remnant radio theology

. The Remnant Radio was brought to you in part by our sponsors at Kairos Classroom. Did he subject himself to this bondage willingly in identification with his people or was this some type of mistake made by the Babylonians? Jeremiah 27:1-11), so he did not want a Babylonian puppet governing Judah. I absolutely love that what Im learning about spiritual gifts, church history, and all the ologies (ecclesiology, christology, etc.) The Remnant Radio's Podcast Fired from NAR Church: Michael Miller's Story May 24, 2021 The Remnant Radio Season 1. Tracklist: 01. Have you ever watched news channels such as CNN, Fox News, or MSNBC where the network brings on two guests? Remnant Theology. KWR0031 - For Valor - Defending the Faith for Those of Worth The Bible however, is emphatic that the covenant promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob apply also to their seed in perpetuity and that God will never abandon Israel. If you have, then you will have noticed that the first guest is normally eloquent and educated, holding the views of the network, but then the second guest comes across as rambling and ignorant. So they came to Gedaliah at Mizpah, along with Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and Johanan and Jonathan the sons of Kareah, and Seraiah the son of Tanhumeth, and the sons of Ephai the Netophathite, and Jezaniah the son of the Maacathite, both they and their men., B. Replacement Theology is a blatant denial of Scripture which says, Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness?For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? (Romans 11:12,15). Fired from NAR Church: Michael Miller's Story Our Mission is to challenge orthodoxy, embrace diverse denominational Leaders, and empower people for practical ministry. Baptist missionaries during the revival experienced or observed divine healings, speaking in tongues, visions etc and other practices that were associated with Pentecostalism. God has placed a great vision in our hearts for this ministry and we know, by his grace, The Remnant Radio will continue to make a life-changing impact on our world. God said that only if the sun, moon and stars ceased to shine would Israel cease from being a nation before me for ever (Jeremiah 31:35-36). Christology: With Jonathan McLatchie The Remnant Radio's Podcast It proposes that, under the new covenant all the literal promises to ethnic Jews became spiritual blessings to the Church so that the Old Testament needs to be completely reinterpreted, in a symbolic and allegorical way. From Vailsburg To Vaudeville 04. The Remnant Radio exists to produce entertaining, relevant, and inspiring content that educates believers in biblical theology and a christian world view. Campus revival is taking place at Asbury University. We find it strange that Jeremiah is in captivity here in the company of the exiles that are going to be deported to Babylon. Videos on Discernment, recap videos where Josh and Michael give you their thoughts on a former episode, along with testimonies and educational content. I. In the fields contrasts with the armies in the city of Jerusalem. Dave and Ann Wilson are co-hosts of FamilyLife Today, FamilyLife's nationally-syndicated radio program. The kind of faith that moves us to act courageously even if you don't like what you hear. "Today we are looking at passages you won't find illustrated in the precious moments Bible! But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam did not believe them.. His devotion to the land and his conviction that it would be the scene of future blessing influenced his decision to remain in it at this critical time. Constable: Evidently, after Jeremiahs release in Jerusalem, Babylonian soldiers arrested him when they saw him in the city streets, supposing him to be a regular Judean. July 17 of 2017 we recorded our first episode of remnant radio. Eyewitness Ryan Visconti Speaks Out, Progressive Covenantalism Explained: interview with Steve Wellum. Investigating Andy Stanley's LGBT views, Debunking The Pre-Trib Rapture with Joel Richardson, Testing 2023 Prophetic Words Published by Charisma News, The Life & Teachings of Johnathan Edwards: Interview with Sam Storms. Brought to you by The Remnant Radio, a theology broadcast that exists to educates believers on Theology, History and the Gifts of the Spirit. Dr. Grudem has a rock solid outlook on the gifts of the Spirit due to his experiences in the academic branches of Christendom and experiences in the charismatic movement. In Christianity there is an idea, that is going around like a virus! Astronomers have been puzzled by the paucity of predicted . And are all prophetic words conditional? Statesville Greenway (not a hike, but a good walk), Lake Norman State Park -- Walks, fishing, boating, Lazy 5 Ranch -- Drive thru zoo with petting areas, The Pit -- Indoor Go-Karts, Mini-Golf, Laser Tag, Caldwell Park -- If you like tennis or pickleball, Disc Golf -- Ask Charles if you enjoy the sport, Randy's BBQ -- North Carolina BBQ (Cash only), Broad St. Burgers -- Best burgers in Statesville. Typically what remnant means in the Bible is a reference to those who are leftover. In this Church age there is no Temple, sabbaths, feasts, or sacrifices and any attempt to reintroduce them is a form of Judaism which is severely rebuked in Pauls epistle to the Galatians where he said: How turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage? It disregards the word of God with a flippant probably not. In short it is nothing more than faithlessness, hiding behind personal experience. How do we become such a people? Hughes Auditorium has reached capacity multiple times over the past week, and Estes Chapel across the street at Asbury Theological Seminary has been opened for overflow. The Remnant Radio's Podcast The Remnant Radio. The Remnant Radio Conference will be a time for you to connect with Joshua, Michael, Michael, Dawson, and other like-minded believers pursuing God and His good gifts. But we know with better accuracy, when passengers on the Titanic refused the evacuation orders, possibly because they underestimated the odds of a worst-case scenario and minimized its potential impact. Early Church's Prophetic Ministry In North Africa: A Look At Early Montanism, Christians Discuss Transhumanism: Interview with Dr. Fazale Rana, Mother Mary's Miracles, Messages, and Appearances: Protestants Discuss Mariology, Subjective Truth and The Downfall Of Objectivity: Interview with Alisa Childers, Does God Cause Sickness: A Look At Corporate Guilt, Christians Discus Extraterrestrials! Fake Faith A toxic person can learn to talk the talk. Our Mission is to challenge orthodoxy, embrace diverse denominational Leaders, and empower people for practical ministry. They were too comfortable. Their imprisonment and persecution of him accomplished nothing for them except to give evidence of their continued rebellion. 4. Word then does not indicate simply message, but history as well. There are only three classes of people in this world during this Church age according to Scripture. (Psalm 3:7) Amen! Seventh-day Adventist Church - Wikipedia Ryken: The events of Jeremiah 40-41 provide a lesson in remnant theology. This strongly suggests that he is back in chains at his own choice, and he is wavering over whether to accept this offer of freedom. From the greatest to the least, Judah could no longer deny that Jeremiahs word was true. Such an arrangement allows the chosen remnant to continue in their Jewish practices such as keeping the feasts, circumcision, and observing passover while Gentile believers are exempt unless they choose to participate. Here are the last four flags. Here at The Remnant Radio, we are trying to become one of those authentic spaces on the web. So these are guerilla units that managed to survive in the countryside. Now, we have been called many things, but boring is not among them. Kingdom War Room. Parunak: These are military units. Our Mission is to challenge orthodoxy, embrace diverse denominational Leaders, and empower people for practical ministry. As he did in Isaiahs day. Listen as Michael Rowntree, Josh Lewis and Michael Miller discuss biblical dream interpretations. Download Elements Of General Christian Theology [PDF] Format for Free The Bible in a Year (with Fr. What do the meetings at The Asbury Revival Look Like #shorts Christians are told to love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them, but should we also pray for justice and judgment to befall our enemies? Pauls conclusion to his epistle to the Hebrews indicates that Christians have a different altar where we. This episode focuses on the relevance of the Sons of God and the Nephilim today. Seven Yellow Flags of a Toxic Leader (Part Two). The AHRAYAH / MASHA Split - 90s 1Wester Tells the Story [Video] So whatever comes we can respond in faith, the kind of faith that overcomes our lack of experience. II. Imprecatory Psalms: Interview with Trevor Laurence, 1950's Healing Revivals: A Review & Honest Assessment, Young Earth Creationism Explained: Interview with Tim Chaffey. The Remnant Radio's Podcast sur Apple Podcasts Antisemitism is the natural result. Remnant Radio Conference | Faith Church When Mt. They look the part but they cant pass the smell I started The Remnant Radio in July of 2017. Matthew 5:1-12 The Beatitudes Tied to Kingdom Distinctives, Matthew 4:12-25 Summary of Powerful Impact of Early Galilean Ministry. If you would like to know more about Remnant Radio. We plan to host apologetic conferences, live debates, and pastoral trainings. Meaning of the Term: Atonement The theological meaning of the word can be explained by a simple clich that is at the same time accurate, atonement means at-one-ment; to atone is to reconcile a broken relationship on behalf of another. NEITHER Jew NOR Greekfor ye are ALL ONE in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28). The remnant of the Jews in Jerusalem was in a precarious position. Niggas Sooooo Good 06. While it involved Presbyterians, Pentecostals, and Baptists, Remnant interviews Dr. Doug Weaver who has a specific focus on the Baptist story. How could people think Penal Substitution is abuse? Trevor Laurence, Joshua Lewis, and Michael Rowntree discuss the imprecatory psalms and their implications in the Christian Life, their biblical-theological framework, and how they can and should be incorporated in our liturgy and worship.Donate (Paypal) Content (Patreon)'re social! In Jeremiah chapters 37 though 39, it records the fall of Jerusalem to Babylon. Rewind Speed Forward. We dont want to create thought bubbles where every guest and viewer nods their head in mindless agreement. According to Nietzsche and to Heidegger, onto-theology and metaphysics have gone to pieces: the only things left . Christians are told to love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them, but should we also pray for justice and judgment to befall our enemies? We dont always agree with the views of our guests and we dont expect that you will always agree either, but we are brothers in Christ and we agree to humbly approach Gods word so we can better understand it together. Just think about what was going on at the time. If you believe in the mission of Remnant and would like to help, we ask that you partner with us on Patreon for as low as $5 a month. Our Mission is to challenge orthodoxy, embrace diverse denominational Leaders, and empower people for practical ministry. Remnant Theology invents a fourth class, a chosen remnant from the Jews who are saved by selection, who can't be traced in history and who practice Judaism within the Church. Listen as Michael Rowntree, Josh Lewis and Michael Miller discuss biblical dream interpretations. "The Remnant Radio's Podcast" Thoughts on The Prosperity Gospel Remnant Theology - Be Ready Replacement Theology. The names are Jewish. As he did in Jeremiahs day. The Remnant Radio exists to produce entertaining, relevant, and inspiring content that educates believers in biblical theology and a christian world view. We want theology to shape us as people, desiring for our lives to be transformed by the power of the Gospel, and striving to be a people ready to make a defense for our faith, in season and out of season. With a biblical focus, the Remnant Radio team will explore what the Bible says about healing and give practical advice and demonstration on the gift in action. once in the end of the age has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself (Hebrews 9:26). The kind of Christian that responds rightly with obedient courage when God says, surrender to Babylon. The world looks at the church and sees a people group who have grown up in a religious institution and cannot answer simple questions about their faith. Matthew 5:21-26 Dealing with Anger as Related to Murder, Matthew 5:17-20 Jesus Fulfilling the Law Sharpening the Focus . and the dragon stood before the woman . . Fired from NAR Church: Michael Miller's Story. Baptists back in the USA became concerned and questioned the missionaries. Baptists in recent decades like to cite the revival as a great evangelistic success but have difficulty admitting the charismatic practices (and often try to mute their existence)Donate (Paypal) Content (Patreon)'re social! Neither the people nor their leaders heeded Jeremiahs words and judgment came upon Judah. This denial is a faade, a thin layer of pretense that can blind us from seeing reality, in the light of scripture. How could people think Penal Substitution is abuse? Info. Marayong NSW 2148 As a result, they were shipped off to concentration camps. We may have never, done it that way but if Scripture affirms it then we cant call it anathema on the grounds of the normalcy bias. Supernova Remnants Expand Quickly - CEH 2 Kings 25:23). However, the Bible says that the new covenant is made with the NATION of Israel, and NOT a remnant; with the house of Israel and the house of Judah (Jeremiah 31:31). However, after live episodes, Josh and Michael stream their thoughts and commentary on here on Patreon. Our current ministry has and always will focus on educating the church in matters of theology. The Remnant Radio exists to produce entertaining, relevant, and inspiring content that educates believers in biblical theology and a christian world view. Bronze Tier. People have a really hard time preparing for and dealing with something they have never experienced. Trevor Laurence, Joshua Lewis, and Michael Rowntree discuss the imprecatory psalms and their implications in the Christian Life, their biblical-theological framework, and how they can and should be incorporated in our liturgy and worship.Donate (Paypal) Content (Patreon)'re social! This inaugural conference will focus on the gifts of healing. For those of you who are new to Remnant Radio, just so you know what Remnant Radio is, we exist a challenge orthodoxy, embrace diversity and power people for practical ministry. (:13-14) Plot of Ishmael to Kill Gedaliah Revealed, Now Johanan the son of Kareah and all the commanders of the forces that were in the field came to Gedaliah at Mizpah and said to him, Are you well aware that Baalis the king of the sons of Ammon has sent Ishmael the son of Nethaniah to take your life?, i. The main lesson is simply this: God will preserve a remnant. One on one evangelism: With Scott McNamara The Remnant Radio's Yet many Jews Still didnt leave Nazi Germany, because they simply couldnt believe that things would get as bad as they did. Baptists in recent decades like to cite the revival as a great evangelistic success but have difficulty admitting the charismatic practices (and often try to mute their existence)Donate (Paypal) Content (Patreon)'re social! The remarkable thing I noticed in these chapters is the repeated denial of Jeremiahs prophecies. Another great example is found in Barton Biggs book, Wealth, War, and Wisdom: By the end of 1935, 100,000 Jews had left Germany, but 450,000 still [remained]. There are reports of healings and prophetic utterances. GOD ALWAYS PRESERVES, PROTECTS AND PROVIDES FOR HIS PEOPLE. The bottom line is such denial places ones experience over the truth of scripture. Yet there are still lines that stretch throughout the campus with hundreds maybe thousands of people waiting on a touch from God. The Remnant Radio is a theology podcast that breaks people out of their theological echo chambers by interviewing pastors, teachers, historians, and theologians from different traditions and denominations. Mach-Hommy & Tha God Fahim - Notorious Dump Legends Volume 2 (WEB Testing 2023 Prophetic Words! Mackay: In terms of the narrative the significant point is that the new ruler of the people who at first displayed prudence and sagacity is shown to have character defects as well: he did not give due weight to well-intentioned (and accurate) warnings. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain (Galatians 4:9-11). All content 2023 The Remnant Radio's Podcast. God's people may be besieged. They may be scattered over the face of the earth. 1. Feinberg: Jeremiah chose to stay in the land he loved. This book was released on 1851 with total page pages. I wanted to produce a theology broadcast that was entertaining, relevant and inspiring. Universidade de Belas | Educartis A Universidade BELAS-UNIBELAS uma instituio de ensino superior privado, criada luz do Decreto n 25/07 do . Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. They may be oppressed. It teaches that Israel was the Church in the Old Testament and the Church is Israel in the New Testament. The show was terrible, our microphones were not plugged in, the phone had a smudge on the camera and the closet we were in had acoustic foam falling off the walls. In our opinion, based on past experiences, the best way to test orthodoxy is by embracing diversity. read less. Since Ishmael, the would-be executioner, was of the royal house of David, he may have been slighted in being passed over for the responsible office of governor. (Harrison). The Apostle Paul clearly indicated that although Israel is being chastened by the Lord during the Church age, He has not abandoned the nation and when the fulness of the Gentiles has come in, all Israel shall be saved (Romans 11:25-26).

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