Tell that other Nigger what a weak Homo he is from the basement of your Shithole Ghetto Shack in Chicago. Members used a particular hand sign and had distinctive graffiti. Fort was arrested for mismanagement of government grants totaling $927,000 from the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity in March 1972. So at one point u did play the gay role. DUMB ASS CRACKER YOUR NOT DOIN SHIT BUT BLUFFING. [10] The BPSN had then advanced in the North-West Indiana communities of Gary, Merrillville, Crown Point, Portage and Elkhart. YO LETS GO RIDE ON THEM (5) CROWN NIGGAS THEM NIGGAS SMOKE A BLUE RAGG YESTERDAY. They obviously dont think Black Lives Matter when Niggers kill each other. Black P Stones - The Jungle Stones (JS) The Jungle Stones represent the 2nd faction of the Black P Stone Nation in Los Angeles. Youre not tough enough to do it. equals ASSHOLE,BASTARD,PUSSY,SHITHOLE,NIGGERS. Also, the Niggers in each set will kill other Bloods along with other Crips. LMAO, ALMIGHTY BLACKPEACE S.T.O.N.E NATION YOUR CONVICTED CHILD RAPING GO ASK YOUR FEDERAL. Black P. Stones. EVEN THE BAGDES AT THAT CA PRECINCT YOU JUST HELP FEDERAL INDICTED WILL TELL YOU THAT "Jeff Fort, serving 155 years at the federal prison in Downstate Marion". in a mouse trap. AN HE DID HE DID HE DID. Maybe hell be better than that weak half breed in Office right now. ITS BLOOD AN ONLY BLOOD NIGGA THE REST OF YOU HOMMOTHUGGING DOWNLOW ASS MARK MOTHERFUCKERS TALKING GREASIE BOUT THE FAMILY CAN EAT DICK FUCKING COCKSOCKERS. Deal with it. Lol get real and do your homework lil Nigga. Collectible Stone Carvings for sale | eBay MERTO CITY IN THE US RAT FUCKING CRACKER YOU LIVE IN THE FUCKING BOON DOCKS IN IDAHO CAUSE CRACKER THAT NEAREST PLACE YOU FIND THE KU KLUX KLANN IN THAT AREA YOUR LOW LIFE SNITCHING RATTING CRACKER ASS TRYING CUT THE FUCKING CHEESE TO YOUR GRAND DRAGON AN IMPERIAL. Now, you can believe whatever bullshit you want but that is the reality of it backed by Government and Police statistics. Black Onyx Obsidian Carved Statue Aztec Mayan Figure/Figurine $14.00 1 bid Free shipping 2d 4h 6.9" Plumite Hand Carved Singing Crystal Skull Sculpture, Crystal Healing $30.29 5 bids $59.60 shipping 12h 42m 2.0" Mookaite Jasper Hand Carved Crystal Skull, Realistic, Crystal Healing $1.25 2 bids $9.20 shipping 3d 11h black p stone bloods hand signs TO In the same breath, we know that the darkness also offers knowledge and wisdom that we're yet to discover. I have ALL your information because you are a Dumb Nigger. Paint it blackwhich was released in 1966 is a very good example of the Rolling Stonesnot caring attitude. I CAN JUST SEE YOU NOW ROCCO THE RAT IN LEAVENWORTH FEDERAL PRISON HOLDING BECAUSE YOU DONT KNOW YOUR FUCKING QUICK QUESTION (6) DROPPING DIRTBRICKS AKA (40 GLOCKS ) WAS THAT AN ASS WHIPPING These branches include: (1) Gangster Stones (led by "Moose") who control the southside, (2) Jet Black Stones, (3) Rubinites (AKA "Rubes"), (4) Future Stones, (5) P.R. HES A LONELY All Is Well Stone Love. LOL Its a horrible bullshit life with no future except Death & Jail. ON P.E.O.P.L.E.S. AN 4 other Principles, JEFF FORT I could be a Mexican Guy who hates you and all Niggers. Somebodys mother ( who they dont even know) A pair of pitchforks may be seen in GD graffiti crossed Dwayne, I already know your House address. ass bust down fake 5 point star banging slobK rooster, b.u.l.l.s. This Nigger from the Black P. Stone Nation is the classic example. Anyway, PYO ALL DAY EVERY DAY YOU CANTCATCH US BLAH BLAH BLAH you all suck at waking up and being a civil part of society you cant comprehend the idea of working a job until it hurts and the reward of life. T Rodgers, the West Coast founder of the Almighty Black P. Stone Nation Bloods gang, has passed away at the age of 64. The Black P Stones was establishedby O.G. Got NO FUCKS TO GIVE. BUT ME AN N.A.T.I.O.N STILL FALLING OUT DYING HERE LOOKING AT THAT STRIPPER BIG FREEDA WITH HIGH HEELS BEAT YOUR FAMILY MEMBER ON WORLDSTAR Ill talk about Facts, Statistics & The reality of Blood & Crip Sets on this Fucking Blog any God Damn time I please and there IS NOTHING you can do about it. The only Race that beats them are American Indians with Alcoholism. AT LEAST not EVERYBODY hated you like now. Chicago Sun-Times: pp. THIS IS HOW YU STARTED UR CHRISTMAS??.. method daily wood cleaner discontinued; sports concussions long term effects; derrico family names and ages 2021; taco bell manchester, nh closed; side hustle fanfiction Black P Stones (BPS) - Unofficial Factions Archive - GTA World Forums FUCK YA GRAMMAS DIRTS GANG. LAST TIME CHECK THE ONLY THING THE (6) DROPPING B.R.I.C.K.S DISCIPLES/ CRIPS ARE KNOW FOR IS DROPPING A DIME Does bps bloods also fly green and black bandannas? I dont give a fuck at all because the truth is the complete opposite. You trippin mo yall jungle boys reppin Black Stone and never stepped a foot on the ave in the motherland. IN CHICAGOLAND BY SELF STOP LYING YOU FUCKING RAT . LOL. YOU CANT FUCK WITH WOLVES ON ANY LEVEL B.R.I.C.K. In 1986 four of its members were indicted for conspiring to commit terrorist acts in the United States for the Libyan Government. It is NOT SPELLED LIEING I live about 25 miles from you and your Nigger Shithole called Compton. BPSN JUNGLES-TO The Bity faketeenK Free Zone 18stK exterminating on Site fuck ya dead homies. The Almighty Black P. Stone Nation often abbreviated as (BPS, BPSN, Black Peace Stones, Black P. Stones, Stones, or Moes) is an American street gang founded in Chicago. LMAO. Massage Heights; Massage Luxe; Planet Beach; Hand and Stone. fuck wetbacks THIS SHIT IS TRASH AND WEAK FUCKING DUMB BEANERS GONNA CRUMBLE. THE (5) BLOOD DROP A DIME AN GET A ORDER PROTECTION OUT AGAINST THEM NIGGAS FIRST YEAH YOU RIGHT CUZZ In black neighborhoods. You already have made some mistakes. "Five Draw Long Sentences for Terrorism Scheme". As usual, your numbers and theories ARE WAY OFF. Fort was released in 1976, but was later re-incarcerated on drug charges in the early 1980s. LMAO, Bpsn ck csb jsb nrk gang no respectk no kuts no smut fuck all yees and buster 2158 this shit is fake ass hell on here 27 29 that R20 lol clowns, THERE IS NO I THINK I. He ACTUALLY spent hours on sex offender list from California to try and find SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, with a first or Last name of Rocco and then try and say its me. Who are the black P stones? - Answers N. Rocco &PYO (pissing you off) out here to well, piss you off. On black. YOU SHOULDNT . Password * Remember Me . I SAID YOU WERE A R A T IN A BADGE MEANING YOUR A FUCKING LOW LIFE MICKEYMOUSING DRY SNITCHING FINGER POINTING TAKING THE STAND ON ANY ONE AT ANY. There Spain slaves=la eme, P.R.E.M.E THE (GOD) ALMIGHTY. A photograph shows Roger Stone and members of the Proud Boys flashing a white power symbol. BUT (5) AGAIN IF A NIGGA DID DO IT ROCCO THERAT IM MEAN COULD YOU BLAME HIM I MEAN YOU RATT ON EVERYFUCKING BODY AN ROCCOTHE RAT. MEANING YOU CANT FUCK WITH US ON ANY LEVEL AN YOU WONDER WHY WE GOT SO MUCH IN FIGHTING IN THE RED NATION BECAUSE YOU MOTHERFUCKERS Shoot up houses and buildings, Riot, Loot, Kill innocent people besides Killing each other, and have sex with their Crack Whore Mothers. Keep up the good work. Now, go out there and do your job, Nigger. UNITED . AND EVERY LEGAL BADGE GOOD OR CROOKED WOULDNT DARE HELP. WHATS WRONG WITH YOU? MOTHERLAND, FUCK ALL (6)B.R.I.C.K.S LOL. Where Bl5Xd ? Them was some fuck Niggas. 3). MONTANA OR KANSAS TO Following this train of thought, the goddess Kali comes to mind. GOING TO KILL ME FOR FELONY STALKING P. S. N. TO little RICHARD get Your badge wearing r.a.t. It hurts the first TIME Debo get in an smooth. The BPSN originated, and is based, on the South Side of Chicago in the Woodlawn neighborhood. YOUR PIRU SHIT His opinion is obsolete. LOL. Hand-forged steel Poseidon-style naval anchor. Anything else is a bunch of bullshit. =Black P Stone. THATS MY FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. Its more like 20,000 at the most. DIRT GANGS BRICKS. The growth of the Black P. Stones also led to spinoff gangs, like the Titanic Stones, Maniac Stones, or Mickey Cobras. FBI Federal Racketeering and Murder Charges Brought Against High fuck faketeens all the bloods need 2 come 2 gether old school nu skool all the crips and other chicanos who roll with bloods and crips like nortenos spray the faketeens like roaches, BL5XD that shit was funny as hell fuck faketeenK. lmfao YOU Commenting for some attention you ugly ass cracker fuck off you wetback ass peckerwood, BLAH BLAH ALL THAT TIME WASTED SAYING THE SAME SHITT ONLY A FEW WILL SEE THIS AND NOBODY WILL GIVE A FUcK YOU MUST BE REALLY BORED TONITE ROcKO THANKS FOR THE RACIST HISTORY LESSON NOW TRY TO FIND SOMETHING TO DO!! NAS NORFOLK,VA TO BE EXACT AN In the first 100 days of 2016 there have been 900 SHOOTINGS In Chicago!!! BkackPeaceStoneNation#For#Life#Bitches. YOU NEED TO BE OUT IN THE STREETS OF CHICAGO KILLING OTHER NIGGERS. ON THIS SITE LIL BITCH..LOL YOU REALLY ARE A LONER ARENT YOU.. LMAO.. YOU INSECURE LONELY NO LIFE HAVN LIL WHITEBOY.. LOL.. DEC 25 12:07 AM LOL LMAO.. DAMM WHERE DID ITT GO WRONG CRACKER WHAT THE FUCK LOL LOL LMAO.. WITHOUTT THIS SITE YOU WOULDNT EVEN EXIST AT ALL.LOL ALL THAT BLAH BLAH NIGGER SHIT IS ALL YOU HAVE IN LIFE. JUDGE AN JURY SEE HERE IT IS AGAIN: NIGGA HOLD THIS (L) TIGHT NOW, GO BLOW YOURSELF UP WITH THE KORAN COMIC BOOK IN YOUR HAND LIKE A GOOD MUSLIM NIGGER TERRORIST WOULD DO FOR YOUR IDIOT GOD, NAMED ALLAH. Thats the reality of it. FUCKING DEMON! Brown skin Mexicans (aka real Mexicans) are the poorest. YA YA. You fake and dont know shit Ill leave bullet holes in ya fucking face, Yeh, You talk real big on the Internet. There is a set in the West-Side Black P Stones in the Los Angeles area called the Jungles and the Bity another area called Crenshaw & Adams. TRYING TO GET ON WITH THE B.R.I.C.K.S IN WALT DISNEY. Vice Lords. A.B.P.S.N. Come to the Chicago and see how active we are yall got yall shit from us T Rodgers bought Chicago to California dont get it twisted lil nig.. BLACK(((((P)))))STONE. I mean You ok really. Outside of the Black P. Stones, Chicago gangs of the Gangster Disciples and Black Disciples, who started out as the Devil Disciples around 53rd and Woodlawn, hold much of a presence on the city's East Side, especially around . Black P. Stones | US Decisions | Law | CaseMine See my point? YOU ARE THEN YOU KNOW THE FAMILY WILL BE SEEING YOU SOONER OR LATER. I just told you TO MEET ME THERE since you Challenged me to a Fight. NawJust wait. Woop! Rodgers was born in the Southside of Chicago, and his family later moved to the Baldwin Hills section of Los Angeles, which became known as "The Jungles." With permission from the Main 21 . AN YOU CANT SAY WHAT EVER YOU WANT AN USE THE WORDS LAWINFORCMENT BEHIND IT DUMBFUCK The P is for Prince. IM WAITING TO GIVE YOU THESE (5) CROWN L.A.W.S ALL THROUGH. I CAN SEE YOU NOW (5) . The black P Stones first started being a known gang in California around the year 1970. ROCCOTHE RAT IF WAS YOU MAN I MEAN THAT 380 UNDER THROAT TRIGGER PULLED IS LOOKING PRETTY GOOD RIGHT. black p stones hand sign - ALMIGHTY BLACK PEACE STONE NATION They dont even know or care wtf a moe is. The Black P-Stones signified their membership by wearing clothing, hats, and bandannas with the colors red, black, and yellow, and by displaying distinctive tattoos, burns, hand signs, and handshakes. I know you, but you have no fucking idea about me. See more ideas about gang culture, blood wallpaper, blood art. All amenities are great beyond words. ROCCO THE RAT ITS. Chicago: Black Gangster DisciplesCriminal s or Visionairies? NATION They eventually started describing themselves as Orthodox Sunni Muslims. Exspecially in the joint. For other uses, see. I heard about that house out there in YOGIBEAR, IDAHO BLOWNING UP CRACKER FAMILY OF 5 IN IT THERE SAYING A NIGGA IN A BLACK SKI MASK THREW A STICK OF DYNAMITE IN ONE OF CRACKERS HOMES !,and Im LmfAO again CeCause I just dogged you and your mother again you lil,Honkey!!!!!!,bitCh!!!!!!. Among the many antique boat anchors available on eBay are some worth taking note of for their uniqueness and rarity, including the following: 19th-century cast-iron marine dredger. !,bitCh and Watts your real name roCCo thats right your still big of a punk and pussy to tell me and I dont Celieve your bullshitting,lieing story CeCause Honkey pretty muCh Control tha world exCept in my neighborhood of Course so if y@ll Control and print all of the CurrenCy in tha united states of ameriCa y@ll Can put Watt ever lie y@ll want to in tha history books just to make us hate eaCh other,divide us up,make us turn on eaCh other and kill eaCh other while you dont get your hands dirty while you sit baCC and laugh.Even if your story is true I still dont hate bKlaCC people and that makes you just as evil and just as guilty as bKlaCC people foe aCCepting tha deal to let us C sold into slavery.And most bKlaCC people dont still hate y@ll foe something you did 150 years ago Celieve it or not most bKlaCC males extremely big egos and Committing Crimes make us feel strong and powerful we want to C number #1 just like someCody who is Competing in a traCC event you wouldnt want to C number #3 in a Cross Country sprint would you we just sometimes Compete in a wrong or an unproduCtive way Cut Im gonna to keep on Crippin though and sometimes our Crimes does have to do wit y@ll sometimes it doesnt,Watt you got a guilty ConsCienCe? White people have been the savages from day one. In 1988, Fort was also convicted of ordering the 1981 murder of a rival gang leader and was sentenced to 75 years in prison to be served after the completion of his terror conspiracy sentence. UNITED B.L.O.O.D NATION Yall Internet bangin anyways. BTW, the word LYING is spelled with a Y. 14,758 views. The Black P Stones are allied with most of the blood gangs in South Los Angeles. Even the BLACKS want you to go back lol. The Black P Stones was established by O.G. Deal with it. The Symbolism Of Black Gemstones Black is often associated with evil, death and the supernatural. 21 Questions: Jeff Fort's Black P Stone Rangers' 'Main 21' Made Mark In I thought FOR SURE you would comment on it. THATS WHY I CUT THE RESPONSE ON HIM Well, Mr. Self Appointed Nigger Spokesman, It was YOUR OWN AFRICAN TRIBAL LEADERS in Africa who made the ORIGINAL DEAL to sell the other Niggers into Slavery. ILL TELL U LIKE I TOLD THE LAST MOTHERFUCKER STAY THE FUCK UP CHARLIE CHESTER. DEBOS DICK GETING YOUR RAT CRACKER ASS VILOTAED LOOKING LIKE THE REAL LIFE ANDY DUFRAME IN SHAWSHANK IF THE WOVLES ON THE STREET DONT KILL YOU FIRST THAN WHAT EVER AGENCY YOUR RAT CRACKER ASS IS CUTTING THE FUCKING CHEESE WITH WILL KILL YOU THEM SELFS BEFORE THEY LET YOU FINISHED INDICTING THEM ON FEDERAL CHARGES YOU STUPID FUCKING R.A.T CRACKER. KIDS WATCH NO MORE RESPONSES TO YOUR RAT BADGE ASS. Youre soooo advanced LOL with your white life but you spend soooo much time on this site!! BPS in LA dont think they are part of your gang. FUcKN WEIRDO, another faketeen just got smoked lmao fayteenK katch you in the Js and get ya brains shot out 18K on sight fuck gayteenK. SATANIC CRACKER ASS. C.H.I.C.A.G.O IM UP HERE THINKING HAHAHA. An THIS NIGGA live home with HIS MOMS AN POPS OUT IN ANAHEIM, CA As an extension of the original Chicago Black Stones, The Jungle Stones formed when the already established City Stones linked up with the Jungle Boys in the Baldwin Village section of South Los Angeles. FUCK YOU VERY MUCH CRACKER RAT! Wait! My Job is to help put Niggers like you in Jail for Drugs or Murder. SI GO AHEAD BLUFF RAT CRACKER N.Y.C The Street Nigger is a Jealous Insecure Animal with a HUGE INFERIORITY COMPLEX who is ALWAYS out to try a PROVE SOMETHING like how big his dick might be. CRACKER YOUR JUST MAD ROCCO I KNOW WHAT YOU REALLY ARE A FUCKING RATTING LOW LIFE SNITCHING DIRTY ASS FINGER POINTING STAND TAKING CAN I PLEASE GETT A DEAL ON TABLE CUTTING THAT NIGGA THERE DID IT TELLING PLEASE CAN I BE IN PROTECT CUSTODY ASS IM A SCARED PEICE OF.SHIT 21 Questions: Jeff Fort's Black P Stone Rangers' 'Main 21' Made Mark In Chicago Gangland Scene 4 years ago Scott Burnstein . What they do turn over. Sailing after. Some Black P. Stones should come to Lindsay, California. You Niggers are the dumbest, most disorganized pack of wild loose Animals in this Country. . I WOULD I MEAN WOULDNT WISH THAT ON NONE CRACKERS EVEN YOU ARE A LOW LIFE SNITCHING. Yo I saw yall 25th st set. Man get the FUCK on with THAT you Almighty Black P. Stone Nation - Wikipedia WERE YOU BELONG LITERALLY! You sound NERVOUS. I could be a White guy named Rocco with some connection to Law Enforcement. ASS RAT. Does that make you feel good? NATION. U. The family and its associates engage in a variety of crime in order to maintain their presence in the criminal world, including murder, assault, kidnapping, extortion, bank fraud, Underwater Mortgage Fraud scheme scam. YOU RAT FUCKER THAT 380 UNDER THROAT TRIGGER PULLED IS LOOKING PRETTY GOOD FOR YOU RIGHT A BE MAN FOR ONCE STOP SQUATTING WHEN. MILWAUKEE black p stones hand sign - ALMIGHTY OR YOUR NOBODY BLOOD. And of course we hate you, why do you think everyone is campaigning to get you sent back to Mexico? LMAO. YOUR LIFE SENTENCE RATTING FUCKING CRACK!, You sound really nervous, Nigger. STATION THERE SAN DIEGO FOR 2YEARS MY STEP FATHER WHO IS AN ORIGINAL SOUTH SIDE CHICAGO ELRUCKEN. UNITED B.L.O.O.D NATION Yes, that makes you sleep better at night believing its NOT #1. This is ALL these Niggers do and think about all fucking day. bitCh Im still going to break Coth sides of your jaw and stomp on one side or your head and flatten it like a panCake and then Completely turn you over and stomp on tha other side of your head until its Completely as flat as a panCake you CraCC smoking,ms.girl,Honkey!!!!!!,bitCh!!!!!!,. He AINT GOT NO H.O.O.D Know your History. Dude does it just suck being you? AN THE A.B.P.S.N IS 85,000 DEEP Niggers have the highest rate of Murder, Rape & Incest per capita than ANY OTHER RACE BY FARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. No, Im alive and well and doing much better than the Animal Niggers in Chicago where there have been 900 shootings in the first 100 days of 2016. LMAO wow readin all this bullshit from rocco the faggot child rapist and the slobs responding to this asshole literally gave me a fuckin headache the cocksucker put his bitch ass comment on the wbcg site and I said basically for him to fuck off and get off the site. LMAO RAT. WSABPSN 5x 21x 25x 28x NoKuttz cK 30K 18K 40K anybodyK NoNames0nDaNet JustDaSetBlood Ygs BabyStones TinyStones , you Bad on the net Blxxd But when them booty hoes on yall ass yall sKcKared Blxxd, bk all day fucc stains dirt gang crip ORIGINAL HARLEM CRIPS ROLLIN 30S.DIRT GANG STUPID, fuck barlemsK BLOOD this BLACK P.STONE JS 5X 30K 3K 18K, Fuck ANY ckrab blxxd,Ill kill all yall if I ckould fuck yall dead homies, die slow bitckhes . Gang Signs. Black P. Stones Jungles refers to the division of the Black P. Stones gang active in the Baldwin Village section of Los Angeles . If you were a smart Nigger, you would ignore my baiting Racial remarks and not let them bother you. You are AFRAID to fight me. WEST ADAMS 8 TEEN ST CRACKER. Main Menu 1) Gay Shit IM PRAY YOU SHOT FACE WITH THAT OLSWALD . WTF!! ASS. THIS IS ALL THESE NIGGERS CAN TALK ABOUT ON HERE: B. N., I guess when the Niggers kill each other then Black Lives DONT MATTER. Take Off ON SIGHT! The gang was originally formed in the late 1950s as the Blackstone Rangers. CHESTERS ASS CRACKER . Black P Stones - The Jungle Stones (JS) - StreetGangs.Com By it self AN those numbers Im giving you is a minimum.
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