events go from bad to worse. I'm not that stupid girl you led on before. Scarred and banished as a child when she wasn't ready to complete the mission that she was born and raised to fulfill A water tribe girl who is hated by her tribe. But what was the cost of Zukos empathy? She knows what it is and Sam and Zuko need to diagnose it, treat it and expunge it before it's too late. WesternAnimati. "No," Zuko says, looking down at his bowl. Personally, Iroh believed that Zuko had deserved it, and he was just about sick of listening to his nephew complain. Zuko, still new to the gang, has a bit of trouble adjusting, and this especially shows with his trust in telling them when he's not feeling his best. "She can eat this. Its not like he ever had a class on what to do with a sick firebender prince intent on taking him prisoner. "What did he do?" He demanded. Iroh hear [Zuko x Oc] The one that's complete is over 160k words and fits pretty well into action/adventure with a plot. ", (the fic where Zuko uses his big brain cells to prevent his uncle outing them as firebenders in an Earth Kingdom city; this has unforseen consequences. Zuko acts like a shameless drunk flirt when sick. There All the Honour Lies by @shastafirecracker (Gen) Iroh & Zuko oneshot, about the immediate aftermath of the Agni kai "Colonel Mongke," said Iroh as he put his hand on Zuko's shoulder. Field of Innocence. Here, Zuko reconnects with his previously lost sense of compassion and sweetness by using his firebending to light the candles around the water fountain for Jin. iroh takes care of sick zuko fanfic - The only thing I own is my OC. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (13), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (7), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, not actually sick just acting like in bad fever, Earth Kingdom Character(s) & Zuko (Avatar), Zuko has made a single reasonable decision in his life and then the Gaang appeared, but still I'm a sucker for angst so be aware, Toph and Zuko are friends due to previous events, the gaang and zuko take a vacation in Ba Sing Se, Zuko is a ball of stres 95percent of the time, This is kind of inspired off of Salvage by MuffinLance, Zuko accidentally gains some siblings after he almost dies, Alternate Universe - Modern with Bending (Avatar), Zuko has no idea how to take care of himself, some gross descriptions of coughing in one chapter, Zuko and Iroh canonically drifted on a raft for three weeks, but i've got you (when the world feels all too heavy), Alternate Universe - No Bending (Avatar TV), Mentions of Ursa and Azula but they don't show up, with appearances by the rest of the gaang, in fact if you want to read Zutara just stop at the end of chapter 1 and pretend its a oneshot, not everything will be resolved but itll still be cute, and if you want to skip over the mushy Zutara stuff start at chapter 2 and read the chapter notes ig, ignores canon starting after the defeat of Ozai, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS). Lost in the screams of pain, Chapter 14: Love hurts. "Iroh, I think he's sick," I say stricken with worry as I soak a cloth in cool water. One horrible exorcism later, Zuko, Vaatu, and Iroh are banished-and have a new resolve to end the war that has raged for one hundred years. (Not very Whumpish, more fluffy) Theme 7 of Whumptober: I've got you 1.5K 43 11. "But without finding the Avatar, I can never restore my honor and return to the Fire Nation." Umhello? He looked blankly at her, My name is Nora. Language: English Words: 20,490 Chapters: 4 /10 Katara glared at him. June 7, 2022 underground celebrity gossip . Zukka slowburn, lots of hurt-comfort and enough angst to kill 3 horses. | : Shut up, Zuko says. The details I leave to you all. It's all right. That you wanted to be with men, he finishes lamely. iroh takes care of sick zuko fanfic - zuko joins the gaang early fanfic. It's supposed to be a week of fun and relaxation, just hanging out together as a group but the plan unfortunately goes off track when Zuko falls ill with a bad stomach bug in the middle of the woods, miles out from the nearest town. Relic. The series is currently active, having last updated on 18 April 2022. New adventures are had to accommodate them being soulmates. Zuko sneezes again, as if that doesnt discredit his point. Keeping peace is far harder than winning wars. If only shed kept. Seems easy enough if they can make their way to the Earth Kingdom. Across the room, Jet's gathering up empty bowls ahem, hiding the evidence. If there isnt a way, hell make one. It was easy for them to assume that the Fire Nation, both on an individual basis and collectively as a nation, were pure evil. Crown Prince Zuko was not what his crew expected. He cant hide it for too long before they find out, and theyre not going to let him take care of himself alone. It's not like he hasn't done so before. What if crazy fate and a series of poor life choices threw four kids together? Zuko explains. Katara noticed that the fabric of Iroh's sleeves was singed. It will be titled the same. "Shush," she told him sharply. Shadows of the Night - LizaGreen - Avatar: The Last Airbender [Archive Zuko Joins The Gaang Early Avatar Mai Joins the Gaang Avatar those. Facebook. "Yeah. Fire Lord Zuko was awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck and a slight blush crawled up his cheeks. In a world torn asunder by war, a pacifist wounded by his misdeeds will try to change everything for the better. She's not expecting to find the prince of the Fire Nation among the sick. best army base in germany is dr abraham wagner married is dr abraham wagner married Anyway enjoy:). unique traits of plants, animals and humans. iroh takes care of sick zuko fanfic. Fact #1: Its been a year, but Zukos life is still in boxes. If theres any way Iroh can help ease his nephew's burden, hell take it. The last time he had seen Katara, she had been using her bending to throw snowballs at her brother. Chit Sang clenched his jaw but dipped his head in acknowledgement of the order and seated himself again. His inner fire would flare pleasantly whenever the boy was even near him. (Zuko x Reader x slight!Various) [Name] [Last Name] was young when she was assigned to protect the Young Prince of the Fire Nation, it was their family tradition to serve and protect the Fire Lords in the Royal Family. Or anything that happens afterward. Sokka/Suki (Avatar) (18) Aang/Katara (Avatar) (17) Hakoda & Zuko (Avatar) (17) Include Additional Tags The Gaang Learns How Zuko Got The Scar (Avatar) (152) Ozai (Avatar) Being a Terrible Parent (63) Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck (59) Implied/Referenced . Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck El calor de Zuko ha llegado en medio de su misin en Ba Sing Se, por suerte ya haba arreglado pasarlo con Sokka quien aunque haba aceptado muy feliz encargarse de l al principio pronto se dar cuenta que no todo es tan fcil como parece. Please be sure to read Stranger in a Strange Land before reading this, otherwise, you will be lost. A hundred years later, Katara and Sokka find a boy in an iceberg, and their teenage lives are turned upside down. I know that.. When destiny bring the ex-friends back together, they each have to decide whether the other can be trusted. Suddenly she is in the Avatar th Ayaka mysteriously wakes up on the ship of the banished prince. Time Travel AU with major plot changes, lots of problems, Azula being nice, characters over thinking things, happy endings and a different end goal. Zuko said, thinking things over. Now, he must come to a decision about whether or not he's willing to take on the traditional alpha's duty for his young nephew, and, once decided, he and Zuko must deal with the ramifications of such a decision. Years before the Siege of Ba Sing Se, General Iroh discovers a young girl among the remains of a decimated Water Tribe village. 717 Stories . Zuko had never seen his uncle so mad before and quite frankly it was scary. What mystical trials, romances, heartbreaks, and challenges await them in the far north? This is a Firelord Zuko appreciation group! Toph and Zuko's trust in their friends is tested as a rough morning gets out of hand. fatal car accident in san francisco today Iroh is sixty-two, Lieutenant Jee is forty-five, Zuko is thirteen, Mai is twelve. But with a few months of therapy under her belt and after making some new friends, Azula had come to the conclusion that Ozai may have been wrong about a few things. I look at him with confusion fill eyes. Work Search: Little does he know of the spirits true plans for him and the world. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Avatar: The Last Airbender fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. The cost of power is high and the cost of. . "Noum, youyou can have the restif you want" "Thank you very much, Prince Charming!" If only shed kept. AU where Zuko doesn't manage to escape during the Day of the Black Sun. Zuko (Avatar) Iroh (Avatar) Original Characters Aang (Avatar) Katara (Avatar) Sokka (Avatar) Toph Beifong Ozai (Avatar) Bumi (Avatar) Kya (Avatar) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Action/Adventure Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck Bad Parent Ozai (Avatar) Iroh is a Good Uncle (Avatar) Stubborn Zuko (Avatar) Oblivious Zuko (Avatar) Drama & Romance Chapter 27: Toph's Fieldtrip Summary: Katara is acting strange as the gaang attempts to move camp toward the next town. Zuko knew this. Rule Number Two: Only Alec has the right to tell people his true origins, and he will mostly limit this to group members. You're still looking thin from the prison." How will the drama of family and war unfold? You started off homeless in Ba Sing Se, begging for money until Uncle Iroh (Mushi) and Zuko (Lee) found you on the streets, and Uncle Iroh decided to give you a job in The Jasmine Dragon.Through tea-making and (literally) spilling all the tea, you and Zuko begin to form a closer relationship, until Zuko wonders: What would happen if you found out he was in the fire nation? "Eventually, it leads to Zuko joining the Gaang much earlier than in the actual series, but with Iroh along for the journey rather than in prison. They both knew which scrolls Zuko had been talking about and they both knew that wasnt one of the scrolls that Zuko had brought with him into his banishment, which meant that he had read it during his time in the capital. anthony hunt dolphins. I fear he is at war with himself." Prince Zuko and Uncle Iroh find domestic moments in Ba Sing Se. new whirlpool refrigerator runs constantly. Title: Tearful Introduction Genre: Family; General; Fluff; Drama. . Fan fiction or fanfiction (also abbreviated to fan fic, fanfic, fic or ff) is fictional writing written by fans, commonly . She holds a cold glare to everyone around her, often being misunderstood. The details I leave to you all. Foreign Queasine: Stewed sea prunes disgust Zuko, Haru . This fanfic series provides exapmles of: Alternate Continuity: The series branches off from a point where Zuko overhears Azula's plan to fool him into betraying Iroh under the false pretense of "regaining Father's love. "Where is my uncle?" Iroh making the toothy monkey face. Vaatu saved Zuko when he was a baby, giving him the ability of firebending that he was born without. "You know nothing of the Prince," he said fiercely. Zuko's father will never hurt him again, but that doesn't mean that all the trauma and shame just disappear. Zuko's Secret. He doesnt recognize the number but he answers anyway. What if crazy fate and a series of poor life choices threw four kids together? password Get Invitation Site Navigation Fandoms All Fandoms Anime Manga Books Literature Cartoons Comics Graphic Novels Celebrities Real People Movies Music Bands Other Media Theater Shows Video Games Uncategorized Fandoms Browse Works Bookmarks Tags Collections Search Works. Aang laid on Appa's back, alone with thoughts of the complicated nature of women. Fanfiction Romance Love Avatar Tvshow Fanfic Zuko Journey Oc Embark Thegaang. And death doesn't seem like an equivalent. After I remember after that sokka gets kidnapped by zhao where zhao Mistakes him for a real girl and as zukos betrothed or . Can youcan you come pick me up?]. Theme 7 of Whumptober: Ive got youPrompts: support, carrying, enemy to caretaker. Can enemies ever become friends? Sokka swears he sees actual sparks flying out of his boyfriends nose. and whole of humanity. Play Prodigy. azula takes over the world. Im new to this. The boyman? Just after Zuko joins the Gaang, he and Sokka experience something extremely unique for both boys: male bonding. She was fully expecting waking up in either heaven or hell. "Uncle Iroh," I called. Zuko's Scar (Avatar) Ozai (Avatar) Being a Terrible Parent Ozai (Avatar) is an Asshole Iroh (Avatar) is a Good Uncle Iroh (Avatar) Loves Tea Azula (Avatar) Redemption Azula (Avatar) is lonely Teo (Avatar) is friends with 'Kuzon' Secret Identity Pre-Canon Blue Spirit Zuko (Avatar) Beware the Turtleduck no one takes the threat seriously until they do COMPLETED zuko gets kicked out of the house by his father and is forced to transfer to a public highschool, where he starts falling for his new best friend. Facebook. Join Yoka's journey as she is burden with the task of being the . Fire Queen ~ (Zuko x OC) The Avatar fell in defeat and the Phoenix King took control of the four nations. and for a time, were the relative outsiders in the Gaang. Though Ozai burned Zuko and planned to have him banish, things do not go as planned as the Fire Nation sees Zukos actions as great heroism and began to riot. "I've got a lot on my mind.". You dont necessarily. The story can also be found here on FanFiction.Net, though that version has been discontinued as of June 14 . Or > Zuko joins (but not quite) the gaang on their way to Ba Sing Se. It was the war that killed Kya, it is the war that has turned his children into soldiers and it was the war that solidified Hakodas decision to leave his tribe and his family. Hakoda felt his stomach clench and his throat tighten. First fan fiction and first time writing for the fandom! school of professional studies acceptance rate duplexes for rent in lebanon, mo duplexes for rent in lebanon, mo Prince Zuko from the Fire Nation has ended up in a world filled with Titans. He cried and ran over to me. Zuko explains. Hakoda watches over a sick prince barely a year older than his son and thinks about the war. Nearly seven years after Ozais defeat, the children who won the war are not children anymore. Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. Will the Avatar return to escalate things further? - . He will tell new group members his . I saw someone and I wanted him, Jee says. His eyes were red and bloodshot, as though he was not able to sleep the night before. Prince Zuko grows tired of searching for a dead man and decides that he will go home, one way or another. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. california traffic ticket fines list 2020 san diego surf development academy. Uncle Iroh would appreciate the young guard's service once more, and she would be more than happy to provide it. "He's feeling guilty," said Iroh. For a moment he wonders, panicking, if Jee can see it: the massive hole in the center of him, the ravage-edged thing that eats light. When Zuko arrives at the Western Air Temple, he has a lot to unlearn from the shards of his childhood. Sokka and Suki grow more fiercely together as the world threatens to pull them apart. Work Search: But the opportunity had been too convenient not to bring it up and make his move. Platonic friendship. 15 MINUTES LATER. Zuko's and Azula's uncle and Ozai's brother, Iroh was once the heir to the Fire Nation throne a mighty general known as the Dragon Of the West. Browse through and read zuko x oc stories and books. "I just thought you were into strange face paint, zuko". He grins over his shoulder at Zuko. "It will be good to see the sun again." In a twist of espionage, Zuko, Katara, and Sokka must go undercover in the Fire Nation while the rest of the Gaang stays behind to complete their end of the plan. "Come join me and my nephew for tea, Suiren. How to Join the Gaang Badgerfrog101. and for a time, were the relative outsiders in the Gaang. Zuko made a thin sound between his teeth that must have been of pain, but somehow he straightened, and Aang felt him shake his head. "Go," he said, tightly. Amidst the war to take down Fire Lord Ozai, Katara struggles to trust the Fire Prince while Zuko just wants to help the Avatar. . She grew up playing and sparring in the palace with Prince Zuko. They'd been friends since before Kai is a disgraced outcast from the Earth Kingdom. His uncle sat down and took a sip as Zuko finished. Fathers, an avatar: last airbender fanfic | FanFiction "If you're surprised we're here, then the Dragon of the West has lost a few steps." Zuko's illness catches up with him at an incredibly inconvenient time. After I remember after that sokka gets kidnapped by zhao where zhao Mistakes him for a real girl and as zukos betrothed or . The first chapter is an overall summary of the next few chapters, if you do not wish to read of sickness, drowning, or death (temporary) then please skip~~. Zuko hasnt had a chance to rest since Boiling Rock and his body hates him for it. While Iroh tells Zuko that he changed their ship's course so Iroh could go shopping for another Lotus Tile, the prince just stands there fuming. Her family is hated. And death doesn't seem like an equivalent Ceres is Aang's older sister and his Protector. Sokka chided, taking the bowl with an exaggerated bow and a wink. This story will mostly focus on Azula and the Fire Warriors: Them going on adventures together, getting up to some hijinks, using the Kemurikage disguises to become vigilantes and helping each other, as well as Azula learning and realising some things about herself and the world. His rivalry with his brother Ozai, though once encouraged by him, has started to worry the aging monarch. What if there was a protector of the Avatar? Go. He shouldve given Sokka his Mark, he shouldve taught Sokka how to wield a boomerang, he shouldve taken Sokka hunting. Oh my Spirits, Hana thought. 5 Reasons Why Columbus Day Should Not Be Celebrated, Are Practice Butterfly Knives Illegal In California. Sick Zuko (Avatar) Zuko, still new to the gang, has a bit of trouble adjusting, and this especially shows with his trust in telling them when he's not feeling his best. Fanfiction Romance Zuko X Oc Zuko X Reader The Gang Find Out How Zuko Gets Zuko Joins The Gang Early . Extremely good, lots of Gaang focus, great Aang and Zuko friendship vibes and so much more. Another Brother. Fanfic /. Title: "A Universe of Beaches" Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Author: Mira_Jade Genre: General (lil' bit of everything) Rating: PG Time Frame: Canon though post-Canon AU Characters: Zuko/Katara, Ensemble Cast Summary: Theirs was a tale as old as time, that of the sun and moon; fire and water; yin and yang; push and pull.In a world rediscovering its balance after a hundred years of war, two . northampton death register near alabama; espp insider trading policy; pitfalls of buying property in greece; cross insurance arena covid testing site; potato shack menu kingsland tx; zuko joins the gaang early fanfic - "We didn't. Zuko hummed softly as he leaned heavily over his work. How Zuko and Katara should have finally gotten together (post lightening strike au). Turning away, she followed Zuko back to the entrance. fanfiction zuko chit sang. OR: Nora, a girl from the modern world, wakes up in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender three months before the story starts. Book 1: Water - Chapters 1- Language: A Zuko joins the Gaang accidentally in season1 story. I need your help. Aang: *Walks in Katara's house without knocking,see's her sleeping on the couch, shakes his head, picks her up, takes her up to her room, lays her down, lays down beside her*. Not Stalking Zuko: The Gaang will win the war. New abilities are revealed, relationships are strained, and both siblings are forced to look deep within themselves for answers they may not be ready to find. PS: So this is set after the events of "You are part of us". Don't let scams get away with fraud. Zuko respects Katara as a bender, even if she is a girl. Zuzu did always espouse the value of life changing field trips after all and Azula decided she should have one as well. In the three weeks since Zuko started teaching him, hes accomplished the bare minimum and its not enough. Zuko is a little sick. "Noum, youyou can have the restif you want" "Thank you very much, Prince Charming!" "I'll take it," started Iroh. "What a pleasant surprise." https://www #zuko #zuko imagine #zuko x reader #atla iroh #prince zuko #avatar #avatar the last airbender #avatar the last airbender imagine #prince zuko x reader #prince zuko imagine . Iroh & Zuko (Avatar) Ozai & Zuko (Avatar) The Gaang & Zuko (Avatar) Characters: Zuko (Avatar) Iroh (Avatar) Zuko's Crew (Avatar) Katara (Avatar) Sokka (Avatar) . Zuko catches a bad cold, but of course he doesnt want to admit it or let the Gaang take care of him. Three years later, he allows Zuko to start his diplomatic voyage to the Earth Kingdom in hopes of bringing peace. After the death of his son, Iroh decides to become a foster parent. He was petrified, but there was no safe place for a traitor. She lives far off from everyone else. The first arc, described by the author as his 'Book One: Water', focuses on Zuko's life growing up as the odd one out in the Water . Zoya Bashkuni is Zuko, First Born of Prince Ozai. Her mother had left behind a legacy, and now it was up to her to keep it from crumbling. This fic takes place just after Zuko joins the Gaang. It can be primarily be read here on Archive of Our Own.The story can also be found here on FanFiction.Net, though that version has been discontinued as of June 14, 2021 due to the author's preference for posting . Hurt Zuko (Avatar) Zuko Joins The Gaang Early (Avatar) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Spirits Spirit World (Avatar) Loss of Identity Amnesia Grief/Mourning Guilt Past Sokka/Yue (Avatar) Zuko (Avatar) Needs a Hug Gaang Adopts Zuko (Avatar) Starvation Recovery Near Death Experiences Blue Spirit Zuko (Avatar) Major Character Undeath 4 comments. . Remorse overtook her and she felt as though she was drowning. He walked around me and gasped when he reached my back. Katara and Sokka had been satisfied in thinking that Zuko was simply a monster, as they had grown up in a world torn apart by war. : Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Void. Please consider turning it on! Separated from his Uncle Iroh, who has ended up in the same world, Zuko must find a way out of the city and follow his destiny the Spirits have set for him. Stalking Zuko: Katara will forgive Zuko and Zuko will gain Katara's trust. 420 The Worst Prisoner: The Element of Change What if Zuko had been the one to save Sokka in the storm? Zuko's father will never hurt him again, but that doesn't mean that all the trauma and shame just disappear. Interior Decor - Chapter 5 - AmbitionsLikeRibbons - Avatar: The Last 6133113 - Full 34 12 Expand Tighten Mai Mai Im Going to get you Zuko. The young firebender gracelessly stomped down the stairs of the Ember Island house, a thick blanket tightly wrapped around his pale body, his face barely peeking out from his cover.

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