Sir Andrew Watson, chair of CPRE Warwickshire has now written to Kenilworth MP Jeremy Wright who has previously raised concerns, as have Coventry South Labour MP Zarah Sultana, Coventry Conservative ward councillors, and nearby parish councils. Even now, I urge that the authority stops prevaricating and publishes that information and ceases the avoidable waste of time for the office of the information Commissioner. I have also been unable to disclose a further selection information by virtue of Environmental information Regulation 12(4)(d) in that this information held by Warwick District Council is Material in the course of completion, unfinished documents and incomplete data. However, the information referred to in Article 7(2) of the Directive is as follows: Nothing Unusual. View as HTML. services through our wholly owned subsidiary 0000580030 00000 n Corporate Support Team Assistant The Council has interpreted your email as follows: Royal Leamington Spa If you do not agree with this he should raise your concerns with the Information Commissioner. Any complaints will be dealt with under the Councils corporate complaints procedure. CV32 5HZ and a limited company (03277032). Society - It is understood the link road to the University of Warwick from Stoneleigh could be scheduled for completion in 2024 on the latest timescales. It would also serve thousands of new homes at the proposed controversial Kings Hill housing development near Stoneleigh and the Finham area of Coventry. (b)take reasonable steps to organize the information relevant to its functions with a view to the active and systematic dissemination to the public of the information. Just before Kenilworth, the A452 crosses the A46, the major dual carriageway linking the M40 to Coventry. I have also been unable to disclose a further selection information by virtue of Environmental information Regulation 12(4)(d) in that this information held by Warwick District Council is Material in the course of completion, unfinished documents and incomplete data. Exiting north from Balsall Common, the road becomes a dual carriageway. In response to the complaint, after substantial delay, Warwick District Council eventually provided records of several meetings over the period from 30 June 2015 to 08 March 2016. A major new link road from the improved A46 Stoneleigh junction to Warwick University via Westwood Heath in Coventry is planned to tackle congestion and improve links to Stoneleigh Park exhibition centre. After 1 April 2016. A 4 5 2 M 4 2 M 6 A 4 1 4 1 A340 0 A Our goal is to reduce car traffic, not increase it. Particularly, on the 16th December 2015, it is reported that there is a Long Term vision that is compatible with expressway vision from Tollbar across airport to north of runway, south of Baginton and Finham to new junction below Stoneleigh.. You don't have to answer any more questions than you want, and you can go forwards and backwards to see what it covers. 3. At the end there is a question which lets you support an "other" option. 0000573194 00000 n Further information about your rights is available from the Information Commissioners Office (01625 545 700) or, and on the District Councils website. (a) texts of international treaties, conventions or agreements, and of Community, national, regional or local legislation, on the environment or relating to it; Warwickshire County Council website states: Since planning permission for the A46 Stoneleigh Junction Improvement Scheme was granted in 2018, a number of elements of work have been carried out. Mr Graham Leach The Council has identified a number of documents to be released to you that fall within the remit of this request. It is intended that a new major road will continue from there to Warwick University and from there continue to join the A452 Balsall Common road passing along the route of HS2 to form a road link to the NEC and Birmingham Airport. which is to consider the approval of the Warwick District Local Plan. There are similar hotels available. It is sufficient for you to provide a reference for that material. which is to consider the approval of the Warwick District Local Plan. With regard to the request that this Council publishes the notes, released to you, on our website, the Council will not be taking this step. Finally Warwickshire County Council are the lead authority for this matter and they will publish the documents referred in regulation 4(4)(a) that relate to the A46 link road. 4. endobj WebStation Road, Balsall Common, Coventry CV7. Upto 1 April 2016. I refer to the request for information that I submitted in April 2016 seeking information held by your authority in respect of this road. 0000414605 00000 n View and download all of the public notices in the Stratford Observer. The road into Leamington is signed as a primary route but most maps show it as non-primary. View as HTML. 0000576022 00000 n Bedrooms 2; Bathrooms 1; Our website is completely free for you to use but we may receive a commission from some of the companies we link to on the site. (2) All information held by the Council regarding the proposal for the A46 Stoneleigh junction to be enlarged to create an interchange roundabout with two bridges over the A46., along with the proposed new major road from there to Warwick University and from there continue to join the A452 Balsall Common road passing along the route of HS2 to form a road link to the NEC and Birmingham Airport. The entire scheme is dependent on that information so options must have been considered and that information must be held. This includes details relating to the proposed link road. It forms part of the route from Dublin to Ballyshannon (Co. Donegal). I note your comments with regard to Warwickshire County Council in respect of future publication under EIR Section 4. This request has been closed to new correspondence. They are highlighting a flawed report by consultants ARUP, which forecast even more traffic at main A45 and A46 islands yet concluded the highways network could cope. A consultation that rejects the road will help our Green councillors achieve a genuinely sustainable approach to transport. Donate and support our work. 0000413010 00000 n It is the major link to the M6 motorway for both Leamington and Warwick in addition to serving as Leamington's link by gazzaman28 Mon Apr 09, 2012 13:17, Post 0000573679 00000 n Web4 bedroom detached house for sale Beverley Close, Balsall Common, Coventry, West Midlands, CV7. I also highlight that the lead authority on this matter is Warwickshire County Council, as the highway authority and not Warwick District Council. Your request is currently being considered. The Green Party 2006 - 2021 | Manage Cookies, Make your voice heard about new 50m wide dual carriageway,, Kenilworth Green Party 20 is Plenty Survey. Any similar material from meetings of the A46 Central Area Working Group (or similar) subsequent to those that have been provided, will fall within the terms of my request. I also draw your attention to the Warwick District Council website specifically the pages relating to the development of our Local Plan for 2011-2029 which also contains further information and documents relating to the Link road. The entire scheme is dependent on that information so options must have been considered and that information must be held. I am grateful for your confirmation and acknowledgement that the materials you have provided to me were the substantive minutes of the meetings of the A46 Central Area Working Group contrary to previous claims that they were unfinished documents. Your authority appears to be represented on that group,. I will consider the rest of your email and reply to you in due course. WebIn summary we oppose the A46 Link Road in its current form for a number of reasons. Help. If the District Council is able to provide you with the information you have requested, then you are entitled to receive it within 20 working days. (b) policies, plans and programmes relating to the environment; 2 0 obj Upto 1 April 2016. Clarification of the detailed route options under consideration has not been provided. WebYou'll find we're all about convenience here at Premier Inn Hotel Balsall Common (Near NEC). Warwick District Council After 1 April 2016. In addition to the attached documents I draw your attention to Warwick District Council agenda for 20 September 2017, available on the Council's website. mySociety Milverton Hill, Royal Leamington Spa, CV32 5HZ. A site to help anyone submit a Freedom of Information request. Similarly, the published information particularly lacks information about the route options that are being considered for phase 3 of the road proposal. The official information provided by WCC is here: The closing date for objections to Phase 1, the A46 roundabout, is Wednesday 5th September. This is because at the time of your request some of the information held by the District Council is held in draft form and or is yet to be completed. (a)the information referred to in Article 7(2) of the Directive; and Even if you do not share my view that publication of those documents is an obligation under the EIRs, I do not understand why you would persist in keeping those deliberations partially covert and outwith the public record. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Mr Seddons email states: As referred to at the recent city council meeting, there will be consultation on the design options for the A46 strategic link road early in 2020. This will include consideration of how the link road might interact with the local road network, and the identification of those parts of the local road network, within both Coventry and Warwickshire, where improvements might be required as part of the link road scheme. 0000577559 00000 n 0000190364 00000 n It stretches 23.6 miles from Enniskillen to Belleek along the southwestern shoreline of Lower Lough Erne. They do not fall within article 7(2) of the Directive and the documents that do are available on WCC's website. Further, by participating in these meetings, the council clearly regarded the records of those meetings as falling under the terms of EIR 4(4)(b). (b) policies, plans and programmes relating to the environment; How would you like your grade separations, Sir. Thank you for your email and I apologise for the delay in coming back to you. I'm currently clearing out the loft and found a page from the local newspaper dated 15 July 1989. Clarification of the detailed route options under consideration has not been provided. There has been much speculation about a proposed link road joining the A46 at Stoneleigh to the A452 near Balsall Common, or the A45. These are personal notes used as an aid memoir as opposed to minutes (as I incorrectly stated in my previous email). The Dutch have shown that good cycle routes work for lots of shorter trips. If you are dissatisfied with the response from Warwick District Council, you are entitled to request an internal review. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. This includes details relating to the proposed link road. I am grateful for your confirmation and acknowledgement that the materials you have provided to me were the substantive minutes of the meetings of the A46 Central Area Working Group contrary to previous claims that they were unfinished documents. Congestion next to Dalehouse Lane and A46 Stoneleigh Junction. This is because under regulation 4(4)(a) of the Environmental Information Regulations does not include minutes of meetings and therefore there is no requirement to publish these on our website. In addition to this the minutes that were released as part of your previous request were used in the preparation of reports that have since become public knowledge. The Burton Green Distribution List enables E-mail messages about local matters to be sent to anyone who wishes to receive them. Unwind in a lovely quiet area of the Midlands, then zip off and explore business and leisure destinations around Birmingham, Solihull and Coventry. Sir Andrew states planners had mysteriously assumed historic 15 per cent shifts to cycling and public transport from car travel, despite the contradictory evidence of the last two decades. However, the information referred to in Article 7(2) of the Directive is as follows: Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Northern Ireland building and structure stubs, All Wikipedia articles written in Hiberno-English, Articles lacking sources from September 2013, Infobox road instances in Northern Ireland, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 16 April 2020, at 02:16. Your authority appears to be represented on that group,. *Please do not print this email unless you really need to. I am concerned that you do not intend to place the meeting minutes that you provided to me on the WDC website. 0000414038 00000 n If you would like to receive messages, or to send out a message, E-mail,,,,,, I can confirm that a concurrent request has also been again submitted to them. Deputy Monitoring Officer, Democratic Services, Warwick District Council, Riverside House, 0000329068 00000 n (4) The information under paragraph (1) shall include at least Your donations keep this site and others like it running. The A46 road runs along the Ballyshannon Road which has a park on the left called Brooke Park and The Round O. Portora Royal School is on a drumlin to the right of the road continues northwesterly leaving the Enniskillen at Silverhill before heading into the countryside of the Ulster Lakeland, with farms and golf courses and woodland and glimpses of Lower Lough Erne. endobj Thank you for your EIR request which I acknowledge was received by the District Council on 10 July 2017. Once the Council has received this information and have confirmed that they understand the request we will process your request. WebThe A46 Strategic Link Road is a very exciting scheme both for Warwickshire and the wider sub-region. The dual carriageway is close to oven-ready with the business case, traffic modeling and outline route developed, and funding anticipated. (1) All information held by the Council regarding the proposal for the A46 Stoneleigh junction to be enlarged to create an interchange roundabout with two bridges over the A46., along with the proposed new major road from there to Warwick University and from there continue to join the A452 Balsall Common road passing along the route of HS2 to form a road link to the NEC and Birmingham Airport. The outstanding requirement is for publication of the information now held that relates to any and all of the route options for this road new road proposal. Deputy Monitoring Officer Summary information that records no more than that previously placed in the public domain about the road proposal has recently been placed on the Warwickshire County Council website at their URL. Electrified, not terrified! Contact us if you think it should be reopened. I felt it would be useful to provide you with an update on this request for information. 233 Kenilworth to Solihull. Kind Regards Harpreet Dulay Kind Regards Harpreet Dulay Warwick District Council has now considered your request for information. Please can you let me know the full legal costs of action against me to date, Council Owned Alleyways - Rights of Access & Maintenance, Chief financial officers / section 151 officers, Please can you confirm exactly how many European Parliament voter registration forms were received from EU nationals residing in the Uk who wished to vote in the uk rather than another EU country, Council tax payment allocation in accordance with R. v Miskin Lower Justices [1953], Request Information regarding Council Vehicle Fleet, Current and historical Registers of Interest data. Democratic Services Manager and If you do not agree with this he should raise your concerns with the Information Commissioner. It then arrives at a major roundabout known as Stonebridge, where it crosses the A45 between Coventry and Birmingham. services through our wholly owned subsidiary EIR Regulation 4 states Get in on the action at Birmingham NEC. They would be of no assistance to the public if published on the website as they would be out of context and would appear just as a list of words. Some residents want a bypass due to heavy lorries rattling through the village. Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from September 2016, All articles needing additional references, Infobox road instances in the United Kingdom, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 11 February 2023, at 10:09. Run by Volunteers and powered by Alaveteli. Your request is currently being considered. The Stratford Observer is one of a group of local weekly newspapers spanning Worcestershire, Warwickshire and the West Midlands published by Bullivant Media Group - each newspaper providing all the latest local news, sport and advertising, in print and 247 on line. (d) the reports on the state of the environment referred to in paragraph 3; However, information released after a request under EIR Section 5 is unequivocally Environmental Information. There are far fewer lorries now than there used to be. Website:, Dear Dr Thornton, In the consultation there is some jam tomorrow talk of rail and cycle routes, but these sustainable bits are speculative, they are in the consultation but not in the proposed scheme or budget. Links - 0000582777 00000 n They are concerned the new road will simply displace traffic into residential areas including Westwood Heath and Burton Green near Balsall Common in Solihull borough. 3 0 obj There are extensive bus links from the Warwick University Bus Station. The group is identified as the A46 Central Area Working Group and includes representatives from several public authorities. Post % Corporate Support Team Tenure: Freehold. 0000567514 00000 n FOI Department Warwick District Council Dear Sirs, It was revealed in February 2016 that it is intended that the A46 Stoneleigh junction will be enlarged to create an interchange roundabout with two bridges over the A46. Thank you for your request for information on 12 July 2017. All rights reserved. Warwick District Council, Clearly neither I, nor the regulations, require you to republish information that you or others have already published. The meeting records further indicate an otherwise unpublished proposal to extend the new road with a road development from the A45/A46 roundabout near Coventry airport, to the A46 Stoneleigh roundabout. The information may be held independently by the authority or will be included in communications to or from other public agencies.. That information should be readily to hand and easily identified. I note the at least in that regulation. It is the major link to the M6 motorway for both Leamington and Warwick in addition to serving as Leamington's link to the M40 motorway and to Coventry. This scheme is being led by Warwickshire, but as noted above it does form part of the Coventry South Transport Package. 8.5M WebStation Road, Balsall Common, Coventry CV7 0.4 miles Berkswell 2.2 miles Tile Hill Listed on 23rd Feb 2023 Available from 10th Mar 2023 premium 795 pcm 183 pw 2 1 1 2 bed flat to rent Cameo Court, Kenilworth Road, Balsall Common CV7 0.4 miles Berkswell 2.2 miles Tile Hill Available Now New Listing Listed on 22nd Feb 2023 Available immediately The A452 is a road in England, which runs from Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire to Brownhills in the West Midlands. Help us protect your right to hold public authorities to account. The notes were used in discussions when reports and plans were formulated. In Ballyshannon certain road signs have destinations A46 Enniskillen with N3 Dublin with the requisite single arrow pointing in the same direction. In respect of Part 2 attached is a copy of the information that can be disclosed to you, at this time. Please note that this request is also being submitted via the website where it will be publically accessible. That information has given rise to the further article in the Coventry observer that is online at the following URL. It then crosses the M6 (at junction 5),[4] before heading northeast through Pype Hayes, Erdington, New Oscott and the semi-urban areas of Streetly and Shire Oak, between Walsall and Sutton Coldfield, before terminating at a junction with the A5 in Brownhills. The M40 and M42 had a major impact there. The A46 is a road in County Fermanagh, in Northern Ireland. This will include the documentation within which the claimed merits of such a road have been identified, and any evidence claimed to substantiate such merits.
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