FINDING OF: Judge Greg Cavanagh . The Northern Territory's coroner's office investigates unexpected or suspected deaths on behalf of the community. Findings are published on this website when an inquest was held or a coroner otherwise orders they be published in the public interest. There are also a series of sections totalling approx. adverse medical effects, failure to diagnose, misdiagnosis, Hobart Private Hospital, carcinomatosis, failure to report death to Coroner, medical, hospital. The Network has published its first report in 2018. New Chief Executive Officer Gemma Lake. Work related, Copper Mines of Tasmania, Mount Lyell Mine, Queenstown, chest injuries, fall from height, asphyxia, mud rush, temporary work platforms, fall arrest equipment, WorkSafe Tasmania, hazard management, Coroners comments & recommendations. Who attends an inquest Coroner and lawyers. Signage has been installed at the entrance to Sandy Cape Track (Temma) and the Arthur Beach Track (Gardiner Point, Arthur River): Quick release adaptors for sand flags were attached to all operational vehicles in the Field Centre likely to operate on the track. Spencer Clinic will need to liaise with the King Island Heath Services to arrange. 2021 | Department of the Attorney-General and Justice Last updated: 16-Dec-2020 [ back to top ] Apply Clear filters Showing 21-30 of 82 results Inquest into the death of Terence Gray launch Decision of Deputy State Coroner Truscott Coronial, traumatic closed head injuries, motor vehicle crash, decision not to hold inquest, supervision order, Criminal Justice (Mental Impairment) Act 1995, Royal Hobart Hospital, aspiration pneumonia, coronial, coroner, suicide, stab wounds, neck and incised wounds to wrists, Older Persons, Falls, Aged Care, Medical Certificate Cause of Death, Coroner's Finding, Physical Health, long term missing person, undetermined cause of death, Knocklofty Reserve, child death, asthma, North West Regional Hospital, misdiagnosis, incorrect diagnosis, substandard medical treatment, Tasmanian Health Service, medico legal, Coroner's comments, Asthma Australia, Inquest, re-investigation, work related, transport & traffic related, truck driver, De Bruyns, prime mover, laden fish tanker, fish run, Esperance Coast Road, rollover, crash, training, frame rise, air suspension, recommendations, hypoxic brain injury, epilepsy, seizure, Royal Hobart Hospital, Nexus supported living, Coronial, treatment order, ischaemic heart disease. Two of three deaths at Copper Mines of Tasmania 'avoidable', coroner finds Two of three deaths at Copper Mines of Tasmania 'avoidable', coroner finds By Loretta Lohberger Posted Thu 17 Jun 2021 at 7:29pm The three deaths at the Copper Mines of Tasmania's site occurred within six weeks of each other. When the cause of death is unknown or seems unnatural, a judicial officer, known as a coroner, is involved to determine certain information. Since the Coroners recommendation a Mental Health Short Stay Unit has been implemented to improve flow for mental health patients out of the ED.With the ED redevelopment, planning is underway to include a secure high acuity area for mental health patients as well as a calming, private area for lower acuity patients where they are able to wait for their assessment separate from non-mental health patients. HEARING DATE(s): 27, 28 September 2021 . Decision of Deputy State Coroner Truscott, Coronial law, cause and manner of death, NSW trains removal of passenger, NSW Police Powers re intoxicated persons, CORONIAL LAW - Mandatory inquest - homicide by known persons since deceased - s.78, Coronial law, cause and manner of death, First Nations Patients, palliative care, death in corrections custody, Justice Health, care and treatment, CORONIAL LAW - s.27 (1) (a) Coroners Act 2009 - death as a result of homicide by a known person - mandatory inquest, CORONIAL LAW - death by hanging of a person in custody - was mental health care of an appropriate standard - should a mandatory notification have been made - access to rope and hanging points - adequacy of health information sharing -, CORONIAL LAW - death by hanging of a person in lawful custody - frequency of medication reviews - reduction of hanging points at Long Bay Correctional Centre, CORONIAL LAW - unidentified human remains, Eastern bank of the MacDonald River, near Wrights Creek Road St Albans NSW, CORONIAL LAW - death in custody, mandatory inquest, cause and manner of death, natural causes, CORONIAL LAW - cause and manner of death, laryngectomy, tracheal stenosis, respiratory rate, respiratory distress, alteration of calling criteria, Clinical Emergency Response System, vital sign observations, CORONIAL LAW - natural causes death of a person in lawful custody - was medical care and treatment appropriate. PDF ORDER: Supp ress publication of the name of the deceased, the deceased In some inquests recommendations are made to Ministers and Government and non-government agencies. Handbook for Medical Practioners and Students, Child C (Name Subject to Suppression Order), Child F (Name Subject to Suppression Order), Child B (Name Subject to Suppression Order), Baby E (Name Subject to Suppression Order), Child AM (Name Subject to Suppression Order), Child J (Name Subject to Suppression Order), Child JP (Name Subject to Suppression Order), Drage, Christopher Mervyn and Simpson, Trisjack Preston, Miss T (Name Subject to Suppression Order), Child JM (Name Subject to Suppression Order), Child RM (Name Subject to Suppression Order), Child SJC (Name Subject to Suppression Order), Headland, Zaraiyah-Lily and Andreas Hohaia, 5 Deaths in Casuarina Prison including Mervyn Kenneth Douglas BELL and Bevan Stanley CAMERON and Brian Robert HONEYWOOD and JS (Name Subject to Suppression Order) and Aubrey Anthony Shannon WALLAM, 13 Children and Young Persons in the Kimberley Region, Child KT (Name Subject to Suppression Order), Child L (Name Subject to Suppression Order), Pham, Uock and O'Neill, Justin and Pham, Jacob and Pham, Tuan, Carter, Mason Laurence and Turner, Murray Allan and Fairley, Chad Alan, Fairley, Chad Alan and Carter, Mason Laurence and Turner, Murray Allan, Felton,Gary, chantelle Jane McDougall, Leela McDougall and Antonio Konstantin Popic, McDougall, Chantell Jane and McDougall, Leela and Antonio Konstantin Popic and Gary Felton, Turner, Murray Allan and Carter, Mason Laurence and Fairley, Chad Alan, Beasley (also known as Graeme Leslie Syme), Miller, Keven Herbert Leban (aka Herb Miller), Cuzens, Jessica Rose & Cuzens, Jane Lesley Margaret & Glendinning, Heather, Glendinning, Heather & Cuzens, Jessica Rose & Cuzens, Jane Lesley Margaret, Hassan, Mohammad and Noor, Mohammad and Mr Sabibullah (Sabib Ullah), Noor, Mohammad and Hassan, Mohammad and Mr Sabibullah (Sabib Ullah), TP (a child) (Subject to a Suppression Order), TPL (a child Subject to a Suppression Order), McLean, Steven Walter & Wallam, Shane Henry, Till, Debra Alexandra and Raabe, Craig Allan, James, Robert (aka Philip Kevin Luckie and Robert John Coughlin), Vincent, Ian Bradley and Nelson, Kane Edwin. Motorcycle Crash, Annual St Helens to Strahan Off Road Motorcycle ride, Alcohol, Intentional Self-Harm, Mental Illness, Transport and Traffic Related. information and interpreting coronial determinations and findings regarding intent. Aishwarya Aswath . To see the decisions published by the various Divisions of the Magistrates Court use the Magistrates Decisions link. Directions Hearing - Those seeking leave to appear. Coronial inquests and findings | Department of the Attorney-General and This may require viewing multiple records or images. transport and traffic related, single vehicle motor accident, car crash, Port Sorell, failure to wear seat belt, drink driving, blood alcohol of 0.261 g/100ml, driving in excess of speed limit, 120km/h in a 80km/h zone, Mental illness & health, drugs & alcohol, accidental prescription medication overdose, morphine, doctor shopping, house fire, fire related, Latrobe, charging battery, combustible materials near charger, accidental, long term missing person, missing bushwalker, undetermined cause of death, South West National Park, Huon Track, ill-equipped, bushwalking, no personal locator beacon, PLB, Coroner's comments, Transport & traffic related, motor vehicle accident, pneumonia, Royal Hobart Hospital, reminder to medical practitioners, Motor vehicle crash, Nunamara, campervan, drink driving, inattention, incorrect side of the roadway, head-on collision, prime mover, transport and traffic related, motorcycle crash, multiple trauma, collision with stationary prime mover, Mayfield, unroadworthy, unregistered, unlicensed, failure to wear helmet, alcohol and drugs, cannabis, methylamphetamine, Transport and traffic related, motor vehicle crash, speed, alcohol, drugs, New Town, unroadworthy, reckless driving, manslaughter, death by dangerous driving, imprisonment, homicide, manslaughter, assault, consequences of stab injury, hypoxic brain injury, exsanguination, cardiac arrest, Deejay Feil, sentencing comments, Supreme Court of Tasmania, transport and traffic related, motor vehicle accident, Launceston, Wellington and Frederick Streets, manslaughter, ran red light, driving in excess of speed limit, driving whilst disqualified, decamped from scene, Dylan Lee, sentenced to imprisonment, natural cause death, atherosclerotic coronary vascular disease, Nyrstar Hobart Pty Ltd, Lutana, zinc works, factory, death at work place, Work Safe Tasmania, Undetermined Circumstances, Undetermined Cause of Death, Mount Wellington Park, East-West Fire Trail, Mental Health, DNA Analysis. Please don't include personal or financial information here, Inquest into the death of Bronwynne RICHARDSON, Inquest into the death of Liselle HOUBERT, Inquest into the discovery of unidentified skeletal remains located at St Albans, Inquest into the death of Donald GREENAWAY, Inquest into the death of Timothy MOFFATT. Unreported judgments of the Supreme Court of Tasmania are available on AustLII (Australian Legal Information Institute). [2021] WACOR 18 Page 2 Coroners Act 1996 (Section 26(1)) AMENDED RECORD OF INVESTIGATION INTO DEATH I, Philip John Urquhart, Coroner, having investigated the death of a female child referred to as Child AM with an inquest held at Perth Coroners Court, Central Law Courts, Court 85, 501 Hay Street, Perth, on 26 - 27 November The relevant Medical Officer in Spencer Clinic will contact the King Island GP as soon as practicable to advise of the patients discharge date from Spencer Clinic. Transport and traffic related, St Helens, Coroner's finding, joint inquest, child and infant death, youth, transport and traffic related, Child Safety Services, Department of Communities, Tasmania, child protection systems, Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy, co-sleeping, drowning, motor vehicle crash, exposure to risk, Drowning, River Derwent, Mental Illness and Health, Child and Infant Death, Sepsis, Royal Hobart Hospital, motor vehicle accident, transport and traffic related, epilepsy, suspended licence, medically unfit to drive, driving unlicenced, Risdon Road. This page -- -- was last published on May 22, 2013 by the Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management. Our three yearly refresh program already includes specific rollover awareness elements. Coronial, House Fire, Smoke Alarm, Smoke inhalation, asphyxia, heating, flames, smoke, heating, electrical work. Response from Tasmania Health Service Statewide and Mental Health Services received 8 March 2022. Intentional self-harm, mixed drug toxicity, overdose of prescription medication, criminal sexual misconduct, criminal charges, toxicological analysis, Launceston General Hospital. Transport & traffic related, motorcycle crash, single vehicle crash, high speed, multiple trauma. CATCHWORDS: Domestic violence allegations made Water related, long term missing person, suspected death, undetermined cause of death, disappearance, intoxication, Fisherman's Wharf, Strahan. Perth hospital staff missed the signs a seven-year-old girl was dying of sepsis because of the pressures caused by "inadequate" staffing, a coroner has found. This collection includes inquest files from the coroners office in Tasmania. Mixed Drug toxicity, Mental Health Plan, Schedule 8 substances, Drug Intoxication, Borderline Personality Disorder, Anxiety Disorder. Leisure activity, transport & traffic related, weather related, aircraft crash, private airfield, windsock, coroner's comment & recommendation, Transport and traffic related, weather related, motor vehicle accident, truck, speed, wet weather, improved roadway, advisory signage, Glengarry, aged care, older persons, fall from cliff, possible drowning, Derwent Waters, retirement village, Claremont, undetermined circumstances, Falls, leisure activity, older persons, Mersey Community Hospital, infection, avoidable, Root Cause Analysis, misdiagnosed, Adverse medical effects, Coroner's comment, operation, George Town Hospital, Launceston General Hospital, St. Vincent's Public Hospital, surgery, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, Adverse medical effects, older persons, reversal of Hartmann's procedure, post-operative complications, electrocardiogram, long QT syndrome, St Luke's Hospital, Launceston General Hospital, recommendation, Aged care, falls, older persons, Coroner's comment, bed alarms, Adverse medical effects, falls, leisure activity, older persons, Launceston General Hospital, LGH, undetermined cause of death, mental health and illness, Ambulance Tasmania, Mental Health Services, transport and traffic related, single motor vehicle crash, multiple chest injuries, failure to wear seatbelt, intoxicated, drink driving, drugs and alcohol, coroner's comments, Drowning, leisure activity, fishing, water related, weather related, winter, alcohol related, child and infant death, sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI), co-sleeping with parents, potential overlay whilst sleeping, sleeping in adult bed, smoking, unsafe sleeping environment, bronchopneumonia, Child Safety Services, Child Protection Services, Child and Youth Services, Drugs & Alcohol, Transport & Traffic Related, Motor Vehicle Accident, Speeding, Collision, Distraction, Orford, Learner Licence, water related, multiple injuries, personal water craft (PWC), jet ski, Chinaman's Bay, Dunalley, alcohol and drugs, operating a PWC whilst intoxicated, collision with stationary object, Traffic and transport related, youth, single vehicle motorcycle crash, blunt injuries of head, neck and chest, loss of control, sweeping turn, Strathaven Drive Rosetta, transport and traffic related, motor vehicle crash, Longford, Illawarra Road, methylamphetamine, cannabis, driving under influence of illicit substances, Drugs and alcohol, mental illness and health, mixed drug toxicity, respiratory arrest, methadone, diazepam, coroner's finding, coroner's comment, Transport & traffic related, car crash, older persons, Aged care, nursing home, fall, older persons, dementia, person held in care, Royal Hobart Hospital, Roy Fagan Centre, Public Guardian, guardianship order, medical review, Coroner's comments, Missing person, LTMP, unknown cause of death, bones, Launceston, Transport & traffic related, motorcycle crash, blunt force trauma, crash investigation, speed, unroadworthy, Electrocution, work related, Residual Current Devices, portable defibrillator, Coroner's finding, Coroner's recommendation, Coroner's comment, Natural cause death, location, West Tamar Highway, Lanena, older persons, physical health, The Public Trustee, Fall, work related, pulmonary thromboembolus, left medial malleolar fracture, anti-coagulation, risk of DVT and PE, coroner's finding, coroner's comment, Ladder fall, traumatic closed head injuries, working at height, training, home building site, recommendations, Workplace Health and Safety Act 2012, Missing person, water related, recreational fishing, suspected death, disappearance, Transport & traffic related, single vehicle crash, learner's licence, unlicenced, unroadworthy, wet conditions, speed, child survived, crash investigation, Coroner's comments, undetermined cause of death, missing person, Glen Huon, Coroner's finding, coroner's recommendations, gunshot wound, law enforcement, mental illness & health, weapon, police provoked shooting, Tasmania Police, Transport & traffic related, alcohol, drink driving, excessive speed, speeding, mobile phone usage, texting, single vehicle crash, unroadworthy, asphyxia, Turners Marsh, failure to wear seat belt, coroner's comments, adverse medical effects, hospital death, Mersey Community Hospital, sepsis, failure to remove intravenous cannula, Coroner's finding, water related, transport & traffic related, blunt force trauma with brain injury, leisure activity, misadventure, PWC, unlicensed and inexperienced PWC operators, Lake Trevallyn Dam, Tasmanian Jet Sport Boating Club, Coroner's finding, long-term missing person, older person, undetermined cause of death, body not located, North-West Tasmania, transport and traffic related, single motor vehicle crash, excessive speed, driving over speed limit, Lilydale, Homicide, murder, assault, stabbing, Devonport, Transport & traffic related, motor vehicle accident, pneumonia, older person, undiagnosed cervical spine fracture, guidelines, Royal Hobart Hospital, transport and traffic related, mobility scooter crash, single vehicle crash, no helmet, loss of control, Falls, older persons, closed head injury, left frontal/temporal subdural haematoma, anticoagulation, reverse anticoagulation protocol, Coroner's finding, Coroner's recommendation, alcohol and drugs, mixed alcohol and drug toxicity, unintentional, Amlodipine, drug interaction, Burnie, Silver Whisper cruise ship, Intentional self-harm, Mental illness & health, older persons, Mental Health Act 2013 (Tas), Mental Health Treatment Order, person held in care, community services, transport and traffic related, motor vehicle accident, two vehicle crash, multiple traumatic injuries, drugs and alcohol, alcohol intoxication, blood alcohol over legal limit, cannabis, Lauderdale, water related, drowning, scuba diving, rebreather, rebreather apparatus, displacement of mouthpiece, Visscher Island, Drowning, water related, Ansons Bay, Coroner's comments, lifejackets (PFDs), lifejacket inflation process, boat maintenance, MAST, boating safety, Drowning, water related, Coroner's comments, lifejackets (PFDs), lifejacket inflation process, boat maintenance, MAST, boating safety, transport and traffic related, motor vehicle collusion, two vehicle crash, failure to take care when overtaking, prime mover, sedan, Bass Highway, Deloraine, multiple injuries, Adverse medical effects, physical health, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, prophylactic anticoagulant, Achilles tendon rupture, coroner's finding, coroner's comment, motor vehicle crash, transport and traffic related, Mornington, South Arm Highway, excessive speed, negligent driving, Traffic Act 1925, intentional self harm, mental illness and health, death in a public place, Tasman Bridge, Royal Hobart Hospital, Mental Health Act 2013 (Tas), decision not to involuntarily detain, Transport and traffic related, physical health, heart disease, positional asphyxia, workplace, coroner's finding, coroner's comments, transport and traffic related, motor vehicle accident, motorcycle accident, loss of control, traumatic injuries of head and chest, Kalang Avenue, Transport and traffic related, multiple blunt traumatic injuries, two-vehicle collision, West Tamar Highway, coroner's finding, transport and traffic related, single motor vehicle accident, motorsport, rally car, Scottsdale Classic Rally, Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd, breach of National Rally Code, Transport and traffic related, motorcycle and motor vehicle crash, head-on collision, incorrect lane, multiple traumatic injuries, alcohol, coroner's finding, Transport and traffic related, motor vehicle crash, Domain Highway, multiple blunt injuries, drowning, capsize of boat, Marion Bay, Narrows channel, MAST, marine safety, water related, transport related, manslaughter, assault, subarachnoid haemorrhage, comments on passing sentence, Criminal Code, Transport and traffic related, single motorcycle crash, loss of control, chest and abdominal injuries, drugs and alcohol, unroadworthy, coroner's finding, Transport and traffic related, motorcycle crash, multiple traumatic injuries, drugs and alcohol, lost control, speed, unregistered and unlicensed, rear brake lock, coroner's finding, Drowning, Frederick Henry Bay, transport & traffic related, water related, PFD, boat licence, second hand boat inspection, Coroner's finding, Coroner's recommendation, Coroner's comments, Adverse medical effects, escherichia coli urosepsis, sepsis, kidney stone surgery, launceston, transport and traffic related, single motorcycle crash, Smithton, school zone, excessive speed, un-roadworthy vehicle, drug and alcohol, methamphetamine, Transport and traffic related, motorcycle and vehicle crash, blunt traumatic injuries, overtaking, following too closely, poor riding, coroner's finding, Transport and traffic related, motorcycle and vehicle crash, chest injuries, incorrect side of road, cornering technique, crosswinds, high risk of death, coroner's finding, transport and traffic related, single vehicle crash, motorcycle crash, multiple injuries, loss of control of vehicle, alcohol and drugs, blood alcohol level over legal limit, cannabis (THC), excessive speed, Transport and traffic related, motorcycle and motor vehicle crash, speed and alcohol, diffuse head injury, unroadworthy, coroner's finding, coroner's comment, missing person, suspected intentional self harm, undetermined cause of death, body not located, Bakers Beach, northern Tasmania, coroner's comments, ruling on evidence, whether evidence within scope of inquest, adolescent mental health, Tasmania, Liam Mead inquest, Coroners Act 1995 (Tas), adverse medical effects, hospital related death, Calvary St Luke's Hospital Launceston, reportable death, failure to report death, no post mortem performed, undetermined cause of death, homicide, assault, asphyxia, Bridgewater, Darren Dobson, strangulation/choking, coroner's recommendations, recommendation of enactment of indictable offence of choking, suffocation or strangulation, Two vehicle collision, transport and traffic related, multiple injuries, coroner's finding, Aspiration of gastric contents following vomiting, aged care, mental illness and health, older person, coroner's finding, inquest, child and infant death, global hypoxic brain injury, cessation of breathing, family violence context, non-accidental injury, rib fractures, transport and traffic related, intentional self harm, head injuries, mental health and illness, driver, intentionally driving into path of oncoming vehicle, Latrobe, Transport & traffic related, motorcycle and car collision, alcohol & drugs, Brooker Highway, Hanging, intentional self-harm, mental illness and health, drugs and alcohol, Coroner's finding, hypothermia, Overland Track, Lake St Clair, Parks and Wildlife Service, coroner's recommendations, bushwalker, winter inadequately equipped, transport and traffic related, single motor vehicle crash, Bass Highway, failure to wear seatbelt, alcohol, drink driving, driving over the limit, blood alcohol level of 0.157, speeding, failure to drive at speed limit, coroner's comments, Coroner's finding, transport & traffic related, motorcycle crash, multiple injuries, Drowning, water related, coroner's finding, fishing vessel, dinghy capsize, Coroner's finding, coroner's recommendation, head and chest injuries, Metro, pedestrian struck by bus, transport & traffic related, Mixed drug toxicity, serotonin syndrome, sertraline, tramadol, SSRIs, drugs & alcohol, coroner's finding, hospital death, abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), Royal Hobart Hospital, chimney vascular repair procedure, advanced coronary artery and peripheral vascular disease complicating repair, Urosepsis, pyelonephritis, lissencephaly, Royal Hobart Hospital, UTI, incorrect diagnosis, coroner's finding, coroner's recommendation, hospital related death, adverse medical affects, Smithton District Hospital, ischaemic small bowel, bowel obstruction, Crohn's disease, Coroner's finding, coroner's recommendations, adverse medical effects, PPI, gastrointestinal bleed, death review, Pulmonary thromboemboli, deep vein thrombosis, hip replacement, physical health, Coroner's finding, hospital death, Royal Hobart Hospital, Hobart Private Hospital, colonic cancer, hemicolectomy, sepsis, delayed diagnosis, workplace death, work related, transport related, farming property, motorcycle crash, use of motorcycles on private property, single vehicle crash, unroadworthy and unsafe vehicle, no working brakes, neurocardiogenic syncope whilst driving, Industrial accident, blunt force, blunt trauma, pedestrian, hit by utility vehicle, chest and abdomen.
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