The only downside to this relationship is that both signs are stubborn. If he never wants to meet your friends or family or talk about where he grew up, theres a reason. An Aquarius man will not want to broadcast his relationships, especially if he isnt sure where the relationship is going. 12 Signs Aquarius Man is Using You 1. 12 Strong Signs Aquarius man is using You - [BONUS] What to do with an Aquarius Man Player? Just by answering a few simple questions, I discovered shocking details about my man (which have proven to be 100% correct so far). Take a step back from your emotions and objectively assess his behavior. Youll notice that he never fully responds even when you try to talk about something serious. He reveals nothing: 3. He might be looking for a free ride and doesnt care how it affects you. Aquarius men are known for their open-minded nature. He often takes unorthodox approaches to friendships and life in general, which can make it hard for him to settle into a traditional relationship structure. If he wont compromise, even in minor things, hes not actually interested in a deep relationship with you. In fact, he usually will start relationships with people that he is already friends with because he can then date people who understand his alternative approach to life. He wont be cruel or entirely leave you hanging but he wont show the same care he would for somebody he loves. He could even say horrible things to put distance between the two of you or make a direct attack on your character in order to get back at you for something that didnt go his way earlier in the day. They can be slightly narcissistic, and playing mind games makes him look intriguing and mysterious. BY Dr Prabhukar Mishra. Aquarius men are friendly and outgoing, so if hes always inviting you to come along with him to events and gatherings with his friends, he may genuinely want you to be a part of his life. An Aquarius man will test you by monitoring your actions, asking bizarre questions, and engaging you in a debate. In other ways, you might see some slight changes in these traits. This means one moment they can be very engaged, and the next, they can be completely distracted by something else. What once kept you up at night, causing nightmares and night sweats, fear and worry is being whisked away. This image is not<\/b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website. Capricorn man is not possessive: 8. Hes just interested in controlling the relationship and keeping you at arms length because hes not ready for anything serious. The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Aquarius man (they work like magic). Ask him to make you a priority in his life. If you only ever have superficial chats with him, it may be a sign of intellectual laziness or disinterest on his part. They love it, they talk about it, and theyre not afraid to be upfront about the fact that they want to have sex with you. It is natural that people not trusting easily with the experiences and past instances. If you want to know if your Aquarius man is using you, you need to tap into your inner guidance system and make an honest assessment of your relationship. When an Aquarius man goes hot and cold or disappears for an extended period of time without giving you an explanation, its possible that he might be dealing with other issues, or he simply doesnt give a fraction of shit about you. 7 Questions That Make An Aquarius Man Fall In Love February 10th, 2023 . Aquarius is one of the most independent and single signs. This is one of the more obvious signs an Aquarius man is using you. It is possible that he will speak in a tone that indicates that he is no longer interested in treating you with respect. wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. Well, read on to know your astrological predictions as per your zodiac sign for February 28. He is aware that deep conversation can make relationships more intimate, so if its never brought up conversationally, he might be trying to keep your feelings at bay while stringing you along with the small talk. Aquarius men have clear goals and visions for the future. Theyll want to get to know all of your friends and family and be a part of your life. An Aquarius man might be outright rude to you if hes using you. He may be in the middle of some big project and only calling you when he needs your help with it. Hell want to open up to the people he cares about, even if its difficult. He may just want a fling or he might be keeping you around for another reason. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. One telltale sign that an Aquarius man is using you is when hes uncharacteristically rude and inconsiderate with you. However, its important for both of you to be on the same page about what you want from one another. Aquarius is the sign of friendship, so if hes acting selfishly towards you, it could indicate that he doesnt feel a deep sense of companionship with you. And if you want to know if he really likes you or is just using you, I have good news. From twin flames to psychics to dream interpretation, we cover it all. Aquarius men dont like to get too attached to people, so theyre not going to want to spend time alone with you in a private setting where theyll have to get really close and really attached. One big, bold sign a Taurus man could be playing you is when he doesn't romance you. Again, this isnt a relationship, its him using you to get something done. Even when he has a strained relationship with his family, hell still talk about them to his partner. Only interested in texting you when he wants something and disappears when you have something going on in your life, hes only using you. When youve committed yourself to someone, youre not only signing up as their lover, youre also their personal therapist, best friend, nurse, chef, confidant, and sexual partner. Close-Minded. Heres the thing: He may be using you as a way to get free dates, meals, and other perks without any intention of ever taking you seriously. Were here to help with a comprehensive list of signs that an Aquarius man is using you, so you can understand what hes doing and determine the best way to respond. He never seems to want to get close to you. Relationship Herois a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people navigate complex and difficult love situations, like helping you figure out if someone is genuinely interested in you as a person or if they want something else from you. Dont assume the worst after a few missed texts. wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. If he never makes an effort to get closer to you, hes likely not interested in a relationship. He may not always notice when theyre upset unless they tell him but he does care about the feelings of his loved ones. But if he isnt offering you the same amount in return or still doesnt take much interest in how you feel, this could be a sign that he is uninterested in committing himself fully to you. He's not interested in what you're doing: 5. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 7,741 times. The sign requires building a friendship first. Look for other signs in addition to this one. If hes rude, uncompromising, and keeps you completely separate from other people in his life, those are other signs hes using you. And . He might have a legitimate reason for dragging his heels, or he might not see you as a long-term partner. The Aquarius is a highly intellectual sign, and they pride themselves on their unique perspective. This image may not be used by other entities without the express written consent of wikiHow, Inc.
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\u00a9 2023 wikiHow, Inc. All rights reserved. Hes not interested in what you want, hes interested in controlling you and making sure you do what he thinks is best. Related: 7 Signs that an Aries Man is Using You (Don't get Played) 1. Aquarius is known as the water-bearer and they have a tremendous ability to hold the emotions and experiences of others without letting them affect their own well-being. Signs An Aquarius Man Secretly Likes You - [Bonus] What You . He hates being ignored. #Explained, 23 Clear Signs an Aquarius Man Testing You (+Best Response), Are Aquarius Men Jealous? But if he never asks you about your aspirations and goals or what youve done, hes not really interested in getting to know you better. They strive to live a balanced and harmonious life, and sometimes bringing in a partner doesn't fit with their stack of cards. It's also important to mention that it may signify that he's not ready to settle down. One of the best indicators of his feisty attraction is his eyes. Here are eighteen signs your Aquarius date is testing you. If hes not willing to meet you halfway, do yourself a favor and walk away. If he doesnt listen to you, hes showing you that he doesnt care about what you have to say. You deserve so much better. He wont care enough to get to know your family. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. With a professional relationship coach, you can get advice tailored to the specific issues youre facing in your love life. A few months ago, I reached out to Psychic Source when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. According to astrology, Sagittarius and Aquarius are fairly compatible signs. This is one of the more obvious signs an Aquarius man is using you. If an Aquarius man doesnt invite you to go out on dates and introduce you to his circle, this is definitely a bad sign. He would rarely show you his sensitive side. If he never talks to you about his friends, hes not interested in you romantically. He doesnt usually have time to waste on people he doesnt care about. In fact, they have huge hearts and are very charitable. Aquarius men are very generous and like to help others, but if hes always coming to you for loans, hes obviously not thinking about how it will impact your relationship. As such, it is a bit hard for him to be completely invested in someone else. Hes just interested in having fun and not being held accountable for his actions. Aquarius guys are normally social and intellectual but wont have deep conversations or spend quality time with you when theyre using you. Aquarius men are ruled by air and have witty and intellectual personalities that can engage in deep, meaningful conversations. One of the perks for you in dating is having someone to hold hands with, hug, and kiss. One thing is certain: if he is imitating your posture and movements, this is a clear sign that he is flirting with you. He constantly worries about you and would check up on you from time to time. Aquarius men are usually more than willing to try and improve themselves and treat people better when asked to. Some Aquarius men are just naturally emotionally distant. An Aquarius man is one of the best liars in the zodiac, so it will be hard for you to find out because he does it naturally. You may notice him canceling dates or showing up late all of the time. Here are 10 clear signs that will tell you if a Capricorn man is playing you! For natives of this sun sign, the stars are favourable and foretell success and achievements in all endeavours, especially after 15 March. He likely wont be interested in hearing about your family either. Here are 15 signs an Aquarius man is using you: If this guy is always on you to help him out with cash, he is showing his true colors. If an Aquarius man is testing you, he might not respond to a few texts. If an Aquarius man just wants to hook up with you, itll be very obvious based on the way he treats you in bed. He might also blow you off whenever you call or text, telling you hes busy or its not a good time. So, Aquarius isn't the most touchy-feely of the zodiac signs and would rather stop talking than tell . A liberal and an independent, this man is intent on making the world a better place, for all of mankind. wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. Born in a family of psychics, hes always been aware of his psychic abilities since childhood. He is usually good about listening to his friends and partners. Does he flirt with you, make long eye contact, or touch your hair? Normally, he would be interested in listening to his partner. Aquarius men are independent people. This means that if hes never shown any interest in how your day went or what you did, hes not interested in getting to know you better. Most of us in the modern world feel insecure to trust someone blindly. 1) Try a new look If you want to seduce an Aquarius man, you need to entertain him. Signs Aquarius man likes you more than a friend Born around 20 January to 18 February, Aquarius is known as a lovely, shy, funny, good communicator, and intelligently smart figure. He doesnt want a relationship. If he is constantly canceling plans at the last minute or lying about how busy he is, that is another sign hes using you. This grandiose approach may seem a little overwhelming when you first meet the man, but he really is a genius when it comes to thoughts and new ideas. If you dont feel comfortable sharing your goals and dreams with him, theres a reason. January 4, 2023. If he never mentions his family to you, thats a red flag. What To Expect? The simple truth is that understanding the unique traits of an Aquarius can help you better connect with him on an emotional, spiritual, and even sexual level. 7 Signs An Aquarius Man Is Done With You 1. Aquarius men are big dreamers and often have big projects theyre working on. Some Aquarius guys might even consciously play with your emotions and make you feel taken for granted if theyre just using you. 12 ways to win someone back who doesnt want you, 12 physical symptoms of missing someone you love (complete list), No contact rule with an Aries man: 15 things to know. Normally, Aquariuss boundless curiosity extends to the person theyre dating: theyll want to know everything about you, from your favorite food to what makes you tick. There are going to be times where even the most loving Aquarius man accidentally hurts your feelings. If he doesnt bother filtering out his dark side with you, its highly likely that your Aquarius man is done with you.
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