the success and advancement of the University. our region. The trustees, on the other hand, are the governance that sets the strategies and policies of Penn State. The trustee's payment comes from the trust assets. The 38-member board spent more than $155,500 on food and associated costs for the gatherings an average of nearly $26,000 for each two-day event. Indiana University of Pennsylvania President Michael Driscoll was the top earner among the State System schools at $438,000. Valerie L. Detwiler (2022) Senior Vice President, Senior Commercial Banker, Lynn A. Dietrich (2023) Retired Professional Engineer (PE). Receive all the latest news and events right to your inbox. A final stakeholder is the faculty and staff of the university. Piazza added that he believes the 2017 measures were a good start but did not go far enough. It was an email that I had expected because a week or two before that trustee campaign signs started popping up on the streets around Happy Valley. The university also wants to engage Greek life and student media to discuss promoting the strengths and benefits of Greek life.. This is commonly referred to as ESG, or Environmental, Social, and Governance investing. Second, they are also individuals dependent on. So it is money thats going back to the university for those services.. helping shape future decisions that can have a lasting impact on our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members. Employees have questioned university leadership about a $71,000 raise for a top administrator, the creation of a new vice president position during the hiring freeze, and increases to employees workloads at a time when wages are outpaced by inflation. The pledge cost Penn relatively little; the market value of its endowment increased by 38 percent, or $5.6 billion, in the following year. Sign up for Who the stakeholders are, who will do the right thing, and what is the right thing. Thanks for reading Barry Fenchak For Penn State Trustee! This leads us to the question of how many total Trustees should Penn State have? Penn State Greek Life has faced multiple scandals and allegations of misconduct, including the death of a freshman in 2009. our exclusive reporting, plus the most important news and events from Spotlight PA is funded by foundations and readers like you who are committed to accountability and public-service journalism that gets results. Members listed below as of May 31, 2022. They are the ones whose association with the university is affected the most by what happens to and at Penn State both positive or negative. That leaves us with 5% that can be used by the board to identify any constituencies that it may from time to time feel need a voice at the trustee level. Penn State's Board of Trustees elects, appoints incumbent trustees, new members, Sarah Pellis & Lindsey Sauerhaft | The Daily Collegian, Penn States Board of Trustees approves new engineering building, demolition of Hammond Building, Penn State releases May, summer semester coronavirus mitigation plan, New Interim Vice President of Student Affairs Andrea Dowhower leads evidence-based, student-centered approach, Our reflection on spring semester 2023 so far | Been There, Done That. And I am quite sure, those types of considerations have taken place within Penn States investment management. The board also paid $61,700 for Purchased University Services, though the reports offer limited details about those services. Before you move on, I was hoping you would consider taking the step of supporting Spotlight PAs journalism either one time, or with a monthly gift. Approval of Subcommittee on Compensation Operating Guidelines. That said, a large and rapidly increasing portion of that budget is the cost of debt servicelargely from the construction projects for new and renovated dormitories. But the point was that I felt I was engaged and making reasonably good choices. ], Proposed Naming of the Building Located at 2137 Research Drive, State College in CATO Park to the Lidia Manson Building CATO Park (Action Item 2), Proposed Authorization to Expend Funds, ICA Facility Investments, University Park (Action Item 3), [Approval of $7.5 Million Intercollegiate Athletics (ICA) spending, financed via debt, to add a video board, sound system, and other ancillary items to the football practice fields.]. foundations and readers like you They usually have or formerly had other careers and are happy to provide their expertise to a charitable organization. So it is money thats going back to the university for those services.. Editor in Chief. Your support enables us to continue to produce tough, unique reporting you wont find anywhere else. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Sent every Friday and Monday. The board has made some, and continues to explore, changes to reduce costs, including remote off-cycle committee meetings, remote attendance for trustees, moving the full board meeting to the Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub Building, limiting the number of administrators and staff who are working at meetings and changing streaming services from WPSU to Microsoft Teams managed by Penn State IT, DuBois said. University officials said they are exploring other ways to increase revenue, which typically comes from tuition and state appropriations. There is always one very straightforward financial consideration: a trustee's compensation is taxable income. (Action Item 8), [Authorizes the Vice President of Finance to execute the LCB applications for various locations on campus. Having spent decades in nonprofit management, if the members of the governing board are engaged and motivated, the number is not a critical issue. Spotlight PA relies on funding from The memo says that university officials who enforce the 2017 rules will focus on coaching Greek leaders. In the last decade, however, this selection process has become an exercise in futility for me. Trustees are not paid and the university reimburses their travel expenses, though some board members forgo that reimbursement, DuBois said. ). Melewsky questioned why the. Lubrano also serves as the partial namesake for Penn State's campus baseball facility,. Success! . 201 Old Main Our readers keep us independent, beholden to no outside influence, and accessible to everyone whether they can afford to pay for news, or not. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Elected by Delegates from Agricultural Societies, Elected by Board Representing Business and Industry, Immediate Past President, Alumni Association, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, "Matthew W. Schuyler | Office of the Board of Trustees", "Role of the Board of Trustees in University Governance",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Now lets translate that into action and create a new Board of Trustees! David R. Jones, Retired Assistant Managing Editor. Monday - Friday A committee of the Board of Trustees, including many of its most influential leaders, has also come under scrutiny for regularly holding private meetings that potentially violate Pennsylvanias transparency law. The alumni trustees' report, co-signed by former trustees Anthony Lubrano and Ryan McCombie, and current board members Ted Brown, Barbara Doran, Robert Jubelirer, William Oldsey and Alice. The Town Hall, held via ZOOM session, was put together by PS4RS - and is available at the link below. At the time, Penn State said Greek lifes self-governance model had failed to bring an end to excessive drinking, hazing, sexual assault and overly large disruptive gatherings within their organizations.. block. Because alumni and current students are the largest stakeholders, with the most to gain or lose from the universitys good or bad fortunes, lets have alumni and student-elected members comprise 80% of the board. Johns University, Executive Director and Portfolio Manager,PGIM Real Estate, National Healthcare Business Leader, Siemens Industry, Inc. Smart Infrastructure Division, CEO and President,First Citizens Community Bank, Senior Vice President,Senior Commercial Banker,Reliance Bank, Retired Chief Operating Officer, Liberty Property Trust, Retired President,CEO and Director,ADT Corporation, Retired Chief Executive Officer, Prologis, Former Project Manager,The Vanguard Group, President and CEO, North American Meat Institute, Chief Brand Officer, Hilton(Chair of theBoard of Trustees), College of the Liberal Arts, Penn State University, Professor of Sociology,Penn State Altoona, Assistant General Counsel, Buzzfeed, Inc.; Immediate Past President, Penn State Alumni Association, Office of the Board of Trustees Previously, independent Greek-letter councils oversaw misconduct investigations. The COVID-19 Operations Control Center at Penn State released its plans for coronavirus mitigation, which will be in effect during May and the. Edward P. Junker, III, Retired Vice Chairman, Robert D. Metzgar, Former President, North Penn Pipe & Supply, Incorporated, L. J. Rowell, Jr., Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Provident Mutual Life Insurance, Kevin R. Steele, Past President, Penn State Alumni Association, Cecile M. Springer, President, Springer Associates, Paul V. Suhey, Orthopedic Surgeon, Martin & Suhey Orthopedics, Boyd E. Wolff, Retired, Owner and Operator Wolfden Farms. Director of Operations,PA Municipal League. Let us know what's going on! This button displays the currently selected search type. In that capacity, she became involved in the Jerry Sandusky scandal. Some trusts set out a flat or hourly fee for the trustee, but that's not too common. Now join thousands of your friends and neighbors in supporting it. In July, the board voted to raise tuition by 5%-6% to help increase revenue. Nolan is soiling them tor 12.60. Otherwise, we will always be behind. As Penn States governing body, the Board of Trustees takes a holistic approach to guiding goals, policies, and procedures as well as reviewing and approving University budgets. Wyatt Massey of Spotlight PA State College, creation of a new vice president position, regularly holding private meetings that potentially violate Pennsylvanias transparency law, Unequal election policies disenfranchised Pennsylvania voters in 2022, by Kate Huangpu of Spotlight PA and Carter Walker of Votebeat, How anxiety came to dominate the big business of medical marijuana cards in Pennsylvania, Thousands of Pa. homeowners feel stuck in a high-stakes game of telephone with their homes, vital utilities on the line, What the public can and cant know about Four Diamonds, beneficiary of Penn State THONs fundraising, Grudges, tribalism, and infighting rife in Pennsylvania borough that hired the cop who killed Tamir Rice, by Min Xian of Spotlight PA State College, A complete guide and amendment tracker for proposed changes to Pennsylvanias Constitution, Penn State distances itself from past diversity proposals while launching similar efforts, by Wyatt Massey of Spotlight PA State College, Penn State trustees heard universitys diversity plan in secret 2021 gathering. Matthew W. Schuyler (2023) Chief Brand Officer. Consider it just one more family responsibility, which you meet because it's the right thing to do, not because you're being paid for it. that include details of the history of increases to Room and Board. The Penn State Board of Trustees is the 38-member[1] governing body for The Pennsylvania State University. More Local News to Love Start today for 50% off Expires 3/6/23, creation of a new vice president position, regularly holding private meetings that potentially violate Pennsylvanias transparency law.
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