Clients were also interested in: low maintenance finishes, usage of low/no VOC materials, good indoor air quality as they lived on site during the remodel, and preserving and refinishing salvageable resources. A little leeway may be unavoidable, such as changing the color scheme and tiles halfway, but changing your mind about big things, such as building a new wall in the same spot where an old one was removed, would mean wasted resources, especially money. Thats some Brady Bunch vibes you have going on there. It also doesnt hurt to make sure that the gardening is tended. The major disadvantage to this style of split-level home is the middle area that has no real function at all. The problem is that it may not be the easiest of plans to execute. The walnut vanity cabinet (complete with hairpin legs) adds a lovely level of warmth to this bathroom, and the black and brass accents add the sophisticated touch we were looking for. Given the limited space that split-level homes are known for, you might wonder if expansion is possible at all. Skylights allow for natural, warm lighting to permeate the room. Always consider even the most extreme ideas if youre planning to be in the home for a long time. The main level is street level so there is no need to be climbing up or down stairs with groceries etc. The Cape Cod is truly a no frills style home. 05 of 22 Beautiful Colonial Home Renovation It also helps to ensure that the drainage is properly taken care of. Updating a tri-level home is not a project that you can just DIY your way to completion. Painted a crisp shade of white with black trim details, the home now boasts modern farmhouse style. We were so excited to help these new homeowners re-envision their split-level diamond in the rough. If you have any bedrooms not in use, transform them into one big storage room. The lot needs to have a certain slope for the split level style to work. Living Rm & Foyer Before Building Up Front Door Raised Lower Level Transformed The lower level of this 1970's split foyer consisted of a bedroom, dated laundry/kitchen area, storage, and family room. In the case of side additions, it is vital that it blends with the existing faade, which means getting the same windows, paint color, type of roof, etc. The Raised Ranch: Living at the Top of the Stairs - Contractor Quotes So, we started by converting the existing single car garage into their living room (complete with a new fireplace) and opening up the kitchen to the rest of the level. Copyright 2023 Real Estate Witch People want more bedrooms, more bedrooms, more bedrooms at the expense of the communal space. For first-time homebuyers, that can mean a more realistic first-time option. However, there are major differences between these two home styles. This open-plan layout made the space look a lot bigger. The L shaped ranch is a great way to incorporate a garage into the house plans. You just have less freedom to do whatever you want with it and you need to generally work with whats already there. We wont keep you guessing for so long you can make additions to a split-level home, despite the space constraints. In the early 1960s, for instance, no floor plan concept seemed better suited to the demands of modern life than the split level . As a visual contrast, a simple layout with distinct wooden floors replaced the old plain carpet. New columns replicate the original style, so the addition looks like it's always been there. The classic faade of a split-level home is very simple. On terrain that is rough, rugged, or hilly, sometimes staggering the floors is the best option for building a home. Before we dive too deeply into the types of split-level homes, its important to know the distinguishing features of split-level houses. And if those are no longer in production, good luck with how youre going to make it blend in with the rest of your home. If done properly, this can tie in wonderfully with the natural stone sections of wall mentioned above. Cape Cods are a story and a half high with a steep, pitched roof designed to keep the snow from piling up on the roof. With that said, here are some ways that you can modernize your split-level home and make it more suited to your style preferences: While ultra-modern can mean different things to different people, it generally means getting more natural light into the home. Of all split level homes, the raised ranch has the toughest exterior to deal with. Part of the reason that split-level homes feel so outdated is that they have a number of interior walls. What's the difference between a colonial, split, bi-level, ranch and Lighting is one of the most important features in just about any home layout. Unlike traditional home layouts, split-level homes, also referred to as tri-level, feature at least three levels that are connected by stairs. Split Foyer Converted to Two Story - Owings Brothers Contracting Pruning the trees, trimming and planting the same type of grass on empty spots on the ground, and removing the installed trellis instantly transformed the entire backyard, making it look a lot brighter. In these instances, the floor plan will usually be designed by an architect to suit the specific topography of the lot. The outside is often another story. The defining characteristic of the Colonial style of home is two stories, with a formally defined living room and dining room on the first floor and maybe one bedroom, with the other bedrooms being on the second story of the home. The Art Deco designed home was made popular during the Roaring Twenties. Discovery of King Tuts tomb, as well as a surging industrial revolution inspired a generation of flat roofs, smooth, rounded walls and vibrant colors. link to What Kind Of Paint For Garage Walls. After all, this is what split-level homes are known for. Ideal Agent: Learn the Truth About Its 2% Fees. The home will include many sets of stairs, or in some cases, just a couple of steps, but the entry is generally at ground level. You may be used to shoveling the driveway, imagine if you had to add your roof to the list of items to shovel. Many homeowners concentrate on remodeling the inside of their home and neglect to work on the exteriors as well. The triangular shelves in the corner are quite accessible when the pullouts are extended. Typically, split level homes are good candidates for an architectural intervention. There is a wonderful separation of space going on in the split level thanks to the small staircaseswhich are half of what it would be for a true 2 story. A new paver pathway, planters, and landscaping add curb appeal. A roof is far more than a utilitarian way to keep precipitation out of the house its an important design element that can make or break an exterior remodel. This arrangement is built around 14" x 14" faces to increase the width of the pullouts and provides over twice the usable storage of lazy susans. Even if the contractor promised to deliver the work at a certain time, you still need to make allowances for possible unforeseen delays that may happen. Drawbacks of Art DecoIn some parts of the country flat roofs can be a problem and need continual maintenance. You can certainly look on the bright side and see it as an opportunity to get more exercise in your home. Not a lot of homeowners who own this type of home realize that there are actually workarounds or hacks when it comes to updating the look and feel of a split-level home. If you want to go full-on modern, consider hiding the roof completely. So, we started by converting the existing single car garage into their living room (complete with a new fireplace) and opening up the kitchen to the rest of the level. The old backyard used to have some trellis installed and the entire garden looked unkempt. Split level homes have a bit of an outdated look to them that has fallen out of favor in the ultra-modern or ultra-rustic home landscape. If this fits the bill, you can construct a detached garage at the back and use the space on the side as your driveway. Check out another split-level project by Jones Pierce Studios:, 400 Plasters Ave. NE, #225 Atlanta, GA 30324 Another advantage is having the front door be level with the sidewalk outside. Comments (39) Oh, we added 1100 sq ft. We converted the old garage into the living room, moved the front door, made the old living room into the dining room, opened everything up and gutted the kitchen. Split Foyer Renovation - Owings Brothers Contracting We cleaned up the cabinets and brass hardware, switched out the formica counter for a new quartz top, and painted wall a cheery accent color to liven it up a bit. The reason is to prevent on-foot postal carriers from having to climb stairs to deliver the mail. You can also use sliding glass doors instead of a wooden door. To modernize a split-level home, replace the outdated windows. The homeowners are enthusiasts of residential modern architecture and wanted to update their 1960s split-foyer home with a modern design. 7 Extraordinary Split Level House Remodel Before and - JimenezPhoto Aside from these two requirements, the design work involved aesthetics: enhancing the front faade with a modern architecture and high quality materials. Since the house is all on one level, you will need more square footage to get privacy from other household members. T1-11 siding (plywood sheets with vertical grooves spaced 8 inches apart) is common on the upper levels, and the upper floors tend to be cantilevered out over the structural walls below. There are also one or two chimneys (remember in the old days how they kept the place warm). Split-level homes tend to be small, in terms of square footage . Transfer your coat rack or closet from the landing to the top of the stairs instead, creating room for you to welcome your guests as soon as they step inside. The dining room had once been the homes living room, but we had other plans in mind. Snow can pile up, causing damage and its harder for rain to drain off. You can also place raised garden beds if you want to disguise the slope of the land. Common features of split-level houses include large living areas, low-pitched roofs, and multiple attics with ample storage space. The entrance is a small section that is separate from all the main floors of the home. Thanks to its inexpensive style, the Cape Cod was a popular choice for many of the first major housing developments after soldiers came back from World War II. We store towels, medicine, toiletry supplies, first-aid gear, massage devices, facial steamers, spare Painting your garage is a great way to improve the look of the space and make the walls easier to clean. Unlike conventional floor plans, when you walk into the front door of a split foyer home, youll be greeted by the two sets of stairs. The entire house was remodeled, plus we designed a screened porch and patio / fire pit for the rear yard. For ranches, this can extend off the main house and connect to a garage that was once completely separate from the rest of the home. We removed two walls to open up this kitchen to the adjacent dining and family room area in this classic Split Level style home. If you wish to report an issue or seek an accommodation, please let us know. Single-hung windows, which feature bottom panes that slide up to open the windows, are common in split-level homes from the 60s, 70s and 80s. One alternative is to re-do the exterior only; by converting the windows to a traditional colonial style (four upstairs, picture window downstairs). Keep in mind that the costs could be elevated from a standard renovation project because of the potential removal of walls and their load-bearing implications. The split level came into prominence in the 1950s and 60s when returning GIs and others wanted a more grand looking home with a small budget. In some places, homeowners with exterior steps will install a mailbox at street level. Personnaliser mon exprience l'aide de cookies, Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers, Outdoor Lighting & Audio/Visual Specialists, Gregory Thomas, Architect, AKBD, CG&S Design-Build, Politique d'Utilisation des Cookies de Houzz. Its also nice if you just prefer to have everything on one level. 10 Things You Need to Do When Buying A Home, 3 Reasons to Live in a New Home Before Renovating, DIY Backyard Fire Pit: Build It in Just 7 Easy Steps, This Checklist Is the Key to Taking Care of Your Home (Without the Stress), How to Actually Afford to Buy a Home in America, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, 442-H New York Standard Operating Procedures. Photo and copyright by Renovation Design Group. By working with siding styles and stonework, the creative homeowner can transform his bland home into something beautiful. Its much easier to move things in and out of the house when everything is on one level. While some styles create space with doors, the colonial does it with staircase. The exterior of a split-level home is whats giving away its age. To even out the temperature all over your home, you can get furnace fans installed and get them to run at a low setting. This can come in handy for those who want to rent their extra space out for additional income to a potential roommate. Noticing a theme yet? Split-level homes also provide more outside space. Split Foyer Conversion to Two Story Exterior - YouTube It can be difficult to downsize and there are challenges with smaller spaces ,storage etc. Split-levels also showcase natural materials, minimal decorations, and double-hung windows with one large picture window. That can help you save on electric costs over time. Even better, adding a skylight has a ton of benefits from every aspect: economical, functional, and aesthetic. Our plan was to create an open and light filled kitchen with a design that translated well to the other spaces in this home, and a layout that offered plenty of space for multiple cooks. Conversely, you can consider adding in a window or two to really allow more natural light to permeate the space. Consider installing solar lights on your property, particularly along the path leading to the main entrance of your home. Here are some concepts and ideas you can use for your own home. Updating the siding, materials used in the lower faade, or simply giving it a fresh paint job are some of the easiest ways to renovate a split-level home, but can also make a big impact. Light colored paint will reflect light better and gives a brighter feel to the interiors of any home. [Our Clients] The substantial addition at the rear of the home is barely visible here--the only hint being that the main ridge is a little higher from this point of view. Exterior accessories such as light fixtures and house numbers can make a huge difference. You actually get 3 levels for living space so you really get a sense of depth being in the house. Another great garage door style on a modern home is a wood-look door. The original kitchen had been on the small side and cut-off from the rest of the home, but after we removed the coat closet, this kitchen opened up beautifully. Garage doors are clad in metal. Your old garage can be converted into any living space you want. Then, the stairs off of this room lead to the bedrooms that are stacked atop the foyer. When a home is cared for, it doesnt have that old, uncared for look that we think of with outdated homes. Renovations are also one of the best times for you to declutter. The garage is usually the first to attract the attention of anyone who looks at this type of home, since its door takes a lot of space. Even designers will readily admit that remodeling this type of home is challenging for them. Used under license. From the outside, this type of split-level house looks like a tri-level home but its technically bi-level, with a distinct wing for the entry. Another common complaint about the ranch style of home is that the outside can tend to have a boring, lackluster appeal. The raised ranch came into popularity as land in the suburbs became more scarce and families wanted to get more of a house on a smaller piece of property. William Feemster of ImageArts Photography. For people that have trouble making it up and down the stairs, the ranch style is ideal. The roof lines create an interesting look and this style never seems to be out-dated. Open front porches and stone features are common on the craftsman. Each style has unique features, but all split-level houses consist of multiple floors connected by short flights of stairs. A circa 1960's split-level enhanced by a 300 square foot addition, a re-configured main level floor plan and a seamlessly remade front elevation will be featured in a "Remodeled Home Tour".