Top Bred Heifer: RMRK Blackcap 0905 born on 9/12/20. Site: Home Publications Market Reports Sale Reports Sale Calendar Cattle & Service Directory Full Commodities Report Services About Us Contact Us, Article Categories: All Industry News Herd Health Feed & Nutrition Pastures & Forages Reproduction Marketing Columnists Production Genetics & Performance Weather Forecast Breed News Producer Feature Stories Items of Interest New Products Recipes, User: Login Logout Register/Profile Submit Market Report Submit Sale Report, Russian defence minister pays rare visit to troops in Ukraine - Reuters, AI stocks surge as investors bet on growth prospects - Reuters. Lockhart Cattle Company is a sixth-generation, family-owned and family-operated, cow outfit. Simply go to, press the register today link to create a user name and password, and then submit your own local livestock auction market report. Adobe Flash support has been discontinued. Her and her female calf were sold by Langford Cattle Co., Lockhart, TX to Bryan Markham, Wheeler, TX for $8,500. Purchases Summary, Texas-Oklahoma Daily Direct Slaughter Cattle Neg. TX Cattle Market Reports - Southern Livestock Day of week indicates the day report is posted. . Cattle auction every Thursday beginning at 11:30. She was sold to Bilyeu Farms, Ozark, MO for $15,000. The Market reports page publishes weekly livestock auction reports from around the country. Site: Home Publications Market Reports Sale Reports Sale Calendar Cattle & Service Directory Full Commodities Report Services About Us Contact Us, Article Categories: All Industry News Herd Health Feed & Nutrition Pastures & Forages Reproduction Marketing Columnists Production Genetics & Performance Weather Forecast Breed News Producer Feature Stories Items of Interest New Products Recipes, User: Login Logout Register/Profile Submit Market Report Submit Sale Report, Russian defence minister pays rare visit to troops in Ukraine - Reuters, AI stocks surge as investors bet on growth prospects - Reuters. All weekly livestock auction markets are encouraged to submit their own weekly market reports. Bulls $3150 Gross $469,000 Avg. . They were also judged champion in the Superbaldie class and brought $3400 and went to Brewer Land & Cattle, Oakwood, TX. Born, Raised and Butchered in Jackson Hole, Lockhart beef is sold in many Jackson Hole markets and restaurants. She was sold to Flying J Ranch, Paoli, OK for $10,000. Market Reports Texas Mid Tex Livestock Most Recent Report 2/23/2023 Total Run: 1,226 Feeder Steers Feeder Heifers *Approx is the middle weight of the weight group multiplied by the mid point of the high and low for the group. Additional USDA Reports. Information is collected and reports are listed by state. Top Bred Cow: Wall Street Rita F128 born on 9/11/18. Josh Lockhart: 979-533-2044. Request for Notifications and Subscriptions, Supporting, Protecting, and Growing Arkansas Agriculture and Forestry, Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. Under new ownership since Feb. 1, it's business as usual at Lockhart Auction Inc., where livestock auctions still take place every Thursday. Jeff Cook: 361-571-3764. AMS has been aware of Adobe discontinuing Flash, but unfortunately a new dashboard technology has only recently been approved for usage. Cow - Calf - Cattle Sale every Saturday at 10 a.m. Daily Direct Hog Price Comparison Simply go to, press the register today link to create a user name and password, and then submit your own local livestock auction market report. He was sold to Chris Webb, Sigourney, IL for $10,000. Lockhart Cattle Company headquarters borders the town of Jacksons southern edge but the Ranch is comprised of four tracts of land, four leased properties, and a slaughter plant all located within Jackson Hole. He was sold to LAN Farms LLC, Jackson, MS for $20,000. The User Guide for this feature is available here. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Livestock, Poultry, and Grain Market News. Learn More. 36th ANNUAL FORT WORTH INVITATIONAL COMMERCIAL HEIFER SALE. He was sold by Sexton Cattle Co., Cost, TX to Monty Markham, Reydon, OK for $9,500. She was sired by SG Salvation and bred to GB Fireball 672. Last year, we sold nearly 50,000 head of cattle," says Bexley. Top Open Cows: G A R Method 98 born on 8/21/18. LFF Maverick 1036 born on 10/19/21. Tulia Livestock Auction | 2/23/2023 | Market Reports They were sold to Ragged Edge Ranch, Kingston, OK for $7,500. High winds throughout most of the week hampered movement. She was by Fairway Farms Angus, San Augustine, TX and sold to Mark Butz, Cedar Rapids, IA for $27,000. She was sired by LD Capitalist 316 and bred to BJ Surpass. She was sold to Bilyeu Farms, Ozark, MO for $12,000. He was sired by LD Capitalist 316. She was sired by G A R Drive and bred to GAR Dual Threat. He was sold for 2/3 interest to Kris Graupman, Palmyra, MO for $6,900. 97% of beef in the US is shipped to a feedlot before it's sold to a major food distributor. Since 2018, sales at Lockhart Auction have nearly quadrupled, largely because the partners expanded their trade radius and improved customer service and marketing. Notice regarding Flash and LMR Dashboards. Purchases - Morning, Texas-Oklahoma Daily Direct Slaughter Cattle Neg. Site: Home Publications Market Reports Sale Reports Sale Calendar Cattle & Service Directory Full Commodities Report Services About Us Contact Us, Article Categories: All Industry News Herd Health Feed & Nutrition Pastures & Forages Reproduction Marketing Columnists Production Genetics & Performance Weather Forecast Breed News Producer Feature Stories Items of Interest New Products Recipes, User: Login Logout Register/Profile Submit Market Report Submit Sale Report, Russian defence minister pays rare visit to troops in Ukraine - Reuters, Wall St Week Ahead: Defensives may not be safe place to hide as - Reuters. 59 Registered Females Gross $252,550 Avg. 124 Registered Bulls $5965 65 Open Heifers $4198 32 Bred Heifers $3148 162 Spring Pairs $3594 Gross $1,695,650 Avg. Simply go to, press the register today link to create a user name and password, and then submit your own local livestock auction market report. Email us with accessibility issues with this report . All weekly livestock auction markets are encouraged to submit their own weekly market reports. Wharton Livestock - Cattle Auction, Cattle Auction The administrator will then approve your report usually within one business day. We produce top-quality, grassfed beef to sell locally with an operation that looks a lot like it did in 1950. She was sold to Winter Brook Cattle Co., Canby, OR for $35,000. Mid Tex Livestock | 2/23/2023 | Market Reports An official website of the United States government. EXAR Jet Fuel 1700B born on 3/1/21. Selling for $3100 was a consignment of long time consignor MK Ranch, Era, TX. She was sold to Audley Farms, Berryville, VA for $8,750. Market Reports; Auction Reports; Auction Reports. Amarillo TX, 79114, The Market reports page publishes weekly livestock auction reports from around the country. Lampasas Cattle Auction 2/24/2023. She was sired by Bigk/WSC Iron Horse 025F. She was sired by Williams Jonesboro 700-602. A voicemail update of the report is available by calling 501-823-1728. . Purchases - Afternoon, Texas-Oklahoma Daily Direct Slaughter Cattle Neg. He was sired by EXAR Guru 8719B. He was sold by The Luling Foundation, Luling, TX to Richard Littlefield, Copperas Cove, TX for $9,000. San Angelo (Thu) Tulia Livestock Auction. She was sired by G A R Drive and bred to GAR Dual Threat. lockhart livestock auction market report - Double R Productions They had 10 Hereford hybrid early fall calving heifers bred to raise show steers. LFF Maverick 1036 born on 10/19/21. RMRK Treasure 1972 born on 12/15/21. He was sired by Roseda Powerball 23 F091. EXAR Frontier Gal 5631 born on 11/3/21. Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure youre on a .gov or .mil site by inspecting your browsers address (or location) bar. The administrator will then approve your report usually within one business day. EDNA LIVESTOCK MARKET REPORT. The User Guide for this feature is available here. Lockhart Cattle Company Simply go to, press the register today link to create a user name and password, and then submit your own local livestock auction market report. They were possibly 3n1s and brought $4700 each. Live Oak Livestock Auction 2/21/2023. 429 Breds & Pairs $2617. She was sired by GB Fireball 672. Purchases Summary, Texas-Oklahoma Daily Weighted Average Direct Slaughter Cattle Neg. Texas Cattle Auctions. Sterling, KY (Wed) (pdf), Christian Co Livestock Cattle Auction Hopkinsville, KY (Wed) (pdf), Russell Co. Stockyard Cattle Auction Russell Springs, KY (Wed) (pdf), United Producers Inc. Cattle Auction Owenton, KY (Wed) (pdf), Blue Grass South Stockyards Cattle Auction Stanford, KY (Thu) (pdf), KY TN Livestock Market Cattle Auction Guthrie, KY (Thu) (pdf), Paris Stockyards Cattle Auction Paris, KY (Thu) (pdf), Blue Grass Stockyards Cattle Auction Richmond, KY (Fri) (pdf), Blue Grass Stockyards Cattle Auction Campbellsville, KY (Sat) (pdf), Lake Cumberland Livestock Cattle Auction Somerset, KY (Sat) (pdf), Blue Grass Stockyards Special Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Stanford, KY (Seasonal) (pdf), Blue Grass Stockyards Replacement Cattle Sale Lexington, KY (Seasonal) (pdf), Blue Grass Stockyards Special Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Lexington, KY (Seasonal) (pdf), Blue Grass Stockyards Special Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Richmond, KY (Seasonal) (pdf), Farmers Regional Livestock Market Monthly Cattle Sale Glasgow, KY (2nd/4th Thu)(pdf), Farmers Regional Livestock Market Special Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Glasgow, KY (Seasonal) (pdf), Kentuckiana Livestock Market Special Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Owensboro, KY (Seasonal) (pdf), KY TN Livestock Market Special Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Guthrie, KY (Seasonal) (pdf), Livingston Co. Livestock Market Special Feeder Cattle Sale Ledbetter, KY (Seasonal) (pdf), Paris Stockyards Special Feeder Cattle Sale Paris, KY (Seasonal) (pdf), United Producers Inc. Special Feeder Cattle Sale Harned, KY (Seasonal) (pdf), Washington Co. Livestock Special Graded Feeder Cattle Sale Springfield, KY (Seasonal) (pdf), Four States Livestock Sales Livestock Auction Hagerstown, MD (Wed) (pdf), Friends Livestock Auction Livestock Auction Accident, MD (Mon) (pdf), Missouri Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Mon) (pdf), Southeast Missouri Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Fri) (pdf), South Central Missouri Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Fri) (pdf), Southwest Missouri Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Fri) (pdf), East Central Missouri Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Fri) (pdf), North Central Missouri Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Fri) (pdf), West Central Missouri Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Fri) (pdf), Northeast Missouri Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Fri) (pdf), Callaway Livestock Center Cattle Auction Kingdom City, MO (Mon) (pdf), Callaway Livestock Center Replacement Cattle Special Kingdom City, MO (Monthly) (pdf), Douglas County Livestock Auction Cattle Auction Ava, MO (Thu) (pdf), Eastern Missouri Commission Company Cattle Auction Bowling Green, MO (Fri) (pdf), Farmington Livestock Auction Cattle Auction Farmington, MO (Wed) (pdf), F&T Livestock Market Cattle Auction Palmyra, MO (Mon) (pdf), Green City Livestock Auction Cattle Auction Green City, MO (Wed) (pdf), Green City Livestock Auction Replacement Cattle Special Green City, MO (Seasonal) (pdf), Green City Livestock Auction Thanksgiving Cattle Special Green City, MO (Seasonal) (pdf), Interstate Regional Stockyards, Inc. Cattle Auction Cuba, MO (Tue) (pdf), Joplin Regional Stockyards Feeder Cattle Auction Carthage, MO (Mon) (pdf), Joplin Regional Stockyards Cattle Auction Carthage, MO (Wed) (pdf), Joplin Regional Stockyards Replacement Cattle Special Carthage, MO (Monthly) (pdf), Joplin Regional Stockyards Feeder Cattle Special Carthage, MO (Seasonal) (pdf), Kingsville Livestock Auction Feeder Cattle Auction Kingsville, MO (Tue) (pdf), Lolli Brothers Livestock Market Cattle Auction Macon, MO (Tue) (pdf), Lolli Brothers Livestock Market Replacement Cattle Special Macon, MO (Seasonal) (pdf), Mid Missouri Stockyards Cattle Auction Phillipsburg, MO (Thu) (pdf), MO-KAN Livestock Market, Inc. Cattle Auction Butler, MO (Thu) (pdf), New Cambria Livestock Auction Cattle Auction New Cambria, MO (Thu) (pdf), New Cambria Livestock Auction Replacement Cattle Special New Cambria, MO (Seasonal) (pdf), Ozarks Regional Stockyards Feeder Cattle Auction West Plains, MO (Tue) (pdf), Ozarks Regional Stockyards Feeder and Replacement Cattle Special West Plains, MO (Seasonal) (pdf), Ozarks Regional Stockyards Slaughter/Replacement Auction West Plains, MO (Wed) (pdf), SEMO Livestock Sales Cattle Auction Jackson, MO (Tue) (pdf), South Central Regional Stockyards Cattle Auction Vienna, MO (Wed) (pdf), Springfield Livestock Market Feeder Cattle Auction Springfield, MO (Wed) (pdf), Springfield Livestock Market Slaughter/Replacement Cattle Auction Springfield, MO (Mon) (pdf), Springfield Livestock Market Replacement Cattle Special Springfield, MO (Monthly) (pdf), Tina Livestock Market Cattle Auction Tina, MO (Mon) (pdf), Tina Livestock Market Replacement Cattle Special Tina, MO (Seasonal) (pdf), Unionville Livestock Market Cattle Auction Unionville, MO (Tue) (pdf), Unionville Livestock Market Replacement Cattle Special Unionville, MO (Seasonal) (pdf), Windsor Livestock Auction Cattle Auction Windsor, MO (Wed) (pdf), Show-Me-Select Replacement Cattle Auction Carthage, MO (Seasonal) (pdf), Show-Me-Select Replacement Cattle Auction Farmington, MO (Seasonal) (pdf), Show-Me-Select Replacement Cattle Auction Fruitland, MO (Seasonal) (pdf), Show-Me-Select Replacement Cattle Auction Kingsville, MO(Seasonal) (pdf), Show-Me-Select Replacement Cattle Auction Kirksville, MO (Seasonal) (pdf), Show-Me-Select Replacement Cattle Auction Palmyra, MO (Seasonal) (pdf), Show-Me-Select Replacement Cattle Auction Vienna,MO (Seasonal) (pdf), Cattlemens Stockyard LLC Cattle Auction West Point, MS (Mon) (pdf), East Mississippi Livestock Company Cattle Auction Philadelphia, MS (Tue) (pdf), Glenwild Stockyard Inc. Cattle Auction Grenada, MS (Mon) (pdf), Lincoln County Livestock Cattle Auction Brookhaven, MS (Tue) (pdf), Lipscomb Brothers Livestock Cattle Auction Como, MS (Wed) (pdf), Livestock Producers Sale Barn Cattle Auction Tylertown, MS (Tue) (pdf), Lucedale Livestock Producers Cattle Auction Lucedale, MS (Wed) (pdf), Macon Stockyard Cattle Auction Macon, MS (Mon) (pdf), Meridian Stock Yards Inc. Cattle Auction Meridian, MS (Mon) (pdf), Mississippi Daily Cattle Auction Summary (pdf), Mississippi Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Fri) (pdf), Peoples Livestock Auction Cattle Auction Houston, MS (Mon) (pdf), Southeast Mississippi Livestock Cattle Auction Hattiesburg, MS (Mon) (pdf), Tadlock Stockyard Cattle Auction Forest, MS (Mon) (pdf), Winona Stockyard Cattle Auction Winona, MS (Tue) (pdf), Billings Livestock Commission Cattle Auction Billings, MT (Mon) (pdf), Billings Livestock Commission Cattle Auction Billings, MT (Thu) (pdf), Miles City Livestock Commission Cattle Auction Miles City, MT (Tue) (pdf), Public Auction Yards Cattle Auction Billings, MT (Wed) (pdf), Public Auction Yards Cattle Auction Billings, MT (Fri) (pdf), Public Auction Yards Replacement Cattle Special Billings, MT (Seasonal) (pdf), Montana Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Mon) (pdf), Bassett Livestock Auction Feeder Cattle Auction Bassett, NE (Wed) (pdf), Burwell Livestock Market Feeder Cattle Auction Burwell, NE (Fri) (pdf), Crawford Livestock Market Feeder Cattle Auction Crawford, NE (Fri) (pdf), Ericson Livestock Market Feeder Cattle Auction Ericson, NE (Sat) (pdf), Ericson Livestock Market Feeder and Replacement Cattle Special Ericson, NE (Seasonal) (pdf), Gordon Livestock Market Feeder Cattle Auction Gordon, NE (Tue) (pdf), Huss Livestock Market Feeder Cattle Auction Kearney, NE (Wed) (pdf), Imperial Livestock Market Feeder Cattle Auction Imperial, NE (Tue) (pdf), Lexington Livestock Market Feeder Cattle Auction Lexington, NE (Fri) (pdf), Nebraska Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Mon) (pdf), North Platte Stockyards Feeder Cattle Auction North Platte, NE (Tue)(pdf), Ogallala Livestock Auction Feeder Cattle Auction Ogallala, NE (Thu) (pdf), Sheridan Livestock Auction Co. Cattle Auction Rushville, NE (Wed) (pdf), Tri-State Livestock Auction Feeder Cattle Auction McCook, NE (Mon) (pdf), Valentine Livestock Auction Feeder Cattle Auction Valentine, NE (Thu) (pdf), Valentine Livestock Auction Feeder and Replacement Cattle Special Valentine, NE (Seasonal) (pdf), West Point Livestock Auction Feeder Cattle Auction West Point, NE (Mon) (pdf), Cattlemen's Livestock Cattle Auction Belen, NM (Fri) (pdf), Clovis Livestock Cattle Auction Clovis, NM (Wed) (pdf), New Mexico Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Mon) (pdf), Roswell Livestock Cattle Auction Roswell, NM (Mon) (pdf), Santa Teresa LivestockAuction Cattle Auction Santa Teresa, NM (Fri) (pdf), Santa Teresa Livestock (Spanish) Cattle Auction Santa Teresa, NM (Fri) (pdf), New York Video Board Auction Cooperstown, NY (Seasonal) (pdf), Carolina Stockyards Livestock Auction Siler City, NC (Mon) (pdf), Carolina Stockyards Livestock Auction Siler City, NC (Fri) (pdf), Cleveland County Agriculture & Livestock Exchange Cattle Auction Shelby, NC (Tue) (pdf), Harward Brothers Livestock Market Cattle Auction Turnersburg, NC (Mon) (pdf), North Carolina Weekly Livestock Auction Summary (Mon) (pdf), North Carolina Graded Cattle Auction (Seasonal) (pdf), Powell Livestock Company Cattle Auction Smithfield, NC (Thu) (pdf), Stanly County Livestock Market Cattle Auction Norwood, NC (Wed) (pdf), Wilkes Livestock Exchange Cattle Auction North Wilkesboro, NC (Wed) (pdf), WNC Regional Livestock Center Livestock Auction Canton, NC (Mon) (pdf), Kist Livestock Feeder Cattle Auction Mandan, ND (Wed) (pdf), Napoleon Livestock Feeder Cattle Auction Napoleon, ND (Thu) (pdf), North Dakota Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Mon) (pdf), Stockmen's Livestock Exchange Feeder Cattle Auction Dickinson, ND (Thu) (pdf), Apache Livestock Auction Cattle Auction Apache, OK (Thu) (pdf), Apache Livestock Auction Replacement Cattle Special Apache, OK (Seasonal) (pdf), McAlester Union Stockyards Cattle Auction McAlester, OK (Tue) (pdf), OKC West Livestock Market Feeder Cattle Auction El Reno, OK (Tue/Wed) (pdf), OKC West Livestock Market Slaughter/Replacement Cattle El Reno, OK (Mon) (pdf), Oklahoma National Stockyards Feeder Cattle Auction Oklahoma City, OK (Mon)(pdf), Oklahoma National Stockyards Slaughter/Replacement Cattle Oklahoma City, OK (Tue) (pdf), Oklahoma Weekly Cattle Auction Summary Oklahoma City, OK (Fri) (pdf), Southern Oklahoma Livestock Feeder Cattle Auction Ada, OK (Wed) (pdf), Southern Oklahoma Livestock Slaughter/Replacement Cattle Ada, OK (Thu) (pdf), Southern Oklahoma Livestock Replacement Cattle Special Ada, OK (Seasonal) (pdf), Tulsa Stockyards Inc. Cattle Auction Tulsa, OK (Mon) (pdf), Woodward Livestock Inc. Feeder Cattle Auction Woodward, OK (Thu) (pdf), Woodward Livestock Inc. Slaughter/Replacement Cattle Woodward, OK (Tue) (pdf), 84 Livestock Auction Cattle Auction Eighty Four, PA (Mon) (pdf), Dewart Livestock Auction Cattle Auction Dewart, PA (Mon) (pdf), Greencastle Livestock Market Cattle Auction Greencastle, PA (Mon) (pdf), Greencastle Livestock Market Cattle Auction Greencastle, PA (Thu) (pdf), Greencastle Livestock Market Monthly Feeder Cattle Sale Greencastle, PA (1st Sat) (pdf), Indiana Livestock Auction Feeder Cattle Special Homer City, PA (Seasonal) (pdf), Middleburg Livestock Auction CattleAuction Middleburg, PA (Tue) (pdf), Middleburg Livestock Auction Seasonal Feeder Cattle Sale Middleburg, PA (3rd Fri) (pdf), New Holland Sale Stable Inc. Cattle Auction New Holland, PA (Mon) (pdf), New Holland Sale Stable Inc. Cattle Auction New Holland, PA (Thu) (pdf), New Holland Sale Stable Inc. Dairy Replacement Cattle Auction New Holland, PA (Wed) (pdf), New Holland Sale Stable Inc. Feeder Cattle SpecialNew Holland, PA (Seasonal) (pdf), New Wilmington Livestock Auction Feeder Cattle Special New Wilmington, PA (Seasonal) (pdf), Pennsylvania Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Mon) (pdf), Pennsylvania Livestock Auction Cattle Auction Waynesburg, PA (Thursday) (pdf), Pennsylvania Livestock Auction Special Graded Sale Waynesburg, PA (Seasonal) (pdf), Vintage Sale Stables Inc. Monthly Feeder Cattle Sale Paradise, PA (2nd Fri) (pdf), Vintage Sale Stables Inc. Cattle Auction Paradise, PA (Tue) (pdf), Chester Livestock Exchange Livestock Auction Chester, SC (Tue) (pdf), Laurens Livestock Exchange Livestock Auction Laurens, SC (Wed) (pdf), Low Country Livestock Exchange Livestock Auction Darlington, SC (Tue) (pdf), Orangeburg Stockyards Livestock Auction Orangeburg, SC (Wed) (pdf), Saluda County Stockyards Livestock Auction Saluda, SC (Mon) (pdf), South Carolina Weekly Livestock Auction Summary (Fri) (pdf), Upstate Livestock Exchange Livestock Auction Williamston, SC (Mon) (pdf), Ft. Pierre Livestock Auction Cattle Auction Ft. Pierre, SD (Fri) (pdf), Ft. Pierre Livestock Auction Seasonal Calf Auction Ft. Pierre, SD (Seasonal-Wed) (pdf), Herried Livestock Market Cattle Auction Herreid, SD (Fri) (pdf), Hub City Livestock Auction Cattle Auction Aberdeen, SD (Wed) (pdf), Mitchell Livestock Cattle Auction Mitchell, SD (Thu) (pdf), Mobridge Livestock Exchange Cattle Auction Mobridge, SD (Thu) (pdf), Mobridge Livestock Exchange Seasonal Calf Auction Mobridge, SD (Seasonal-Tue) (pdf), Philip Livestock Auction Cattle Auction Philip, SD (Tue) (pdf), Sioux Falls Regional Livestock Inc. Cattle Auction Worthing, SD (Mon) (pdf), South Dakota Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Mon) (pdf), St. Onge Livestock Ltd Cattle Auction St. Onge (Fri) (pdf), St. Onge Livestock Ltd Seasonal Calf Auction St. Onge SD (Seasonal Wed) (pdf), Athens Regional Stockyard Cattle Auction Athens, TN (Tue) Cattle Auction (pdf), Browning Livestock Market Feeder Cattle Auction Lafayette, TN (Wed) (pdf), Crossville Stockyard Cattle Auction Crossville, TN (Sat) (pdf), Dickson Regional Livestock Center Inc. Cattle Auction Dickson, TN (Mon) (pdf), East Tennessee Cattle Alliance Graded Feeder Cattle Auction Greeneville, TN (Thu) (pdf), East Tennessee Livestock Center, Inc. Cattle Auction Sweetwater, TN (Wed) (pdf), East Tennessee Livestock Center, Inc. Graded Holstein Feeder Cattle Auction Sweetwater, TN (Fri) (pdf), East Tennessee Livestock Center, Inc. Graded Feeder Cattle Auction Sweetwater, TN (Fri) (pdf), Hardin County Stockyard Cattle Auction Savannah, TN (Wed) (pdf), Hardin County Stockyard Graded Feeder Cattle Auction Savannah, TN (Seasonal) (pdf), Knoxville Livestock Auction Center Inc. Cattle Auction Knoxville, TN (Tue) (pdf), Mid-South Regional Livestock Center LLC Cattle Auction Unionville, TN (Mon) (pdf), Pulaski Stockyard Cattle Auction Pulaski, TN (Tue) (pdf), Smith County Commission Co. Cattle Auction Carthage, TN (Sat) (pdf), Southwestern Sales Co. Cattle Auction Huntingdon, TN (Tue) (pdf), Tennessee Daily Livestock Auction Summary (pdf), Tennessee Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Mon) (pdf), Tennessee Weekly Market Recap (Mon) (pdf), United Producers, Inc. Purchases Summary. Lockhart Cattle Company is a sixth-generation, family-owned and family-operated, cow outfit. Selling for $3000 was a consignments from Lavista Ranch, Gatesville, TX. WHARTON LIVESTOCK MARKET REPORT. She was sold to Kern Cattle Co., Exeter, CA for $26,000. Users may want to consider accessing the LMR API that is available to the public to consume all LMR data unrestricted. & SW S. D. Grazing Fee Report (Seasonal - May), Reasonable Accommodation Personal Assistance Services. Florida Livestock Markets Use the map to find a Florida livestock market near you. She was sired by Bar R Jet Black 5063 and bred to E & B Wildcat 9402. . They brought $5500 and went to Lance Bland, Slaton, TX. 371 were here. Top Open Heifers: EXAR Princess 1890 born on 11/24/21. Cattlemen's Livestock Auction | 3/2/2023 | Market Reports Since there have been delays in federal contracting coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic, the dashboard replacement will not be implemented as soon as we had hoped. $2384 Auctioneers: Matt Sims & Ronn Cunningham Sale Manager: Matt C. Sims Auction, Inc. Top Bred Heifer: Spur Maureen 0085, born on 10/20/20, she was sired by Thomas Surety 6726 and bred to Spur Silver Phoenix 7532. "When the sale barn changed hands, it was selling 12,000 head a year. She was sired by SS Identified 7551 and bred to Wilks No Substitute 2358. Information is collected and reports are listed by state. Please refer to the links below to find the individual reports data. $3085 Auctioneers: Jerry Lehmann and Wes Tiemann Top Bulls: Mead Magnitude V678 born on 1/10/21. Alabama Arkansas Colorado Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Maryland Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska New Mexico Come see us! She was sired by SCC SCH 24 Karat 838. EXAR Guru 1079B born on 1/7/21. Top Fall Pairs: Bar W Ashland 9208 born on 11/27/18. She was sired by Woodland Centerfire. Slaughter Cattle. Texas-Oklahoma Daily Direct Slaughter Cattle Neg. Texas Cattle Auction & Market Reports Cattle Range, The Official Website of the State of Arkansas, "Memphis Daily Grain Report" has merged with. The .gov means its official. Close behind was a very similar pen of 10 Hereford hybrids from Hale Cattle Co. and they brought $4800 and went to Mimms Herefords, Lorenzo, TX. Sending beef to a local USDA-inspected slaughter plant allows us to ensure we have a top-quality product at every level. Gulf Coast Livestock Market 2/22/2023. Providing weekly livestock sales for today's cattlemen &. Top Bred Heifers: SJH Drive Of 5644 0724 born on 9/5/20. 59 Registered Females Gross $397,250 Avg. Gonzales Livestock Market, Inc. | Cow Calf Cattle Auction | Gonzales Texas Market News - Livestock, Grain, Poultry - Home - USDA Learn more about where to find us. She was sold by Sexton Cattle Co., Cost, TX to Springfield Angus Farm, Louisburg, NC for $20,000. The Market reports page publishes weekly livestock auction reports from around the country. We produce top-quality, grassfed beef to sell locally with an operation that looks a lot like it did in 1950. Gonzales Livestock Market, Inc. | Cow Calf Cattle Auction | Gonzales Texas Gonzales Livestock Market, Inc. Home Market Report Buyers/Sellers Gallery Live Auction Contact Directions Gonzales Livestock Market, Inc. Cattle/Livestock Market serving South Central Texas.