fort lewis, washington barracks

He said he ran his duty rosters from Z to A because of that. AAFES-PX - 22 Photos & 17 Reviews - 5280 Fort Lewis Rd, Fort Lewis, WA Just wondering if this might have been you? Drill Sgt. Search public notices by typing keywords in the Search field below, or by checking one or more boxes beside the filters listed on the right side. Helicopters were also used for "short haul" rescue operations, in which a ranger and litter were carried in a sling below the helicopter to the scene of the accident. I was there. A-3-1 4 May 70 - 2 July 70 Practiced every evening with the other 4 Companies that made up the Battalion for Graduation Parade. Drill instuctors were Colvin and Carter. I would graduate 2 July70 as E2 based on performance and testing or so I guess. Your grandfather was probably stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington. He was a Drill Sgt. Pinto was our DI. (Survivor of the battle of Hue). Support for the base and services for military personnel . Tuesday . Memorial Day Brigadier General David L. Stone, who had supervised the original construction of Fort Lewis as a captain, returned as its commanding general in 1936, serving until 1937. Was at N. Fort Lewis from April 17 to July in D -1-1 all from California. 30 Nov 1970, D-3/1. Julie Titone is co-author of the Grady Myers memoir "Boocoo Dinky Dow: My short, crazy Vietnam War." It would be sumpn to see or at least communicate with some of the guys. Was in D.1.1 April 17 1969 drill srg Lamb, E-5-2, SSGT RICHARD E. BURTON, AUG 1969 BEST OF THE BEST. 564th Quartermaster Company, 12324 18th Street, Fort Lewis, WA (2023) Intensive infantry training and frequent field maneuvers were becoming the norm on post. From Ft Lewis to GA to Virginia to helicopter training then 2 tours in Vietnam. I received basic training starting February 14th 1968 at North fort lewis. Basic Training, Ft Lewis WA,September 18, 1970 to November 70. The Drill sargent was a puertorican. D52 all the way. I remember seeing those barracks when we lived on post. Book Signings The company I was in made no exceptions that I saw. When I was in Vietnam, we were on a hill for a few months. That was B-2-3. I redid all my estate very recently and in doing so, went through a box of my military memoirs. Hey Dan. The sites are McChord Air Force Base and Fort Lewis, both located just south of Tacoma. Him and Horn..! I recall the footlocker and trunk routine. I drove through there about a decade ago. I was in E-1-1. Wilkes Barre, PA 18702; 87013 ***** Avenue # 124, Fort Hood, TX 76544. Area 5 on Lewis Main includes barracks buildings in the downtown historic district and on the west side of Gray Army . Woke up with snow on our heads. Fort Lewis God bless. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments. Maree Mchugh Wonder if you remember big stone by mess hall. The median income for a household on the base was $32,384, and the median income for a family was $32,251. One funny story about my basic. I'm McGowan! I did basic at Lewis from Nov 70 to Jan 71, Alpha One One, Drill Sergeant Delano. For Washington and Minnesota this is the Enhanced Driver License or Enhanced ID I distinctly remember are welcome as we got of the bus from the train depot every expletive you can imagine came out of the DS mouth. To me, he was the best drill sergeant I could have trained under. Not sure why this happens I did sign up once again but will have to say all the years on the site I have yet to meet up with anyone from the time I was there. How i hated it then but enjoy thinking about it now! Fort Lewis Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Medical Laboratory Technician Job in Joint Base Lewis McChord, WA at I was there in April-May 1971. I now live in Laguna in south Orange county also California. He marched us back and had us stand in formation in front of the barracks. JBLM-issued Rapid Gate Identification They are HQ for NW US ROTC. In 1917, Pierce County, through the process of condemnation proceedings (eminent domain), took 3,370 acres (13.6km2) of the Nisqually Indian Reservation (14km2) for the Fort Lewis Military Reserve. Where it is The stone by the mess hall was painted over about the time we left. CO was Cpt Dietz, I was there in Jan 1970 D31 Beautiful place. I was drafted. I told my drill sergeant that was wrong and that I was suppose to be a social worker and psychiatric helper and he said "Damn it Colton your going to be a G** Dam Medic. I was a squad leader down stairs and ended up in a Sheridan tank. Michael Herr just tried to repeat a request to hear from Fort Lewis alum back in Feb 69 thru June 69' was in the middle of an extensive info text out and all of a sudden everything went blank, then a new request from this site came up asking if I wanted to receive notifications from this site. Cpl Bluitt was our Platoon DI. Cant recall names of other NCOS but he made a real impression on me. His name was Sanford Rogers. Joint Base Lewis McChord. Baugh. 360-688-4073. Units can be deployed from McChord Field, and individuals and small groups can also use nearby Sea-Tac Airport. My father, SSG Robert Warren, was a drill instructor from 1966-1969 D co. 4/2 at North Fort. Trying to find platoon photos. Basic training Jan 1970 Jan thru March. Infantry He once told me that a Judge gave him a choice of prison or the Army. Drill Sergeant was S/sgt Jackson. Kept asking him about them and they would always be here soon never got them. Nearly all of us were Reserve in our barracks. We had a couple guys who should have never been in the military could barely tie their boots. In his only appearance, he allowed that we "looked like a bunch of blind dogs in a meat factory". Sgt Shields, do you remember what shots they gave us with the "guns" and when we did gas mask training did they use real mustard gas? The C-5 aircraft mock up by the ranges is still there as are the ranges. Chilly, windy and cold. Long time ago now, Bruce and Troy I was in Bearcat 1st Cav A228 and bn I played crown and anchors with the Austin's and ate hot Thai food 1968 March to 1971 Sept, Drafted 7 Dec 1967, started Basic Jan 68. I remembered low crawling in the mud! Yeah I was there B32 (7/28/70 to 10/28) under Sgt. Short tough man was a tanker in Nam during TET. I believe the highway going past the barracks is now open to the public, but the barracks are now gone. We graduated basic in a snow storm in fatigues. YOU WAS POSS NEXT MY BCT COMPANY E 3 2 1ST PLATOON DS KODI BROWN HARDY G W HARPER SORRY AEND OF 1ST COOK WAS SP4 JENKINS REAL A END SEWAGE WASTE MET I also recall a LT Gill who was a piece of work but who isn't at that age. Good times because I was with some of the best men Ive ever met. Basic at Lewis Nov 69-Jan70. 13.1% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race. Then sun came out but still had to keep on rain gear all day. Last minute they sent to ft.Lewis in December.Very cold was in A-3-1 alpha gator north fort. The per capita income for the base was $12,865. Tasted like heaven and you could have 2. June 2013 Fort Lewis, Military Base | Very grateful. Fort Lewis Map. Took both basic and Infantry AIT at Lewis. E-2-1 Nov 68 to Feb 69. Did you make the trip to Fort Lewis? Does anybody recall the address of those baracks? Thank you. Had a good job and lived in Lakewood. I was a Bear Cat for a short time-Working with the Royal Thai Army on some special missions- This would have been late in 1968-I also did some "work" with the Aussies at Nui-Dat too., I remember very well having to do guard Duty have nighttime had to be fully dressed in fatigues and walk back and forth in that cold Barrett then I have to wake up my other buddy to take over, Looking for anybody that might have been there in between January of 1970 to the summer. He graduated June of 71. Boocoo Dinky Dow There for basic training on July 1968 & my DI was Sergeant Smith, I'm tracking down information on my grandpa in the service Sep 30 69 when left out fort lewis sfc t g hollandsworth, in nov 69 i don't remember squat except it was rough ,wet , cold i lived in a barracks like those mentioned when i was in basic training ,'i ended up a medical corpsman by choice and went to "i" corps viet nam Also adjacent to the post is Camp Murray (Washington National Guard). Located in Fort Lewis, WA, Fort Lewis Army Base is a potential source of asbestos exposure cancer. Washington State Archives, Digital Archives is the first Digital Archives in the nation to Preserve the electronic Records of both State and Local Government. World War II, 1939-1949. Pots and Pans..! Some 60,000 men, including the 13th and 91st Divisions, moved into the hastily constructed cantonment to train for World War I. (not it was a bad habit which I broke long ago but forced cessation the first day of basic wasn't the way to do it. Our paths may have crossed. The timing is very compelling and suggestive. D-3/1. I remember Sgt Mouton really competent guy I thought, maybe 2nd platoon? Would like to get a copy. I was there, early in 1970, C-4-2 Charging Charlie, our fearless leader was Sergeant Mouton we were called Mouton's raiders. We were all constantly wet! All I remember was it was wet most of the time and we couldn't leave the company area when not training and the air was full of coal smoke that was used to heat those old wooden barracks. Today it is one of the largest and most modern installations in the U.S. and is home to the I Corps, 62nd and 446th Airlift Wings, 7th Infantry Division, 1st Special Forces Group, 75th Ranger Regiment, 66th Theater Aviation Command, and Madigan Army Medical Center (just to name a few). Mine was E6 John Trainor, 3 time Nam vet. He ended up going into Bomb Disposal warfare. Came down on levey to Nam and was thee until July 71. Shields Anyone remember? Drill Instructor SSG White. [2] The entire camp was ready for occupancy a month ahead of schedule. The whole platoon was made up of draftee's from Arizona except for 3 of us. Does anyone know if AIT organized enlistees/training according to who was Vietnam-bound? Basic and meningitis together was not a happy time. I found A-2-2, 4th platoon, but not 1st platoon. Had a fella by that name when I went through basic in B32 with Sgt. I remember i was in D company and out in front of are barracks in white painted rocks it said D Company trained in Hell! My other uniforms hang in a closet in my home. My unit was B Co 5th Bn 2nd Tng Bgde. Other guys had Ft Lewis orders but for the Transfer point to VN. Got my covid shots at the VA clinic here in the Villages,Fl. It serves as a training and mobilization center for all services and is the only Army power projection base west of the Rocky . 22 YO then and I just turned 72. Used to have to get my shots then turn and catch him as he got his cause he'd faint. 7362, RPPC at the best online prices at eBay! John Trainor. I don't think his uniform was green so much in the end. I was in a different unit and have no interest in a photo of yours. Our guard commander at the Stockade was Sgt. Shop Army & Air Force Exchange Service I believe we were Delanos 1st class of trainees. Two options from the medics. Visit Our Website. We were right across from the dog training area down a hill where we did a lot of running. He reminded me of Sammy Davis Jr. Had to scrub the place top to bottom. July 2013 Will gladly pay for a copy. I still have nightmares about him. It was a lifetime ago and that is rather underscored when I see the veterans our age around the VA hospital in Minneapolis when I go there. I didnt pre plan the visit, perhaps I guy could do that and get a advance background check. Google Earth road view shows them standing, but the aerial view shows they are gone. Fort Lewis barracks: History in the un-making. I definitely recommend going to see that beautiful place. Joint Base Lewis-Mcchord, JBLM . Ahh those memories of walking fire watch many nights. Tindel. But that said, what is needed to be done has to be done. Reunion Also had a 32 yr old at the time named Jan Stein. Drill Sgt Delano and Sgt. Where was he from ?? March April and May for me.I remember we were the 4th platoon and I remember the painting of the decapitated VC on the outdoor broom closet with the caption"we eat VC for breakfast" and I remember Hecker and Steele and Hansen and Bryant and Beaudwin, and Liedtke and Pugh and Linstead and Halowapo and Burke the Indian. For some reason our actual training didn't start until a week later so for the first week we had KP and other crappy stuff most days..ugh. Steve, the only thing I can say that makes sense from your time to mine was the losses during Tet early 1968, they needed you and you were one of the best they had so they made an exception. Was drafted April 17 1969, basic training at fort Lewis D 1 1, California Mod Squad. I needed a copy of my DD-214 not long ago. The 14th and the 296th were right next to each other. I do remember the cold rain and snow. Bruce Levy - I was in E-3-2 in March 1970. I wish I had a photo of Sgt. Fort Lewis, named after Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, was one of the largest and most modern military reservations in the United States, consisting of 87,000 acres (350km2) of prairie land cut from the glacier-flattened Nisqually Plain. The sergeant and his cohort ran after the culprits, but the duffel bag was tossed out the back window into waiting arms and spirited away. Most of the guys in the unit were NG's or ER's, with a few US's--draftees who didn't hesitate to remind the RA's that they would be out a year ahead of them. I know that we did not, but I can't recall how we got our underwear and fatigues cleaned. Patrick Flanagan I was there March 13 through May 1970. AKA Hodge Philadelphia.7/9/1969 Basic training at Fort Bragg NC. I was in c 3 2 April 68 to June. The drill sgt called us Ridge Runners and asked if people in Tn wore shoes. You must remember the B-1-1 CO. A big guy in tailored fatigues, CIB,etc. Black Panthers at that time would raise some hell occasionally on the base. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Fort Lewis WA Parade Grounds Military Mt Rainier Unused Real Photo Postcard E30 at the best online prices at eBay! Fort Lewis, home of the 627th Air Base Group, in Washington, has been the home to thousands of veterans. Thank God. Perhaps your dad is in it? Graves and Drill Sgt. In 1972, the 9th Infantry Division (United States) was reactivated, and trained there until its deactivation in 1991. It was common for this to happen, except Fagan didn't do it for us. Thanks , I was flown to My Drill Sgt. His Charlie Company comrades knew him as Hoss. Please respond if you were there. KSER Hit Vietnam 70-71. Didn't make it to Fort Lewis this time but I'll give it a shot next time we visit. Was tough but a good memory. It is now known to have contaminants in the water and soil such as arsenic and iron. I was in D22, which may have been very close to you. Fort lewis, WA 10-Day Weather Forecast - The Weather Channel And yes it rained all the time! Fagan was our DI, a genuine pain in the ass. I have my photo from Basic and I am still here in Sacramento my email I think should show up here I do not recognize your fathers name but that really does not mean much, I had all the guys sign the back of my photo. So much fun. I don't know much about his time there other than the Year he graduated. Went out once a week. Helicopter There is only one recruit's name I remember; Alosisus (sp?) Low crawling under barb wire at night with machine gun fire and explosives. We had to carry our foot lockers over our heads in the middle of the night cause someone couldn't keep his gear neat and uniform . Really had a lot of respect for that guy. New barracks at Fort Lewis were specified with bearings walls and framing by other. Fort Lewis | U.S. Geological Survey I never went home after Basic, we just marched across the parade field to our AIT (Infantry training) for another 8 weeks then went home for less than 30 days then flown back to Fort Lewis (McCord AFB) where we were flown to South Vietnam Yes it was a memory I will never forget. I was on 2nd floor. Relatives & associates include . First time levy rescinded, 2nd time to short less than 6 month left of 2 year draftee status. But no one wanted to be recycled, so we didn't go on sick call. Then it was off to Ft Ord. He took a commission in the army after his drill sergeant stint and as an officer, went on to work in Finance and retire from the army. I was in C-5-2 Late 68 next door. I don't remember his name. My dad was drafted from California and went to basic June or July 1967 B co trying to find someone who might remember him. Can someone tell me what the numbers following the company letter indicate? I had occasion to rn into him at a conference in Southern Utah in the 90's. That Sixth Army patch probably came from Fort Lewis. He went to Vietnam in August of 71 and came home March of 72. Fort Lewis (Washington) | Military Wiki | Fandom . Weather Underground provides local & long-range weather forecasts, weatherreports, maps & tropical weather conditions for the Joint Base Lewis-McChord area. Medical Laboratory Technician - Joint Base Lewis-McChord - Decypher [9], In 1981, I Corps was reactivated at Fort Lewis. At Ft. Lewis with a bunch of guys from Butte, NT. I enlisted to be a social worker and psychiatric helper which I was guaranteed by the US Army. Get directions, reviews and information for North Fort Barracks in Fort Lewis, WA. View Full Report Aliases: Rachel Evelyn Ayers, Rachel Evelyn Rasmussen. My bunk mate came down with Meningitis, but survived. Basic 4/69 to 7/69 Di sgt fisher, sgt Recheck, c-4-2, Fort Euistis Va then Bear cat nam, A Co. 227th ASHB 1st Cav. Tall Black guy, E-5, buck sergeant. Decypher Joint Base Lewis-McChord Regular, Full time. WE could never walk on the platoon center floor, bunks were arranged around the perimeter, and he would sometimes come in at night after we'd showered, and pour dirt out of a gunny sack on the floor, empty the butt-can water on it, and make us crawl through it making oink sounds like a pig, then on to the upstairs and same thing, with the upstairs guys low crawling downstairs, passing each other on the stairs! I was with the 199th Lt Inf Bde attached to a SOG unit. The facility houses minimum and medium security prisoners from all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces.[3]. I did basic at Ft Lewis, D-3-1 September 1970 to November 1970. Send me your contact info to my email address. Contact me at I wish I had waited for his laundry to finish to see the results. JBLM Soldiers receive medical care through on-base Madigan Healthcare System facilities such as Madigan Army Medical Center, the Okubo Clinic, and the Nisqually Clinic. Ambush I am amazed that you remembered me, Troy. . Buddies in basic Sparling and Shoemaker. Moore for my book. Hence PV2 Wallace had KP. The MP wouldnt/couldnt grant me access even when I explained my purpose and displayed my active Sheriffs ID. It sits on my entertainment center. My cousin whom came in to basic as I was leaving basic got sent to nam. I don't remember anyone in my unit. I tried to access the rear gate to Ft Lewis summer of 2012. Cold and windy in Oklahoma. Dispensary 7 North Fort served BCT and AIT. On Graduation Day it rained so they moved everything indoors to that big auditorium across the parade field. [2], In 1986, a further expansion was initiated, and in 1992, the Army acquired additional land to enlarge YTC to 327,000 acres (1,320km2). Basic and AIT at Ft Lewis March 1970 to late July. Second platoon C-5-2 October 30th 1968 old fort, barracks looked just as shown here, it was so wet and so cold we would put dimes in the dryer to get a little heat after a long day. Most beautiful sunrise I have seen was there. Was there like 7/30/70 till I graduated basic and went to my permanent unit. Germany 1-1-68 to 3-68, A co., 1/13th Inf, Mech, Plt ldr, Co. XO; Jungle School, Panama CZ March-Apl, 1969; HHCo, 9th Div. I went to Ft. Ord for AIT then to Germany Dec 68 to May 70. Jim Long, Senior Drill Sgt. I would love to talk with someone from that era. When we complained, he said with a grin he never said we could keep it. God only knows where they ended up but they had AIT of 11Bravo. Fulmer was my DI C-3-2 2 nd platoon Oct - Dec 71 Audiobook [2], In 1947, approximately 60,000 acres (240km2) were cleared of unexploded ammunition and returned to the original owners. There were 3,476 households, out of which 85.8% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 89.3% were married couples living together, 6.6% had a female householder with no husband present, and 2.2% were non-families. Decypher is seeking Medical Laboratory Technician candidates to provide support to the Joint Base Fort Lewis-McChord, Tacoma, WA. I was in 3rd platoon B-5-1 13th basic cycle the name Swanson does sound familiar I have a picture of the platoon with our DI I'll have to check it out and see if I can read the name on his field jacket. Vietnam Veterans Memorial He was a hot head and very competitive. I remember that at each meal they would yell NG's to the front of the line. Best drill sergeant in the universe, he trained us with no heart, though as nails, but made me a survivor and a disciplined person. It was in November of 2017. I was there February 1971 B11. Overview: For more than 30 years, NCI Information Systems has been a leading provider of digital transformation solutions and services to U.S. government agencies. Very tough time in basic if you weren't in shape coming in. Bill Norton: Our barracks in B-1-1(June end thru Labor Day1969) had one washer and dryer. Army helicopters were also used to insert search-and-rescue [SAR] teams into inaccessible areas on the east, north, and west sides of the mountain, lowering rangers to the ground by a cable device known as a "jungle penetrator". You were there at the same time as Grady Myers. Found a copy and also the original from January 13, 1972 when I was separated (RIF). Lot of rain. JBLM Main & North have abundant high-quality, close-in training areas, including 115 live fire ranges. we had two Sgt. If you were sick, you were a malingerer. We were activated a few times for riots and Weather extremes. Zimmerman was a squad leader. Rainier in the sun the day we drew gear (Nov 7 or 8) then it rained or snowed every day after. Upon graduation was sent to Ft Sam Houston Texas in San Antonio. The post supports over 120,000 military retirees and more than 29,000 family members living both on and off post. I was there at north fort from 1/15/68 to 3/18/68. There must have been list because the machines were in constant use but there was no quibbling about who was next.

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