harris county judicial candidates 2022

JP6 5,840 17,018 5 Which would be so outlandishly unlikely as to appear to be its own conspiracy. She lends a majority of her practice to the underprivileged and the disenfranchised. HD146 21.45% 76.29% 2.26% The Tennessee primaries took place on August 4, 2022, with Lee and Democrat Jason Martin winning their respective parties' nominations. All those requests were ignored. JP4 173,174 120,696 5,428 13 It would be a shame if that happened, though Id still want to know how long they waited before they gave up and why they didnt or couldnt go to one of the 750 other locations to vote, but it could have happened and it would be unfortunate and we would need to do better next time. Experience: Sherlene Cruz has worked 16 years in the criminal justice system. We all know that Lina received very little in campaign contributions, especially compared to Mealer. The contests being filed request that the more than one million votes cast in Harris County be voided and the county hold another election for the races being challenged (e.g., Harris County Judge, 189thDistrict Court, 180thDistrict Court, etc.). She won the jackpot. CC1 26.15% 73.85% Im pretty sure Ive expressed this sentiment before, but if I had the power and the funds Id order a study, to try to identify these voters and ask them why they did what they did. At this point, I dont know if he really is thinking that the time is right or if hes the 2023 version of John Sharp, destined to always be brought up in this kind of story because it would be weirder to not mention him. Who won and who lost in the 2022 midterm elections across Houston and rest of Texas? Sylvia Trevino, Constable Precinct 6 As a precinct chair, Ill get to participate in the process to pick the next Chair, who will then need to stand for election in the 2024 primary. HD127 57.86% 39.41% 2.73% She drew a short straw, and I think that contributed to her decision to run for Governor. HD133 52.56% 45.14% 2.30% HD138 56.96% 43.04% That may be a bad feature of the law as it now exists, but it is the law and a district court is highly unlikely to deviate from the normal course of behavior. HD149 38.79% 58.96% 2.25% 0.00% This is about 493K ballots cast for those two candidates, which doesnt count third party and write-in candidates or undervotes; I didnt tally them all up but wed be at around 510K total ballots defined as being Houston. HD134 33,479 45,200 HD129 38,523 24,788 Judge Horwitz is represented by John Raley. Not as good statewide races. It was the good ol boys system, 100 percent, [Jed Silverman, president of the Harris County Criminal Defense Lawyers Association,] said. Two-thirds of the people I talked to sign [the petition], said Ananda Tomas, executive director of ACT 4 SA, whichlaunched the petitioneffort in October. HD135 39.89% 57.75% 2.36% Two more things: One is that the undervote rate was higher in judicial races. JP4 54.96% 42.53% 2.51% HD139 27.65% 68.39% 2.68% 1.27% Republican judicial candidate Erin Lunceford filed a petition Wednesday seeking a new election in Harris County's 189th judicial district court race after . HD140 32.14% 67.86% HD144 43.70% 53.07% 3.23% HD134 35,653 45,142 16 Here's how to get tickets, passes for Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo 2023, Full Interview with Rodeo Headliner, Parker McCollum. The PDO doesnt have to handle every indigent case Im sure there will the need for specialized services going forward. That would mean that the Republicans netted about 1600 votes, which I need not point out is even farther away from closing the gap. The local police reform advocacy groupACT 4 SAaims to collect 35,000 signatures anticipating that some wont be verified to submit to the City Clerk before the early January deadline. Whether it will get a similarly chilly reception from City Council or Commissioners Court remains to be seen. Experience:Kate Ferrell entered private practice in 2016 and worked as an associate attorney before opening The Law Office of Kate Ferrell. The table above is the average vote and percentage for the different types of judicial races. JP1 63,938 115,819 5,264 2,359 CD22 62.20% 37.79% 0.01% Of the other six races for statewide executive offices, three were similar in nature to the Governors race and three were friendlier to Republicans. Ill have more to say about those Commissioners Court precincts later, so lets put a pin in that for now. CC3 63.61% 36.37% 0.02% Nelson was promoted to Chief Prosecutor in both misdemeanor and felony divisions, where she supervised junior Assistant District Attorneys and had a caseload of serial Sexual Assaults, Capital Murders, Injury to Child (fatality), and Murders. Which makes this entire spectacle little more than a plea for attention and a waste of everyones time. Harker Heights was one of five Texas municipalities in which voters during the November midterms approved decriminalization initiatives. HD149 39.55% 60.45% If I were the New York Times, Id spend the next six months visiting brunch counters in those districts to talk to more-in-sadness-than-in-anger Mealer voters, who will turn out to have been almost uniformly Ed Emmett voters in 2018 but who will insist that they really wanted to support Hidalgo, they largely agreed with her on how she handled the pandemic and all, but for reasons they cant quite articulate they just couldnt. After the introductions in a room at the local community college, a family member started with the groups main question: Will the Legislature raise the minimum age to purchase an assault-style weapon from 18 to 21? HD144 11,734 13,368 1,167 This is nothing but a pretext. The Evaluation opened on Oct. 21 and closed on Nov. 8. HD132 37,180 23,721 7 The HBA presents the results of its 2019 Judicial Evaluation Questionnaire below. JP8 62.50% 37.50%, Dist Mealer Hidalgo W-I January 2022 reports are here, July 2022 reports are here. HD150 60.64% 37.11% 2.25% JP7 12,325 64,437 1,904 2023-00936; Mark Montgomery v. Judge Kelley Andrews. Harris County Commissioners Court on Thursday voted to sueTexas Comptroller GlennHegars office in response to hiscomments accusing the countyof defunding law enforcement. Education: Western Kentucky University and Belmont University College of Law. Im extremely doubtful that there is a legitimate legal challenge here, Stein said. Im here to tell you, because Ive looked at this before, the undervote rate in City Council races is much higher than that, and thats a much shorter ballot. HD127 40,320 24,703 Im sure all the lawyers for those whiny crybaby loser candidates will be thrilled to hear all this, as well as whatever other fanciful stories people contribute to your new fanfic site. Months later, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has yet to sue to stop it. Atkinson also mentioned that the court sends text messages to people to let them know about the process and how to expunge their records. HD147 8,809 36,618 1,383 Submit application to: Harris County Board of Elections, 1001 Preston, Houston, Texas . SAs City Council has to vote on it next week, and from there its off to the campaigns. Download this stock image: FILE -Pam Gaskin talks about her mail-in primary election ballot at her home Monday, Jan. 31, 2022, in Missouri City, Texas. We cant say for certain how much all that spending affected the final outcomes, but its impossible to think it had no effect. CD29 33.51% 66.46% 0.03% CC2 97,753 106,167 CC4 115,464 120,671 JP1 34.58% 65.42% The Record-Chronicle requested demographic information on the citations from the Denton police Tuesday afternoon. ============================== The impending takeover of HISD by the TEA dates back to 2019, when Wheatley High School triggered a state law by failing to meet accountability standards for seven consecutive years. Lunceford's opponent, Democrat Tamika Craft, won the election by 0.26 percent of the vote. HD132 36,413 23,479 While at least two other of those votes received blowback from local officials, Harker Heights is so far the first to reject voters approval outright. HD128 68.08% 29.53% 2.39% The chart below is the vote percentage for both parties in each of those races individually. His math is wrong. We know theres a lot of disinformation and propaganda aimed at non-English speaking communities weve seen the websites and Facebook posts, and weve seen the mailers and heard the radio ads. If Hegars goal was to make headlines while insulting the basic intelligence of Harris County residents, I guess he achieved that. CC1 71,746 202,649 I dont know what else to say. HD148 16,934 20,004 8 8 Cause No. And no, he doesnt personally support it, either. HD144 11,924 13,703 You can read the Chron story here and their explainer about election contests here. I think this is a demonstration that when the people will it, it will happen.. JP8 63.98% 36.02%, Dist Hegar Dudding Lib But we dont plan to let him abuse his power. Marilyn and Tenesha have pro bono attorneys but the others are not allowed to be represented pro bono due to conflicts of interest. HD142 8,641 25,030 1,043 The decision allows Nichols to seek declaratory relief authorizing peace officers licensed by the state of Texas to fully enforce marijuana laws as it is their duty to prevent and suppress crime under Section 2.13 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.. HD149 11,876 19,423 706 Harris County Republican Party | 8588 Katy Freeway, Suite 445 Houston, TX 77024 | (713) 838-7900 . TEXAS SUPREME COURT, PLACE 3. According to the Public Information Act, the attorney generals office has 45 working days from the day after the request to respond. JP3 35,715 40,576 2,117 We know what to do, and we know where the opportunities and dangers are. Dist Mealer Hidalgo W-I HD138 33,875 22,977 9 I hope it at least amuses you. HD130 46,273 19,792 HD129 55.82% 41.41% 2.77% Just eyeballing the 2018 results I may go back and do these calculations for that year, just as a point of comparison I think the Dems that year did better overall than in other races, though they had about the same range of results. Some of the electoral functions include: Providing training to all Presiding and Alternate Election Judges to ensure the proper execution of state and federal election law during each county . The issue is, I need money to grow, Bunin said. Given that, what is the upside to making an at-best longshot run for the Senate? Once again, Comptroller Hegar has abused his authority, the county attorney said. HD129 38,729 24,583 SD17 58.16% 41.82% 0.02% Ten of them, in fact, five each on the First and Fourteenth Courts of Appeals, the first such victories since winning a lone bench in 2008. Hays 308,304 269,169 62.61% 45.36% Matthew Dexter is represented by Elizabeth Alvarez. If you have a favorite or two among them and a few bucks to spare, Im sure theyd appreciate a contribution. Bell County commissioners, along with the district attorney, are determined to settle the question of whether Killeens Proposition A is lawful, making the governing body the first in Texas to sue one of its own cities over decriminalization of misdemeanor possession of marijuana. DECISION 2022: Texas judicial primary election results, from the - KPRC HD134 44.12% 55.86% 0.02% 33K to 36K in 2016 Under Hegars calculations, Heaps annualized budget would have been about $48.9 million over 12 months nearly $2.3 million off from the $46.7 million figure calculated by the county. Bennett 0 1,022 0 14,527 What I wonder about is whether there will be much appetite for that kind of spending in future races. HD148 15,221 20,981 1,035 It does cause concern that somebody from outside that jurisdiction would be able to usurp the authority of the elections commission in dealing with their elections administrator.. County races appear towards the bottom of the ballot, after all of the federal and state races. Why did those eight hundred and some people vote in the Treasurers race but not the County Clerks race? HD140 29.27% 68.30% 2.43% San Antonio marijuana decriminalization referendum already facing a legal challenge, You can help Democrats being sued by election losers, these cases are stinking piles of nothing and the losers pursuing them damn well know it, Here we go again with the defunding baloney, Marijuana decriminalization and other police reform proposals get closer to the ballot in San Antonio, Even the Republicans know their election contests are losers, A very early thought about turnout in the 2023 Houston election. 2022 bad counties 100K to 102K HD127 40,131 24,789 1,092 0 HD145 30.71% 69.29% CC4 115,688 120,613 Under the new rules, quorum-breakers can now be subject to daily fines and even expulsion from the chamber. See here for the background. We have until noon on Tuesday to respond to the Texas Supreme Court. HD146 22.96% 77.04% HD139 29.61% 70.39% In the Texas 2022 gubernatorial race, Democrat Beto O'Rourke holds an 8% lead over Republican Greg Abbott among Harris County likely voters (50% to 42%, with 7% undecided). Putting it another way, more than 96% of the people who cast a ballot in November of 2022 cast a ballot in these three races. I am running these responses in the order . HD137 7,690 13,164 650 HD133 36,406 22,666 And that assumes that literally every one of those 2600 non-voters would have voted for the Republican candidate. That changed quite dramatically in 2018, when Dems won back Davis old seat and picked up another Senate seat as well. CC4 46.71% 49.40% 2.64% 1.25% I really wish I could make that happen. Along those lines, I note two potential future Constable candidates: Don Dinh, a Deputy Constable in Precinct 1 since 2020 who was for 24 years before that a sergeant in the Fort Bend County Precinct 2 Constables office, filed a designation of treasurer to run for Constable in Precinct 5. SD13 25,998 96,440 45 See here and here for some background. The judge hearing the case is in San Antonio which complicates matters re time to get there and back for hearings. CC2 49.76% 50.24% HD149 12,270 19,513 Burgess 940 14,710 5,207 5,403 Activists in Harker Heights, which is also in Bell County, are planning to force another vote on the issue, though that may wind up being moot, depending on how this goes. Mark Montgomery is represented by Elizabeth Alvarez. JP7 12,417 64,481 Paxton encouraged his supporters to launch a pressure campaign and flood the court with calls and emails demanding,unsuccessfully, thatthey reverse the decision. HD126 36,872 22,678 Judicial Candidate Petitions; Certain judicial candidates in Bexar, Dallas, Harris, Tarrant and Travis must file additional petitions (PDF). HD145 15,445 30,141 11 HD133 60.29% 39.71% HD126 38,281 21,401 17 One is that the many millions of dollars spent by the Mealer/Mattress Mack cohort did have some effect, specifically in the criminal court races, with that effect being slightly larger in the county courts than in the district courts. Theyll fight and theyll make noise and theyll employ the rules and pick up the occasional small-bore victory, but in the end they have no power. HD139 28.15% 71.85% If we can at least keep the deficit here from growing or better yet, if we can shrink it be a couple thousand votes we can take a bit of pressure off of Harris and Fort Bend. That is, of course, should he even choose to run for reelection, which would be strange considering his newly-introduced legislation to limit U.S. senators to two terms., Cruz, who would be running for a third term, told reporters this week that he doesnt support unilateral term limits, but would happily comply with them if they applied to everyone.. According to the petition filed Monday night,Wayne Dolcefino, a media consultant and former TV journalist,submitted multiple requests for public information on behalf of the Gallery Furniture owner, who was a major donor supporting Republican candidates including County Judge LinaHidalgos opponent Alexandra del Moral Mealer. FOX 26 Houston. Harris County 183rd Criminal District Court Judge: incumbent Chuck Silverman and challenger Gemayel Haynes. Judge Fleischer is represented by John Raley. HD138 57.30% 40.47% 2.23% Not to be needlessly pedantic here believe me, this is extremely needed pedanticism but if they went to another location then by definition their vote wasnt suppressed because they did in fact vote. Democrats would still be running the elections. JP6 5,490 16,504 Beto versus Abbott Mark Herman, Constable Precinct 4 Elections Harris County election results 2022: County judge, commissioners, propositions. From the County Attorneys press release, they may take awhile to be resolved. JP4 180,017 119,979 60 Which brings me to the second point of interest, which is really hammering the message home about voting all the way down the ballot. C Civil 515,292 545,092 48.60% 51.40% Its been a year since his home was raided. Education: Prairie View A&M University and Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University, Endorsements: votemelissamorris.com/endorsements. HD132 56.37% 41.11% 2.52% Again, and Im going to keep harping on this, until you hear the person themselves say it, thats all that it is. Sometimes I dont necessarily mind Houston being a bit behind the activism curve. HD127 60.79% 37.55% 1.65% 0.00% Julian Castro is not running for President in 2024, and if what he really wants to do is run for Governor in 2026, maybe put the word out about that. HD133 57.20% 39.75% 2.02% 1.02% HD135 17,620 22,982 7 Experience: Veronica Nelson has been a Chief Prosecutor in both County and District Courts with over 10 years of trial experience. Hensley said that certain parts of the ordinance simply couldnt be implemented because it violates state and federal law. Below we review the incumbent criminal district court judges and their Democratic challengers. Beto versus Abbott The thing that strikes me about Allred is that hes in a similar situation that his colleague Rep. Joaquin Castro was in 2017 and being talked about a run against Cruz in that cycle. It belongs to the people. CD02 77,665 46,669 21 HD141 5,209 20,104 17 HD139 28.11% 69.53% 2.35% 0.00% Go read those posts if you havent or if you dont remember them. No other information was available for this candidate. JP1 30.69% 66.39% 2.92% But the Republicans in the Lege dont care about that. Houston/not Houston. Im going to be tracking potential candidate mentions anyway, so well see where they and maybe others fit in. CD29 33,392 66,220 27 Heres County Attorney Menefees Twitter post, with a copy of the letter to May from Speaker Phelan: NEW: Speaker Phelan dismissed losing House candidate Mike Mays election contest against @Jon_RosenthalTX because he didnt pay the required fees. There hasnt been nearly as much growth in Houston as there has been in the non-Houston parts of Harris County, but its still up over 150K from 2015. CC1 71,640 196,243 6,241 17 CC3 227,842 132,864 2020, in the race for District Judge, 333rd Civil District Court in Harris County, Texas. There would be both a primary and a special election to replace and succeed him, much as there was in HD147 this past year. We have held our ground in Brazoria, which is educated and suburban enough to show a few tiny signs of moving a bit blue recently, at least at the top. HD139 29.24% 70.76% You may note that now two elections into the no-straight-ticket-voting era, the range of outcomes in both sets of these counties is the smallest. HD138 59.16% 40.84% HD138 32,324 23,310 968 2 Hegar said in a statement that the county will be barred from increasing property tax collections plus revenue from properties added to the tax roll last year until it resolves the discrepancy. CC1 28.29% 71.71% I dont have any great insight here, nor do I have much confidence that Dems could take action to mitigate against this. County executive offices MY 2022 DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY JUDICIAL ENDORSEMENTS - Robert J. Fickman

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