michael monsoor funeral

They really didn't - it was definitely something. She was 94 years old. Monsoor . AS A MEMBER OF A COMBINED SEAL AND IRAQI ARMY SNIPER OVERWATCH ELEMENT, TASKED WITH PROVIDING EARLY WARNING AND STAND-OFF PROTECTION FROM A ROOFTOP IN AN INSURGENT HELD SECTOR OF AR RAMADI, IRAQ, PETTY OFFICER MONSOOR DISTINGUISHED HIMSELF BY HIS EXCEPTIONAL BRAVERY IN THE FACE OF GRAVE DANGER. For these actions, he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. He said he died in the state of grace and for what Catholics believe, with the sacraments and what else. As enemy activity increased, Petty Officer Monsoor took position with his machine gun between two teammates on an outcropping of the roof. Monsoor was a Navy SEAL deployed to Iraq in April 2006. The Early Years. I served with him in the Military and I can tell you that he was humble and would do just about anything asked of him to help. U.S. Navy file photo of the Medal of Honor certificate presented by President George W. Bush to George and Sally Monsoor on Tuesday, April 8, 2008, during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House. He attended Dr. Walter C. Ralston Intermediate School and Garden Grove High School in Garden Grove, California and played tight-end on the school's football team, graduating in 1999. [6], On September 29, 2006, Monsoor's platoon engaged four insurgents in a firefight in Ramadi, killing one and injuring another. This is what I said: Ladies and gentlemen. But there was more of a story there. Summary of eRumor: The eRumor describes the funeral of Navy petty officer Mike Monsoor, who lost is own life in Iraq to save the lives of other Navy SEALs. by Norman Fulkerson May 22, 2008. Acting as the senior leader by leading a team of 3. He continued to provide effective suppressive fire while simultaneously dragging the wounded SEAL to safety. After further training he was assigned to Delta Platoon, SEAL Team 3. I know why Michael continued to foster this relationship. Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael A. Monsoor had been near the only door to the rooftop structure Sept. 29 when the grenade hit him in the chest and bounced to the floor, said four SEALs who spoke to The Associated Press this week on condition of anonymity because their work requires their identities to remain secret. He has an older brother James and older . Exploit isn't the right word - that happens right? One of them belongs to Michael Monsoor. They were providing overwatch security while joint and combined forces were conducting missions in the area. Though well-acquainted with enemy tactics in Ar Ramadi, and keenly aware that the enemy would continue to attack, the SEALs remained on the battlefield in order to carry out the mission of guarding the western flank of the main effort. The grenade hit Monsoor in the chest before falling to the ground. Upon graduation from basic training, he attended Master At Arms "A" School. Fausone: He was the automatic weapons operator carrying the MK-48 and all that extra weight, there's a responsibility to the other guys because you're carrying that weapon to protect them. Mike and his fellow SEALs accounted for 84 enemy fighters killed in action and the detainment of numerous insurgents. On September 29, 2006, Michael Monsoor and three SEAL snipers watched vigilantly for enemy activity from a rooftop post in Ar Ramadi, Iraq. . The name of Petty Officer Michael Anthony Monsoor will now be among them. At his funeral in San Diego, California, SEALs lined up on both sides of the route of the pallbearers and loudly slapped gold tridents from their uniforms on the wooden casket as a . Words seem insufficient to recognize him as the most honorable, decent, unselfish, brave man who gave his life to save others. Michael Monsoor joined the United States Navy in about March of 2001. This act of valor is based on Michael Monsoor's unselfish act that saved his teammates lives and saw him posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. One of his platoon mates was having a baby. The trident is a U.S. Navy special warfare badge worn by SEALs. You had winemakers make a special wine for him. They had lost their son and it's been a lot. He immediately leapt to his feet and yelled "grenade" to alert his teammates of impending danger, but they could not evacuate the sniper hide-sight in time to escape harm. On September 29, 2006, in the war-torn city of Ramadi, Iraq, Petty Officer Second Class (SEAL) Michael Monsoor, or Mikey as we called him, smothered a grenade with his body to save three of his teammates. Michael Anthony Monsoor was born on 5 April 1981 in Long Beach, CA, the third of four children born to George and Sally Monsoor. Fausone: I think again, another very important part because of a mother's concern and pain you sort of mention. Immediately, Monsoor yelled "Grenade!" On that day, Monsoor was part of a sniper overwatch security position with three other SEALs and eight Iraqi Army (IA) soldiers. On 15 operations, he carried a rucksack full of communications equipment in addition to his machinegun and full ammunition load-out. President Bush presents the Medal of Honor to Sally and George Monsoor, parents of Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael Monsoor, during an East Room ceremony on Tuesday. All rights reserved. Tell us about finding those guys and in some measure pulling the stories out to make "Defend Us in Battle.". The following month, his rating changed from Quartermaster to Master-at-Arms, and he was assigned to SEAL Team 3 Delta Platoon. He took a lot on and it says a lot about his character. Rea: So, so powerful. Although only he could have escaped the blast, Petty Officer Monsoor chose instead to protect his teammates. There was only one access point for entry or exit and Monsoor was the only one who could have saved himself from harm. He really wanted to protect them. Some sort of bonding and love of your fellow man deepens in those situations. Rea:Right. Ramadi at the time was the epicenter of the insurgency in Iraq, a city filled with peril. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. Because of Petty Officer Monsoor's actions, he saved the lives of his 3 teammates and the IA soldiers. Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael Monsoor, 25, was killed in combat Sept. 29 in Ramadi, Iraq, west of Baghdad. His funeral in Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in San Diego was attended by nearly every SEAL on the West Coast, President Bush said. As someone that had the pleasure of knowing Mikey as a friend, and had the honor of serving with him on the battlefield, this photograph tells me a story. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. Able to work in a promising business revenue and product pipeline organization. Two SEALs next to Monsoor were injured . He will safeguard our families, as he safeguarded his own family. He wanted him, and to make sure anyone else who wanted to would get home, so he stayed. Legal Statement. Without hesitation and showing no regard for his own life, he threw himself onto the grenade, smothering it to protect his teammates who were lying in close proximity. Get email updates about Michael A. Monsoor delivered directly to your inbox. It is heart breaking to hear that, he is gone. While the SEALs vigilantly watched for enemy activity, an insurgent threw a hand grenade from an unseen location, which bounced off Petty Officer Monsoor's chest and landed in front of him. In the early morning, insurgents prepared to execute a coordinated attack by reconnoitering the area around the element's position. Additionally, a nearby mosque called insurgents to arms to fight Coalition Forces. I think George will fight for his son and stand up for his memory his whole life. Rest in peace, Michael Monsoor. The SEALs fired back and stood their ground. It was this cool relationship, almost this Brotherhood camaraderie too, between this Navy chaplain priest and Michael. Actually, there is a neat little memorial section in the back of the book that, yes there are these incredible memorials to him, but what I thought to point out is that the most powerful memorials right now are of all the sons of the brothers he saved who were named after him. Your act and demonstrated honor is a high standard for all of us. TIL during the funeral of Navy SEAL Michael A. Monsoor, every Navy SEAL on the West Coast came to the funeral, took off their golden trident off of there own uniform and slapped it onto his wooden coffin covering the whole coffin in golden tridents. May 7, 1976 - June 28, 2005. The reason I learned a little bit about it is my husband is an active-duty SEAL. Michael Monsoor is the second Zumwalt-class destroyer to enter the fleet. He also helped load his wounded teammate into a High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle for evacuation, then returned to combat. He was 25 years old. [2][4] When he was a child, Monsoor was afflicted with asthma but strengthened his lungs by racing his siblings in the family's swimming pool. Copyright 2023 Navy SEALs. Fausone: Go ahead and set us up for what happened on September 29, 2006 when Michael and three other snipers were there. So many guys have named their kids after him because they just loved him so much. He was a boy. But, he didn't give up. He displayed great personal courage and exceptional bravery while conducting operations in enemy held territory at Ar Ramadi Iraq. This gun is nicknamed "The Pig" because of its squealing sound and because there's so much force when they're shooting it. ELEMENT SNIPERS THWARTED THE ENEMYS INITIAL ATTEMPT BY ELIMINATING TWO INSURGENTS. Rea: Yeah. His selfless, decisive, heroic actions resulted in 25 enemy killed and saved the lives of his teammates, other Coalition Forces and Iraqi Army soldiers. Her prayers for her son are just a reflection of what every mother is doing when their boys are overseas, or daughters are overseas. Monsoor, a 25-year-old gunner, was killed in the explosion in Ramadi, west of Baghdad. Fausone: One of the things you talk about is as Michael was going through and became a SEAL, he wanted to go on to sniper school. Michael was so quiet. Michael inspired and looked out for his friends his whole life. A mutually supporting SEAL/IA position also killed an enemy fighter during the morning hours. While vigilantly watching for enemy activity, an enemy fighter hurled a hand grenade onto the roof from an unseen location. Michael enlisted in the U.S. Navy March 21, 2001, and attended Basic Training at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Ill. EVERETT One of the Navy's newest destroyers paid a visit to Puget Sound this weekend. After BUD/S, he completed advanced SEAL training courses including parachute training at Basic Airborne School, Fort Benning, Ga., cold weather combat training in Kodiak, Alaska, and six months of SEAL Qualification Training in Coronado, graduating in March 2005. Shortly thereafter, an enemy fighter shot a rocket-propelled grenade at his building. He aggressively stabilized each chaotic situation with focused determination and uncanny tactical awareness. Over the next five months, Monsoor and his platoon frequently engaged in combat with insurgent forces. Navy Narrative:On 29 September (2006), Monsoor was part of a sniper overwatch security position in eastern Ramadi, Iraq, with three other SEALs and eight Iraqi soldiers. The trapezoidal-shaped USS Michael Monsoor came to Naval Station Everett on Friday, where the ship . Collectively it weighed more than 100 pounds. Monsoor was the first Navy SEAL to earn the Medal of Honor for actions in Iraq and the second Navy SEAL to receive the award since Sept. 11, 2001. They are willing to go to the ends of the Earth. I try to honor his life and death by remembering his example and trying to emulate it because even when he was faced with some of the least September 22, 2018 | Arlington, WA | Military. Petty Officer Second Class Michael Anthony Monsoor was born April 5, 1981 in Long Beach, Calif. Michael . He had three SEALs with him and I think there's one or two Iraqi interpreters. During Operation Kentucky Jumper, a combined Coalition battalion clearance and isolation operation in southern Ar Ramadi, he served as automatic weapons gunner in a combined SEAL and Iraqi Army (IA) sniper overwatch element positioned on a residential rooftop in a violent sector and historical stronghold for insurgents. Really what Michael appreciated over there was strength. They were providing overwatch security while joint and combined forces were conducting missions in the area. You had a chance to talk to some of these men. During Mike Monsoor's funeral in San Diego, as his coffin was at the grave site at Ft. Rosecrans National Cemetery, SEALs were lined up on both sides of the pallbearers route . Michael definitely inspired him in that, Michael was a SEAL first. On April 8, 2008, Master at Arms, 2nd Class Michael Anthony Monsoor (4/5/81 to 09/29/06) , a Navy EOD Technician, was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor posthumously for jumping on a grenade . As suspected, his parents wouldn't have known about it but probably gave them great comfort once they learned. Michael Anthony Monsoor (April 5, 1981 - September 29, 2006) was a United States Navy SEAL who was killed during Invasion of Iraq and posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. [5], During an engagement on May 9, 2006, Monsoor ran into a street while under continuous insurgent gunfire to rescue an injured comrade. You see those friendships that were deep in there. [5][6], Monsoor enlisted in the United States Navy on March 24, 2001, and attended Basic Training at Recruit Training Command Great Lakes, Illinois. Delta Platoon was sent to Iraq in April 2006 and assigned to train Iraqi Army soldiers in Ramadi. By his undaunted courage, fighting spirit, and unwavering devotion to duty in the face of certain death, Petty Officer Monsoor gallantly gave his life for his country, thereby reflecting great credit upon himself and upholding the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. Petty Officer Monsoor was the Platoon Machine Gunner of an overwatch element, providing security for an Iraqi Army Brigade during counter-insurgency operations. And every day, brave men continued to push forward, into the fray. Monsoor's position made him the only SEAL on the rooftop with quick access to an escape route. We're his siblings, just let us be. He had this unbreakable little will at such a young age and it was so inspiring. Legal Statement. Mike was one of the bravest men on the battlefield, never allowing the enemy to discourage him. The President of the United States in the name of The Congress takes pride in presenting the MEDAL OF HONOR posthumously to. Commander, Navy Installations Command | 716 Sicard Street SE Suite 1000 | Washington DC, 20374-5140 Official U.S. Navy Website And while there is no way that a steel and iron ship can ever replace the flesh and blood that was Michael Monsoor, at the same time, there is no more fitting memorial to him than a warship. So I thought it was a nice touch to add that all in. Imperial Beach Outlying Landing Field. New guys are like the bottom of the barrel, right? So it just marries together so many wonderful stories and memories. Ismaili community leaders continued to report concerns about what they called the exclusion of Ismailis from other positions of political authority. Monsoor was engaged in a firefight in Ramadi when, according to the military report, he and another SEAL pulled a team member shot in the leg to safety while bullets pinged off the ground around them., On 29 September (2006), Monsoor was part of a sniper overwatch security position in eastern Ramadi, Iraq, with three other SEALs and eight Iraqi soldiers.

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