pablo oseguera jalisco new generation cartel

The 21-year-old's death was the latest bloodshed involving the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, which was founded in 2009 and whose ruthless rise to global dominance has left an appalling history of . A war ensued, and the two groups fought for the drug smuggling turfs in Jalisco. The DEA and Mexican investigators believe that it was during this time that he became involved in meth production and trade in Redwood City California (San Mateo County) alongside his brother-in-law Abigael Gonzlez Valencia (alias "El Cuini"). Members of a cartel cell inKansasCity, withdrug houses in both Kansas and Missouri between 2013 and 2016,splurged on $10,000ticketsto rapper Pitbulls concertand a Louis Vuittonpurse. Brutal Gang Rises as Mexico's Top Security Threat - WSJ [47][48] The battle extended throughout several municipalities in Jalisco; El Mencho's men blockaded several roads across the Guadalajara area to slow down the mobilization of law enforcement and facilitate their leader's escape. Nemesio Oseguera-Cervantes. [81] Jessica Johana is married to Julio Alberto Castillo Rodrguez (alias "El Ojo de Vidrio"), first arrested on May 1 2015. The violent CJNG is widely viewed as the most powerful gang in Mexico alongside the Sinaloa Cartel. We have all had a drug consumption problem," said the official, who asked not to be identified for his protection. Those who tried to run were tortured, killed and sometimescannibalizedby fellow recruits in what U.S. federal agents describe as a disturbing riteof passage. 1 killer. Ciro Macias Martinez led a double life, working as a horse groomer by day and overseeing the flow of $30 million worth of drugs into Kentuckyby night before being imprisoned in 2018 for meth trafficking and money laundering, federal records show. [14], In 1989, El Mencho was arrested again in San Francisco for selling narcotics. The CJNG set 39 buses, 11 banks, and 16 gas stations on fire. [d][4][5] His first name is cited as "Rubn" and/or "Nemesio". What the Arrest of El Mencho's Wife Means for Mexico's Jalisco Cartel Mexico's President Andrs Manuel Lpez . This morning we were cowardly attacked by the CJNG, he wrote. Implantation. From the shadows, he continues to lead CJNG with ruthless authority. Courier Journal reporters pieced together CJNGs network, from the suburbs of Seattle, the beaches of Mississippi and South Carolina, Californias coastline, the mountains of Virginia, small farming towns in Iowa and Nebraska, and across the Bluegrass State, including in Louisville, Lexington and Paducah. "El Tony Montana" the brother of Mexico's most wanted cartel boss "El Treasury Department officials stood with Sessions and announced more sanctions on businesses linked to CJNG and its affiliate, Los Cuinis. They also stated that the CJNG and Los Cuinis coordinated the collection and delivery of the drug proceeds from the U.S. to Mexico. As they hovered over a cartel convoy, CJNG members fired Russian-made rocket-propelled grenade launchers, shooting down Morales helicopterinto a cluster of trees. The body of local social media star Juan Luis Rosales, a.k.a - reddit She recruited helpers, too, and they frequently made deposits of less than $10,000 amounts small enough to dodge federal reporting requirements at bank branches in Nashville and Memphis, Tennessee,as well asGreensboro and Winston-Salem,North Carolina. According to government sources, he is responsible for overseeing the CJNG's entire drug trafficking operations in the states of Jalisco, Colima, and Guanajuato, where he created a bastion for methamphetamine production and trade. Cartel warn 'the purge continues' in terrifying message to win over It could hide 9 kilos of drugs and a pile of cash. [37] On 23 March, Heriberto Acevedo Crdenas (alias "El Gringo" and "El Gero"), one of El Mencho's close associates, was killed in a shootout with the Federal Police in Zacoalco de Torres, Jalisco. On 12 August 2003 his boss was arrested by Mexican authorities. In recent times El Mencho (real name Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes) has taken over from his one-time ally, the now-jailed Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman, as Mexico's most feared crime boss. So instead of blaming, we should look for solutions.. [2] He eventually climbed to the top of the criminal organization and founded the CJNG after several of his bosses were arrested or killed. In December 2022, El Mencho's brother Antonio Oseguera Cervantes, known as "El Tony Montana," was arrested during an army raid in Guadalajara. Macias found success following the cartel's three-pronged business model: Macias recruited Brizeida Janett Sosa, the mother of his youngest child, to help organize themoney laundering scheme, court records would later show. [28] Abigael was arrested by the Mexican Navy on 28 February 2015. ", "Marina detiene a operador del crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin", "Revelan qu tan grande es la fortuna de 'El Mencho', uno de los capos ms ricos segn la DEA", "Procuradura de Justicia de Jalisco turna a la PGR investigacin de bloqueos", "Los narcobloqueos en Jalisco, plan de distraccin para que huyera El Mencho", "Detencin de 'El Mencho' caus narcobloqueos; ofreca PGR 19 MDP por su captura", "Guadalajara Road Blockades Not Prompted by Cartel Leader Arrest: Police", "Confirman que 'El Mencho' escap gracias a narcobloqueos", "Policias, objetivo de cartel; en 20 dias matan a 21", "Jefe de clula del CJNG, una de las vctimas de enfrentamiento en Jalisco", "Bloody Attack on Police in Mexico Raises Jalisco Cartel's Profile", "Agresin contra Solorio Archiga fue por abatimiento de 'El Gringo', "Assailants block Mexican police convoy, kill 15 officers in ambush", "Mxico: matan a 15 policas en una emboscada en Jalisco", "Fifteen Mexican police officers killed in deadly ambush in Jalisco state", "Confirman asesinato de director de polica de Zacoalco de Torres", "Autoridades Federales implementan 'Operacin Jalisco', "El narco demuestra su podero: derriba un helicptero, 39 bloqueos, 7 muertos", "Suman nueve muertos por derribo de helicptero en Jalisco", "Tras cada de helicptero escap 'El Mencho', por quinta vez", "Seven killed and a military helicopter shot down amid wave of violence in Mexico", "La guarida de El Mencho, en los lmites de Jalisco y Michoacn", "La evolucin del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin: de la extincin al dominio global", "En los 90 EU apres al 'Mencho' y al 'Cuini' pero los dej ir", "Mexico's Jalisco Cartel New Generation: From Extinction to World Domination", "Mexican Drug Cartels and DarkNetworks: An Emerging Threat to Australia's National Security", "Procuradura General de la Repblica: Acuerdo A/ 102 /11", "Recompensas: Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes", "Treasury Further Targets The Business Network of the Los Cuinis Drug Trafficking Organization", Embassy of the United States, Mexico City, "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA V. ABIGAEL GONZALEZ VALENCIA AND NEMESIO OSEGUERA CERVANTES", "Teen YouTube star gunned down after hurling insults at cartel boss", "Mexican YouTube star, 17, found dead after insulting notorious cartel boss", "Ofrece PGR recompensa de 30 millones de pesos por informacin que conduzca a la detencin de Rubn Oseguera Cervantes", "Mexico: bounty raised over $1m on drug cartel kingpin 'El Mencho', "PGR sube a $30 millones recompensa por la cabeza de 'El Mencho', "U.S. Offers $10 Million for Information Leading to Mexican Drug Lord's Arrest", "Justice, Treasury, and State Departments Announce Coordinated Enforcement Efforts Against Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion", "Treasury Sanctions Two Major Mexican Drug Organizations and Two of Their Leaders", "Treasury Sanctions Five Businesses Supporting Cartel De Jalisco Nueva Generacion", "Niega juez amparo a la hija de 'El Mencho', "CJNG and Los Cuinis: Drug Trafficking Organizations", "Treasury Sanctions Individuals Supporting Powerful Mexico-Based Drug Cartels", "The New Criminal Group Hitting Mexico's CJNG Where It Hurts", "Erick Valencia Salazar "El 85": El otro fundador del Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin al que "El Mencho" traicion", "Mexican police arrested the wife of cartel chief 'El Mencho,' and it may mean they're closing in on the head of Mexico's most powerful cartel", "Body wrapped in plastic, left on park bench believed to be cartel boss", "Mexican cartel leader's body left wrapped in plastic on park bench", "Capturan al hermano del 'Mencho' en Jalisco", "Cae el hermano de 'El Mencho' en Jalisco", "Reaprehenden al yerno de 'El Mencho' en Jalisco", "A 'El Menchito' lo agarraron porque 'no le avisaron a tiempo', "Mexico Just Busted the Alleged Financial Brains of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel", "Operation Jalisco has failed after three years", "Wife of Jalisco New Generation Cartel boss arrested in Zapopan", "Wife of Jalisco New Generation Cartel leader released from jail", "Federal forces capture two cartel chieftains in Jalisco", "Daughter of alleged Mexican drug kingpin "El Mencho" arrested in Washington D.C.", "Daughter of reputed Mexican drug lord sentenced in US", "The downfall of Rosalinda Gonzlez, leading figure of a powerful Mexican drug cartel", "Rosalinda Gonzlez: alleged CJNG chief comes from a family of narcos", "How will Mexico's president handle "El Mencho", a kingpin on the rise? ", "The cartels have become so large and powerful that you sometimes need an army to defeat an army!". 13 Mexican police officers were killed in an ambush, sold heroin to two undercover police officers, fired Russian-made rocket-propelled grenade launchers, Investigators uncovered a hidden hub of stash houses, state trooper working with a DEA task force nearly brought down El Mencho, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. "The threat of Mexican cartel violence and the drugs they bring into our nation cant be overstated," said Russell Coleman, the top federal prosecutor for the Western District of Kentucky. Whats the difference between mafia and cartel? According to border entry records, El Mencho crossed the U.S.-Mexico border several times during the late 1980s under other aliases. [73] CJNG co-founder Erick Valencia Salazar also split with El Mencho and became a high-ranking leader in the Nueva Plaza Cartel. They believe he does not stay in one place for long, and travels across several municipalities in Jalisco and into the states of Michoacn, Colima, and Nayarit. Jalisco New Generation Cartel - Wikipedia . CJNG's plan tomove intosmall-town America and cashin on the country's addiction crisis played out in Lexington, Kentucky. Son of powerful Mexican drug lord extradited to U.S. The downfall of Rosalinda Gonzlez, leading figure of a powerful But in America, few know who he is or why his rise to power matters. His defense understood that if he decided on a jury trial, they would likely win the case. In Mexico, a DEA investigator said he was stunned when he learned CJNG cells were popping up in communities as small as Axton. At least three women and six children, all apparently U.S. citizens, were slaughtered by drug cartel gunmen in northern Mexico. Other bosses used threats of violence in the U.S., despite El Mencho's warnings against it. Nemesio 'El Mencho' Oseguera Cervantes rules the ruthless Jalisco New Generation Cartel. But when the days chores were done, Maciasdidn'tsocializewith others over drinks or dinner. [68], On 17 September 2015, the OFAC sanctioned five businesses in Jalisco for financially supporting the CJNG and El Mencho's operations. Security officials in the United States have been frustrated with the Mexican governments lack of a coherent strategy against the Jalisco cartel and the hampering of anti-drug operations by persistent corruption. The other division refused El Mencho's request, prompting an internal war. CJNG has skirted Mexican and U.S. inspections at legal border crossings by hiding drugs in semitrailers hauling tomatoes, avocados and other produce, dumping at least 5 tons of cocaine and 5 tons of meth into this country every month, according to DEA estimates. "How a Mississippi trooper almost took down the world's most powerful cartel boss". Interior Minister Alfonso Navarrete said at a. ", "Top Mexican drug kingpin El Mencho reportedly builds own private hospital", "Betrayals, In-Fighting, Mysteriously Vanished Leader - Is Jalisco Cartel on the Brink? Alderete also is accused of asking a criminal informant in Paducahfor assault rifles andagrenade launcherto supplya cartel "war" in Mexico,saidJesseRiddle, the Narcotics Unit captain with the McCracken County Sheriffs Office in Paducah. [52] El Mencho is believed to live a modest lifestyle compared to other drug kingpins such as Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn and other members of the CJNG in order to keep a low profile and to avoid detection from law enforcement. He dropped out of sixth grade to helphis family pickavocados. Pineda Penaloza and his crew were convicted of drug trafficking and are now in federal prison. U.S. law enforcement has described Rubn Oseguera-Gonzlez, AKA El Menchito, as a former second-in-command of the powerful Jalisco New Generation Cartel. [10][16], In 1986, he lived in the San Francisco Bay Area. In a Nov. 5 tweet, after nine people including six children with dual U.S.-Mexican citizenship were killed by cartels(though different ones than CJNG), President Donald Trump vowed to assist Mexican officials "in cleaning out these monsters. That designation allowed the department to levy sanctions against Mexican businesses linked to the cartels, includinga sushi restaurant, a tequila business, shopping centers, a medical clinic, two newspapers and famed Hotelito Desconocido, visited by Hollywood stars. [89], In May 2018, El Mencho's wife Rosalinda was arrested on money laundering charges. El Mencho is allegedly responsible for coordinating global drug trafficking operations. The unending stream of narcotics has contributed to this countrys unprecedented addiction crisis, devastating families and killing more than 300,000 people since 2013. [39] On 30 March, CJNG gunmen in Zapopan, Jalisco, ambushed a convoy containing Alejandro Solorio Archiga, Jalisco's security commissioner. U.S. officials have mapped the rapid expansion of the cartel, known as CJNG for its initials in Spanish. Young people who are immersed in addiction problems are easy prey for these organized crime groups.. El Mencho was left with few options; if he pleaded not guilty, his brother Abrahamwho already had felony drug sentences in his recordwould probably face life in prison. [10][14] According to court records, El Mencho and his brother Abraham were at a San Francisco bar known as Imperial to carry out a heroin deal: five ounces for US$9,500. jalisco new generation cartel text messages - Juan was charged in Michoacn for burglary, but the case was later dismissed. If someone you love dies from an overdose tonight, he may very well be to blame. And federal prosecutors alleged in court that convicted drug traffickerJesus Enrique Palomera, theleader of a cartel cell in Tacoma, Washington, ordered the kidnapping and murderof a manwhose fingers and toes werechopped off a commonmethod of torturein Mexico. [13], El Mencho grew up in a poor family that cultivated avocados. [16] It was in this criminal group where El Mencho would become a leading figure in organized crime. In September 2011, the emerging cartel left 35 corpses on a street in the heart of. CJNG also has enlisted white-collar expertise. "What are they doing way out in the middle of nowhere?" [17][18], One sect within the Milenio Cartel wanted to appoint as the leader of the group Elpidio Mojarro Ramrez (alias "El Pilo"), who worked closely with scar Orlando and Juan Carlos before their arrests. The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) is thought to be responsible for a video which began circulating on social media last week, showing a number of masked men standing in front of the camera while holding guns. A nine-month Courier Journal investigation reveals how CJNG's reach hasspread across the U.S. in the past five years, overwhelming cities and small towns with massive amounts of drugs. In2015, ElMenchoflexed that power to strike back at law enforcement who tried to stop him. He shares intel with the DEA,but not his own people. [99][100] In 2022, Insight Crime reported that El Mencho had in fact not been seen for years amid concerns about his poor health. CJNG's Kentucky strategy has been repeated in town after town across America, in places better known for cheese, cows and corn. [18] Los Mata Zetas eventually won the war and consolidated their influence in western Mexico. Nemesio Rubn Oseguera Cervantes (American Spanish: [nemesio oseea seantes]; born 17 July 1966 or 17 July 1964), commonly referred to by his alias El Mencho ([el mento]), is a Mexican drug lord and leader of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), an organized crime group based in Jalisco.He is the most-wanted person in Mexico and one of the most-wanted in the U.S. The information leaks make catching El Mencho extremely difficult, he said. Explore the investigation wall showing the connections of El Mencho and CJNG cartel. Three other CJNG suspects were killed. While Luis Alderete maintains his innocence,court records show that his brother, Roberto Alderete, identified Luis asa cartel lieutenant. The direct attacks of the CJNG against Mexico's security forces earned El Mencho a reputation among authorities as "principal enemy" of the state and as a dangerous criminal. "Our community is paying a steep price," said Carlos Guevara, a senior policy adviser for UnidosUS, Americas largest Latino civil rights organization. Mexican authorities arrested the brother of the supreme leader of Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) Tuesday. [14], In the Milenio Cartel, El Mencho started as a member of the assassin squad that protected the drug lord Armando Valencia Cornelio (alias "El Maradona"). Rubn "Nemesio" Oseguera Cervantes is the leader of Crtel Jalisco Nueva Generacin, better known as CJNG. Pimp of prostitution scam : u/JudgmentOk4189 - reddit Graphic pictures, death threats sent in recent Macon County scam A cartel member even worked at Kentucky's famed Calumet Farm, home to eight Kentucky Derby and three Triple Crown winners. These are young people who were engaged in other types of crimes such as petty theft, and then suddenly we see them at incidents related to organized crime, said Pedro Alberto Corts Zavala, the secretary of security in the municipality of Irapuato, Guanajuato state. We're guests in their country.. Are you on Telegram? By 2014, cartel leader Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, known as El Mencho, was indicted by a district court in Washington, D.C., on charges of running a "continuous criminal enterprise," and for. Caller type: Scammer/Fraudster "my name is PABLO OSEGUERA member carte Jalisco New Generation and pimp of the domestic sexual service house I've been calling you cause you've been speaking to one of my girls which offered you her service and you only made her lose her time. It also identified at least two dozen "cells," which the DEA defines as places where cartel members set up shop to do business and live in the communities. "my name is PABLO OSEGUERA member carte Jalisco New Generation and pimp of the domestic sexual service house I've been calling you cause you've been speaking to one of my girls which offered you her service and you only made her lose her time. Cartel members fired hundreds of rounds and hurled grenades and jugs of gasoline. The cartel has been characterized by its aggressive use of extreme violence and its public relations campaigns. "When they shot the helicopter out of the sky is when everyone respected CJNG as a powerhouse cartel and a rival of Sinaloa,"Donahue said. [90][91] Rosalinda was later released after being granted a bail of 1.5 million pesos ($78,000) in September 2018, but remains criminally charged and will still face trial. I've implanted you a fee which you must pay. I've implanted you a fee which you must pay. [17][22], To legitimize its presence, El Mencho's group launched a propaganda campaign against its enemies, denouncing extortions done by rival gangs against civilians, businessmen, and government authorities. While some moves targeted the cartels finances, others were more personal. [74] They also have formed a rivalry with El Mencho and the CJNG as well. Even if U.S. and Mexican investigators can track El Mencho's location, capturing him won't be easy. Oseguera, 30, is known as "Menchito," after his father, Nemesio "El Mencho" Oseguera Cervantes, 53, the fugitive leader of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, considered one of Mexico's. Dozens of couriers throughout the U.S. would then collect the drug profits and use the dirty moneyto buy scrap and fine gold. The bizarre request of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel came as the government gave its version of a violent massacre caught on a video that went viral. The strategy: Make it illegal for any U.S. citizen or company to spend money at a cartel-affiliated business. The cartel controls the movement of more than a third of all drugs consumed in the United States, U.S. officials say, and has expanded into Europe and Asia. His boss, Eddie Kane, Calumet's general manager, declined repeated requests for comment. He is wanted for drug trafficking, organized crime involvement, and undocumented possession of firearms. [32][33] Other reporting stated the U.S authorities had alerted the Mexican authorities based on their surveillance of the subject's girlfriend who was importing meth at Gulfport, Mississippi. The cartel is run by the. [34], In a series of highly coordinated tactics to prevent El Mencho's arrest, the CJNG blocked several highways and roads across the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area by setting at least 37 vehicles on fire. The cartel alsorecruitsspies in theMexicangovernment and policeto keep its leaders out of jail and avoid drug busts. Jalisco Cartel New Generation (CJNG) - InSight Crime Who is El Mencho, the most powerful drug kingpin in the world? The cartel has run brothels in Mexico, often using teens and women forced into CJNG's web. One side was known as La Resistencia( The Resistance), the other was Los Mata Zetas(The Zeta Killers), headed by El Mencho. The attack spread through 20 different towns and in three neighboring states. Smaller police forces. "He was very minutely involved. Unlike his reclusive father, the 25-year-old lived in a luxury high-rise apartment in downtown Guadalajara and often stepped out in designer clothes to eat in fancy restaurants. Someone aware of the Lexington-Louisville operation talked to a DEA agent in 2016, who, in turn, flagged investigators in Kentucky. "[101] La Vaca was also reported to have defected from the CJNG because of El Mencho's death.[101]. Then he vanished, How this couple ran a redneck meth empire in an Appalachian county ravaged by addiction, How a Mississippi trooper almost took down the worlds most powerful cartel boss, Mother searches photos of mutilated dead men, hoping to find her abducted son, Officer disabled after helicopter shot down by rising Jalisco New Generation Cartel. "A very big, increasing problem. [17][18], El Mencho relocated in the state capital, Guadalajara, with his father-in-law Jos Luis Gonzlez Valencia (alias "El Quini") and Romn Caballero Valencia. Many are committed by cartels. [92], In April 2019, El Mencho's godson Adrin Alonso Guerrero Covarrubias was arrested on charges of drug trafficking and kidnapping. [10][17] To strengthen his relationship with the Milenio Cartel, El Mencho married one of the clan leader's sisters, Rosalinda Gonzlez Valencia. United States District Court for the District of Columbia, United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, List of fugitives from justice who disappeared, Infobae: Cmo es y qu se sabe hasta ahora sobre la nueva pareja sentimental del "Mencho", ""El Mencho" est muerto? The group then changed its name to the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (Spanish: Crtel de Jalisco Nueva Generacin, or CJNG). Warren traveled to six cities in the U.S. and reviewed thousands of documents in more than 100 court cases and sought prison interviews with more than two dozen cartel members and associates. That made the assassination attempt against Garca Harfuch and news of threats against prominent officials particularly startling. El Mencho then asked the other Milenio bloc to hand over Gerardo Mendoza (alias "Tecato" and/or "Cochi") for killing a group of men that reported to him in Tecomn, Colima. 8 Under Coronel, El Mencho and his group managed the Sinaloa Cartel's drug operations, finances, and murder activities in the states of Colima and Jalisco. His notoriety is also a result of his aggressive leadership and sensationalist acts of violence against both rival criminal groups and Mexican security forces alike. Rosalinda Gonzlez is suspected of running the finances of her husband's Jalisco New Generation Cartel. [61] Police are investigating whether El Mencho gave the order to execute him, but no charges have been filed. Investigative reporter Beth Warren spent threedays in Mexico City and Guadalajara with the U.S. DrugEnforcement Administration and Mexican police and government officials. [30], On 25 August 2012, a unit of the Mexican Federal Police based in Tonaya, Jalisco, responded to an anonymous tip stating that there was an organized crime cell present in a rural community close by. American officials have described Ruben Oseguera-Gonzalez as a former second-in-command of the fast-growing and ultra-violent Jalisco New Generation Cartel. "my name is PABLO OSEGUERA member carte Jalisco New Generation and pimp of the domestic sexual service house I've been calling you cause you've been speaking to one of my girls which offered you her service and you only made her lose her time. Reporters Jonathan Bullington, Kala Kachmar, Chris Kenning andKarol Suarez contributed to this story. [69] The businesses were a sushi restaurant in Puerto Vallarta and Guadalajara, a tequila company in Guadalajara,[e] a rental cabin business in Tapalpa, and an advertising firm and agricultural company, both in Guadalajara. Why is The Courier Journal reporting on a deadly Mexican drug cartel? It is now the primary drug trafficking organization in 24 of Mexicos 32 states, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration. His followers have spread tonearly all of Mexico's 32 states, including the cities ofGuadalajara and Tijuana, both crucial to moving drugs into the U.S. From there, ElMencho's empire went global, withasteady and growing customerbasein the U.S., as well as in Australia, Europe andJapan. [49], According to the Mexican government, El Mencho may be hiding in the state of Jalisco, the CJNG's stronghold. Photos of Cartel Jalisco New Generation leader Nemesio "El Mencho" Oseguera and methamphetamine confiscated in a local operation are displayed at a news conference at the DEA San Diego office .

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