McAlester, Oklahoma. We have nearly 5,000 acres of flooded rice fields and over 1,000 acres of upland bird hunting habitat for your hunting enjoyment. Big Wildhorse Creek Ranch is a great multi-use property located in Central Oklahoma. The property was purchased in 2012 with state and private grantsincluding funding from the S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation and the Joseph & Vera Long Foundation. The property parallels the State Fish and Wildlife Joice Island Game Refuge. Waterfowl Chasers - Northern California Waterfowl Hunting Club There are lots of clubs and ranches that lease blinds north of Sac. Fowl Weather Guide Service- Northern California Duck Hunting The Missouri Conservation Commission has approved the following recommendations on hunting season datesfrom the Missouri Department of Conservation for the years2021-2026. It has 3 blinds in 300 acres of rice. With it's larger checks and big water, it makes for outstanding pintail shooting. This offers our members much more room to spread out and many times you will feel as though you have the property to yourself. Designed for hunters and crafted by professionals, each one of our blinds combines the ultimate in concealment and comfort, as our name suggests. 614.6 Acres, Colusa, CA 95932 | Land and Farm We take all bookings over the phone as we like to know who we are speaking too and get familiar with our clients. It's alway fun to see the looks on our guests faces who've not seen the Mississippi flyway migration and quantity of ducks we encounter on our hunts. MO Mallards hunting sites are just north of the Arkansas State Line, mostly close to Dunklin County Highway TT, and within sight of Big Lake National Wildlife Refuge. The 1000 acre rice property has 10professionaly placed in-ground pit blinds and has a parking lot with room for trailers. River Valley Outfitters & Hunt Club offer flooded rice field, dry field goose hunts and flooded . Arkansas Duck Hunting Northeast Arkansas Delta Hunting. In addition to the outstanding hunting opportunities that Kent provides each year on his leases, Kent goes the extra mile to make sure that all our needs are met prior to the start of each season. You're in the right place. Various locations near Putnam rd colusa county, county rdzz Howard slough refuge and Afton Highway Cherokee canal area. of John 's Listings, View All Mardi Gras Trout Time. Sanborn Slough represents a bold step for California Waterfowl: It is the first duck club that California Waterfowl has purchased outright all other properties were either donated to CWA or purchased using money donated for that purpose. Duck Blind spacing | Outdoor Board - TigerDroppings Duck hunters can also dock at the Harbor for access to the prime waterfowl hunting area near Joice Island. Rich Island Duck Club $325 / per person - $300 for 4 or more hunters. Call us for a showing. The club has PG&E power on site and uses a two year old 25HP lift pump to flood the fields. The production of rice in the Missouri bootheel drew us to make the 4 hour drive to find more consistent hunting, and hasn't disappointed yet. Our normal crop rotation is about 4 years of rice and a year of beans and then back to rice. Waterfowl Hunting, Upland Game Hunting | Vacaville, CA Along Ohm Rd. 1/4 mi.east of Rd. The club also has waterfowl hunting properties in Salton Sea waterfowl hunting areas (not shown on map). 2,221 likes. The above information was obtained from sources deemed reliable. Waterfowl Blinds For Lease | Sacramento & Alturas - Fishdog The property has a FWS conservation easement. E-Mail [email protected] or go to Sun Feb 5th,2023 @ 07:55 pm. Take a few minutes and please fill out the short form on the Contact Us page and we will send you harvest reports for pig and deer from CDFG. Duck Club, Fishing and Hunting, Sold. This offers our members much more room to spread out and many times you will feel as though you have the property to yourself. Welcome to MILCO Since 1957, Morrow Island Land Company (MILCO) has provided an ideal setting for duck hunters who enjoy a place of refuge close to home. Sybil "Sebia" (Jefferys) Davis, born August 9, 1845 in Brecon Wales, immigrated into the United States at the age of 15 in 1860. Colusa hunting and clubs,ranches hunt duck, turkey,pheasant,quail Hunting lease. Seasonal Pit Leases - Duxmen Outfitters Inc. 10 Day Hunt Punch Cards Guided Northern California Duck Hunting. This Delta Island is accessible by boat only, which limits how extensively it can be used for CWA programs. Fax: (707) 455-0455, Contact Todd Grizzly Ranch habitat work in 2020. 1950 a seat($ 3900/7800).Call Dave for more info. This 2016 addition to California Waterfowl's portfolio is small but mighty, with outstanding habitat for mallards and wood ducks. (530) 934-3281. 44 Blind $575.00: QUICK AND EASY 15 MINUTE ASSEMBLY. Marysville - [] Book Farris Road Ranch 1989 Farris rd Contact us for availability and pricing on blinds and trailer spots. Address: 319 E Walnut St . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This rarely offered, very private 304+/- acre duck club is a real gem. Ducks Blinds For Sale is a one-stop shop for the avid hunter to find a blind in their desired location and to give landowners an opportunity to post their properties. Premium holes with blinds in lowland; rice fields and water everywhere. We are locateda few miles south ofKennett, MO, and northwest of Blytheville, AR. Starting at $1,800 per membership seat. 3616 Magpie Ln, North Highlands, CA 95660. We respect your privacy and will not share your information. I got into a lease and from using online maps I can see there's a pretty well maintained duck blind right on the border of our lease and whoever we neighbor. Our properties have been expertly managed to provide safe, productive, and sustainable hunting for years to come. Private ranches fare the best deer hunting and as large as 60,000 acres. We have blinds with or without water in the rice. As a result of the rice farming operation and our practice of flooding the fields after the season for both natural decomposition as well as wildlife habitat, waterfowl have flocked to the property in huge numbers for many decades. Directions:,-121.982771,2658m/data=!3m1!1e3 Sacramento - 61 miles via CA-99 N and State Hwy 20 W, turn off is to the left, right before Colusa U-Store. Shown by appointment only, locked gates. The fields in the Heel fill up at dusk with feeding waterfowl. This property features a clubhouse that can be used for overnight guests and camps, a training field for the California Retriever Training Association, both breeding and wintering waterfowl habitat, and public hunting through the Hunt Program. You should check craigslist in the sacramento and yuba/sutter areas. The San Joaquin Delta has some of the highest concentration of waterfowl per acre . The property has secondary water sources through its deep wells if needed however Western Canal Water District is the primary source of water for flooding. Simply show up 45 minutes before shoot time, gear up, and we run you out by boat. Between Road 61 and Norman.East of Lambertville and Sac Refuge. To receive a complimentary property magazine, please provide your name and address below. If you would like an email update on our listings, please include your email below. Just special promotions and updates. This area is internationally known for its shore birds and the natural marsh has been a haven for many species of shore birds. Soon after, a Club member in your area will contact you. . $992,000, Shasta County, California We only add members as we get new properties, and our growth could stall if we dont reach out more to the public. He has guided for waterfowl for 20 years. That has changed with Covid as background interviews are difficult to facilitate. Check our . The property is off of Wickman Road and has parking with convenient access. We also have several properties without blinds for freelance goose hunting. Report Just a seat in a 3 or 4 person blind in N. California rice country for the season will cost anywhere from $1600 to around $2200. Some higher. Most of those years were on Kent's farm. Kitchen comes fully equipped for large group entertaining. In addition, Kent does lots of little things like providing each pit with a sunrise/sunset table posted in the pit prior to the start of the season, weekly Wednesday duck reports with current flight and weather updates for the area, and 911 location plaques mounted in each pit in case of an emergency, it's obvious that Kent truly cares about the folks who lease from him. This is a one of a kind duck club to enjoy with your family and friends. 11 total blinds, rotation club (9 member groups), Annual Membership:Please Email for current club, membership availabilities.Contact: Mark Kirsten - Duck Blinds Unlimited This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The clubhouse is clean and in good condition and encompasses a nice living area and game room with panoramic views of the marsh. Volanti Duck Club - California Outdoor Properties When waterfowl limits are filled there is excellent striper & sturgeon fishing from the boat dock and fishing pier on Suisun Slough, lots of pigs on property, pheasant and dove hunting. We also have 2 ad 4 mans in the Butte City area (south of hwy 162 and approx. The eastern portion of the property boarders Butte Creek and runs westto Aquas Frias Rd. Give Mr Freeman a call and start making your memories today! . Operational 1,200-acre farm; twelve permanent custom duck blinds, waterfowl hunting, and land maintenance; a private heliport; dock; and boat ramp. Kitchen comes fully equipped for large group entertaining. Garage/shop, picking shed and decoy shed. Bayou Deview Duck Blinds She was married to Howell Davis in 1864 at the age of 19. Located directly east of the Upper Butte Basin Wildlife Area and just south of Butte Creek, the property shoots both ducks and geese. $1,400 per blind, $2,800 for the double. 2015 - 2018 Merlo Waterfowl Company ~ All Rights Reserved530-966-4303. Looking for the perfect duck blind? The hunting leased on private property and screened membership makes safety a key feature for your familys enjoyment. Our Poly duck blind comes in 1 and 2 man versions. Land X Real Estate, Inc. does not assume responsibility for its accuracy or completeness. Bayou Deview duck blinds are long-lasting, cost-effective, and built right here in the USA. The property is right in the middle of the Llano Seco Refuge, Howard Slough Refuge and Gorril Ranch flyway. View . Located just south of the Lano Seco Refuge, this property boosts one of the highest harvest rates of all our ranches. Learn More. This lease revenue completely funds the clubs annual budget leaving the 18 club members to pay no annual dues, which is rare in the California private duck club market. 32.2 acres, Willows, CA, Property ID: 2498981 | Land and Farm Besides hunting Elk, Boar, Deer, Turkey, Waterfowl, etc., there are farm pond fishing and some of Californias finest trophy fly fishing waters. I can put blinds in 350 yards away and one a good 400+ away. This ranch shoots a high number of Mallards and Widgeon. Trailer parking included.This area is in the speck closure.1600 a seat($6400) blind. Other structures include caretakers mobile home, a garage/shop, picking shed and decoy shed. And with the 2018 acquisition of the Sanborn Slough duck club in the Butte Sink, we will be able to expand mentord hunts to the Butte Sink. Snap Lock Hunting Blinds utilize a unique system of interlocking panels that assemble securely in . Please mail to : Delta Duck Leases P.O. Huba Huba Duck Club 32.2 Acres, M/L This property is close in proximity to the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge which holds thousands of waterfowl each hunting season. In addition to being a mother, Sebia helped complete the Davis Family Ranch House in 1892 after Howell's death in 1888. located on Van Sickle Island, at the end of Grizzly Island approximately 45 minutes from Suisun City. A Club member in your area will get back to you soon. Think about what is important to you in a blind and what your needs are, and you are sure to find a blind here that will fit perfectly into your equipment list. This property is available for annual memberships. 931-561-1492 This is not the case on Kent's leases. No spam. Another opportunity for exploration is the Rush Ranch, just a few miles from Montezuma Harbor. Teal History - Teal Club of Todd 's Listings, Northern California Hunting Land for Sale, Mallard Pacific Duck Club Video: How far is reasonable to space duck blinds between strangers. The numbers of wintering waterfowl on these properties are staggering. The wetland restoration was carefully designed by Ducks Unlimited for a hunter. Waterfowl Merlo Waterfowl 90% Membership is from referral only, we do not advertise our blinds. This rarely offered, very private 304+/- acre duck club is a real gem. Abutting Butte Creek and directly across from the Upper Butte Basin Wild Area this 550 acre property has just 5pit blinds in rice and one shooting station in the natural habitat that boarders Butte Creek. This property is located just 20 minutes from Chico and is the ideal fit for the hunter who likes to squeeze in that before or after work hunt in. We hunt over 600+ decoys per blind. Fill out the form and get some more information! The highlight of the place is a private 52 acre lake surrounded by appealing topography and sandstone outcroppings. The hunting club has Goose and duck hunting blinds and decoys at most of the locations. We are a private club, and prefer to be low key and somewhat anonymous. Sac Valley Duck Hunting - California - Ramsey Russell's Membership is limited, restricted and all of our members have undergone background checks. 2+/- Acre Rice Farm & Duck Club - Charter Farm Realty BACK HOME County Line Farms 150. There are nearly 100 hunting and fishing properties from 180 to 60,000 acres. The owner willconvey all mineral rights that they own. Our ranches are privately owned and in some cases farmed and cultivated ourselves. Our club offers Deer, Duck, Pig, etc. Duck Blind | Willows, California | Poly Riser & Pipe A major flyway for geese, this 500 rice acre ranch is manged primarily for dry field goose hunting and has seen an excellent harvest rate. Morrow Island Land Company Morrow Island Land Company (MILCO) Anyone know where to find a decent duck blind available for lease? The father and son team, Fritz and Mark, at ARDuckblinds have been serving the welding and fabrication needs of local farmers for over 20 years and are committed to providing top quality work on each and every job we do. The property has a great landing site for temporary trailers, houseboats, boatsand storage. You dream it. She helped secure water rights on the Sacramento River, making possible the ability to farm for many generations to come. Living area and game room w/ two bathrooms. The Perfect Louisiana Duck Blind - Wildfowl Need a sturdy boat to access the club when the wind blows. Department of Water Resources - California Exchange Center This is open water with clear line of sight to one another. This is a year round property with Blacktail deer, doves and fishing; bass, catfish, and salmon. The Bootheel of southern Missouri has been the home of my hunt club "The Duck Palace" for the past eight years. Arkansas hunting lease. Check out Fax: (925) 885-0491, Contact Charlie California Hunting Leases - Get Back in the Field. The property only has 4pit blinds on 580 Acres of rice land that allow for an outing for the most discretionary waterfowler. The rice fields in SEMO are the perfect place to work your retriever, take your little one, or spend a day with elders in a comfortable setting without the worry of having a boat or wading through deep water. River Valley Outfitters offers a full service waterfowl hunting experience in Northern California and Southern Oregon. Search for commercial spaces for lease and rent. Z)Also trailer parking included. (530) 848-3314 DRE #01979855 CSLB #973168. . About Charlie Made to Last. In addition to the great hunting, the Volanti hasconvenient access from the entire Bay Area and the Sacramento Valley. The property comes with a water license. I have hunted ducks and geese from Gulf to Tundra. With it's larger checks and big water, it makes for outstanding pintail shooting. Pits are spaced an adequate distance apart that you are actually able to work a bird all the way into the decoys and not have to worry about your neighboring blind shooting your swings like so many other areas. I can have nice things. Call 870 -731-5415 or 870-919-6000. Apr 1, 2009. You'll never be stuck in one spot for the season. BUTTE CREEK ISLAND RANCH Butte Sink, 110 acres. In 2007, with the overwhelming support of the newly revitalized and energetic group of remaining family owners, trustee and part ownerMark Kirsten formed theSebia Duck Club. There are 9pit blinds and 2goose pits. We build it. Lucky 7 Duck Club LANDX INC. Duck Blinds For Sale Latest Duck Hunting Leases 500 acres of rolling hill farmland with ponds and wood lots Price $5000 - $15000 Acres 500 Zip 49233 County Hillsdale Type Annual Game Whitetail Deer, Turkey, Duck, Predator Get Contact Details View Lease Southwest montana Price $5000 - $15000 Acres 400 Zip 59743 County Beaverhead Type Annual Game 511 acres. They can answer any questions you might have and go over the details of Club membership, ranch locations etc.. What are you waiting for? We took this extraordinary step because this club is located adjacent to Butte Creek Island Ranch. Located between Butte Creek and Sanborn Slough, the property is bracketed by riparian habitat where wood duck nest boxes help contribute to California's thriving wood duck population. We value the solitude of the outdoor experience of our members, so all of our blinds are spaced over double the average distance apart. Three and Four Man blinds, ranging in price from $3,000 - $12,000 are available on a seasonal basis and all blinds are open to shoot every day of the week. Our family oriented, screened membership is dedicated to promoting safe and enjoyable hunting and outdoor experiences with both experienced hunters, and those looking for good, safe places to learn how to hunt. Stay up-to-date on our work, participation opportunities, volunteering, events and programs. The area is known for high concentrations of both ducks and geese. The property is very private with two locked gates and gravel roads with year round access. Call Zach @ 870-897-3066 or Spencer @ 501-944-8007 to reserve your pit today! Buyer is to rely solely on his/her independent due diligence as to the feasibility of the property for their own purposes. Ben is a former California state Spec calling champion and now a judge annually at the contest. Sebia shapedthe strong base for the Davis Legacy. Duck Hunting Blinds For Lease In California | Deer Feeder Supply Thanks #2 06-06-2012, 4:39 PM . Call Greg at 530-592-9931. Duck blinds for lease - $6,400 (Williams) Ad id: 604217102425324 Views: 268 Price: $6,400.00 2 and 4 man blinds available for 2021/22 waterfowl season.We have a few 4 man blinds in the Williams area.
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