A board of trustees is normally comprised of anywhere from three to 30 people, though state law may prescribe the minimum number and which positions, such as treasurer and chair, must be filled. Please share theVoting Information for Catholic Ratepayersflyer with your community. This portion of the site is for informational purposes only. ACTION seeks to expand the academic and intellectual horizons of bright, motivated, and responsible students from local communities who may not have the resources available to provide such summer programs. Additional information for trustee candidates and voters is available at: Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team. Heres a step-by-step guide to forming an LLC. THE SCHOOL HAD AN ENROLLMENT OF 922 STUDENTS IN 2020. Rye Country Day School 2 years 7 months Assistant Director Of Admissions for the Middle School Jun 2022 - Present8 months Rye, New York, United States Middle School Principal Jul 2020 - Jun. Learn more We believe the quality of our faculty and staff is essential to the achievement of our mission. Fall Sports: Cross Country, Field Hockey, Football, Volleyball, and Soccer.Winter Sports: Basketball, Fencing, Ice Hockey, Squash, Indoor Track and Field, and Wrestling.Spring Sports: Baseball, Golf, Lacrosse, Sailing, Softball, Tennis, Track and Field. Such intermingling of affairs would likely be an unacceptable conflict of interest even if other board members sign off on it. Clubs provide a wonderful opportunity to get to know teachers in a different way, to learn something new, and to have fun with friends after school. post - Rye Country Day School Greenwich Country Day School maintains high academic standards, a broad and balanced curriculum, and time-honored traditions. Annual Operating Budget: $45million On January 31, 2022, Rye Country Day announced that the Thruway Authority voted to approve the sale to the school. If it is your nonprofit, add geographic service areas to create a map on your profile. RCDS offers classes and programming in dance, drama, music, and visual arts. Rye Country Day School is a dynamic learning environment that values character, knowledge, and skills as the foundation of good citizenship. and who do the programs serve? The RCDS website features an alert system for the calendar and specific sports teams. Adam C. Rohdie, Head of School, Ex-Officio, Krystal Sachs, Parents Association Co-Chair, Jacqueline Jenkins, Assistant Head of School, Anne Allen, Assistant Head of Lower Elementary School, Bill Auerswald, Chief Financial and Operating Officer, Nina Basinet, Head of Upper Elementary School, Rick Columbo, Assistant Head of Upper School, Trudy Davis, Head of Lower Elementary School, Jonathon De Vries, Coordinator of the Arts, Kim Eves, Director of Strategic Communications, Andrew Ledee, Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Andrew Niblock, Director of Schoolwide Initiatives, Anabel Prez Wills, Director of Alumni Relations and Development, Cheryl Plummer, Director of Admission and Financial Aid, Andy Ramirez, Director of College Counseling, Marshall Spooner, Assistant Head of Middle School, Kevin Thompson, Assistant Head of Upper Elementary School. "This is a win-win for RCDS and the surrounding community," Head of School Scott Nelson said in a statement announcing the deal. Jill MacVicar, Class of 2024 Rye Country Day School - Wikipedia The 26-acre campus includes academic buildings; two libraries; administrative buildings; a separate performing arts center with classrooms, music rooms, a dance studio and a 450-seat theater-auditorium; a 23,000-square-foot innovative creative arts center; a 40,000-square-foot athletic center; and fourturf fields. Such decisions may include how to invest assets, the choice of institutional manager, and the pursuit of specific investment options. As stewards of the school's institutional goals, the board ensures that Country Day's mission is appropriate and relevant to the community it serves. The trustee plays a crucial role in the management and distribution of a trust. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. Here are the advantages they conferand the disadvantages. Lancaster Country Day School is a preschool-12th grade, coed college preparatory school with students from Lancaster, Hershey, York and Reading. Its Upper School (grades 9-12), Middle School (5-8), and Lower School (Pre-Kindergarten-4) enroll a total of 886 students on its 26-acre campus. Only separate school supporters can vote for Catholic trustees. There are no resources or collections to display, The Institute for Innovative Teaching & Learning, Swimmer Sabrina Vumbacco 19 Caps Outstanding Collegiate Career Being Named to the 2023 First Team and Academic All-Patriot League Teams, Ninth Graders Renna and Yana Thukral Among Presenters at Greenwich Historical Society Exhibit My Story, Our Future: South Asian American Youth Voices of Connecticut, Four RCDS Seniors Named U.S. Presidential Scholars Candidates. RCDS Bulletin - Spring/Summer 2018 by Rye Country Day School - Issuu :412/00 and the process is referred to as trustee determination and distribution. Shelley Huber, Class of 2025. Middle School Each organization decides to set up a board of trustees and includes specific requirements and procedures in its bylaws. Our goal is to foster a lifelong passion for learning, understanding, and service in an ever-changing world. While the board looks at the big picture, the head of school is responsible for the schools day-to-day operation, and the two work together to innovate, regulate and plan for the future. Library Hours. Grades 912: 8:40 a.m. - 3:15p.m. All three divisions of RCDS operate on a six-day cycle rather than a five-day week. School officials hope to have the project completed and facilities ready for the start of the 2024-2025 school year. Municipal Election 2022 | Ontario Catholic School Trustees - OCSTA From the construction of the Main Building in 1924, to the additions of the Pinkham Building and the La Grange Field House in the sixties, the Dunn Performing Arts Center in the eighties, the new Lower School classrooms, new dining center and the unveiling of the Athletic Center in the early two-thousands, the turf athletic fields in 2006, the expansion of the Pinkham building to include Memorial Hall in 2010, and the most recent addition of the Cohen Center of the Creative Arts which opened in 2018. completeness, or changes in the law. The plans also include open areas, walkways and parking for spectators. Rye, NH 03870. 2min read. The board's utmost duty is to protect the organization's best interests through decisions made on its behalf. has been working with LegalZoom since 2004. Try a low commitment monthly plan today. RCDS is a place where it is cool to be smart and where opportunities are almost limitless. Faculty, staff, and administrators are at the heart of what we do, and in RCDS, we have found the deep satisfaction of a career we love guiding young minds as they learn and grow. Read more. A Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 12 co-educational independent day school in Westchester County, New York, State of the School Grades 78: 8:30 a.m. - 3:20 p.m. Public Purpose The Board meets five times a year to review and approve strategic proposals that . Already have a GuideStar Account? Rye Country Day School welcomed Artificial Intelligence Scientist Aron Szanto to campus on Friday, February 24, to share his perspective and insights on the rapid growth of artificial intelligence and the emergence of ChatGPT and DALL-E 2 systems that can create realistic images, detailed text, and art from natural language descriptions or prompts. We expect and promote moral responsibility, and strive to develop strength of character within a respectful school community. The Division Principals send E-Notes to parents every Tuesday via email. In order to vote for Catholic trustees, your CDSB ratepayers must be registered as separate school supporters. Francis P. Jenkins III, Class of 2024 Pre-K Grade 4: 8:15 a.m. - 3:00p.m. In 1964 this pattern of organization was changed when the Board of Trustees extended the enrollment for boys through grade twelve.[6]. After-school clubs are offered in the fall, winter, and spring on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 3:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m. Students who participate in the extended day program may attend clubs and then go to extended day afterwards. A look back at the 2023 Winter Spirit Days; mark your calendars for the 2023 Spring Wildcat Day (4/21)! THE ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE, IN TURN SUPPORTS A VERY SUCCESSFUL MATRICULATION RATE AT MANY OF THE NATION'S TOP COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES. "The transaction announced today will restore our ability to create much needed facilities to benefit both our students and families throughout the area. (Don't see an email in your inbox? THE HEALTHY FINANCIAL POSITION HAS ENABLED THE SCHOOL TO MAINTAIN ITS EXTENSIVE NEED-BASED FINANCIAL AID PROGRAM THAT PROVIDES $5,719,334 TO 147 STUDENTS THROUGHOUT THE SCHOOL. Conscious of the potential financial risk for a strictly proprietary institution, a group of parents bought the Seminary in 1917 and established it as a nonprofit day school under the direction of a Board of Trustees. Roles and duties of your board of trustees | LegalZoom ACTION is an academic enrichment program during the month of July at Rye Country Day School for highly motivated public school students entering grades 7, 8, or 9. Please check your inbox in order to proceed. Click here to resend it.). The monthly menu is available under Quicklinks. Thank you to the RCDS Parents Association, the Office of Diversity & Inclusion, the Drama & Dance, Music, and Visual Arts Departments for organizing this beloved community event! Emilie Reddoch, Class of 2025 THE SCHOOL'S PRIMARY FUNDING IS THROUGH TUITION REVENUE, ANCILLARY PROGRAM FEES AND CONTRIBUTIONS. Rye Country Day School has named Randall Dunn as its next Head of School. Such issues may include the organization's overall mission and direction and other strategic planning matters. Diversity & Inclusion Memorial Hall, built in 2010, seats 125. Matt Anderson, Class of 2023 The next Board of Directors meeting will be held in October 2022. . Visit voterlookup.ca to confirm information and follow the easy steps published on the website. The School admits students of any race, color, religion, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. Attorneys with you, every step of the way. The lessons learned and the bonds formed at the School are lifelong. Creating operating agreements allows LLC owners to have more control over their businesses. Officers, directors, trustees, and key employees, Analyze a variety of pre-calculated financial metrics, Access beautifully interactive analysis and comparison tools, Compare nonprofit financials to similar organizations, Revenue and expense data for the current fiscal year, CEO, Board Chair, and Board of Directors information, *with the ability to download the data for 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016. The purchase and development of the land will be funded completely by the school through a future capital campaign, school officials said. Lancaster Country Day School Board of Trustees post - Rye Country Day School The mission of Greenwich Country Day School is to enable all children in our care to discover and to develop what is finest in themselvesto achieve the highest standards in their studies, in their play, and in their character. School board trustee elections | ontario.ca Varsity competition includes boys and girls teams in baseball, basketball, cross-country, fencing, field hockey, football, golf, ice hockey,indoor track,lacrosse, sailing, soccer,softball, squash,tennis, track and field, volleyball, and wrestling. This award recognizes the nations most distinguished graduating high school seniors. Catholic Education in Ontario Key Facts (Infographic that can be downloaded, printed and shared), An brief overview of the profile and success of Catholic education Brochure. The Edward B. Dunn Performing Arts Center is the centerpiece of music, drama, and dance at Rye Country Day School. The final development plan will be determined by the Rye Country Day School Board of Trustees. Sheep Creep In The Drystone Wall, What Is That Thing? 5-8), and Upper (Gr. More. Much of the work governing the Village is done by nonsalaried volunteers. Approximately 86% of Upper School students participate in at least one team sport. Chair of the RCDS Board of - Rye Country Day School | Facebook The steps are set out in O.Reg. My Kids and Their Elite Education in Racism - Commentary Magazine The Schools motto, Not for Self, but for Service, guides our community and engenders a lifelong commitment to contribute actively to the greater good. [3] Fall 2021: Bulletin by Rye Country Day School - Issuu RCDS has a 45,000-square-foot Athletic Center with basketball and squash courts, locker rooms, a fitness center, and an athletic training room. Long after graduation, alumni ties with the school remain strong. post - Rye Country Day School The community is made up of caring and expert individuals who are committed to promoting learning; fostering character in children; and building a strong, tight-knit, and innovative community.. RYE COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL (THE SCHOOL) IS A NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATION EXEMPT FROM FEDERAL INCOME TAX UNDER SECTION 501(C)(3) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE. UNH Foundation Board of Directors. Nicole Cunningham, Class of 2024. He will succeed Scott Nelson, who has led the school for nearly 30 years and declared his intention to retire at the end of this school year. Company Website. Plans for the parcel have not been finalized, but proposals include a combination of indoor and outdoor facilities for soccer, lacrosse, track & field, basketball and other sports, according to the school. Bylaws describe the way your corporation will be organized and operated, and they're required in most states. This state-of-the-art facility, brings together the disciplines to inspire new ways of thinking, collaborating, and innovating. The sports program has full-time coaches, as well as teachers who coach. Trustees - Rye Public Library SEE ALSO: State To Allow Sale Of Rye Thruway Property. NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY: Rye Country Day School seeks diversity in all aspects of school life. Daire Browne, Class of 2023 Jaclyn Cohen,Class of 2024 Annual Reports; Library Common Park Update 8/20/21; Archive; Current Meeting Agendas & Meeting Minutes; Strategic Planning. View complete schedule of tuition and fees. The school said it plans to develop the parcel, which is located across the Boston Post Road from campus, into athletic fields and facilities that will be available for use by both students and the public. The Cohen Center for the Creative Arts, a 23,000 square-foot creative arts center, built in 2018. Lancaster Country Day School is governed by a Board of Trustees composed of parents, alumni and prominent community members. Indiana State University - Scott College of Business. Help us get you more of the nonprofit information you need, including: An email has been sent to the address you provided. Need the ability to download nonprofit data and more advanced search options? C COMMITMENT TO PERSONAL & ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE, D DIVERSITY WITHIN AN INCLUSIVE COMMUNITY. about GuideStar Pro. Prior to each regular election, the board of trustees of each district school board must distribute the positions of the members to be elected across the board's area of jurisdiction. Grades 56: 8:30 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. The annual Arts Festival & International Fair joyfully showcased the cultural heritage of the Rye Country Day community through live music and dance, art projects, and food from around the world. Jennifer Philbrick McArdle, Class of 2025 While the board looks at the big picture, the head . View complete schedule of tuition and fees. The Performing Arts Center is always humming with activity, with several performances scheduled throughout the year. Michael Karmilowicz, Class of 2024. The Dunn Performing Arts Center has a 450-seat theater, along with dance studios, and band/choral/instrumental rehearsal spaces. Applying to RCDS Virtual Tour. Starting a successful nonprofit requires a clear mission, doing your research, and preparing a solid business plan. Hot breakfast is served for free everyday before school to MS and US students. Barbara Pierce Bush '43, passed away on April 17, 2018, in Houston, Tex. ", State To Allow Sale Of Rye Thruway Property. The Board of Trustees meets the second and fourth Tuesday of every month. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. Its Upper School (grades 912), Middle School (58), and Lower School (Pre-Kindergarten-4) enroll a total of 886 students on its 26-acre campus. The Ministry of Education is responsible for child care and for administering the system of publicly funded elementary and secondary school education in Ontario. The Village of Rye Brook is located in the 18th Congressional, the 36th State Senatorial, the 85th State Assembly and the 6th County Legislative districts. 100% - Rye Country Day School - memory - Doczz.net Terms of Use and Rye Country Day, Hackley School, Named "Smartest" In Westchester She earned a Juris Docto Students, families, and employees enjoyed performances from a Caribbean steel pan drum duo, RCDS cellists, and an Upper School string quartet. "We are excited to be creating additional and much-needed athletic facilities for use by RCDS, as well as youth in and around the Rye and Port Chester areas, especially fast-draining, artificial turf fields for use by local soccer, lacrosse and other sports leagues. about GuideStar Pro. Rye Country Day School was founded in 1869, when a group of local parents contacted the Reverend William Life and his wife, Susan, who ran a small school in Pennsylvania. There are many allergy-friendly options, and we are a peanut aware community. THE SCHOOL OPERATES A COEDUCATIONAL COLLEGE PREPARATORY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DEDICATED TO PROVIDING STUDENTS FROM PRE-KINDERGARTEN THROUGH GRADE TWELVE WITH AN EXCELLENT EDUCATION USING TRADITIONAL AND INNOVATIVE APPROACHES. [3] Rye Country Day attracts students from over 40 school districts in the tri-state area. For example, if the board is deciding whether a contract should be awarded to a particular vendor, none of the trustees should hold an interest in that vendor. Under the terms of the agreement, the school will pay $5.16 million (the fair market value established by the State) to the NYS Thruway Authority and offer a 29 percent shared use of new fields and any facilities to the public. GCDS submits an accreditation review to the NEASC every ten years, as well as interim reports every five years. Built in 1990, the PAC features a 450-seat theater, a dance studio with a sprung floor, separate choral and band practice rooms, and four private music lesson studios. A verification email has been sent to you. NY Thruway Authority Approves Land Sale To Rye Country Day - MSN An organization's bylaws include the number of trustees, the process for appointment or election, and the duration of terms. The Board of Trustees is responsible for hiring and evaluating the Head of School, ensuring the financial stability of the school, and formulating . Read more. Adult Services: (603) 964-8401 Youth Services: (603) 964-9551. The annual Arts Festival & International Fair joyfully showcased the cultural heritage of the Rye Country Day community through live music and dance, art projects, and food from around the world. School officials hope to have the project completed and facilities ready for the start of. A board of trustees is regulated by state law, A trustee may be liable only for simple negligence in decision-making, while a board member is generally only personally liable for acts of willful misconduct or gross negligence. Through voterlookup.ca, all Ontario residents can check to ensure that their information is accurately reflected on MPACs Preliminary List of Electors for the municipal and school board elections. 35% of RCDS students self-identify as people of color.[4][5]. STEAM "The transaction announced today represents a significant financial undertaking by RCDS, but one that we believe will bring long-term benefits to RCDS as well as our neighboring communities," Rye Country Day School Board of Trustees Chair Leigh Geller said. Rye Country Day School, also known as Rye Country Day or RCDS, is an independent, co-educational college preparatory school located in Rye, New York. Diversity & Inclusion Click on the link in that email Fall-Winter 2015-16 RCDS Bulletin by Rye Country Day School - Issuu Since then, additional property was acquired, buildings were constructed and roads moved. The content is Memorial Hall, which seats 125, wasbuilt in 2010 andprovides classroom space, as well as a rehearsal and performance facility in a more intimate setting. This organization has no recorded board members. The Millstones of Rye. Educational Technology In 1896, the Seminary was purchased by the Misses Harriet and Mary Stowe, two members of the faculty. In Grades 7 through 12, students must play on a team or take P.E. Build relationships with key people who manage and lead nonprofit organizations with GuideStar Pro. Chase Finley, Class of 2024. Trustee determination & distribution. The Alumni E-Newsletter is emailed approximately once a month. Kathleen Riegelhaupt, President, Class of 2024 Sustainability The new facilities will be made available by the school for public use approximately 30 percent of the time, according to a shared use agreement adopted by the New York State legislature. Board of Trustees - Miami Country Day School Learn about the role and responsibilities of a board to see if one is the right choice for your small business. The Head of School uses an automated calland text-message system to alert families of weather-related closures and delays, as well as other critical all-school announcements. Other Key Dates. Laurin (L.J.) Prior to each regular election, the board of trustees of each district school board must distribute the positions of the members to be elected across the board's area of jurisdiction. Privacy Policy. This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ. More. Roles and duties of your board of trustees, Fiduciary responsibility of a nonprofit board, Developing and maintaining a healthy fiduciary relationship, Roles and duties of your board of directors. "Additional athletic facilities are a significant area of need for RCDS, the City of Rye, Port Chester, and other surrounding communities, and we are pleased to be able to support the creation of modern, state of the art fields and indoor playing areas that will serve the next generations of local athletes. Rye Country Day, Hackley School, Named "Smartest" In Westchester Emily DiNuzzo March 27, 2015 Westchester County is known for a few things famous families and former residents, its world-class dining scene, its unrivaled beauty, and its stellar public school system being just a few select areas of local excellence. Athletic facilities include four artificial turf fields; the Scott A. Nelson Athletic Center (2000), which houses a two-court gymnasium, four squash courts, four locker rooms, an athletic training facility, a fitness center and a multipurpose gymnasium that serves as the home for the wrestling and fencing programs; the LaGrange Field House (1972) with its indoor ice rink/tennis courts. Greenwich Country Day School is incorporated under the laws of the State of Connecticut as a nonprofit educational institution, a tax-exempt entity under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Please download OCSTAsA Call to Service pamphlethere. Freelance writer and editor Michelle Kaminsky, Esq. These important messages highlight key events happening throughout each division and include messages from the Parents Association. Kane O'Neil, Class of 2025 They also admired the choreography of traditional Chinese dancers and got to see a few encore numbers from members of the cast of the US Musical, The Addams Family. About - Rye Country Day School Kentucky Country Day School. The bylaws should be well defined regarding all aspects of the board to avoid future disagreementsand they must always exist following state law. The steps are set out in O. Reg. All such rules concerning the board of trustees must also be in full compliance with state laws that govern organizations. The Board is accountable for the fiscal health of the school.
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