At the time, there was a growing body of evidence . 11:38 A.M. EDTTo view the COVID Press Briefing slides, visit In the mid-1990s, as a medical student and resident at Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Walensky saw firsthand the impact of AIDS, which became the focus of her research. And then well open it up for a few questions.Now, over to you, Dr. Walensky.DR. And within communities, these cases are occurring primarily among unvaccinated individuals. Loren Walensky recalls coming home one day to find her sitting at the kitchen table working on extremely complex math. Walensky's private Feb. 10, 2021, roundtable featured five participants, including Roz Keith, the founder and executive director of Stand With Trans, an organization for parents of transgender. floundered at the beginning of the pandemic, pilloried for its botched coronavirus test and antiquated data systems. I was like, 'No, no, it's the opposite. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. And while those threats have often been related to what we eat, drink, and smoke, today we live in a world where misinformation poses an urgent and insidious threat to our nations health. Who are Rochelle Walensky's Parents? Dr. Rochelle Walensky, new head of CDC, got her start at Jewish summer camp. And today, I want to focus on the challenge of health misinformation thats affecting millions of Americans. WALENSKY: And maybe Ill just add: When we look at the age demographics of people being hospitalized now, we are seeing them go up in all age demographics, exactly as Dr. Fauci noted, differently for the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Americans everywhere are going to be gathering with their families and other loved ones to celebrate the holidays. She met her husband, Dr. Loren Walensky, now a pediatric oncologist at Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston, in her first year at the university. The task falls to Dr. Rochelle Walensky, 51, an infectious-diseases specialist at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, who is expected to become CDC director this week a . But if we just let the virus run free without mitigation strategies, such as masking, our hospitals will overflow and that would mean we would no longer be able to take care of the populations health across the board. 1. Unfortunately, he is one of the many Americans battling long-term symptoms," Slavitt said. Every American 12 and older, no matter where they live, has vaccines readily available to them. The nurses survey was done in the first half of October, before data came out from Pfizer and Modernas large-scale clinical trials showing that the vaccines had no serious safety concerns and were 95% effective. It was Dr. Fauci, who had known and admired her work on H.I.V., who recommended her. Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH, is the chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School; has conducted influential research on HIV/AIDS, making her one of the nation's leading experts on virus testing, prevention and treatment, and has served on the frontline of the I want to reiterate that people who got the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are most effective, especially when against the Delta variant when given as two shots in a series. They'd all been helping each other through the brutal pandemic year, she says, but feeling like they got little to no help from the federal government. Were going to have to really seriously address these myths that are floating around, and Im not even sure how to start to do that, she added. Its advice on masking, asymptomatic spread of the virus and the threat indoors was muddled. Walensky told the medical journal JAMA last month that she'll welcome straight talk from the scientists at the CDC as well. But I have another question before I get to vaccination. So the news had special meaning for her and the many jubilant colleagues tweeting their joy. The day of her urgent plea, she appeared on MSNBCs The Rachel Maddow Show, where she said vaccinated people do not carry the virus an overly optimistic statement that the C.D.C. Rochelle Walensky Net Worth Rochelle Walensky's net worth is estimated to be $5 million. And, after weeks of declines, seven-day average daily deaths have increased by 26 percent to 211 per day.Today, Dr. Fauci and I want to provide some perspective about these numbers and how we should be thinking about where we are at this critical moment in the pandemic.There is a clear message that is coming through: This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Because when we did not have the large group of elderly people vaccinated, then the elderly people dominated the people who were hospitalized and got into trouble.Since we have more of a veil of protection among people because about 85 percent of people who are elderly, greater than 65 are vaccinated when you look at the relative number of people who get hospitalized, clearly, were seeing younger people, from a relative standpoint, more hospitalized than we were seeing before because of the shift of the veil of protection, which is much more dominant among the elderly.DR. The CDC also lost its standing as the nations go-to source for case counts and other measures of the epidemic after university researchers and others developed better systems for tracking infections. Which Pigmentation Removal Cream Works Best on Dark Spots & Suntan? She gained a reputation as a rigorous researcher and a generous mentor, particularly to young women. And its great to be with all of you again today. When people write about me as the selection for this position, they will say, But she has no on-the-ground public health experience,' she said during a podcast with the Journal of the American Medical Association. COVID cases have been on the rise after Thanksgiving. "It wasn't even just that we didn't know what the government was doing. So weve secured enough vaccine supply. MR. ZIENTS: Well, thanks, Dr. Murthy. Walensky did not respond to interview requests from The Associated Press. MR. ZIENTS: Dr. Fauci?DR. I will provide an update on how were working on a number of fronts to manage this virus. While the agency has retained some of its top scientific talent, public health experts say, it has a long list of needs, including new protection from political influence, a comprehensive review of its missteps during the pandemic and more money to beef up basic functions like disease tracking and genetic analysis. Transition 2021. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I came directly from a hospital that had a morgue sitting outside, she said in an interview. She reinstated diversity training, and has promoted two Black scientists into management positions. Not completing the series puts those partially vaccinated at risk of illness. By all accounts, Dr. Rochelle Walensky is a fierce advocate and an empathetic scientist. Still, Boston colleagues say they have no doubt she'll succeed in making the transition from leading an infectious diseases division of 300 staffers to a public health agency of about 13,000. Independent and rigorous scientific CDC and FDA processes will determine if and when boosters are needed and who might need a booster shot.I want to be clear: The science will guide this. If you look at the average daily prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant worldwide, if you look at the righthand part of the slide, you see the extraordinary surge in the dominance of this variant worldwide. Those who peddle and promote these dangerous lies are harming the very people who are most at risk and furthering a pandemic that has already taken more than 600,000 American lives.We are calling on everyone social media platforms, news organizations, individual Americans to call this activity out and to help get the facts out to your friends, families, and communities so that were protecting our fellow Americans, not purposely putting them in harms way.As I said last week, vaccinating more and more Americans each day is an individual-by-individual, community-by-community effort. Covid has taken up nearly all of Dr. Walenskys attention, but she has a long list of ambitious goals for the agency post-pandemic, including modernizing the nations public health infrastructure, addressing the health impact of climate change and managing what she called the collateral damage of the pandemic. Flu hospitalizations for this time of year are higher than they have been in a decade. And that has had a detrimental effect on the agencys ability to fulfill its mission, said Dr. Richard Besser, a former CDC official who now heads the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Stay up to date with everything Boston. In the past, the position has generally been unfilled until a new secretary of health and human services is confirmed, and that official names a CDC director. Every person matters. So what Rochelle is particularly good at is understanding data about treatments and public health and costs, and putting those three sets of data together to understand, 'Well, what do we do? Neither he nor his parents -- my wife and I -- are sure how long this will last," Slavitt continued, speaking of the younger of his two sons. Sister of Private, C.D.C. She will work tirelessly to protect & save lives. Because we have fully vaccinated more than 160 million Americans, weve fundamentally changed the course of this pandemic from one that puts the lives and livelihoods of all Americans at risk, to one that predominantly threatens unvaccinated people.As Dr. Walensky said, as the more transmissible Delta variant continues to spread across the country, we will likely continue and experi- continue to experience an increase in COVID cases in the weeks ahead, with these cases concentrated in communities with lower vaccination rates. Today, Dr. Walensky will provide an update on the state of the pandemic and the Delta variant. She saw many people . And well reopen when the medical folks and the health experts believe its safe to do so. Some experts suggest that an administration that values science and increases funding could restore the CDC to preeminence. It will take all of us. I think we should be making sure people understand because the question often gets asked, particularly among the unvaccinated If youre talking about boosting people, does that mean that the vaccines dont work? Thats not the case at all. Now, in the upper righthand corner, which is where we are today, you can see the recent growth in cases where the red and orange are again increasing. They said the goal date for a decision is January 2022. The pandemic has caused long-term repercussions throughout the tourism and entertainment industries, including temporary and permanent closures of historic and iconic venues, costing the city and businesses billions in revenue. Several topics were raised during the hearing, including the pause on the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, the timeline for reopening schools, and COVID-19 testing for . And it is one of those important areas that we can use to protect ourselves in a layered prevention mechanism. At her first all-hands meeting, Dr. Walensky startled the staff when she spoke emphatically about measures to increase diversity and inclusion in the agencys work and in its ranks. director he chose would be free to make scientifically grounded decisions without interference from politicians. ZIENTS: Oh, go ahead, Dr. Walensky. 3:22 PM EST, Wed December 16, 2020, Researchers tested 14 types of masks. 2023 Cable News Network. ZIENTS: Dr Fauci? Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. And Ill pass it back to Jeff. Next question. She was born in 1969 in Peabody, Massachusetts, U.S. She received an AB summa cum laude in biochemistry and molecular biology from Washington University in St. Louis. She is the daughter-in-law of Dr. and Mrs. Norman A. Walensky. Some surveys and focus groups have shown that many health care workers are hesitant to get the vaccines. She deeply felt the weight of a half a million dead.. In the last week, 10 percent of counties have moved into high transmission risk, in the red, and 7 percent of counties have moved into substantial risk, in the orange. "Every year, he comes home from camp and he writes the number of days until he returns to camp the next year. Its another community that is safer. Yes, we actually reported on that. Veteran CDC scientists handled crises such as a deadly national surge in hepatitis A cases among homeless people and illicit drug users, and a mysterious spike in severe illnesses in people who vaped electronic cigarettes. Thank you. Go present to your physician for other tests like for RSV or influenza. "She stood out," he says. Before I turn it over to Dr. Murthy, let me reiterate: The best thing we can do right now is to get more Americans vaccinated. Thank you, Zeke. ROCHELLE WALENSKY: Thanks so much for having me, Ailsa. We only have about 33% of people over the age of 65 who've gotten that bivalent vaccine this season. Like, here in LA County, the public health director, Barbara Ferrer, said just this week that, quote, "everybody should just go ahead and put those masks on when they're indoors." Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much Born Rochelle Bersoff, Dr. Walensky grew up in Potomac, Md. And then some more protection against hospitalization, severe disease, yes. He studies and treats children's blood cancers at Boston Children's Hospital and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. (Photo by Roy Rochlin/Getty Images), Dr. Rochelle Walensky, who has been selected to serve as director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention speaks during an event at The Queen theater in Wilmington, Del., Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2020, to announce President-elect Joe Biden's his health care team. The bottom line is: We are dealing with a formidable variant in the Delta variant, as reflected by the data that Dr. Walensky told you, and the extreme vulnerability of people who are not vaccinated, which will account for infections, hospitalizations, and, ultimately, deaths.And so the message loud and clear that we need to reiterate is that these vaccines continue to strong protection against SARS-CoV-2, including the Delta variant. We recommend wash your hands. To rebuild CDC, Biden picks Rochelle Walensky The chief of infectious diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital will take a top role in helping the new administration curtail the . We encourage that people get vaccinated on schedule three or four weeks after your first dose. Beyond unmuzzling her agency's staff, she vows to tackle many other challenges, pushing particularly hard on the vaccine rollout and rebuilding the public health system. And if you are diagnosed early, we have antivirals that can be used to shorten your disease course and your disease severity. "Many young people are in this situation, and many, many have it worse.". DR. FAUCI: Well, what we do know in the cases that were looked at: If you are vaccinated and you get infected, and you compare that person if youre an asymptomatic infected breakthrough vaccinated case and compare that to someone who is infected but not vaccinated and asymptomatic, the level of virus in the nasal pharynx of the vaccinated person is considerably less than the virus in the nasal pharynx of a person who is infected, unvaccinated, and asymptomatic. She is involved in a medical discussion on the best strategy to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and achieve herd immunity. And if you look at the far right of the slide, as of just a couple of days ago, they are very low. I think governments can play an important role here, but this has got to be an all of the above strategy with everybody in. You can just look at her and just by her presence know that she is both competent and dedicated, said Schaffner, a liaison representative on the CDCs Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. hide caption, Dr. Rochelle Walensky likens the call she got from the Biden team, asking her to lead the CDC amid a pandemic, to a hospital alarm that goes off when a patient's heart has stopped. After medical school, Rochelle Walensky trained in a hospital medical unit so tough it was compared to the Marines. Lets go to Zeke Miller with AP. Khazarian-Installed CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Lies Whenever Her Lips Are Moving Producing An Exploding Covid Vax Mortality Rate (Video) Posted on March 3, 2023 by Ive got two questions: one on breakthrough cases and then a second one on some news that just broke.One, for these breakthrough cases, are they contributing to the spread of coronavirus? She favors the John Snow Memorandum, which advocates an alternative, risk-based approach to the COVID-19 pandemic that involves Focused Protection of those most at risk and seeks to avoid or minimize the societal harm of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. Walensky serves as the chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital and a practicing Infectious Disease physician both at MGH and at Brigham and Womens Hospital. White House officials also took steps to try to control the CDCs scientific reports and the guidance on its website. Next Post: Readout of President Joe Bidens Participation in the APEC Virtual Leaders Retreat,, Office of the United States Trade Representative, "And one of the reasons why she stood out is because she stands tall. Or is it mainly unvaccinated people that thats happening since this is, as Walensky phrased it, a pandemic of the unvaccinated.And secondly, Pfizer just announced that the FDA has granted a priority review designation for their application for approval of their vaccine. And thats a situation that the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices is going to look at next week. With that, I will now turn it over to Dr. Fauci.DR. On the left, you can see where we were just a short month ago, and compare it to where we are now, on the right. I guarantee it.. ZIENTS: I just want to also be very crystal clear from an operational perspective: Were prepared for every scenario, including the possibility of boosters, if and when the science, as Dr. Fauci said, shows that they are needed. If you look at this map of the world, theyre at about 100 countries that have now have the Delta variant that is detected in them in June of since June in 2020. [1] But right now Im scared., Her impassioned speech startled many people, perhaps none more than her husband. Last week, Biden said he would ask for $160 billion for vaccinations and other public health programs, including an effort to expand the public health workforce by 100,000 jobs. The incoming director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is telling her family theyll be wearing masks well into next year. But what should we be doing to keep everyone safe from illness? "We are experiencing incredibly sad days," she said in an interview in the spring. So how to navigate this so-called tripledemic (ph) as the holidays approach? The speed at which she is assuming the job is unusual. Pick Up The Best Face Serums For Oily Skin. The job, he noted, has a steep learning curve. My heart and respect and gratitude to all of our health care workers who are working hard through this season, not just for respiratory viruses in children but through - across the board. We are ready for whatever the science tells us.We have secured enough vaccine supply, and, if needed, we will ensure Americans who might need a booster shot are able to get it quickly and easily. Simply put, health misinformation has cost us lives. They are a last resort. "We now have 38,000 new infections, on average, per day. Still, hospitals like his continue to do educational campaigns for their employees, like the videos Walensky appeared in. As for the president, whose own life has been marked by family tragedies, Biden has often referenced his own losses in relating to Americans dealing with the pandemic's hardships. Rochelle is 6 feet tall. By the end of one year, everybodys going to be raving about her. Within the C.D.C., many scientists were relieved to have a leader who put science above politics. In a hearing on COVID-19 on Capitol Hill last week, Walensky was forced to defend the agencys integrity against questions around recent murky messaging and shared a personal story about her son to support the CDC guidance on summer camps. Its a science-based sell, and we have to stick with that, he said. And in November, she offered a sobering reality check from the front lines about current COVID-19 medical treatments: "When I think about the armamentarium of true drugs that we have that benefit people with this disease, it's pretty sparse," she said. And she weighed in often publicly on Twitter, in newspapers, and on radio and TV. ". Lets begin with an overview of the data.Yesterday, CDC reported more than 33,000 new cases of COVID-19. And Dr. Murthy will discuss vaccine confidence with a focus on combatting misinformation and disinformation. But in a recent interview, she was unapologetic about the rapid shifts in C.D.C. Therell be a lesson learned here.. The Walenskys decided early on that they would not work evenings or weekends, would be home for dinner every day, and take laptop-free vacations whenever their children were off school. Eventually, she became his boss. Second, unfortunately, if you have symptoms, if you are feeling unwell, we are going to ask you to stay home. And were seeing it in the data. The longer we wait, the more lives we lose. Its my responsibility to tell both of those stories.. Shes clear, articulate and she can deliver messages with a smile. Is it a different sort of strategy? An error occurred. And then, secondly, to Dr. Walenskys point a few minutes ago that this is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated: How does that change the administrations response to the pandemic? MORE: 5 things to know about COVID protections as Americans head back to work Under unrelenting pressure from the pandemic and the Trump administration, the atmosphere inside the agency devolved last year into ugly rivalries and turf wars, according to several staff scientists. Its another step toward putting this pandemic behind us.Now, let me turn to Dr. Murthy. Walensky took part in the video a few weeks before President-elect Joe Biden appointed her on December 7 to be his CDC chief when he takes office, and shes made few public comments since then, and declined to comment for this story. At the same time, we have an increase in cases and the existence of the Delta variant. "And it was like a switch went off," he says, "and she just had this natural gift for this style of testing whether if you did X, would Y happen, and if you did X with a little more money, then how would that affect Y? White House coronavirus adviser Andy Slavitt, right, with son Zach and wife Lana, in an undated family photo. That was a big oversight.. She also serves as a co-director, medical practice evaluation center and also as director, program in epidemiology and outcomes research in infectious diseases. She had a warm, empathetic leadership style, said Dr. Kenneth Freedberg, an H.I.V. "At one point, one of my sons said, 'You know, Dad, we should just open a florist shop at this point," says Rochelle Walensky's husband, Dr. Loren Walensky. MODERATOR: Last question. Married to Loren Walensky, also a physician and scientist. But she has emerged as a prominent voice on the pandemic, sometimes criticizing certain aspects of the state and national response. Full Biography Director Speaker Request Meet Our Leadership Team Spotlight Jim Pirkle, MD, PhD, serves as ADLSS and OLSS Director. But six months later, he still suffers from tachycardia, shortness of breath, and ongoing and frequent flu-like symptoms. Discovery Company. Susan Walsh/AP And the common thread that ran through our conversations was their struggle to help their communities navigate information about COVID-19. She joined MGH in 2000 as a graduate assistant at the medical walk-in unit. CHANG: Well, finally, may I just ask you, what precautions is your own family going to be taking this holiday season? Technology companies have enabled misinformation to poison our information environment with little accountability to their users. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 3 million kids under 17 have contracted COVID-19, Slavitt said, "and even though it's rare for kids to get severely ill from COVID-19, it can happen.". Rochelle Paula Walensky is an American physician-scientist who is the chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. The agencys handling of the COVID-19 outbreak began in a similar way. He works at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute where he joined in 2003 as an attending physician in pediatric hematology/oncology and in 2006 he founded his cancer chemical biology research laboratory.
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