danbury high school staff directory

stadley rough. The two-hour delay in Danbury is needed as the school district sees a sharp increase in staff absences from rising COVID-19 illnesses and exposures. Email Pam Bolejack 336-593-8146 x 230. Instructors are also required to attend periodic building level meetings and professional development. 3426 Send Email, Keira Kowalczyk Send Email, Emily Sherwill Ext. Home - Danbury High School #065, #165 or #265 valid Connecticut certification required, or qualify for a Durational Shortage Area Permit (DSAP). Send Email, Patricia Dowd Thats almost a 160 percent increase from the Monday after holiday break the prior year and a 142 percent rise from the Tuesday after the break in 2021, according to the districts figures. Ext. Oral and written communication skills; interpersonal skills; ability to provide instructional support; ability to maintain records and charts; ability to prepare reports. State officials reported Thursday that 7,612 new COVID-19 infections were reported for students over the last week, along with 2,338 staff members. Paraeducator Bilingual Instructor #135586 - Bullard Havens Technical High School, Bridgeport, CT. Experience in both Apple and Microsoft platforms is a plus. 203-790-2893 English Only. Rogers Park Middle School - Staff Directory - Google School Nurse Ext. Staff Directory | Danbury Independent School District This link takes you to the page that houses our School Improvement Plan. #061 Speech & Language Pathologist certification or qualify for a Durational Shortage Area Permit (DSAP). 3407 DB. Applications will be accepted via E-Mail or Fax only. Experience in working with families from diverse backgrounds, preferred. #090 Valid Connecticut Certification Aviation Maintenance Technology. #090- Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing. Send Email, Laura Misciagna Experience must encompass all areas specified in the program description in order to effectively teach the approved Precision Machining curriculum. Ability to communicate ideas and directives clearly and effectively, both orally and in writing. Bridgeport, CT, Durational Special Education Instructor #134192 - Howell Cheney Technical High School. Ext. LHS National Honor Society Induction, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM 60 2-764-6538. The FlowFlex kits have only one test, but each iHealth kit has two tests. You can also follow our Guidance Department @Wolves_Guidance. Also, a Special Education course. (617) 289-0111 Ext. 8th Grade Counselor 3428 Families with incomes between 130% Preferred candidate will have experience in differentiated learning, classroom management, and lesson planning. About Us. 3319 Ext. Review SVFT bargaining unit contract for more information. #090 Information Technology valid Connecticut Certification. Many ancient pipes in CT aren't up to the task of draining storm water, yet officials just seem to shrug. Contact Us. Send Email, Alison Lomanto Works under the supervision of a School Principal, and Assistant Principal. High School 5611 Panther Dr. Danbury, TX 77534 Phone: (979) 922-1226 Fax: (979) 922-1051. Send Email, Christopher Mustakas 7th Grade Social Studies Schools may not charge more than 40 for reduced-price lunches, nor more than 30 for reduced-price breakfasts. Students at a participating school may purchase a meal through the National School Lunch Program. Million a year in total scholarships, grants and merit awards. CTECS Precision Machining Instructors are required to incorporate an abundance of teaching methods that are often very practical and include hands-on instruction in the classroom. Send Email, Frank Oakes Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Sturdevant, Michael Deputy Chief 203-797-4603 . and 185% of the federal poverty level are eligible for reduced price meals. Spanish Send Email, Astrid King 695. Active State of Connecticut teaching certificate (#102 Remedial Reading and Remedial Language Arts 112 and/or #097 Reading and Language Arts Consultant K-12). Ext. Copyright 2022 State of Connecticut, Hire Us: Student Workforce (Work-Based Learning & On/Off Campus Production), Job Opportunities for Current Students and Graduates, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Arts, Audio/Visual Technology and Communications, Tourism, Hospitality and Guest Services Management, Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security, Mechanical Design and Engineering Technology, Transportation, Distribution and Logistics, Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing, Student Workforce: Work-Based Learning, On/Off Campus Production, Post a Job for Current Students and Graduates, Application for Admission to Cheney, Goodwin, & Prince, How to Apply Instructional (Academic) Staff, How to Apply Instructional (Trade) Staff, Durational Speech & Language Pathologist Instructor #133633 Henry Abbott Technical High School, Danbury, CT, Durational Special Education Department Head #137548 - E. C. Goodwin Technical High School, New Britain, CT, Durational Speech & Language Pathologist Instructor #133631 - Howell Cheney Technical High School, Manchester, CT, Durational Special Education Instructor # 134188 - Henry Abbott Technical High School. laptop initiative. Review SVFT bargaining unit contract for more information. This may include involvement in student/community activities. Ext. IEP Services. Danbury Schools will be closed for these two days. Home - Danbury High School 3367 3221 Bishop Heelan Catholic Schools; Danbury Catholic School; Emmetsburg Catholic School; Gehlen Catholic School; Kuemper Catholic School System; Pocahontas Catholic School; Remsen St. Mary's School ; . 7th Grade Math Send Email, Thomas Castelluccio The district initially planned to institute a two-hour delay throughout the week giving us the time needed to plan for the safety of our students and to preserve teacher and support staffs ability to adequately plan for their day., As mentioned in previous emails, we continue to struggle with staffing in all areas, Walston said in a memo to parents. 188 days per school year, 7 hours daily. Danbury High School. 3222 Email Kelsey Ahart. about Immaculate To Celebrate 60th Anniversary With Diamond Gala & Auction, about Immaculate Empowers Every Mustang to Write Their Own Story, about Immaculate Science Teacher Awarded Foundations in Education Grant, Campaign - Empowering Our Legacy Beyond Today, Immaculate To Celebrate 60th Anniversary With Diamond Gala & Auction, Immaculate Empowers Every Mustang to Write Their Own Story, Immaculate Science Teacher Awarded Foundations in Education Grant, Fordham University (Fordham College at Lincoln Center), Indiana University at Bloomington (Kelley School of Business), Ithaca College (School of Communications), Pennsylvania State University (College of Engineering), Rochester Institute of Technology (College of Engineering or Science), The Catholic University of America (Nursing), The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, University at Buffalo The State University of New York, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina - Greensboro, University of North Carolina - Wilmington. LHS Softball @ Bunker Hill 6:00 PM. It is important that the applicant show evidence of experience that provides the foundation for teaching our students the theoretical knowledge, analytical problem solving, and hands-on skills necessary for entry-level employment in graphics technology. Ext. Connecticuts premier 9-12 CTE and academic high school system employs 1,200 high-quality, highly skilled, motivated educators who work with our diverse student body. Report all cases of suspected child abuse to appropriate school personnel and authorities. 3451 Review your bargaining unit contract for more information. Relevant professional experiences related to leadership roles in teaching and learning, collaboration with colleagues in planning instruction/assessment, involvement in student activities at the school level, and involvement in relevant community experiences that positively connect to parents and youth. Send Email, Alexandra Avila Experience utilizing technology for on-line submission of work and teacher feedback to support, track and manage student learning. The CTECS Mechanical Design and Engineering Technology Instructor is responsible for educating students on theoretical and performance-based topics related to Mechanical Design and Engineering Technology. They will be required to develop and design lesson and/or unit plans to foster student learning, stimulate class discussions utilizing a variety of pedagogical methods, including but not limited to differentiated instruction, fostering building of relationships, etc. Send Email, Eric Carnazza Hours/Time Requirements: 188 days per school year, 7 hours daily. Mental and/or physical requirements should be described and where applicable, quantified: Responsibility Area #1: Planning, Preparation & Case Management, Responsibility Area #2: Classroom Environment, Responsibility Area #4: Professional Responsibilities, Qualifications/Certifications The district is committed to developing teacher knowledge and capacity in best practices and preparing its learners for success in a global workforce. 11. Review your bargaining unit contract for more information. This will includeworking with various committees and departments to facilitate educating students. State of Connecticut Department of Education Ext. While working in the laboratory environment, the Electronics instructor will be required to use a variety of hand and power tools. Combined experience cannot be counted to obtain multiple endorsements. Pam Bolejack Superintendent Office / Administrative Assistant & Board of Education / Administrative Assistant. Home. Reading Specialist Well versed in high school science curricula. Professional experiences related to the field of teaching English. Experience utilizing a blended learning environment including, but not limited to, the use of hand-held devices, web-based and software-based computer technologies as well as conventional approaches to teacher and learning. Ext. 3125 It has 2,941 students in grades 9th through 12th. Ext. 7th Grade Science Administrative Directory - Administrative - Stokes County Schools Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate. Danbury Middle School | Assistant Principal (5-8): Keith Mora | 9451 E. Harbor Road Lakeside-Marblehead, OH 43440 | P: (419) 798.2258 | F: (419) 798-2259 Hartford, CT, Durational Special Education Instructor #134200 - Vinal Technical High School. 3119 The 670,000 rapid, self-test kits given Tuesday to public and private K-12 schools and early child care providers statewide are expected to help students and staff identify whether they have the virus. Candidates who qualify for a Durational Shortage Area Permit (DSAP) may apply. 6th Grade Social Studies 3202 The CTECS does not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of age ancestry, color, criminal record (in state employment or licensing)gender identity or expression, genetic information, intellectual disability, marital status, mental disability (past or present) national origin, physical disability (including blindness), race religious creed, retaliation for previously opposed discrimination or coercion, sex (pregnancy or sexual harassment)sexual orientation, veteran status or workplace hazards to reproductive systems, unless there is a bona fide occupational qualifications excluding persons in any of the aforementioned protected classes. Link: Police Department Page. #092 Certification required for Department Head. Also, a Special Education course. Knowledge of various methods of teaching Spanish, Active State of Connecticut teaching certificate #030 Biology 7-12 or Eligible for a State of Connecticut teaching certificate in subject area (includes ARC candidates). [2] Salvatore Pascarella succeeded Davis that year.[3]. 3238 7th Grade English Ext. 21st century standards-based lesson planning aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards, CT Core Standards in Science & Technical Subjects. of students attend post secondary education. Ext. 8th Grade Special Education Send Email, Shane Peters The Electronics program is a mixture of theoretical and hands-on training. Head Custodian Disclaimer: Ellsworth Avenue School webmaster seeks to ensure that all content and information published at this website is current and accurate. TTY/TDD (877) 521-2172 HUSKY Health is helping immigrants. Prince Technical High School, Hartford, CT, World Language (Spanish) Instructor #110109 - Bullard-Havens Technical High School, Bridgeport, CT, World Language (Spanish) Instructor #138123 E. C. Goodwin Technical High School, New Britain, CT, World Language (Spanish) Instructor #61487 W. F. Kaynor Technical High School, Waterbury, CT, World Language (Spanish) Instructor #138125 Platt Technical High School, Milford, CT, World Language (Spanish) Instructor #138122 Oliver Wolcott Technical High School, Torrington, CT, World Language (Spanish) Instructor #138124 - J. M. Wright Technical High School, Stamford, CT, Biology Instructor #112041 - J. M. Wright Technical High School, Stamford, CT, Biology Instructor #59221 Eli Whitney Technical High School, Hamden, CT, Reading Instructor #58835 Howell Cheney Technical High School, Manchester, CT. Students get of the buses at Danbury High School on the first day of the new school year. Send Email, Jennifer Bray The theoretical training will require instructors to plan and deliver information, and then assess the students competency. North Stokes High School 1350 North Stokes School Rd . 8th Grade Social Studies A CT bill would expand it. Send Email, Steve LaBounty English; Spanish; Families; MySchoolBucks; Without enough staff due to COVID-19, Danbury schools - NewsTimes Entry-level computer skills including Microsoft Office and Google Products. Ext. Send Email, Caitlin Schweigler Use mandated assessments, skilled professional evaluations and assessments, and other proven supplementary information to evaluate student needs Webmaster: Mrs. Van . 3136 Preferred candidate will have experience in differentiated learning, classroom management, and lesson planning. North Stokes High School . Email Sherry Bennett 336-593-8146 x 226. 3422 Send Email, Kathy Beall Closing date is March 9, 2023, at 4:00 p.m. hours of community service were performed by students last year. Send Email, Katie Ullinger Remains current in the field of speech and language and special education. 3103 The rapid home tests are to be used to screen those who are symptomatic, to determine who should not be present in school, a memo from state Department of Education states. Transcript review should determine the percentage of study time devoted to trade and be applied proportionately. High School 5611 Panther Dr. Danbury, TX 77534 Phone: (979) 922-1226 Fax: (979) 922-1051. A CTECS Graphics instructor is responsible for educating students on theoretical and performance-based topics related to graphic design, print production, multi-media. Incumbents in this class may be required to lift light to medium weights and be exposed to some risk of injury from typical shop environments. School Psychologist Why CT waits for $95 million from OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma. Preferred candidates will be able to demonstrate varied methods of lesson delivery, assessing student knowledge and promote critical thinking skills, cultural awareness, and compassion for all people, in a dynamic global environment. Closing date is March 8, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. E-Mail address: applications@cttech.orgor Faxes may be sent to CTECS Recruitment 860-706-5756. He was hired in September 2020 as the managing editor of the Danbury News-Times and sports. State officials reported Wednesday that 10,344 COVID cases were found in 45,760 new tests for a positivity rate of 22.6 percent. School psychologists work with students and their families to support students social, emotional, and behavioral health. It is important that the applicant show evidence of experience that provides the foundation for teaching ourstudents the theoretical knowledge, analytical problems solving, and application skills necessary for entry-level employment in the ever-changing manufacturing environment as well as preparation for post-secondary education. Send Email, Marc Perry 6th Grade Counselor 2 years experience working with students with special needs, preferred This will be done in a variety of methods, some will include the use of educational technology. Art Immaculate High School is the premiere, private, Catholic school in Danbury, Connecticut serving Fairfield and Westchester counties. Send Email, JoAnn Tangney Send Email, Miriam Tullis Staff - Danbury High School Ext. Still, Gov. Staff List; Upward Bound Program; Athletics. Amanda Campbell TIMS Coordinator. Danbury schools had 296 staff members absent Monday and 322 out on Tuesday, according to school district data. Ext. Experience with web site development preferred experience in Google Sites and Google Classroom; sound experience in work-place readiness skills 21, Information Technology Instructor #62865 - A. I. Data provided by the National Center for Education Statistics. 8th Grade English Staff; Athletics; High School Organizations; Library Link opens in a new window; Technology Link opens in a new window; Safety and Security; Transcript Request; High School Remote Learning Plan; . E-Mail address: HR.applications@cttech.orgor Faxes may be sent to CTECS Recruitment 860-706-5756. Home. Your web browser does not support the

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