Otherwise, 1 fills the left side low post block. Varying this continuity with an overload option should yield good looks. Triangle Offense - Complete Coaching Guide. Power Continuity Offensive System by Joe Kuhn | CoachTube Sets 5 1.1 ATO BLOB 5 1.2 BLOB DHO 6 1.3 BOB - ISO 7 1.4 BOB- Double 8 1.5 Curl 9 1.6 Lift - Spread 10 1.7 Pinwheel 11 This 4 out, 1 in motion style offense is not a patterned or continuity style offense, rather a set of rules designed to give your players the ability to read and react to the defense. endobj 6 0 obj (2) The weak side players (3 and 4) exchange by cutting to the elbow and trading spots. From there, 5 turns and screens the middle of the zone and 4 flashes to the open low post area. Generally speaking, continuity offenses will typically require all five players to execute at least one patterned action within the entire system at any given time. Skip passes and screening the inside and outside of the zone are also effective. When the ball is entered to the nail from the top of the key, wings spot up in open spaces. Its key for the offensive players to be patient when attacking a 2-3 zone. 2 can stay wide for a skip pass or cut up to the top of the key. % It is derived from Motion and Quick Hitter Offenses Against a Man or Zone Defense by Mark Few, the current head coach at Gonzaga University. xWn0+xLf/N ][E"Q5NK"9f!7 . Required fields are marked *. xlW[Y=tU9$2B9^I*g28MF"v'lEF$L83t*3uEY>4k'ixwf;[+uAd lH!lD6X@(,(Ga|P:X*VhG,2E?R0Zg"eo2u4e8WMM4|Pm{s>'(MxDEP`$2KxEb?jRbL(NTH*SUJNI&d The pass to the wing means two things should happen: (1) The post sets a UCLA screen to send 1 into the post. Your email address will not be published. The movements are simple to execute and therefore allow it to be an effective offense for youth teams that come up against a zone. On the other hand, if 5 is not open, then 3 receives the ball from 2. After 5 receives the ball at the top, 3 executes a backdoor cut to the basket. Continuity Ball Screen Offense : Basic Concepts and Examples - Hoop Student After the next ball-screen and reversal, the 1 will be setting the screen for 3. 4 sets a ball-screen for 2 as 5 dives to the block and 1 moves up to receive the next kick out pass. Learn how your comment data is processed. endobj As that occurs, 5 rolls to the basket while 2 fills the right slot and 3 fills the right side wing area. Gonzaga Pick & Roll Continuity - FastModel Sports The wheel offense is one of the oldest offensive strategies in basketball. By Hoops U. This is 1-3-1 continuity zone offense used against a 2-3 zone defense. Can be used as a delay offense - If your league doesn't have a shot clock and you want to hold up the basketball, the 5 out motion will provide movement and keep the defense honest while not Be sure to teach your players pressure release options for when this happens. 3 cuts behind the zone to the nail. Great for Big Guards - It is a great offense for maximizing the skills of big guards. The Wheel offense is a basketball offensive strategy that features cutting and screening actions as well as continuity patterns to produce scoring opportunities near the basket or from the perimeter. There are several possible pressure release options your team can utilize. When a baseline drive occurs, the post player must I Cut up the lane. b5_"2*h=T!A:@ZF!.ATA*5A!.D!.AT++-Ar* .bT f]",/3AV* G/Fw This is an example of continuity scoring options within the 4 out 1 in offense that could be beneficial for guard-oriented teams and/or undersized basketball teams in general. If open, 2 could receive the ball from 4. 1 passes to 2 then cuts through to the opposite corner. 1 passes to 3 and cuts to the weak side wing. Copyright 2023 Breakthrough Basketball, LLC. It is very difficult for a defense to continue to guard multiple ball-screen actions with good players on offense. <> The continuity aspect of this offense helps your team extend possessions and play on multiple sides of the floor. plus three free eBooks with over 270 pages of our favorite basketball drills and plays! I also made a little adjustment to it and went with a 3-2 look with the bigs starting down on the Blocks. Description THE EUROPEAN BALL SCREEN OFFENSE The Euro Ball Screen Offense is a popular continuity offense that incorporates side-to-side ball movement, wing pick-and-rolls, high-low opportunities, and backdoor cuts. Otherwise, 5 receives the ball at the top. The Swing is a continuity offense that repeats its pattern on each side of the floor. Basics of the Gonzaga Bulldogs pick-and-roll continuity offense. Some of the greatest players to ever step . In addition, here is a sample video of theInternational Continuity Pick and Roll Offense DVD by Fran Fraschilla. 08S To start the continuity, 1 receives the ball from 4 and then, 3 receives the ball from 1 to complete the ball reversal. From there, when the players execute those offensive actions repeatedly, it could potentially increase their skills and possibly create above average basketball players over a period of time. If the defense is slow to adjust, the openings will be there. European Ball Screen Continuity Offense With Lason Perkins From this point, the action consists of a backdoor cut with roll and replace continuity pattern. To start, 2 receives the ball from 1. #[dCN8vIty*er[@'RE\x4ERP'r-NI| Onj}{9E'#]hzY{|F[9N0 /#_dY7t;z'>JgjkDnH8^yq(d}^;9J4tKg7!g}}7/0{P~lgh,bYy?OLe'PHFF$*n{G5HtK Q4FHxX8XG]Av1}>bX}7cmq%2)FNQb"w,7o?#FJ-0(J~ZL4VaW&gx4tV6OoCu/[\)|6BN`?U)?M state championship using this as their primary offense. This offense is easy to learn yet hard to perfect. <>/F 4/A<>/StructParent 1>> The Drew League: Bringing the game forward. endobj I just taught this offense to my kids today and they are in love with it. The Tight Stack Offense begins with 3 and 5 on the left block, 2 on the right block, 4 at the right elbow, and 1 dribbling to the right wing. OPTION 4: Continuity 1. An email has been sent to the email address below. Attacking a 2-3 Zone - Teach Hoops If 3 is not open, then 3 continues the cut towards the left side corner. Click on the pdf link below to download the Double Flash Continuity Ball-Screen Offenses: These two offenses differ quite a bit from the European versions, but serve as great, simple continuity plays for teams at all levels. This isnt necessarily a weakness, but if you have a traditional center who is unskilled on the perimeter, understand that the Swing requires him or her to play both inside and outside. Introduction to the Wheel Offense - Functional Basketball Coaching Foundation for any motion offense at any level. The weak side player sinks to the baseline for a drift pass. endobj The weak forward needs to read the ball screen and replace to the opposite side of the penetration. Any advice/help would be appreciated. jNi endstream endobj 32 0 obj <>stream Wheel Offense in Basketball : Basic Concepts and Examples - Hoop Student This keeps the defense moving, manipulating help defenders. endobj If open, 3 receives the ball from 4. 4 0 obj 2. <> Basketball Continuity Offense - Teach Hoops Kosel and his wife, Molly, live in Colorado Springs. Learn more, What are advantages of a continuity offense, What are disadvantages of a continuity offense, What are the types of basketball offensive strategies that could implement continuity patterns, What is an example of continuity scoring options within the 3 out 2 in offense, What is an example of continuity scoring options within the 4 out 1 in offense, What is an example of continuity scoring options within the 5 out offense, What is an example of continuity scoring options within the circle offense, What is an example of continuity scoring options within the Horns offense, What is an example of continuity scoring options within the Princeton offense, What is an example of continuity scoring options within zone offense. Penetration of the defense. Essentially, this offensive action could be favorable for teams that are guard-oriented and/or undersized at the low post positions. Next, 4 can receive the ball from 2 and as that occurs, 5 pivots toward the ball with high hands. Another ball-screen is set on the wing and the action continues. As that happens, 5 rolls to the basket while 2 fills the right slot and 3 fills the right side wing area. Ball Screen Offense Continuity 1 dribbles down to the right wing to initiate the offense. <> <> However, if the opposing team implements a zone defense strategy such as the 2-3 zone, then the pass and cut series may not be as useful. To begin, 3 receives the ball from 1 and after that, 1 cuts to the basket. You have successfully signed up for the FastModel Sports Library. Facing any zone creates lanes for offensive players to crash the boards on missed shots. endobj When the ball is on a wing, the two weak side players exchange. From there, 5 could receive the ball from 4 and score near the basket if that is open. When the ball is on a wing, many teams will front the post or play on the high side of the post player. 2 pops to the top of the key. }X1sd_gI[M3L]2[/|-qeI2"rM53p1RM3Z0,[.64>4fT%5 They both are great, I like the A-Set better, but I really want a continuity offense and not sure I can get that out of the A-Set like I can in this European Ball Screen Offense. These plays and sets create a rhythm and offensive flow that allows the team to stress the opposing defense. This means role-definition is important. 4 reads that initial pass, then cuts with the ball to that strong-side corner (or short corner). Additionally, at the same time of the ball reversal action, 2 runs the baseline to the left side short corner, receives the ball from 3, and could take the short corner jump shot. 16 0 obj From 1990 to 2010, the triangle offense (also known as the 'Triple Post Offense') was by far the most dominant offense in basketball. Following that, 3 could receive the ball from 1. While attending Kansas, Kosel served as an assistant coach at Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, Kansas. We are looking to create off the ball screen by reading the actions and attacking. endobj <> While there are certainly opportunities for open 3-point shots, the basis of the Swing is getting the ball in the paint. PDF 5 Out Motion Offense - Canterbury Basketball Thanks a lot! Continuity Zone Offense - Rotation - FastModel Sports Within this same series, a player will pass the ball to an adjacent teammate and then cut to the basket for possible scoring opportunities. Below is the ball-screen offense that we used at Haskell. <> If a zone is overloaded on the weakside and a shot is taken from the strong side there is an offensive advantage on the weakside rebound. If 3 is open for a shot or a driving opportunity, 5 can make a skip pass. 1. 4 sets a ball-screen for 1 as 2 cuts off of a double-screen from 3 and 5. Moreover, 1 could cut back towards the left side corner. Must Have Bigs With Skill - All players must be able to handle the ball. Adding a slight variation to the progression might catch the defense off guard. screen the screener continuity Offense Overview 1 3 2 5 4 Frame 2 The cross screen, down screen is the main action of the offense. Many times, the offensive players stand around and the zone shifts with each pass. 6 0 obj 28 0 obj <> endobj Strengths: Creates positionless players - All 5 players on the court are required to pass, cut, dribble, shoot, screen, etc. Simply subscribe to our monthly newsletter and receive: 72 Basketball Drills & Coaching Tips - 136 page eBook, 21 Basketball Tips & Tricks for Players - 20 page eBook, 32 Winning Basketball Plays - 96 page eBook, Over 200,000 players, coaches and parents subscribed. This particular set comprises four guards that will primarily play near the perimeter and one high post player that will typically set screens and roll to the basket. 0i]qabuM0~vgab~\>&VN?21-vROSbRH:!-/qendstream As the ball reverses, 3 makes the cut across, flashing to the open elbow. 2 makes a flare cut to the opposite wing, away from the ball. Accompanying a pass with a hard cut, filling the vacant spots, and forcing the defense to account for the movement stresses the rigidity of the zone. <> 5. The Shuffle offense is a basketball offensive strategy that utilizes the shuffle cut alongside continuity patterns to create scoring opportunities, particularly near the basket. Princeton backdoor action, spacing and cutting with hard to disrupt continuity that will allow you to take advantage of any type of defense (overplay, sagging or trapping). I ran this offense last season and it is a very good and tough offense to defend. Continuity Offense in Basketball : Concepts and Examples - Hoop Student One offense that has stood the test of time at the high school and college level is the Swing Offense, created by former Wisconsin head coach Bo Ryan. Ball Screen / Pick and Roll Continuity Offense Basketball Pick and Roll Offense The Open Post Motion Offense The Dribble Drive Motion Offense High Low Offensive System 5 Out Cutters Offense - Motion offense that was used by State Champs (and it can be taught in ONE day)! xVMS0WHV|,R:)NLH 1dW_Gh09D)L'|_?/E0p9@.o AK>PE LH]$\JA0("?CTMe&A{wF.|_b 3's only options are to sit for a kick or lift. 35 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7EAC7F94B136B359EE2DD6F835A33ED4>]/Index[28 11]/Info 27 0 R/Length 55/Prev 154612/Root 29 0 R/Size 39/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream If 3 is open on the cut towards the basket, then 3 could receive the ball from 2 and score with a layup. Circle Offense : Basic Concepts and Simple Diagram Examples - Hoop Student A life-long student of the game, Kosel honed his coaching skills by working summer camps for various programs in Texas, Colorado, Missouri, and New Mexico. 732 The offense occupies set positions during the possession in hopes of finding an opening. Offensive players know where to go as each pass is made within the continuity. Teaches the Entire Game - It is a good skill development offense because all players play inside and out. It is also an efficient zone offense for higher . The Swing offense is great for teams with versatile players. Which teams could consider a continuity ball screen offense 3. <> The Princeton offense is a basketball offensive strategy that utilizes the fundamental skills of cutting, dribbling, passing, screening, and shooting as well as three unique series of actions known as Chin, Low and Point to create scoring opportunities near the basket or from the perimeter. 5 Reasons I LOVE Ball Screen Continuity Offense - Arete Hoops The closest slot player gets behind the drive, and serves as a safety. Also against a zone it's easier for perimeter players to rebound because their could be more offensive players on the perimeter and zone defenders near the basket don't have a man in their zone when a shot goes up. Driving gaps and making 2 defenders play 1 offensive player creates scoring opportunities for the offense. The cutter now plays in the low post. Browse more coaching content available on the Sellfy store. The circle offense is a basketball offensive strategy that utilizes cuts and continuity patterns to create scoring opportunities near the basket. Affiliate Disclosure : I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases made through the links below. We used the tight stack offense when I was at Texas Lutheran University as an assistant. endstream endobj 29 0 obj <> endobj 30 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 31 0 obj <>stream It can be difficult to convince your team to pass up good looks for great looks. <>/F 4/A<>>> Additionally, 4 cuts to the right side slot area via the screen away action set by 2. How is this offense different from that offense. PDF Gonzaga Mark Few Playbook - The Basketball Playbook This could be very useful, particularly at the youth basketball level, especially with a continuity offense such as the 5 out offense, a basketball strategy with basic scoring options that could be developed in an adequate amount of time. 4 Out 1 In Motion Offense - FastModel Sports Coaches have numerous options when choosing an offense for their team. After 3 clears, 2 cuts to receive a pass from 4 on the wing. %%EOF This offense provides structure and works well with combo guards and athletic forwards while making it difficult to focus on any player. If you want to hold the ball until you get a lay up or the final shot to end the quarter, this offense is ideal for those situations. %PDF-1.4 1 comes off hard to attack with multiple reads. Patterned Offense - Like all continuity offenses, the Swing is patterned. hb```". It is a patterned offense with continuity, but has many options and entries. Following that action, 4 dribbles toward the left side of the court via a ball screen set by 5. At the same time, 3 executes a cut behind 1 towards the basket. 5 Continuity Ball-Screen Offenses with Horns Entries The post player (Player 5) can simply step out to back screen the denying defender. A continuity ball screen offense is a basketball offensive strategy that seeks to create scoring opportunities near the basket or from the perimeter by utilizing ball screens or pick and roll action with a constant sequence on both sides of the floor. His ball-screen offense is similar to the European version, but has some tweaks to it. An email has been sent to the email address below. 1 brings the ball down, with 2 and 3 on the wings. This is an example of continuity scoring options within a zone offense strategy that utilizes the short corners of the court to create scoring opportunities against the 2-3 zone defense. To start, 2 receives the ball from 1 and immediately after that, 1 cuts to the basket while 3 fills the vacated spot at the top. Swing Offense - Complete Coaching Guide (Includes Images) The Europeanball-screen offense has been around for a while, but is still very effective. The second diagram shows an option if the defense denies the slot pass. With either pass, 1 fills corner and 3 lifts up getting us to our 4 around 1 spacing. P5@g4wu 4:!Ry4HIWIH> k 3=b,s~{jD{];`)T{ x"F, The paint is where most fouls occur, and this offense wants to get the ball to the paint. Furthermore, 4 rolls to the basket while 5 replaces at the top. Pf=f"-]ocgTvzTx\D:T>@n%xw:QQ:*Nn:tx5WV.7G5e=g>/>o$~E`/Rd-C6WM8|QeiJ%E}h5Aec#3"g#G$f;9Fbon5)feuW{M[:S6RK%I2Z]sxhTt Mm{q/Tb4 ydO D 8;@ W/B1 r >.|GG qpy{d@[K16vaum}I_eK- whFjcZn'vq5?@@{k@Yj"`;yqC2h-U+2e:ow"$zfb,.4YV;%dY|%]yQ-~edSg G9x{SS{`BVMLdRSnk=U^es;wmB Afterwards, 2 cuts to the basket via the back screen set by 5 and could receive the ball from 4. Against a zone defense offenses can become stagnant with a lack of player and ball movement. <> 0 As an Amazon Associate, I may earn commissions on qualifying purchases from the website, Amazon.com. The first, and perhaps most important, key to attacking a 2-3 zone remains not settling for a three-point shot. Notice how Player 2 V-cuts to get open to receive the pass. With the constant passing, cutting, flex screens, and screen the screener actions, the . This is a good simple offense to use. PDF Three Post Offense - Coaching Toolbox There are also other cuts, flashes, and movements to create open shots. Click on the pdf link below to download the Double Flash Continuity Ball-Screen Offenses: Double Flash Ball-Screen Offense by Wes Kosel Indiana Ball-Screens and Tight Stack Offense These two offenses differ quite a bit from the European versions, but serve as great, simple continuity plays for teams at all levels. Send to your FastDraw library or email to a friend. Have 2 & 4 do the same following the screen and later 2 will be screening for 5. |, Key Basketball Warmups: Hamstring Stretches, High School Basketball ( Behind the Scene). Its important for 3 to walk the defender down to the level of the screen. It has options to attack driving gaps and play pick and roll. endobj PDF Oregon Spread Offense - The Basketball Playbook 2 0 obj 2 flashes to the open elbow area, while 1 makes a flare cut to the opposite wing. stream The flex offense diagrammed here is the basic flex offense. The Basketball Offense Triangle Continuity has constant movement that sets up back screens, shuffle cuts and screen the screener actions. Because the offense features four players above the foul line, good drivers will often have room to attack the baseline. Additionally, a continuity ball screen offense could also be beneficial for teams that are undersized, specifically at low post positions. Furthermore, as mentioned previously, this also helps the players improve their respective skill sets. <> 6. 5 0 obj Afterwards, 5 could receive the ball from 2 and score at the basket if open. This playbook also includes a hard hedge option and a dribble hand-off option. Basketball_Terms_For_Players_and_Coaches.pdf - 250+ 4. It may be difficult for youth players with limited practice time. endobj Delay offense. Click on the pdf link below to download the Indian Ball-Screen and Tight Stack Offense: With the horns set being so popular, its a good idea to add variety to your offense by creating horns entries for your current playbook. Continuity offenses stand as one of the most valuable approaches to attacking a 2-3 zone. If 2 is not open, then 2 continues to cut out towards the right side corner. If a scoring option is not there off of the initial ball screen, 1 reverses the ball to 4.
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