eddie kingston married

Follow. Standing at 5 feet 10 inches tall, Jungle Boy made waves on social media during the summer of 2021 when a picture of him kissing AEW wrestler Anna Jay made the rounds online and fans everywhere expressed their joy for the couple. I don't work here. RELATED: 10 Most Embarrassing Moments In Chris Jericho's CareerAside from wrestling and music, Jericho's greatest joy is his family. Bram and Kingston would face Decay in a losing effort, after James Storm attacked Abyss, resulting in a disqualification. Please enter a valid email and try again. [85] On June 23, 2013, Kingston and Homicide were defeated by The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott) at House of Hardcore 2. I still don't understand it. [35] On April 6, Kingston defeated Hallowicked for his tenth successful defense of the Grand Championship. On December 19, 2009, at Final Battle 2009, ROH's first live pay-per-view, Kingston defeated Hero in a "Fight Without Honor" match to win the feud. If Alex hadn't sent me that letter, I don't think I would be here today. I remember right before Mox kicked open the door and we walked down the aisle, he looked at me and he said, "Hey, get ready to be a f*cking star. [69] He then went on to unsuccessfully challenge Steen for the ROH World Championship on August 11 at Boiling Point. 36-year-old Matt has been married to his wife Dana since 2008, and the couple has a son and a daughter. And I just started crying. They're begging AEW to sign you.". It was too surreal for a guy like me. [4], In 2007, Kingston turned heel (villainous) when he was pinned in an eight-man tag team match. Watch #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS right now! The Kingston & Blackpool Combat Club feud with Jericho Appreciation has gone on a little too long, and theres no guarantee Eddie will win even after he beats Contis hubby up on Sept. 4 in Chicagoland. Eddie Kingston's Chikara disappearance! [17], On January 31, 2010, at the season nine premiere Kingston, now a tecnico, replaced Lince Dorado, after he had turned on his tecnico teammates and joined BDK, and teamed up with Mike Quackenbush, Jigsaw and Equinox in an eight-man tag team match against Castagnoli, Ares, Tursas and Dorado. But for at least a couple minutes last night, they all entertained me and sold me on a PPV match. So I left my home, took a whole new name." Chris Jericho and members of the Jericho Appreciation Society leaked that Eddie Kingston has been married to Mina Santos for over ten years. They weren't clapping. We want you to come in and wrestle Cody. 40 of the top 500 singles wrestlers in the, ICW/ICWA Tex-Arkana Television Championship (1 time), This page was last edited on 3 March 2023, at 13:55. When he's not fighting in the ring, he spends time with his wife Amanda at their home in Virginia. As the faction was leaving, the Hardys challenged them to an immediate match and put their titles on the line; whether this was a handicap match or not and what its official result was have never been specified. ", I said, "You know I'm signed right? [13][14][15] On September 7 Kingston and Dorado face each other in their third singles match, which ended when referee Bryce Remsburg disqualified Kingston due to "excessive punishment". After the restart, Kingston had himself disqualified by low blowing Dorado and then walked out, before declaring that he was done with Dorado, since he was making him mentally unstable with his actions. Didn't have any kids. It was so surreal to walk through that curtain with him in Jacksonville at AEW's first big live show after COVID, in front of 5,000 screaming people, wrestling against the Young Bucks on national television. It's still so weird to me, even now, because I have such a hard time accepting love. I beat him up. It was setting up something where well see Eddie beat Sammy up! Kingston was revealed as a member of the masked gang Death Crew Council (DCC) on the November 10, 2016 episode of Impact. ", He said, "How am I gonna tell my son not to be a quitter when his uncle quit on his dream? The Kingston & Blackpool Combat Club feud with Jericho Appreciation has gone on a little too long, and there's no guarantee Eddie will win even after he beats Conti's hubby up on Sept. 4 in Chicagoland. The last person that ever wrote me a letter was my grandma.". On August 21, at Broken Rulz, the Wild Cards and Hallowicked were defeated by Gran Akuma, Jigsaw and Mike Quackenbush. He saved me. [61] On night three, he partnered Kim Ray in a defeat to Hot & Spicy (Axel Dieter Jr. and Da Mack). According to Kat, things weren't very amicable in their split. Because I am just some guy. What is that? He eliminated Daizee Haze and Sara Del Rey from the match, before being stuck in a two-on-one disadvantage against BDK members Claudio Castagnoli and Tursas. Keep your head up. Twitter, social media, all that stuff I still don't really get how it works. Many believe that it will be him who eventually dethrones Omega as AEW Champion. And that's why I'm telling this story, and I'm not pulling any punches, and all the old-school guys who don't want to hear this stuff, and think that we shouldn't talk about it, those guys can respectfully kiss my ass. The World's Most Entertaining Car Website. Its #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS! [43] After a successful title defense on June 12 against Cult Fiction (Brain Damage and Masada), Kingston threw his World Tag Team Championship belt down and once again quit CZW. Kingston debuted for the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) at their television tapings on September 30 for NWA Power. For some reason, that woke me up. And the saddest part about it is that those words that he said to me must have come from a very deep place within himself because he ended up taking his own life just a few years later. I didn't get it. I didn't even deserve it, but he let me have that moment, and it changed my life. I just noticed that they were smiling. Much like onscreen, MJF finds himself in trouble when it comes to his personal life. [31] During the weekend of May 3 and 4, Kingston made two more successful title defenses against Green Ant and Mark Angelosetti. [57] On day two, he, Hallowicked and Skayde were defeated by Akuma, Jigsaw and Quackenbush. The Young Bucks, Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus vs. Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland for the AEW Tag Titles", "6/29 AEW Dynamite results: Powell's live review of Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, Eddie Kingston, Wheeler Yuta, Santana, and Ortiz vs. Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Jake Hager, Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard, and Angelo Parker in a Blood & Guts match, Jade Cargill vs. Leila Grey for the TBS Title, Orange Cassidy vs. Ethan Page", "7/20 AEW Dynamite results: Powell's live review of Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Kingston in a Barbed Wire Everywhere match, Christian Cage and Luchasaurus vs. A lot of Kingston's early gimmick came from being a rookie tag team guy in CHIKARA with his best friend Blackjack Marciano. Andrew Ravens-March 1, 2023. I tried to make somebody out there watching feel something. Cody's success in the wrestling world wouldn't be complete without the support of his wife Brandi Rhodes. Hardy was also briefly involved with late WWE Diva Ashley Massaro. [18] On March 21 Kingston re-ignited his old feud with BDK's newest recruit Lince Dorado by facing him in a singles match. [11][29] On November 13 at Chikara's first internet pay-per-view, High Noon, Kingston defeated Quackenbush to become the first Chikara Grand Champion. Jungle Boy seems to be one of the wrestlers in AEW who will likely be a huge deal in the coming years. [111][112][113], Immediately following his loss to Danielson, he would interrupt an interview segment with CM Punk, beginning a feud between the two of them. I called out all the champions of the big-time promotions. update: Five-time champ debuts on Dancing with the Stars, Bret Hart to U.K., Bully Ray, Huge weekend upcoming, new Hulk movie, Falir update, Ross on FS 1, Fedor talks Putin and Dana White, Raw tonight, Women and UFC, Thesz vs. Gagne", "11/28 AAW in Chicago new AAW Hvt. Kingston released a public interview on YouTube discussing the matter, but the footage was removed only hours later. [91], Kingston made his debut for All Elite Wrestling (AEW) on the July 22, 2020 episode of Dynamite, where he faced against Cody for the AEW TNT Championship in a No Disqualification match, but lost. [67], Kingston returned to ROH on March 4, 2012, at the 10th Anniversary Show, where he represented Chikara as the Grand Champion and had a confrontation with Kevin Steen. [8], Moore initially trained alongside BlackJack Marciano and Jigsaw under Kevin Knight at the Independent Wrestling Federation in Woodland Park, New Jersey (formerly West Paterson). After Homicide and Eddie jumped Kevin Steen and Cliff Compton during their No DQ match a tag team match was announced. Soon after missing the second event, Kingston's name was removed from the roster page. SmackDown recap & reactions: Like father, like son. Many wrestlers such as Cody Rhodes and Chris Jericho are open books when it comes to their home life. Kingston did not appear in CZW for nearly a year following this, but eventually made his return at New Years Resolutions on January 12, 2008, in the main event for the CZW World Heavyweight Championship. I understand how & why they decided to troll the general public with their romance after the initial response to their relationship, but it hasnt made me want to see them on my screen even if theyre getting beaten up. Although, Moxley's time in WWE didn't go well, he's said the best thing to happen was meeting his wife Renee Paquette aka Renee Young. [4] The feud came to an end on July 5, when Ultra/ZERO defeated the Wild Cards in the semifinals of the 2003 Tag World Grand Prix, after which Kingston and Marciano moved on to feuding with Team F.I.S.T. It's your life. I was sick. [68] This led to a Grand Championship match in Chikara, where Kingston defeated Steen via disqualification. I've been a depressed teenager. I wouldn't have music. The resulting feud lasted for over six months. After the group leader Konnan was attacked, and Homicide and Diamante went missing in action, King assumed leadership of the faction and guided Ortiz and Santana back to being tag team champions. ", He said, "Yeah, just come out with the mic and start tearing into me.". Kingston's professional life is thriving, and he owes it all to the support of his family and his girlfriend. ", And you know how little kids are: "What??? I wasn't talking to anybody. The 5'11" star receives a series of boos every time he comes out to the ring. [51] On April 7, at Out With the Old, In With the New, Kingston defeated Hero in a Loser Leaves Town match. Share. The best part? Eddie Kingston defeats Jeeves Kay. It also means when I win the world title it's gonna mean. Also learn how He earned most of networth at the age of 41 years old? Chad drives a Miata and is married to Keighleyanne. RELATED: Charlotte Flair Joining Andrade In AEW Would Be A MistakeAndrade has been in a relationship with arguably the number one women's wrestler in the world, Charlotte Flair since 2019 and the two are currently engaged. [30] On February 26, 2012, Kingston made his first defense of the Grand Championship, defeating Vin Gerard, with whom he had developed a rivalry during the 12 Large: Summit. The duo won the IWA Mid-South Tag Team Championship once, and successfully defended them on numerous occasions. But Ill admit the video package that aired on Dynamite last night (Aug. 3) was good stuff. [109] Kingston eventually began a feud with Miro, whom he challenged for the TNT Championship at All Out, though he was defeated. [56] He then appeared two years later, as part of the Joint@Venture event in February 2005. I've been down to my last dollar. I was a danger to myself and others. [107] After Moxley took an absence for the birth of his first child,[108] Kingston allied with Pentagn Jr. to face The Young Bucks for the championship in a Street Fight at the Road Rager event, but they were defeated. [86] At the following event on November 9, they were defeated by Devon and Matt Hardy.[87]. [70], On August 17, 2013, Kingston returned to ROH, forming a new tag team with Homicide. There He Is: Explanation Behind Eddie Kingston Quitting AEW Revealed BY Thomas Hall - ON March 3, 2023 IN AEW, News, ROH IMG Credit: All Elite Wrestling That explains it. RELATED: Every Version Of Matt Hardy, Ranked From Worst To Best. I smashed my cell phone and no one could get ahold of me. It's something that's been with me since I was a kid. which is weird because if you were around back then you'd know how close Claudio and Eddie were. [4], After taking a break from wrestling, Kingston returned to the ring in July 2005, turning face and teaming with Sabian, Equinox and Quackenbush to take on The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, Gran Akuma and Arik Cannon). BDK won the match, when Castagnoli pinned Kingston after a low blow. As the son of the legendary Dusty Rhodes, Cody Rhodes is proudly carrying on the family name. Eddie Kingston Age, Wiki Eddie Kingston is 40 years old as of 2022. So I saw all this shit start popping up on my phone with that little bird, but I was confused. He took a more serious persona when Marciano retired and he joined CZW as a member of BLKout. After Dreamer helped Kingston take care of BDK, the two made a challenge for a tag team match for Chikara's July 25 show in The Arena in Philadelphia. [59], Kingston was brought back to wXw for the 2013 edition of 16 Carat Gold. Here's a behind-the-scenes peek at the personal lives of male AEW wrestlers, focusing on their relationship status, age and height. ", "Out go the lights, Sopranos style: complete Chikara Anniversario 2013 iPPV coverage", "Chikara 'You Only Live Twice' iPPV live report", "9/19-9/21 Chikara Results: Easton, PA (King of Trios weekend)", "12/6 Chikara 'Tomorrow Never Dies' iPPV live report from Philadelphia: Chikara announces UK tour & Royal Rumble Sunday matinee in Philly and more", "September 26, 2008IWA Mid South Wrestling - 2008 Ted Petty Invitational: Night One in Joliet, Illinois", "September 27, 2008IWA Mid South Wrestling - 2008 Ted Petty Invitational: Night Two in Joliet, Illinois", "Combat Zone Wrestling - Cage of Death 8; December 9, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - ECW Arena", "Combat Zone Wrestling - January 13, 2007 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - ECW Arena", "A Look at the CZW Tag Team Title Tournament", "WXW 16 CARAT GOLD 2020 PREVIEW: THE WRESTLING WORLD DESCENDS UPON OBERHAUSEN", "A LOOK BACK AT LAST WEEKEND'S WXW 16 CARAT GOLD 2020 TOURNEY", "Death Before Dishonor 4- Philadelphia, PA 7/15/06", "Respect Is Earned II- Philadelphia, PA 6/7/08", "Caldwell's Ring Of Honor PPV Report 12/19: Ongoing "virtual time" coverage of ROH's first online PPV - Austin Aries vs. Tyler Black", "Radican's ROH "10th Anniversary Show" iPPV report - live coverage of iPPV from Manhattan", "Spoilers: 6/29 ROH Sinclair TV tapings in Baltimore", "Radican's ROH Boiling Point iPPV report 8/11: Live report from Providence - Steen vs. Kingston title main event, Steen punches fans after main event", "Show results - 8/17 ROH in New York City: New ROH tag champions, ROH Title tournament continues, Homicide returns with a friend, more", "ROH results from the Hammerstein Ballroom", "Final Battle: Ring of Honor World Tag Team Title Match", "Complete coverage of ROH Final Battle 2014: Eddie Edwards' mystery partner ends with a shocking twist, a new champion is crowned, a familiar face returns, and more", "January 24, 2009Jersey All-Pro Wrestling in Rahway, New Jersey", "February 28, 2009Jersey All-Pro Wrestling - Jersey City Rumble in Jersey City, New Jersey at the Golden Door Charter School", "Jersey All-Pro Wrestling New Jersey State Heavyweight Title", "The High Cost of Doing Business; November 11, 2007; Burbank, CA", "All Star Weekend 7 - Night One; August 30, 2008; Reseda, CA", "All Star Weekend 7 - Night Two; August 31, 2008; Reseda, CA", "UWF roster update and hip hop stars involved", "Show results - 6/22 HOH in Philadelphia, Pa.: MVP vs. Sami Callihan, Dreamer vs. Storm main event, Steiners, J-Mo, more", "Show results - 11/9 House of Hardcore in New York: Dreamer & Funk vs. X-Pac & Storm main event, MVP, Steen, Devon & Hardy, TNA runs an angle at the end of the show", "WWE's latest NXT try-out top indies wrestlers & MMA fighter report to Performance Center", "11/10 Moore's TNA Impact Wrestling TV Review", "Eddie Kingston Announces Departure From Impact | Fightful Wrestling", "Welcome to the team #MadKing #EddieKingston is #AllElite #SignEddieKingston is now #EddieKingstonIsSigned", "AEW Dynamite 8/22/20 Results: New TNT Champion Crowned, Matches Made For All Out", "Everybody Dies: Lance Archer Wins The Casino Battle Royal", "AEW Dynamite Results for September 9, 2020", "9/23 AEW Dynamite results: Barnett's live review of Jon Moxley vs. Eddie Kingston for the AEW Championship, Brodie Lee vs. Orange Cassidy for the TNT Championship, Hikaru Shida and Thunder Rosa vs. Ivelisse and Diamante, Miro and Kip Sabian vs. Sonny Kiss and Joey Janela", "10/14 AEW Dynamite results: Barnett's live review of the first anniversary show featuring Jon Moxley vs. Lance Archer for the AEW Championship, Cody vs. Orange Cassidy for the TNT Title, Hikaru Shida vs. Big Swole for the AEW Women's Title, FTR vs. Best Friends for the AEW Tag Titles", "Moxley-Kingston I Quit World title match set for AEW Full Gear", "AEW Full Gear results: Powell's live review of Jon Moxley vs. Eddie Kingston in an I Quit match for the AEW Championship, FTR vs. Had too much of a reputation. [4] Following the loss, Kingston attacked Hallowicked and attempted to remove his mask. Hey, you were just on national television. pic.twitter.com/oIxVtqvjxe. When the match aired on TV, something weird started happening with my phone. [53] Kingston returned to Combat Zone Wrestling on February 14, 2009, at its 10th Anniversary Show, in a losing effort to CZW World Heavyweight Champion Drake Younger in a No Rope Barbed Wire Deathmatch. [127], Kingston made his debut for New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW) on the November 27, 2021 episode of Strong, teaming with Jon Moxley to face Minoru Suzuki and Lance Archer in a Philadelphia Street Fight, in a losing effort. Back in the day, me and Mox used to wrestle each other at the Elks Lodge in Brooklyn in front of 85 people. He stumbled back a couple of steps and then he looked at me and said, "There he is.". 1. Kingston competed in the Face of the Revolution Ladder Match on this week's episode of AEW Dynamite but was waylaid by Ortiz, who he fought with to the back where they had to be separated . This tag match saw Outlaw Inc. losing and they were never seen again. For complete results and the live blog for Dynamite this week click here. Tune in to #AEWDynamite LIVE on TBS right now! I guess they thought it was funny or crazy or I don't know what but I got a call out of the blue from AEW talent relations, and they said, "Hey, we saw your clip. I'd smash bottles. ago You mean his wife divorced him because of the hideous scars from the fireball? The issue led to changes on the Mar. The only reason I'm still doing this, and really the only reason I'm still on this earth is because of all the friends who never stop having my back. I've messed up and self-destructed and burned bridges. On Night Two, Kingston was defeated by Necro Butcher in a Necro Butcher Rules match. [31] Kingston's fourteenth defense on June 2 at Aniversario: Never Compromise ended in controversy, when, just as his challenger Icarus had locked him in a submission hold, the ring was attacked by a group named "Condor Security", ending the match in a no contest. [123] Instead, Kingston faced Tomohiro Ishii on the All Out pre-show in a winning effort. Less than a week later, he signed a contract becoming AEW's newest member. The wrestling world has changed quite a bit in recent years as different companies have started to work together. The couple is parents to three sons, and they're expecting their fourth child, a girl due later this year. Outside of brief stints in Impact and ROH, Kingston was a mainstay on the independent scene for 18 years before signing with AEW. If I wasn't on Zoloft, if I wasn't getting help for my mental health, if I was too afraid to talk about this stuff, I'd end up killing myself. These days the six-foot wrestling icon is known as serving as leader of The Inner Circle, one of AEW's popular factions. Having Eddie Kingston act as our avatar, cutting off the video to say, This is a wrestling show, why am I hearing this kid and his wife talking about getting married? When the Mad King said, Nobody cares, I felt it in my soul. [58] On March 13, 2010, at The Vision, Kingston was defeated by Big Van Walter in a singles match. pic.twitter.com/BW2rpKAKWF, The JAS predict Chris Jericho will win the #AEW Interim World Championship next week at #QuakeByTheLakeTune into #AEWDynamite NOW on TBS! The 6 footer has won over fans with his loner, alcoholic cowboy antics. However, other stars tend to keep their relationship status a mystery. [82] Post-match, the three men collectively attacked Hero and showed signs of the forming of a new stable. [121] At Fyter Fest on July 20, Kingston was defeated by Jericho in a Barbed Wire Everywhere Deathmatch. I beat him up. In a recent interview with Sactown Sports 1140, Eddie Kingston commented on some possible tension brewing between himself and AEW. I was desperate. [103] The two would later resume their friendship and begin an alliance. [31] Afterwards, Kingston was attacked by Tim Donst. His first name is "Eddie" and his last name is . [47][48] Kingston was eliminated first, after suffering a legitimate broken ankle, after botching a backdrop.[48][49]. I've lost too many friends in this business to shut my mouth and bury all of these emotions with pills and booze. Castagnoli won the match, but instead of showing respect, Kingston laid him out with a spinning back fist, after claiming that both him and his former tag team partner (Chris Hero) are shady and deserve respect from no one. 26.02.2023. [104] Furthermore, Kingston would end his association with The Butcher and The Blade, after they were hired by Matt Hardy as part of his entourage. From his debut through the end of 2004, most of his activity involved tagging with Marciano as the Wild Cards. [95] Despite this, Kingston would claim that he was never eliminated from the match as he went under the bottom rope and began touting for an AEW World Championship match. After achieving huge success in NJPW, Omega decided to become part of the elite when he signed with AEW. pic.twitter.com/Roq6cW7t4N, Team Taz is officially dead #AEWDynamite pic.twitter.com/77rGak8He0, Powerhouse Hobbs making a statement with that vicious victory, but Ricky Starks was not about to let the events of last week slide! ", I said, "What the hell are you talking about? After the match Kingston once again refused to show respect to Castagnoli and was therefore beaten down. And that's when I realized, Oh man. Jericho you SONOFABITCH!! At 29-years-old, Page is at the height of his career. I'm on national television. [62] Seven years later, Kingston returned to the promotion for the 2020 edition of 16 Carat Gold. I didn't think about anything except, I need to pay my mortgage. Unique lists featuring pop culture, entertainment and crazy facts. 169K followers. I was about to lose my house. I would sit at home drinking whiskey, watching guys who I'd come up with in the indies wrestling on national TV in the big promotions, and I'd just sit and stew until I blew up. [5] After winning a number one contenders match on February 24, Kingston defeated Bandido, Jr. on February 28 at JAPW's Jersey City Rumble to win the JAPW New Jersey State Championship. http://smartmarkvideo.com/promotions/absolute-intense-wrestling/aiw-mp4Grow your youtube channel by clicking here http://bbtv.. [31] Kingston returned to ROH at the June 29 tapings of Ring of Honor Wrestling, saving Mike Mondo from Steen and Jimmy Jacobs. He had a difficult childhood in a tough part of Yonkers, constantly getting into fights at school; he credits getting into wrestling at an early age from watching old tapes as what kept him out of jail and trouble. I looked him right in the eyes and I shoved him back. News on all your favorite celebs, reality TV, and movies. I hated myself. On a July episode of Dynamite, Kingston answered Cody Rhodes' open challenge for the TNT Championship. [46] After a successful world title defence against Justice Pain at Night of Infamy 5, due to Hero interfering and accidentally hitting Pain, Kingston lost the title to Pain in a three-way elimination match, also involving Hero. He's won over fans with his goth, skateboarding gimmick along with his daredevil moves. [98] Due to this, an "I Quit" match between the two was set up for the Full Gear event on November 7, which Kingston lost. After several weeks, King moved to alumni section. [17] At the end of the event Kingston's suspicions about Castagnoli were proven right as he turned rudo and formed the stable Bruderschaft des Kreuzes (BDK). I am still waiting for someone to wake me up from the dream. ", And he said, "Alright, but let's give you a microphone then. I remember Cody was so great about everything and he actually asked me what I wanted for my walk-out music and I told him the truth: I said, "Why would I have music? But Hardy's now found happiness with with Reby Sky, whom he married in October 2013. [4] Following the loss Kingston started a feud with Castagnoli, claiming that he had been embarrassed and disrespected. I had so much guilt and anger and shame. After Marciano's retirement, however, Kingston's Mid-South work mainly involved one-on-one matches, including a lengthy feud against Ian Rotten. On the February 2 episode of Impact Wrestling, the DCC used their Race for the Case briefcase to call out and defeat Decay in a Fall Count Anywhere match. Kingston ended up winning his block of the tournament with a record of four wins and one loss to set up a final match with the winner of the other block, Mike Quackenbush. But I didn't care. Jon Moxley set the wrestling world on fire in 2019. MORE : Ex-WWE star Mark Andrews reflects on getting fired, married and missing out on dream homecoming over just a few weeks. Eddie Kingston has done what The Chadster wishes every wrestler in the business would do: . Although, they may portray bad guys on television, in real-life Matt and Nick are family men. RELATED: 10 Problems Facing AEW Wrestlers (And How To Fix Them). I did my job. Meanwhile, 31-year-old Nick has three children with his wife Ellen, whom he's been married to since 2011. Eddie's Twitter has been blowing up all this morning because of Jericho and his team of brainless sports entertainers.

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