Peter signed to his father that they were leaving. Tony stood. Language: English Words: 1,600 Chapters: 1/? i know i mention it at the end of all of my fics, but i am a sad lowly writer who craves validation and attention. "Not to rude or anything but, WHY ARE WE GOING TO THE COMPOUND. He was tapping his shoe and glancing at the clock being impatient. With a man claiming to know Peters father Richard, trying hard to create a serum that will give him back his arm and the budding romance between Gwen and Peter, things are getting pretty stressful. He got there to see a giant plate of waffles. Mira marica que mierda te pasa.Hoy he tenido un mal dia y tu vienes y me lo empeoras. Steve said, not fazed. Even though Asher took his hand off his arm, he continues to scream. Idea that was based on a fanfic. Now.. I promise, kid. Tony whispered. "Hey kid, what's up?" I did it to myself, he said. The only way to find out what itll do to him is to just have it done. He looked worriedly at Tony. The first friend I made here was killed, bled out in my arms. Oh well, I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars, James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character, Natasha Romanov/Original Female Character, Bruce Banner/Original Female Character(s), T'Challa (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, I have the mouth of a sailor and my fic characters will too, so his mental health and general responsibility levels match that, none of these people are mentally stable though we know that, Steve Rogers/Original Female Character(s), i'm gonna kill you if you don't beat me to it, Matt Murdock & Peter Parker & Wade Wilson, it's Matt and Wade doesn't like Tony and Peter knows that Tony isn't the best, everything i wrote is more fact that blind anger, Do You Like My Cookies (They're Made Just for You), you say things you normally wouldn't when in pain, Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Original Female Character(s), yes im writing an irondad fic in 2022 sue me, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, that's not mentioned but its important to me, cuz i watched spider-man homecoming and i thought she was a lesbian at first, then she was revealed to be the future love interest and i was like, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant. "I get to go ta London for two weeks! Watched too much Doctor Who." The Avengers Find Out Peter Parker is Spider-Man Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Steve Rogers Feels Peter Parker Calls Tony Stark "Dad" Spider Man stumbles into the tower with a serious wound looking for Tony, only to find himself face to face with Captain America and the Black Widow, who aren't supposed to be there. Peter Parker & Avengers Team Characters: Peter Parker Tony Stark Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Bruce Banner Steve Rogers Clint Barton Sam Wilson (Marvel) Vision (Marvel) Wanda Maximoff Language: English Series: Part 1 of Peter Parker is TalentedNext Work Collections: Fics with varying amount of Spidermom Stats: "Mista Stark!" The genius bumped his head in shock at the sudden intrusion. "Just having a bad day." "You need to warn a man!" + "Sorry mate, but guess what?" If you don't, I'll redo it for you, sorry. "Since when do you speak Spanish?" Yeah, you can come in but we'll have to wait till the end of the meeting before I take you, then we can get ice cream on the way back." This was about more than just the Accords. Thats no secret. "My-" Peter's eyes widened. Power. Pepper had gone to bed some time ago, the chairs in the med bay doing little to support her back and distended stomach. He opted instead for pulling Peter close to his chest, and scooping him up with one arm, securing his head and neck with his other, as if he was carrying a small child. He had his dad and he had Uncle Rhodey and that was enough. Then why are you here?" Oh, and the Avengers and SHIELD are looking for Spider-Man.Lovely. They made eye contact. Ese Hijo de puta se las va a ver conmigo.= That son of a bitch is going to see it, 2. Peter was walking around town when he got a message, interrupting the music he was blasting into his ears through his earbuds. Peter stiffened, walked over to his dad briskly, patted him on the shoulder and pulled a seat up in between him and Vision. When Violet gets into some trouble and is "rescued" by some passing Avengers, she's taken to Stark Tower, and promptly introduced to the gang. The Cradle can repair and print new tissue for his hands, no problem. She started. this fic went through so many changes before becoming what you are about to read, and i could not be happier with it! (Thank you for your help, gentlemen. Peter used his powers to run to Tony's lab in under a minute. Tony could feel Peters flesh, hot and sticky, adhering to his own skin as he did so. His knee would bounce uncontrollably, his fingers would tap on whatever surface was nearby, and he would pace if he was standing up or squirm if he was sitting down. He just passed out, but his vitals are still reading okay. Helen reassured quickly. Whether voluntarily or not, half of his life is all over the internet, so theres less for Peter to assume; Osborn, on the other hand, is entirely secretive. He set the tray down to cool just as Pepper walked in, grocery bags in hand and snow melting in her hair. Nor could anyone else. For both his history and his present; Starks got a shit ton of- well, a lot. Nor could anyone else. I didnt know you were so bad at baking, Mr. Stark. Peter giggled as Rhodey went on about the time Tony had tried baking a cake for Rhodeys birthday years ago. I am so sorry I put you through this. Peters eyebrows furrowed at the apology, reaching out and resting his other bandaged hand on Rhodeys knee. as he did so. If all he gets is a broken nose after a long night of patrol, Peter considers himself lucky.A lot of vigilante things were lost on Tony, such as bad PR. Sure, the Avengers get some bad PR, but never J. Jonah. Everyone knew that Spider-Man was young, somewhere in his teens or early twenties. He blinked a few times, a confused look on his face, before he made a feeble attempt at speaking. Friday said the symptoms resemble that of hydrochloric acid poisoning. (See the end of the work for more notes.). Tony Stark loves to learn. The lock clicked and Peter pushed the door open. or: Nineteen year old Peter Parker navigating his life as a moneyless college student. Almost everyone that knows Peter has a soft spot for him. "But what's up with your accent?". Tony sat closer to Peters bed, carefully grabbing one of his bandaged hands. I had no idea you would react that way to the peppermint oil, I He took a sharp breath. May, I'm home!" Helen would be flying out on the 27th to check on Peter in person, but as far as operating on someone whos halfway across the world goes, tonight was a success. "Hey Fri, where's dad?" You all have a more restricted access now and are not allowed above Floor 26. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. i hope you enjoy my christmas fic, and happy holidays to those who celebrate!! Keep us updated Helen. Bruce called out as he tried wiping some of Peters flesh off of Tony, but the second he tried Tony jerked his arm away. He finally gave in and washed it off himself, trying to convince himself that it was the stench that made his eyes water. Then, they returned to England with his parents and was declared a citizen of England. "Oh. A timer chimed and Tony stood to pull a sheet of cookies out of the oven. In the aftermath of the Water Elemental attack in Venice, Peter gets a call at the hotel. Tony walked over to Peter and linked their arms, leaving behind a stunned group of Avengers. Maybe, if he asked nicely, Tony would buy them a vacation home in the town he was originally from. I am." Protective Natasha Romanov. "Peter said now gaining his normal british accent." And its too dark to see well at this point Pete, Im thinking wed better stop for shelter for the night. Tony and Peter end up in a scary motel for the night, which only has one room left with one bed. Tony was so confused, the kid had been fine, more than fine, barely half an hour ago. "Fri, could you be a good chap and take me to Mista Stark?" But when the Rogue Avengers (and his Poppa) are forced to return to the tower, Peter is forced to confront their past and deal with the awkward tensions between the two. The meeting is not of an important enough time scale that you are not allowed in, so go ahead in." Youre okay.. I've had to clean my room and hair that takes fucking time. Two contrasting boys meet, will they get along? Tony instinctively reached up to brush some hair away from Peters face. He was imagining drilling him into the ground. The one skill hes never quite been able to master. I told you I just-", "I know what a fake accent sounds like Pete. And boy, did he find one, Peter was boiling. They had forgotten that Peter had been raised by May Parker. He just wanted to help make the world a better place, but instead he got stabbed. Cho? Tony asked urgently, severity in his tone. He just brushed it off thinking it was maybe his laundry time or something else. Digestive system, too.. I'm looking for a fic where the Avengers know Peter (not as Spiderman), and they notice his bruises/wounds and think he's being abused, but it's actually because Peter is Spiderman. You can stay on Floor 25. Both alone that was until you found each other. I know it hurts, Pete, but its gonna help, okay? I am begging you." Peter pleaded and elbowed Ned in the side when he started laughing. Tony Stark and Norman Osborn. Now let's stop talking about that and let's go the the compound." Avengers (more than) Family PTSD Peter Parker Peter's spider sense is dangerous to him toxic Peter can't control it Peter has severe anxiety problems Peter has sever sensory overloads Also RATINGS MIGHT CHANGE Really understand that this is basically the Avengers being fuckbuddies with peter Unfortunately discontinued He was tapping his shoe and glancing at the clock being impatient. Peter called, hoping his father would open the door. Then he was late to the bus. It looks like its burning through his hands, mouth, throat, and stomach. Bruce explained. Bruce shifted uncomfortably before spitting the words out. Tony did his best to ignore the feeling of vomit sliding down his back as he followed Rhodey and Bruce to the med bay, comforting Peter the whole way there. Essentially, she was allowing him to go back to his home town. A chance to do it all over again. . Then he met Ned and lost Gwen. Could they not take it seriously? The only thing she had was a mission: Find out who she was before Hydra. First Clint dumped a bucket of glitter on him to wake up. He couldn't wait so he could go to Mr.Stark's lab to update his suit as they had agreed. "What was that?". Everyone in the room felt they could breathe a little bit easier knowing that Peter was okay. Peter did not mean to meet the Avengers this way and he knows as soon as Tony is up people are going to be . Peter moaned next to him, breathing heavily. Peter shrugged at him. He slammed Steve's head on the table again. How much pain is he in? At that moment, Peter let out a loud, strangled cry, his breaths now wheezing. Unfortunately, the two of you are interrupted, but Peter will more than make up for it later. But THEN some weird stuff happens and suddenly he's the Avengers' bodyguard. Btw this is a old draft from last year so if it's bad don't blame now me but past me ok?. Tony was sat in between Rhodey and Peter, the latter leaning against his chest, having his curls played with absent mindedly. Look, son of a bitch, what is wrong with you? Work Search: When he got to his room he had no time to react. He knew that once Peter started on his ramblings he was hard to stop. When Peter got to the tower his spidey sense was tingling. Your accent isn't fake." Rhodey..? He questioned. His heart was in his throat and Peter stood again. Meanwhile, Morgan is sick, and neither Pepper nor Tony can take care of her. You talked in a smooth British accent like you where from there now explain, since when are you british?" Peter was beginning to put pieces together he hadnt bothered to before. A mischievous magic user taunts SHIELD until they send Captain America after her. His dad was on one side of the table, Rhodey and Vision on either side of him. What about Christmas? Peter asked. Peter Benjamin-Edward Stark went missing on a Tuesday. Meanwhile Peter Parker was having literally the worst day ever. I didnt know you were so bad at baking, Mr. Stark. Peter giggled as Rhodey went on about the time Tony had tried baking a cake for Rhodeys birthday years ago. "Sorry to interrupt, but where exactly are we going?" Rhodey asked on behalf of everyone. It was from Mr Stark and only said a few words 'Spidey's needed'. He's the kind of person to help others when needed, like the Avengers were supposed to. Tony has always been eccentric at best, and when he's tired he's just Plain Weird. my goal was to get it up by christmas, but festive family drama got in the way lmao. Tony put his hand on the back of Peters neck, feeling for a fever. Rhodey gently placed one hand on his bouncing knee, not to make it still, but to let him know he was there. Kid- Tony tried to interject. "Ah, ah, ah!" Peppermint is known to repel spiders, and can be lethal in large quantities., In which Peter gives Tony and the gang a rather festive health scare on Christmas Eve. Tony went to pick Peter up, but knew that if he picked him up with his head tilted back he could choke on his own puke. Technically. Tony, Rhodey, Bruce, and Pepper spent the early hours of Christmas morning waiting at Peters bedside for him to wake up after his six hour procedure. "Oh! Clint then gave a scared look and asked," W-What is he going to do?". " Peters breathing became more desperate and erratic, and Rhodey called for Bruce as he and Tony tried wiping Peters hands of his bloody saliva. Also to be careful speaking another language around him since he could understand. and yes I'm writing a Peter Parker Fieldtrip to Stark Industries fic in 2022, what are you gonna do about it? It's almost funny, my colleagues are Barend and Claudius, and we're your worst nightmare. At what Peter said and what is about to do," said Tony catching his breath and clutching his stomach since he was laughing so hard. Peter leaned forward and coughed into his hand. Hed been excited to help Iron Man, excited to meet the other Avengers. "Peter sighed again before sheepishly joining in on the planning. Also. Youve still got loads of time to sleep, kid. Tony told him. All character rights to Marvel, In this one shot Peter is British but no one knows except May.Peter Parker was anxious to go home. Mira marica hable espanol queahhhh sorry I got mad at Clint and spoke Spanish," said Peter like it was obvious. Christmas can wait until youre feeling a bit better, kid. Everything is good. That night, Tony learned another of many lessons about his Spider-Kid the hard way; Peter Parker and peppermint, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, uhhhh god i am so bad at tagging i am so sorry, it's also four in the morning and i just finished writing this so cut me some slack lmao. Still the best birthday present youve ever gotten me. Rhodey smiled as he continued teaching Peter how the cookie press worked. The genius bumped his head in shock at the sudden intrusion. Just let it happen." Bruce made worried eye contact with Tony. Oh, did those ever end?" When he got to his locker, Ned was waiting for him so they could leave. Precious Peter Parker. Okay, so this is just a book of MCU (mostly Peter Parker centric) one shots with tropes you've read a thousand times. Friday called from the ceiling, causing him to flush red. P.R.O.M.I.S.E When Peter landed in his signature pose next to Tony, he got a better look at the men. Charlotte 'Charlie' James was a seventeen year old mutant that lived with normals, she was one of twelve that was give to human family in an attempt to see if living among them would make them normal or easy to control. (You fucking idiot, did you really think we would tell you?) Then he saw May sitting on the couch giving him a glare and next to him was Tony Stark , in all his glory, with a confused face. About the opportunity, not the 'his hometown' part. St-Stark." ", Peter snorted. Then you can pay to clean up your own damn messes.". tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Peter smirked to himself, glad it was hidden under his mask "Damn, they're speaking German Mr Stark." None of the other Avengers really questions why Tony suddenly develops a British accent when he's tired. Mira marica que mierda te pasa.Hoy he tenido un mal dia y tu vienes y me lo empeoras. It happened when he was a baby, and his dad didnt like to talk about it. "Hey Mr-Mr. Hahaha" Peter's voice did a full 360 and now sounded like a full blooded American. The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Iron Man (Movies) Relationship: Peter Parker & Tony Stark Characters: Peter Parker Tony Stark Nick Fury James "Rhodey" Rhodes Phil Coulson Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Clint Barton Steve Rogers Bruce Banner DUM-E (mentioned) JARVIS (mentioned) Additional Tags: Well, all except Tony who was in the floor rolling off laughter at what Peter just said and looked like since he knew Italian and that wasn't far from the language he just spoke but still shocked he knew this language. She walked up to Tony and kissed him on the cheek, giggling at the flour all over the kitchen. . Peter is determined to do whatever it takes to stop them, even if that means going in over his head when the web of lies and greed turns out to be way more than he signed up for. A few other chaps from other schools might be coming but it's a full ride! Movies ACTION ADVENTURE COMEDY OVERPOWERED GENIUS MARVEL FUTURE UNPRINCIPLED AVENGERS SPIDERMAN 4.51 Tony Stark dies October 17th 2023. A lot of the Avengers had fought against him in Berlin, so none were too happy with the idea of figuring out just how young the boy really was and acknowledge that they had lost to someone younger than them. "Peter? How had things turned so quickly? Just some Fluff, angst, loving families, and protective teens. Where Peter is the kidnapee and the Avengers keep him captive. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Es ist fast lustig, meine Kollegen sind Barend und Claudius, und wir sind Ihr schlimmster Albtraum." He coughed again, blood spewing onto the tissues in his hands. Sorry for the strong language. (a collection of loosely-connected one-shots that involve Peter as the main attraction, featuring other characters. I agree, Underoos. Who is this anyway Tony? 1205 guests + "Hi Happy," mumbled Peter + He was sent to May and Ben's where he was declared a dual citizen. "Mista Stark!" 17 When school ended Happy came to pick him up. One-shots for Peter ParkerRequests: Open! Bruce, taking the hint, conceded. Right?His i suck at these pls give it a go its not awful. Peter knows Tony doesnt forget on purpose, and he knows that Tony means well with his concern. Because, I almost killed the sweetest teenager on the face of the planet, And thats the story of how Peter almost died on Christmas Eve. (ft. forehead kisses and sweet italian nicknames), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure. Pepper walked into the room drying her hands with a towel. He looked up, glaring at them. For months the entirety of the New York police department, as well as anyone else the Starks could convince to join, searched for the tot. On his way to one of the interviews, he ends up walking into Stark industries, which, whoops his bad, I'm looking for the bathroom miss. Yeah, everyone knows that Tony Stark loves to learn. "Ese Hijo de puta se las va a ver conmigo." This alerted his teacher since he always had paid attention and never seemed this off. "Thanks mate!" Hydra agent 'Spider' is sent out on a mission to retrieve blueprints from Avengers Tower. Peter then stormed to him pushing everything in his way. The reaction seems to be in response to peppermint, boss. Friday supplied. There is a living room. ", "That's awesome kid.." Tony frowned at his veryrealaccent. Sorry if I offended anyone!! You know Im not cleaning all this up, right? She said as she set the bags down on the counter and began taking her gloves and scarf off. But hes managing. He slammed his head onto the table. "Sorry, Mr.Stark. The Compound kitchen had gone from the baking zone to the cooking zone, as Pepper, now joined by Bruce, prepared the various dishes for their Christmas dinner. Its not your fault. Rhodey nodded, taking a slow breath. Add that one to the Peter Parker files. (it's my hpf and I get to choose when I have it (no I don't)), (crack treated seriously with mild spots of angst), peter gets kidnapped by HYDRA with his classmates.this is inspired by Scratched Onto The Walls Of My Throat by Mysterycheerio. lets make it BELIEVABLERealistic take on peters inevitable trauma from the crap he has to deal with on a daily basisWill-they-won't-they, love triangle, relationships, and all the friendshipsAnd most importantly, my fav: *drumroll* a HECK ton of sarcasm.Give it a whirl, thisll be a fun one :). Soon he was covered in purple paint and feathers. Well, not this crazed mass murderer God, his life fucking sucks.". Kudos: 5 Bookmarks: 2 Hits: 88 -----------time skip brought by the sister squad-----------.
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