msf young avengers counter

She is a plucky Super Hero Brawler who assists and generates ability energy for her allies. The tactic is easy initiate a fight with Abi Block on Squirrel Girl while putting the rest of the Focus on Dormammu. However, many players decide to put New Warriors in Defense combining them with other Mystics such as Silver Surfer, Supernaturals, etc . After that, everything is easy. In even match-up, X-Factor with Namor can deal with Black Order without many difficulties. I think they can prevail over initial damage and debuffs from Underworld. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Everything you need to do is to Abi Block Squirrel Girl and save Negativitys ultimate when Echo place mass Evade, and Young Avengers will be good as gone. Not only that he will Revive fallen Asgardians, but Valkyries passive will affect also the character that is revived making your killing order significantly trickier. The natural counters for Sinister Six are Symbiotes and Astonishing X-men because they can easily neutralize Dr. Octopus and exploit his summons. Even though Infinity Watch is not a Horseman team they are still a formidable foe whose only real counter is Darkhold and themselves. Squirrel Girl uses her unbeatable squirrel powers to eat nuts and defeat enemies. In War, Dark Hunters and Weapon X should be used against some more important enemies than WW, but outside of War, those two teams can easily deal with them. Mr. Due to Uxmens self-sustain, you cannot afford a big punch-up, but as long as your Ikaris is capable of flipping their buffs, you are good to go. Once Omega Red is ready to cast his ultimate skill, you can target Dormammu to kill him. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Players should remember that Viv-Visions attack strikes in a line, either back or front rows. Since my goal is to help MSF players as much as I can, I've decided to do what you asked and divide content as you asked. Nonetheless countering them is easy and it can be done with teams that are not considered as first offensive options at the moment. Ghost Spider is here to spread those around so everyone gets a debuff. To avoid doing that, there are two quite simple solutions Web Warriors and Brotherhood. Dr. Doom Basic will never miss, same as Doombots. Which Is The Best Time To Play Online Slots? Infinity Watch starts with Immunity meaning that they will be fully safe from any Ability Block Bionic Avengers has to offer. It is best to avoid teams with summons when fighting them. The following table describes each character as follows: Many MSF players want to know what the perfect counter is for the Young Avengers. The Undying duo is a hard counter for Darkhold. Privacy Policy. Keep in mind that you can experiment with other characters to counter the Young Avengers to better align with your playstyle. Everything else is straightforward Kill Dormammu, then Valkyrie, then everyone else. If Echos kit is a glimpse into what the future will bring for the Young Avengers, then they are going to be another must-have meta team. At the moment we have only the most important Defense Teams mentioned, but as time passes, we will add all teams along with their counters (including teams that are specifically meant only for offense). This team can easily beat Darkhold but your moves must be clinically precise and focused on the right targets. It will not be a big problem for the Green-Red War squad. If Morgan Le Fay is with Eternals things can become tricky at best. It would be interesting to test it against a full team though. Having that in mind, the most justified options are Weapon X and Infinity Watch which will prevail on a bare strength. You will not be able to place Ability Block on Dormammu, but you can prevent MLF from granting free turns to her team. Weapon X is the only original pre-made that is a true counter for Dorm/H4H in War. There are a lot of combinations whose kit suggests that they could challenge Death Seed. They will prevent Cloak from controlling the battle and they have enough self-healing to survive New Warriors initial burst. However, Axmen who are attacking will not have problems with SA because they will get initial feed on Nikcs minions that will buy them enough time to cripple the enemy before they can pose threat. While Weapon X can allow themself a great punch-up if Omega Red is not the character with the highest HP in the teams, Dark Hunters must be of similar strength if they wanna have a chance to win. Eternals and Tangled Web have everything required to avoid being stuck by Absorbing Man. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Does anyone have some practice reps against them yet? This combination will work on the new hybrid team that you may notice in Alliance War and Cosmic Crucible. Darkhod / Dormhold is a current META for all game features and not only for Arena. Omega Reds passive will place Trauma and Heal Block on start, which will fully neutralize Squirrel Girl. The obvious counter for the team that fully relies on Dodge is the team whose attacks cannot be dodged. Gamers should keep in mind that you have a limited number of attacks for each room, so you have to plan accordingly. On another note, Black Order would have a tough time too (to some extent) since some of their utility comes from Prox and Corvus assisting in removing buffs. Secret Avengers + Kestrel is one of those teams. Those two teams are specialized in War, but they cant do much outside of it. Once you kill Dormammu the rest should be easy. Even outside of War, unlike many specialized War teams, the Young Avengers save most of their War synergy so beating them in Cosmic Crucible is not an easy task, on contrary. Your main focus should be taking down Dormammu as soon as possible, after which you should prevail on pure strength. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Unlikely some other excellent War teams that have bonuses just in one segment of this mode, this team can be equally lethal in both. Since Thanos will use his special before Namors turn, you will have no fear of placing debuffs on BO after Namor executes the ultimate. Whether you replace Dazzler or Sunfire depends entirely on you and your roster. Feel free to browse the latest game news, discussions, strategy, and quality creator content that our community offers. The Young Avengers have War Defense passives that reduce Assist chance to zero, making Nebula a non-factor in this fight. To be honest, the majority of players are fully experienced and learned how to counter 8W with 8W while they were Arena META and all of them know that significant punch-up is possible. Players can enjoy exhilarating role-playing in Marvel Strike Force (MSF). They cannot be killed easily with Axmen's initial burst, and they can fully take out Jubilee and Beast from the battle. They also beat them with Secret avengers + Kestrel and fury, but they said it wasn't as easy as xfactor. They were specifically built to hard-counter 8W. Some teams have the same counters for both Cosmic Crucible and War and the only way to make it easy for you is to duplicate content for those teams. To enforce this, Scopely, MSFs developer, uses a Victory Point system. Ikaris ultimate literally made them harmless to the point where you can use only Sersi and Ikaris alone to deal with them. ADVERTISEMENT Bionic Avengers Infinity Watch Unlimited X-Man It is important to keep in mind that the Alliance War only unlocks when you reach Commander level 45. If you prevent them from buffing or you use their buffs against them, you are good to go. They have Immunity and Safeguard at the start (will protect them against initial mass Blind and buffs stealing) and their damage potential is high enough to deal with the new Horseman team. This includes two new toons to replace the Spiderfolk that have left for more webby pastures. To counter this team, the strategy is simple you need to place Disrupt+Trauma on Absorbing Man or to place Ability Block while removing Taunt in the process. However, their strength outside CC should not be underestimated. Galactic War and Mid-Tier Arena, Which Characters First? Being able to fully cripple Viv Vision at the start of combat, makes Bionic Avengers harmless against Rogue and the company. Underworld is the new Offensive option that counters AW METAs defense. The Alliance War allows players to flex their entire roster in an all-out assault on an opposing Alliance Helicarrier. So really, its all subjective. However, to be sure that your Eternals will be victorious make sure that they will play first by adding Loki and Emma into the equation. Alliances are tasked with staying organized in their plan of attack with Alliance leaders having the ability to mark certain rooms for attack or as off-limits. Even though Dormhold will not have the most important CDs, Agathas passive can make your life miserable, especially if Dormammu is not down soon enough. All teams that can use Wakandas buffs against them are natural picks. Doom Raids are a challenge. As yes, I know Heroes for Hire is an exception to this rule. A ton of Bleeds will prevail, and there we are. Because of Brawn, both teams will have Immunity, therefore, a team with more Skirmishers who will penetrate Immunity with Vulnerability and leave enemy members open to control will prevail. The list of Counters we provided will be updated and improved constantly. We send 2-4 emails a month. Stubborn and a bit reckless, Kate Bishop is the perfect leader for the Young Avengers. The best place on Earth for nerds. Zemo will initiate a fight by clearing Defense Up from all enemies and by picking who should be Ability Blocked (Viv Vision, obviously). Mass Blind on start and constant removal of Pym Techs buffs make things really easy for Magneto and the company. A significant punch-up is possible when using this team against WW. You will not have Stun prolonged, but hey there is your Dormammu to say a few things to YA. However, there cannot be any punch-up if you wanna succeed. I just beat them with Hela+Surnaturals punch accross (~430k). Once, Omega Red is ready for its ultimate, target Dormammu (who would die soon after it) and transfer your focus to Squirrel Girl. Ravagers are an ideal team for countering Brotherhood + DD. They are natural counters for Young Avengers. Generally, you cannot expect the same punch-up as against H4H without Dormammu, but you can afford 100k-200k punch-ups. Nerds on Earth exists to highlight the best of a Friendly Local Game Shop (FLGS). Beating H4H with 8W in WAR can be extremely tricky. They can beat anyone, so Weapon X, same as all other teams, does not have a chance versus them. Conquer Wars With Accurate Counters!. In Alliance War, Weapon X is the most justified counter for them if you have Dark Hunters to deal with H4H. There is always an option to use a duplicate team in dealing with Young Avengers. View Strong and Weak Team Counters with specific Power recommendations. She is a damage-dealer and fits the Striker class quite well. 10 Young Avengers Ranked By How Good They Would Be As Leader Of - CBR All juicy abilities available at their disposal mean nothing against GAMMA. When Dormammu is dead, you can shift your focus to Squirrel Girl. Moreover, Underworld is also a natural counter for Young Avengers. Command: ~counter. Is there something recent where Echo and Kate are hard to take out? You cannot afford any punch-up whatsoever and you must be careful since Morbiuss initial Blind will not affect Dormammu. In the meantime, Kestrel will deal with Blob. Those results are accurate, but they can be misleading. Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania: A Fitting Third Ant-Man Tale or MCU Filler? If you use Dormhold, a punch-up can be significantly higher, and the strategy is the same. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Welcome back to MSF Mondays! Underworld and Undying will easily deal with Emarauders. Young Avengers & X-Factor 5th, Hellfire Club & More! That fact allows you some punch-ups, but dont be greedy and do not risk unreal matchups. Infinity Watch will beat Wakanda on pure strength and will offer you a significant punch-up. However, many players have wondered what the perfect counter is for the Young Avengers. Players can place an Ability Block effect on Spider-Weaver to prevent her from casting a stun on Viv-Vision. We send 2-4 emails a month maximum. Depending on the enemys strength, the initial Abi Block from Omega Red should be focused on either Valkyrie or Sif depending on your ISO-8 class. Trauma from ORs ultimate fully negates Valkyries passive, so insane punch-ups are possible. If you have your insights and ideas, please share them with us so we can make the best possible list of Counters. Their kit is made so they can prevent Mercenary Riot Guard from using Taunt and Taskmaster from executing ultimate on start. For example, as long as Echo isnt Blinded, enemies cant Assist. Unfortunately, this team has a lot of summons that are Ikariss best friends. Underworld is a fantastic team in War Offense, but at the same time, they can be a tricky opponent in Defense too. Miles Morales controls the field with web blasts and electrical shocks. Putting teams in a box like that makes theory-crafting fly out the window. The chance that OR will put Abi Block on Wong is only 20%. The secret when fighting Young Avengers is to prevent Squirrel Girl from healing while controlling Kate Bishops turns. The Young Avengers team is going to take some testing given the new characters in Echo and Kate Bishop, but America Chavez' place on this team is pretty clear. Lest something new everyday! Inhumans stats are mediocre now, but Yo-Yos presence will significantly increase sustain of your Eternals giving Ikaris enough time to survive and use his ultimate for the second time. However, some players do not agree with my offensive tactics, so I will write down counters for all viable defense set-ups per each Room. As such, they can be an unsolvable enigma for most teams but obviously, some team combinations deal with them easily. Beast provides them with full cleansing after being hit by Cloaks ultimate and Jubilee/Bishop synergy will tear apart New Warriors after that. Green Goblin is your solution for targets in stealth. They have the best self-sustain in the game and they seem immune to debuffs. The importance of YA is high enough to justify using Weapon X against them in war. Dont let the door hit you on the way out Heroes for Hire! Then, to accompany them, weve been introduced to a couple other Spiderfolk to complete the new Web-Warriors team. I know that it is easier said than done, but you can expect a video guide as soon as possible. Usage: ~counter <target team: optional > <power: optional >. For example, if your Uxmen are 400k strong you can freely engage 1 million strong Axmen. We have a recap and review of that episode here if you dont mind spoilers. Keep in mind though, that fights between Young Avengers last too many turns so you should consider this option only if all other options are not possible. If your Omega Red is playing the first target opponent Omega Red, focus on him with other characters and try to turn rewind Silver Samurai (with Lady Deathstike). Their strength must be significantly higher though because they dont have a way to control GAMMA in War as they control other teams. With Bionics against Axmen, punch-ups from 300k to even 500k are possible, as long as your Hulkbuster is decent. Black Order is the team that can easily survive the initial Mercenary combo and flips their advantages into their doom. After having visions of Naashjeii, Ajei was informed about the Web of Life and Destiny. At the moment he starts executing ultimate you should pause the game and wait for the battle to pass. Since the game is based on the classic Marvel series, you will likely encounter similar aspects in the game to those in the movies, comics, and series. Maximized Hullkbuster grants an insane amount of HP to BA, and you cannot eliminate main targets fast enough so you can take control of the battle. Outside of Cosmic Crucible, Wakanda is not that strong, but there are not many counters against them (except the ones we already mentioned) that can expect any luck unless there is a significant punch up in their favor. To beat them you must use their duplicate. Nico Minoru Passive will synergize well with Jesica Jones, which will be one of the keys to the victory. The natural counter for Eternals is Darkhold. One of the teams that are fully equipped to deal with them is Darkhold. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. As I've been saying for ages - Young Avengers is the secret best team in the game. However, unlike other META, War Dogs need precise and clinical decisions depending on the situation and power of enemies they are facing (knowing who can be killed on start is the difference between win and lose). X-Men are logical counters to Brotherhood, but the presence of DD can fully change the outcome. Maybe the best option against Uxmen is a duplicate team boosted with Emma Frost. New Bionic Avengers proves to be a really powerful team. Darkhold with MLF passive level 6 can easily deal with Dorm/YA. How are YA a viable investment? Scarlet Spider Slows the enemy, applies Defense Down, and prolongs those negative effects. Having that in mind, it was important to pinpoint them as counters. IMPORTANT the content on this page is not yet finished. The problem with this bot is that it draws information from the MSF base and gives you results depending on the winning percentage of teams that were used by players in the game. Uncanny X-Men with Magik is another team that is a natural counter to Web Warriors. MCU's Young Avengers Roster Is Complete Now By Mariah Mayhugh Published Oct 16, 2022 She-Hulk's reveal of Bruce Banner's son Skaar could be the missing piece for a long-awaited Young Avengers roster. If you qualify for the Alliance War, you can form a strategy with your Alliance members to defeat enemies. MSF: Spider weaver counter MSF: Spider weaver counter January 12, 2023 During MSF Cosmic Crucible and Alliance War, you may have to counter Spider-Weaver and the Bionic Avengers are allegedly perfect for the job. The Young Avengers is a squad in MSF that consists of several characters. Iron Man Zombie and Hela are a powerhouse for War Offense, and they will win easily with anyone on their side. MSF: Spider weaver counter - Not only will he Revive fallen Asgardians, but Valkyries passive will also affect the character that is revived making your killing order significantly trickier. Symbiotes with Skirmisher + Silver Surfer, Darkhold (without Scarlet Witch) + Emma/Loki/Cable.

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