how to orient a map using a lensatic compass

2. In my online video land-navigation course, I explain in lecture 20, how to orient a map. How To Get Your Map and Compass To Face the Same Direction. With the thumb loop all the way down under the compass, put the thumb of one hand all the way inside the loop, and place the index finger of that same hand along one side of the compass. Place your map in such a way that the terrain features line up with your maps features. Overview. SMCT Orient a Map Using a Lensatic Compass. The reason contours are king is that they are fixed, at least in the timescales were talking about here. Turn your map so that north on the map corresponds to the needles orientation. How to Use a Compass to Get Your Bearings. A map, by definition, is a small-scale representation of the real world or a section thereof. Lay your compass on the map and line up its edge with a known landmark. If you want to navigate and explore like a Navy SEAL, its high time you learn how to use one of these stellar compasses. You see that the mountain is 24 in relation to you. With the thumb loop all the way down under the compass, put the thumb of one hand all the way inside the loop, and place the index finger of that same hand along one side of the compass. Hey, it happens! A: In order to orient and read a map, you have to have spatial awareness. As long as youre lined up with your direction of travel arrow (keeping that north arrow visible for reference), you need to look through the sighting line and pick a landmark ahead of you. This video shows how to orient a map with a compass and briefly discusses magnetic declination. Lets return to Muir Woods as an example. Performance Steps 1. 2. If youre facing south, but are holding the map right side up, everything on your map is going to be ass-backwards. 9-4. SPC Presentation - ORIENTING A MAP USING A LENSATIC COMPASS Casio's latest G-Shock watch could be a serious Garmin rival. relation to a map. How to use a lensatic compass - SlideShare ), Set Your Compass for Your Intended Azimuth. For this example, were going to go to the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. (Note: Ignore the magnetic compass needle. The Art of Manliness participates in affiliate marketing programs, which means we get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links. How To Use A Compass: The Ultimate Guide To Navigation By Ethan Shaw How to use the Lunatic Compass Map Orientation by compass Magnetic Azimuth A magnetic azimuth of any object is the compass reading of a direct line across the center of the compass to the object. My 159-page, fully illustrated book is yours for the asking. Land Nav Task 10 - Orient a Map Using a Lensatic Compass Adjust for magnetic declination. 1. Oriented the map. Get my Land Navigation coursehere. Turn the map and compass together until the azimuth sighted lies under the Index Line. The obvious drawback here is that such an approach is impossible in poor visibility. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, Were ready to start orienting ourselves now that our compass has been corrected for local declination. The cover is used to protect the compass and alsoincorporates thesighting wirewhich helps you determine direction. Orienteering vs. Lensatic Compass: How do they compare? In this case, it would be 204 (24+180). UK readers, youre in luck. [10] 4. Make sure your map is aligned with magnetic north (see above). Let's have a look at the sources that constantly give favorable points. When your compass cant adjust for declination, you may make your own declination arrow out of masking tape and attach it below your compass under the right declination degree hash (This will only work if your compass has a clear base). Shows how to use the USGI issue lensatic compass to orient the map, plot a course based on two well-defined. Make sure the direction of travel arrow is pointing to the spot that youre trying to get to. Youve got your trusty compass and a map of the area, but you dont know exactly where you are in relation to the map. 4. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"A: In order to orient and read a map, you have to have spatial awareness. Position in the area. Taking each features relative shape, height and distance away into consideration, you should be able to start to match them to the contour features on the map. You now have your target's bearing. 1. A visualization depicting the Soldiers Manual of Common Tasks (STP 21-1-SMCT) task Orient a Map Using a Lensatic Compass (071-COM-1011). Finally, before setting off, be sure to do a quick check by looking around you to see that all features represented on your map are where they should be in the terrain. 1. It. When the actual lens gets damaged, it unnecessarily impairs simple operation. Orient your map so that its lined up with magnetic north (see above). First, open the compass to its fullest so that the cover forms a straightedge with the base. Turn the compass and the map as a unit until you box the needlei.e., Put Red Fred in the shed. Sometimes we may use GPS technology or navigational apps to find our way, but we will always have the option of a map and compass stashed safely in our hiking backpack. Flip up the lid to a 90-degree angle. There is some technical difference between the two, but for all practical civilian purposes, the words are interchangeable. Hiking Compas - PDF Landmark Compass Manual Kieran has taught mountaineering, ice climbing, and single-pitch and multi-pitch rock climbing in a variety of contexts over the years and has led trekking and mountaineering expeditions in the Alps, Rockies, and UK. Make an "L" shape with the index finger and thumb of your other hand. Place the compass on the map with one long edge of the baseplate running between the two points of interest. Turn the compass and the map as a unit until you box the needlei.e., Put Red Fred in the shed. The lensatic compass is used by the U.S. Military. Uses a retractable lens to read the bearing while. Make sure the degrees of the dial are readable. When you have a line position, you know that youre on some identifiable line on the map (trail, ridge line, etc. STEPS 1.Ensure the map is on a level surface, place the compass parallel to a north-south grid line with the cover side of the compass pointing towards the top of the map. First, use your compass to get a bearing on a peak of Saddle Mountain. How to Orient a Map: Navigation 101 - My Open Country The legend. ? Enroll in my personalized step-by-step video-based online course. The big idea normally is to have your map more or less line up with the terrain so you can make sense of where things are around you. Aligned the side of the compass with one of the north-south grid lines. Declination is the angle formed by true north and magnetic north. List of Ten Best Compass For Hunting Top Picks 2023 Reviews A: You can use the arrow keys, or you can hold down shift and move in any direction to rotate a map around its axis. Now hold your compass horizontally and point the 'direction-of-travel-arrow' towards the landmark. But not to you, I trust. Declination was taken into account while adjusting the compass. Thats right Contours are king. 3. At the summit of Saddle Mountain, take a bearing using your compass. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. No declination exists and you dont have to adjust your compass. 2. Lets move to the opposite coast of the U.S. Lets say youre in the Adirondacks of New York. Battle tested - shock, water, sand proof, and. That would be 130. Turn your compass on its side. You will receive a verification email shortly. A compass needle aligns with the magnetic fields in the Earth, which is what it uses to help you find true north. The lensatic compass is comprised of different parts compared to a baseplate compass. You cant shoot a bearing on the end point in your terrain since you cant see it. This makes it easier to relate what you see on the map with what you see on the ground. From point A to point B, thats your bearing. 5. The variation between magnetic north and true north is currently so minor that this can generally be ignored. Orienting the Map with an Orienteering Compass. This is because technology is fallible, batteries run out, cold kills gadgets and theres always the possibility of dropping a device down a steep slope or into a rushing river. 3. My 159-page, fully illustrated book is yours for the asking. OEC G&V. Download. He has climbed a handful of 6000ers in the Himalayas, 4000ers in the Alps, 14ers in the US, and loves nothing more than a good long-distance wander in the wilderness. 1. You have your point location when you know precisely where you are in reference to your map. Though GPS and smartphonesare reliable, its still vital to carry a compass, and know how to use it, as a backup or lifesaving form of navigation. The housing is marked with cardinal points, typically north, south, east, and west, which . Orient the map to the terrain. FM 3-25.26: Map Reading and Land Navigation. B. Turn your entire body as a unit until 066 (062 + 004) degrees falls under your compass's fixed black index line. True north is at the very top of the earth, while magnetic north is currently off the coast of Greenland. Determine a Magnetic Azimuth Using a Lensatic Compass Leave your orientating arrow in line with the index line and the direction of travel arrow, as it will already be primed to point magnetic north. Then, slide your compass around so that its edge passes through the landmark on the map, while the orienting arrow continues to point north. Weve compiled a detailed guide on how to adjust for magnetic declination, but at its most basic level it goes like this: Your map should state what the magnetic declination is in degrees for the region you are in. The easiest way to orientate a map is to relate the features in front of you to the features on the map. So, if youre in Muir Woods and your compass has a bearing of 180, youll want to subtract 14. From this diagram, we can see that our compass would point to magnetic north a little over 13 degrees to the right of "straight up" on the map (grid north). Use your thumb to pull the thumb ring back about halfway. The keys to successfully navigating the wilderness are being able to determine your position, know where youre going and understand how terrain affects your movement abilities. Whenever the luminous magnetic arrow lines up with the luminous short line, you're following your intended azimuth. Take that bearing and plot it on the map using the technique explained above. Position of the point. This latter option is a cheat since grid lines have their own declination value. Map and compass skills are essential when navigating the great outdoors, Abrupt topography, like mountain peaks, should be easy to identify thanks to their contours on the map, Magnetic declination guidance on a standard topographical map, Having adjusted the compass housing to correspond with magnetic north, line your compass up with the map's gridlines, Red is in the shed: the compass needle is lined up with the orientating arrow, Ski towns are full: why we cant all just move to the mountains, Berghaus MTN Guide MW Hoody review: a performance mid-layer for the mountains, Rangers warn National Park graffiti could throw hikers off the trail. Point position. If the local declination is negative, add the declination amount . 2. With solid land-navigation skills, you'll be more confident and "at home" in the wilderness. Program, Strengthen Your Tribe: A Report on the Atomic Athlete Vanguard, The Best Riddles for Kids (With Answers! There are 2 ways to do this - using landmarks or using a compass. Execute your docs in minutes using our simple step-by-step instructions: Get the How To Use A Lensatic Compass you need. Find out more (opens in new tab). Lets break down the individual parts of a lensatic compass so you can understand every element behind how it works. Ymiko Compass Survival,Compass For Kids,Compass Hiking Durable Shockproof Waterproof Brass Camping Tools For Navigation Outdoor. Start spinning the bezel slowly until the 'magnetized needle' is aligned with the 'orienting arrow.'. You are missing your point location. The plotted line cuts through Mt. . Lensatic compasses aremade upof three parts: cover, base, and reading lens. Hold your compass in the two-hand hold, steady and level in front of you. Ethan Allan, the peak you observed, is cut through by the plotted line. Turn the map and compass until the needle on the compass aligns with the north-south grid lines on the map. Assume youre southeast of Saddle Mountain and northeast of a few of lesser peaks. How to Use a Lensatic Military Compass? - Let's Find Out! Youve got your dependable compass and a map of the region, but youre not sure where you are in respect to the map. Large Ball Compass - Easy to read ball compass shows two readings. Lensatic compasses are made up of three parts: cover, base, and reading lens. If you dont start out using your lensatic compass with a map, then its just a regular compass. You should then be able to roughly work out which way is north, east south or west using your maps gridlines. I guess the military needs the extra accuracy now and then say, for example, to precisely place artillery fire. We need to compensate for the compass now that weve placed it on the map so that we can appropriately orient and travel. Open the cover completely and pull back the rear sight. Draw a line towards the roadway youre on using the side of your compass. With the map level, place the compass . Using a Lensatic Compass - land navigation 1. 3. 1. Module 11 Plotting Position Coordinates exact positioning, used to communicate to others with a Orienting your map means aligning it so that north on the map corresponds to north in the terrain and the maps topography correlates to the real-world topography in front of you. (Note: if you have a compass with an adjustable declination the adjustment needs to be set to zero). With that bearing, we can use our compass to start traveling in the direction we need to go in order to get to our endpoint. Want a free ebook on Land Navigation? Look at the index line and read the number. The needle on your compass dial will always be pointing north, so when placing the compass on the map, the needle on the compass should match the map's north in order to orient yourself. Line it up with that. Before we can start actually navigating, which well get to in Part IIIof this series, we still need to learnwhere we are in relation to our maphow to orient ourselves. How to use a compass and map: a simple guide | Atlas & Boots Want a free ebook on Land Navigation? Line your orienteering compasss base plate up with the maps north-south lines. The compass baseplates edge is now pointed in the direction of the visible landmark you used to get your bearing. Also known as setting the map, orientating helps to relate your position and the landscape around you to the map, therefore making onward navigation more straightforward. Huzzah! Open it up using the cloud-based editor and begin editing. Look through the sighting slot and find some target (a tree, boulder, whatever) that lines up with your sighting wire. Below, we offer a short, straight-talking guide to how its done. Want to start taking action on the content you read on AoM? You will not be using it for the center-hold technique. Take a bearing to a visible landmark using your compass. Your map (and yourself) are now be orientated north. A: To rotate a map in Beat Saber, you can hit the trigger button on your controller. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); MyOpenCountry is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Plot a line on the map using the mountains rear bearing. Finding Your Way With Map and Compass | U.S. Geological Survey Remember, maps are drafted with north at the top.

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