Beck was an under-average girl with nice looks and a talent she barely used. Joe kills Beck and Candace, his girlfriend, tells him that it wasnt him. Did Beck cheat on Joe? Joe cheated on Beck, despite his sexual life. He quickly realizes that if he wants to be with Beck . As Joe himself says when he meets Beck's therapist, "he could be a serial killer or the nicest guy in the world, but there is no middle ground for this dude." Beck found a box of underwear, a phone, and teeth when he searched for Joe. The whole affair was exposed and they are now in jail. She cheated on Joe with her therapist when she explicitly, and very believably, said she didn't. We all thought Joe was on one of his usual episodes of obsession and paranoia; but this time his suspicions were correct. There were rumors that she might show up in the second season. They didnt know that he was actually dating her. Youve got daddy issues? Every product on this page was chosen by a Harper's BAZAAR editor. Lets look forward to Season 2 later this year. The Swarm Episodes 3 & 4: Release Date, Spoilers & How To Watch, Benim Adim Farah Episode 2: Release Date, Preview & Streaming Guide, The Voice Season 23 Episode 1: Release Date, Spoilers & How To Watch, Murdoch Mysteries Season 16 Episode 20: Release Date, Spoilers & How To Watch. It is later found out by Joe that the Dr. was having an affair with Beck and was very obsessive of her during their therapy sessions. She pretends to forgive Joe and tries to convince him that she wont tell the police what hes done, but he strangles her before she can escape. Joseph "Joe" Goldberg is a fictional character and protagonist of the You book series, written by Caroline Kepnes, as well as the television series of the same name, where he is portrayed by American actor Penn Badgley and by Gianni Ciardiello, Aidan Wallace and Jack Fisher as a youth. Peach invited him to her house in Connecticut and the three of them got drunk and took drugs together. But then he figures out that the whole time they've been together, she's actually been sleeping with her therapist, Dr. Nicky (played by John Stamos). Will Joes new love interest, Love Quinn; resurfaced ex-girlfriend, Candace Stone; or any of his new acquaintances in L.A. become his next victim? He spoke about her in the past tense and said she was a saint. What you cannot do is be a cheater! "Look at me Joe," she says, forcing him to face what he did to her. 4,500 of you voted, and you came to the same conclusion. Spoilers Ahead! But as we know, this is hardly the end of Joes killings. Oh wait, you did, but not in a way people were expecting. What mental illness does Peach Salinger have? Love got 65.15 percent of the vote and Joe had 34.85 percent. Now I get people can just reappear in your life, but putting your phone face down every time after a text is suspect. She may be the normal, innocent character amongst the other psychopathic freaks, but shes the one character I cannot stand. Later, Joe discovers that Beck actually did have an affair with Dr. Nicky and he decides to forgive her. The Redditor wrote: Perhaps Benji was right. But before he does, he wants proof that he was sleeping with her. Before season three, lets take a look back at the most shocking moments from seasons one and two of You.. Well get into that later. 5. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Its hard out here trying to get a job and you were just given one. Love and Theo Engler have a relationship. He told Dr. Nicky that he is gay and has relationship issues, but hes really trying to find out if Beck slept with a therapist. Now its his fault too, nobody made him sleep with her. Again, Joe seeks revenge on Dr. Nicky for his affair with Beck, and buries her body in his backyard. She even writes a manuscript, detailing her account with the therapist and how he murdered her friends. A harsh yet perhaps mildly true comment was made on Reddit regarding the single piece of honestly that left Benjis mouth. If youre like me youve instantly fallen in love with You from Netflix. It is later found out by Joe that the Dr. was having an affair with Beck and was very obsessive of her during their therapy sessions. Nicky is a recurring character in You. Unluckily for Beck, Joe stashed a key in the cage, so he gets out and off-screen kills her, then dumps her body and frames Dr Nicky for her murder. Warning: contains major plot spoilers for You season 1 & 2. Jasper They are also known as the Brownie and Sugar Cats, Goma is Brownie and Peach is Sugar. Its possible that shes dead, but its more likely that she lost touch with her son after she gave him up. He was a deplorable piece of s**t. There are people out there who really have dead relatives and they certainly wouldnt appreciate you trying to get sympathy off of their real pain. Need to clear my head for a bit.*". Joe finds him to be insightful and continues to see him for more evaluation and . Love's mother Dottie (Saffron Burrows) turned against her daughter in the penultimate episode of YOU season 3. He eventually kills Benji using his peanut allergy to induce anaphylactic shock and burns his remains in the woods. While doing his research/stalking, Joe gets to know Beck's closest circle of friends, including Peach, her super controlling, manipulative "best friend," and Benji, her douchey ex-boyfriend who she still hooks up with from time to time. In the first season of You, Candace (played by Ambyr Childers) is only shown as flashbacks and hallucinations until she shows up in person in the final episode. So . Joe became a Dr. Nicky patient after Peachs death. Like he does in the show, Joe frames Beck's therapist and lover Dr. Nicky for her murder. She doesnt know if the baby will be from Theo or Joe. As mentioned, Dr. Nicky is later blamed for all of Joe's . Beck was locked in the vault by Joe after he found her in the basement. But with Beck out of the picture in Season 2, not all are safe. Im a fiction writer so making up stuff is ok. Love claimed she just wanted to talk to him, but the dose . A tearful Beck admits to Joe that she now knows how good he was for her, but she was afraid to need him. Upon discovering his affair with Beck, Joe contemplates killing him but decides not to do so. She accepts his apology which he shouldnt have given her because he was right. In fact, she would also be hard to work with. Does Joe kill forty . Her father never wanted to have children with Love because he was poor. But with Beck out of the picture in Season 2, not all are safe. Eventually, Joe forms a bond with Paco sharing some of his food with him and bringing him books. However, after taking Peachs laptop and seeing a series of photos of Beck, the truth came out: Peach was obsessively in love with Beck and wanted her to herself. Peach is smart and quickly realizes that something is wrong with Joe and his style. Joe Goldberg's couples therapy breakthrough on 'You'. She has been shown to be very much in love with someone. Now its his fault too, nobody made him sleep with her. On the weekends, you can probably find her watching marathons of vintage Real Housewives episodes or searching for New York Citys best almond croissants. Dottie gives Love back to her after she unloaded on her mom. Joe was kind enough to hire you, which isnt smart because hiring loved ones is such a risk in so many ways. . Their marriage lasted one year after Loves parents agreed to this. Joe goes to get treated by Dr. Nicky himself, and through that connection he's able to steal some of the therapist's files on Beck. They're actually far past normal, but Chandra . See, Joe thinks Beck is cheating on . What you cannot do is be a cheater! She unwraps her scarf to reveal bruises all around her neck, implying that Joe strangled her to death. And is she actually dead? She made Joe feel insecure and disappointed in himself for not trusting her. After killing Beck, Joe frames Dr. He started off by stalking Beck's social media accounts and sneaking into her apartment without her knowledge. In October 2021, prior to the premiere of the third season, the series was extended for a fourth season. Beck wants to convince Joe that she wont tell the police that he killed Peach and Benji because he will spare her life. The first season, based on the novel You, premiered on Lifetime in September 2018 and followed Joe Goldberg, a bookstore manager and serial killer who falls in love and develops an extreme infatuation. Well, The Famous series You recently knocked on the door with its third season, but we certainly cant forget some events of season one. The whole affair was exposed and they are now in jail. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Joe and Beck had a history of cheating. It is highly likely that Paco will feature in season two of You, given the dramatic ending of the final of season one. He killed Beck's boyfriend Benji as well. So, its three months later. Just this morning she chewed out a 14-year-old for buying American Tragedy for school because she hates Dreiser. Her excuse for being late was you did say the hours were flexible. Flexible hours doesnt mean you can come in whenever you want. Soon, he thought she was cheating on him with her therapist, Dr. Nicky, so Joe decided to become his patient, too. However, actor Penn Badgley, who portrays Goldberg in the series, shut down the idea of Beck's survival months before Season 2's release. In the season 1 finale, Beck woke up in Joes, um, glass cage in the basement of the bookstore, after he realized that she found his box of stolen items (including her phone, Candaces necklace, and a jar of Benjis teeth). Did Beck cheat on Joe? In the show, Nicky helps Joe and Beck regain their relationship, but later discovers that Dr. Beck had an affair with Candace. Was Beck Cheating On Joe? It all starts with Joes mental illness. All Rights Reserved. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. He returns with evidence that Benji and Peach were dangerous for her, showing her Benjis damning video and Peachs invasive photographs. Joe and Beck date on and off for a few months, but after Peachs death, they really connect and seem like theyre in a good place (from Joes perspective). Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Joe doesnt want his son to follow in his footsteps. Dr. Nicky is a recurring character in You. Home Fruits Did Peach Have A Crush On Beck? Beck is dead because of her appearance in season two. He was a deplorable piece of s**t. There are people out there who really have dead relatives and they certainly wouldnt appreciate you trying to get sympathy off of their real pain. As mentioned, Dr. Nicky is later blamed for all of Joes crimes because of Becks posthumously published false writings that blame her therapist. She says shes a friend from college whos all of a sudden in Becks life. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy. In Joes secret box (which he absolutely should have locked, but whatever) she finds items including: Her underwear, Benjis phone, Peachs phone, Becks old phone, a bloody tampon, and, most unsettling, a necklace that Candace was wearing in an old Instagram photo. Grow up and sort your s**t out with a therapist. Nobody believed her when she came out of the grave and told the authorities what she had been up to. Love ends things with him even though hes convinced of his story. Paco was a young man who lived next to Joe. Joe is with someone else. Later in the season, Beck begins seeing a therapist named Dr. Nicky, who Joe also visits under an alias. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It's Beck's birthday, but Joe is more worried about her new therapist (played by John Stamos). From Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherji University that has given him a broad base from which he approach many topics. Little did he know that Love Quinn, the apple of his eye, has a twisted mind of her own. What does that say about you if you sleep with your therapist? Joe and Beck break up after Joe confronts Beck about his suspicions and Joe begins dating a new woman named Karen. The book was based on Becks diary that Joe used to frame her therapist for her murder. Data not found. The two of them have been in love with one another for a long time. 'You' Season 2 Reveals How Beck Really Died, speculated that there's a chance Beck might still be alive, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. This is possibly the worst thing that Beck does to Joe, and it reveals a lot about her character. From serial killer soulmates to torrid love affairs, Netflix's sexy slasher series You is a lot to process . But did Beck cheat on Joe? She was knocked unconscious by Joe before she could escape. She was previously an editor at She doesnt know how to organize by genre. In season two, Joe Goldberg moves from New York to Los Angeles to escape his past and start over with a new identity. I get it Beck, your dad was a drug addict and walked out on you and your mom. Who does that? She makes him think he was crazy when he was right all along. Guinevere Beck was Joe Goldbergs first obsession in You season 1. The doctor was obsessed with Beck during therapy sessions. The two get married and have a baby named Henry, and as they try their best at starting a new life in the suburbs, Joe finds comfort in knowing Love has the same urges as him. He assures Joe that some people deserve to die. Upon discovering his affair with Beck, Joe contemplates killing him but decides not to do so. Heres the final result breakdown: Love received 2,915 votes (65.15 per cent overall) and Joe had 1,559 votes (34.85 per cent overall). Why Are The Lemons On My Lemon Tree Falling Off? She has an allergic reaction to peanut oil and believes that Joe has cheated on her. He started off by stalking Becks social media accounts and sneaking into her apartment without her knowledge. Fine. Beck's posthumously published false writings blamed her therapist for Joe's crimes, which led to Dr. Nicky being blamed for all of Joe's crimes. Love murdered Delilah because she thought she was a threat to Loves relationship with Joe. After Becks death, Joe successfully manages to frame Dr. Nicky for all of the murders that he committed, including Beck. So, he follows her, tells her his suspicions, and what does Beck say? He then pinned her murder on her therapist, using Beck's Bluebeard-inspired story to lead cops to his door. Picture: Netflix/Screenshot. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Forty was a suspect in the first season of the show. (If you know, you know.) After Peach's death, things between Joe and Beck went sour. He provides content on Anime, Entertainment, Gossips, Facts and much more. Im just mad that she went after him after seeing hes happy with someone else. Later, Joe discovers that Beck actually did have an affair with Dr. Nicky and he decides to forgive her. The Captain is Becks real father, who is recovered from his drug addiction. Like he does in the show, Joe frames Beck's therapist and lover Dr. Nicky for her murder.
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