does darius like brooklyn in camp cretaceous

Kenji tries to intimidate him, but Darius doesn't intimidate him and they are interrupted by Brooklyn. The three are confronted by a stampede of Parasaurolophus lux, but manage to escape. Yaz tries to help with the shelter but falls down due to his injury still. Brooklynn decided to test Hap's story that he was trying to help them, and that a boat was at the harbor, but insists he remain tied up. Rexy corners Darius and Brooklynn, but is distracted by the sound of a voice over the bullhorn coming from Main Street. Fortunately, Darius and the others stop Sammy. When Darius came across the ruins of the old Jurassic Park, It was revealed that Darius and his family live near. Brooklynn was sent by Darius to monitor the island and inform the campers of where everyone is, acting as the eyes of the group. This page contains spoilers from an upcoming, or newly released, installment of the Jurassic Park franchise. Mitch and Tiff begin to desperately fight Darius and Sammy for the guns, even when Rexy attacks them. Hate comments on her content visibly makes her upset. However, the two rexes get out of control and attack each other, much to the confusion of Darius, Sammy and Mae, with the latter having a BRAD tranquilize them. As the adults try to attack them with electric shocks, the children quickly throw a shelf on them and scatter, taking their weapons with them. After Kenji trips on a piece of metal the following morning, the group then follows it to an invisible wall which opens to reveal a metal hallway, much to their shock. Ben and Mae find Pierce, but they have to fight off the robots. The group would find a van and decide to use it to get to the lab with Bumpy accompanying them, but they are attacked by the Indominus. As the laptop is in the process of deleting all of Wu's research, Kenji, who is losing his patients and concerned for Brooklynn's safety, decides to take the laptop himself and hand it over to Wu, the others realizing that Kenji ran off with the laptop and they chase after him. Reaching the top of the platform, they catch up with the monorail as it arrives, only for the announcement system to loudly alert the Carnotaurus to their presence. In season 2, Darius is still trying to be a leader of the others. The campers eventually determine that the beacon was contained within a broken pole that Rexy had dragged into the T. rex Kingdom, where it nests making a nest. The group sneak around the dinosaur carefully and begin to crawl up the steps, and out of sight. This surprises Darius, but he quickly complies and orders Kenji to come pick him and Sammy up, while he instructs Ben and Yaz to move the dinos away from the watering hole so Mitch and Tiff can't kill them; Lastly, he directs Brooklyn to be his eyes and ears, monitoring everything from the control room. The Ceratosaurus confronts the children for a few moments, before turning and walking away and the two head to a newly filled watering hole and see various herbivores and carnivores drinking water, to which Darius says that Dr. Alan Grant theorized that this is neutral ground for all dinosaurs. Despite wanting to catch the plane, the group agrees to help get Pierce out of this area, upon Darius's request. Darius is forced to take Mitch and Tiff to the watering hole along with Sammy and Yasmina. The Indominus manages to bring down the tower, along with the line, causing the campers, including Brooklynn, to fall to the ground. As Blue approaches them, Darius encourages them to slowly back away, until Kenji tosses him a coin, causing Blue to roar at them, however she does not pursue them as they flee. Contents In season 4, he desires to help the dinosaurs, while also desiring to get everyone off the new island. Just as Darius is about to leave with Ben, the Scorpios rex attack the Ankylosaurus herd, but the dinosaurs move in formation to protect Bumpy. Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous tells the story of Darius Bowman and five other teenagers, Ben, Yaz, Brooklynn, Kenji, and Sammy, who all win a trip to the titular Camp Cretaceous on Isla. Kenji and Brooklynn are separated in the process, which leads to Darius, Ben, Sammy and Yaz looking for them. The fight between the two hybrids knocks the car over until it stands almost upright against a nearby tree. Eventually, Darius and Kenji were tasked with shoveling up dinosaur excrement for sneaking into the Raptor Paddock and putting themselves in danger. Before leaving, Darius comforts a worried Ben, who fears that even finding an adult won't solve their situation. She manages to find Yaz's hiding place, forcing her to run down a ravine on a fallen log. They briefly exit the gyrosphere to attempt to approach her, but quickly re-enter, just before she attacks them. As the kids go to the next level, they see the Compys running away just as the Velociraptor, Blue, enters the Visitor Center that Darius and Kenji saw her on her first night at camp and that the Visitor Center has become her new home. As Darius follows the pack, he notices the Gallimimus suddenly becoming agitated and fleeing the area, finding one of them dead hanging from a tree and falling after noticing strange spikes on the tree, looking on in horror. Although told that Wu's office is private, Brooklynn tries to sneak into it, but runs into Sammy. The group say goodbye to Ben and hug him, as they decide to set sail as another storm approaches. Sammy is injured when the tail sweeps against her, and the campers are cornered by the electrified fence, as the Scorpios roar at them. Also, unbeknownst to Darius and the others, there seems to be something on the ship that roars in the last scene. They see Kash and Mae, with the former being Mae's boss. As originally conceived, her name was going to be Jules and her hair wasn't as pink. Tiff threatens them with an electric prod, forcing them to take them to the watering hole. Fortunately, Brooklynn and the others stop Sammy from confronting Kash. The last shot of Brooklyn and the gang have them aimlessly wandering Nublar, in search of a place to try and survive. The group wanders into a desert as a sandstorm begins to form. Following this, the group is attacked by the Mosasaurus who destroys the ship, which leads to the campers being swept away onto an unknown island. Staying true to her skeptical nature, Brooklyn was initially suspicious of Mae, especially what happened with Mitch and Tiff. Once they enter the compound, Kenji and Brooklynn argue, causing Brooklynn's phone to fall into the pen. Darius rallies the group saying that they must work together to get to the main tourist area of the park and seek help. ", much to the shock of Darius and the other campers. Though devastated by both the loss of his father and the fact that they could never fulfill his dream, Darius stayed true to his promise to move on. In the movies he's supposed to be 5 foot 5. While this is probably the least precarious loose thread in Camp Cretaceous, viewers may wonder about the fate of Brooklyn's social media channel, a major concern for a chunk of the series, will . Some time later, Darius arrives on Isla Nublar and meets the five other campers, Brooklynn, Kenji Kon, Sammy Gutierrez, Ben Pincus, and Yasmina Fadoula and are greeted by Dave and Roxie, the counselors of Camp Cretaceous. After boarding the boat, Brooklynn notices marks on there and remarks that Tiff had unwanted visitors, and the six learn that the boat is low on gas. She tells him that Darius did what he did because she asked him to. Brooklynn persuades the reluctant Kenji to eat with the group. Brooklynn tells Darius that they all look to him because Darius' light burns bright and no amount of terrible choices can put it out. This interest he shares in common with his father Frederick and what bonded them together. The two then find a waterfall that appears to have no water. Among other things, they enjoyed reading articles related to research and paleontological findings, especially those related to the doctor of paleontology Alan Grant, but the true dream of Darius and his father was, one day, to be able to visit the Jurassic World theme park, on Isla Nublar. In the morning, campers meet their counselors at Gyrosphere Valley, to get up close to a herd of dinosaurs as park staff lead them out to cool pastures. However, the adults are distracted by screeching in the distance, and Mitch nearly trips over a scooter, allowing the children to back off for a bit. Unbeknownst to Darius, Brandon vows to find him and leaves their house. After Hawkes tells Darius and Yasmina that Brooklynn would be held captive until they brought back the laptop, Hawkes, Brooklynn and Wu head to the helicopter. The Sinoceratops punctured the Gyrosphere with its horn before throwing the vehicle into a sinking mud pit. The 5 wonder why Darius has not stopped the fight. As the group reconnects, they are excited that they were able to find Mitch and Tiff's abandoned boat, and decide to use it as an escape vehicle. If these heights are real then the adults are giants. Darius was a normal kid obsessed with dinosaurs and with big dreams of visiting Jurassic World. [2] He becomes one of the campers at Jurassic World's Camp Cretaceous. There, she once again discovered something strange: a grove of flowers that are frozen in the center. Hearing a rustling in the undergrowth, he freaks out, until it turns out to be just a Sinoceratops that has been injured by one of the Scorpios rex's venomous spikes. We can walk around like people." Sammy . As punishment, Darius and Kenji are tasked with cleaning up the dinosaur poop while the others take a tour of the labs. He won the chance through beating a Jurassic World themed video game, winning himself the opportunity to participate on Isla Nublar in the winter of 2015. The campers relax and head back downstairs to leave. Camp Cretaceous even recreates the T-Rex and Mosasaurus' attacks from the POV of the Campers. The campers notice that Ben is gone and Darius tells them that he will pick him up himself, telling them to go to the boat to wait for them and if they don't arrive before dawn they must leave. Who does Sammy like in camp Cretaceous? Brooklynn, Kenji, Yaz and Sammy spot a BRAD, a robot that kills the Compy from the boat because it is an "unrecognized lifeform" on the island. Darius realizes that they need to change tracks or stop the monorail to avoid a collision. Later that night, the group wakes up and notices a saber-toothed tiger in a bush, with Darius remarking what it is. The campers' lack of coordination results in the Sinoceratops sending Darius and Brooklynn's gyrosphere into the bulk of the herd, causing all the dinos to stampede. He wears a yellow and black hooded jacket (appears in three episodes of Season 1) which was later replaced by a white t-shirt after leaving it behind at the ruins of the bunkers and he wears it mostly during through Season 1 and 2 while stranded on Nublar. Mae stops BRAD before it finds and kills them. The group is distracted by the sound of a dinosaur and decide to head to the observation tower to try to determine where the roar is coming from. When Brooklynn returned home it is unknown if she again started uploading videos for her fans from the first season, as she said in the second season that her fans might be worried. What happened to Darius's dad in Camp Cretaceous? Darius is briefly reunited with the others, where he reveals a chip he found which he believes is used to control the dinosaurs. They explain the situation with the E750 to Darius and inform him that there is another hybrid dinosaur on the loose on the island. Darius and Brooklynn are separated from the group and encounter the Sinoceratops. Luckily they regroup with them after the sandstorm ends. A few days later, Darius and the rest of the campers are chased by a Parasaurolophus, just before Rexy attacks and kills it. Blue initially prevents Darius from grabbing the tranquilizer rifle, so he makes a surrender sign, even as the Scorpios are fighting. The other campers lack of coordination causes the Sinoceratops to push Darius and Brooklynn's gyrosphere into the herd, causing a stampede. Brooklynn and Darius are trapped in a sinkhole, the group discovers them and try to get them out, but they run into the Sinoceratops again. But while they get things ready, Ben leaves the others to look for Bumpy. Elsewhere, the Scorpios rex attacks a group of Parasaurolophus near the camp, when the rain begins. However, none of them are aware that there appears to be something on the boat that roars in the last scene. Kenji quickly disperses them, as he and Darius make their way up to their finished camp. After everyone regroups, Sammy reveals to all of them about Kash who blackmailed her family into sending her to Jurassic World. As the monorail continues to its destination, Darius laments that Jurassic World is not the place he had envisioned and even mentions his father and the group offer their condolences on his loss and his father's death. Kash then notices that the other dinosaurs are gone and asks if Darius is behind this, but Darius denies. In order to gain Kash's trust, Darius reveals to Kash he came from Isla Nublar, but does not mention the other campers, and acts like he hates dinosaurs. Darius guiltily decides to go intercept the hunters himself, urging Sammy to rally the others to the boat and escape the island, but suddenly Ben's own voice comes over the speaker, telling him not to. When the group hears a whisper in the jungle, they initially seek to hide, before it is revealed that Bumpy is a baby Ankylosaurus that was born in the Genetic Lab and was named after Ben. After Sammy has successfully recovered thanks to Yaz and the antidote, the campers decide to leave the island as soon as possible and take everything they can to the yacht. At this point, the hunters are run over by Brooklynn riding a Gyrosphere. Narrowly escaping the predator, the group celebrates that they are finally going home, as the monorail continues toward the south docks. Brooklynn, Sammy and Yaz take Angel and Rebel to the snowy biome, but Brooklynn and Sammy initially do not want to leave. Darius sees that it is the raptor pen and tries to go inside to help Kenji, only to end up being cornered by the velociraptors Blue, Delta, Echo, and Charlie. When Kenji is worried about what could happen to Sammy, Brooklynn tells him not to think like that. Kenji restores the power, and after some time, Brooklynn and everyone else managed to master the controls enough to reactivate a hologram of a T. rex which distracts Rexy long enough for Darius and Sammy to escape. This is concluded after Brooklynn indicates that they've already crossed out the Mountains, Grassland, and the jungle as safe refuges because of the . When they first meet Brooklynn and other campers considered him a nerd, but instead of just calling him a nerd she made up the nickname "Dino Nerd". He also wears light blue jeans, black and white sneakers and wears a raptor tooth necklace (was mention in Things Fall Apart, that he left it behind at the camp during through the Indominus rex Outbreak). Brooklynn and Kenji take their Spinoceratops to the cold and snowy biome and name it Rebel. Darius and Brooklynn are suddenly startled by the sound of a door opening slightly on the boat, only to be startled when Kenji jumps up in an attempt to surprise them but they weren't surprised. Brooklynn hears a buzzing noise causing her to ask the group if they hear anything, but no one else including Darius hears the noise. Just when it looks like they will drown, the group manage to attach a vine through a hole in the gyrosphere to the Sinoceratops, using its strength to help pull the vehicle out. Her and the others knocked out the lights and attempt to exit the train before it speeds into a downed monorail train. As they enjoy a proper breakfast, Mitch promises them that they'll be home in two days after their boat returns from the mainland, and the campers cheer. While rowing down the river to the main park, Brooklynn tries to shift the blame for her situation onto Sammy, however Kenji replies that her situation could have been the same regardless. When Kenji mentions that there are hang gliders at a place called Lookout Point Darius gets excited and he points out that they could use them as sails. After Kash's BRAD drops a box of some sort of chips, Darius takes one and puts it in his pocket. Rexy closes in, roaring at the hunters as they try to flee. Darius then realizes that this is a trap. However, Kash's BRAD who ordered him to get his phone, shows up, which leads to Darius hiding and losing control, and the fight then resumes. The campers try to be as quiet as possible to try to evade Blue, however Yaz tries to get the compass. The kids followed the dinosaur and saw a straggling mercenary running towards one of the helicopters and managed to avoid Rexy, but the man on the ladder ends up being eaten by the Mosasaurus. which is not shown on the maps, in his father's Penthouse. At some point in her life (although possibly during the time she was ten), Brooklynn became a vlogger, traveling the world and gaining sponsors to make interesting videos. He is then informed of Roxie and Dave's warnings to stay at the camp. Unsure what to do, the others turn to Brooklynn to advise, who suggests they destroy the drones. Darius barely manages to escape, even when he falls off a cliff. Darius is uncomfortable over what Kash did. After a great deal of time had passed, Darius and the rest of the campers, minus Bumpy, finally left the island on a small makeshift raft; but this was cut short when a huge wave destroyed their raft and swept them back to shore. I agree with people, it felt that Brooklyn and Darius had a closer friendship, and . Darius begs Ben to come back, but he refuses, asking Darius to create a diversion. Brooklynn interviews Wu while he introduces himself for his blog and shows her around the lab. Using her keycard again, she opened it and led everyone down to eventually discover a control room. During their walk back, Brooklynn criticizes Wu for creating monsters and tells him about their encounter with the Scorpios rex. The children are conflicted about whether or not to try to destroy the laptop or risk being rescued. He looks even taller than Kenji, making him at least 6 foot. As the campers refuse to go down, they hear another roar that attacks and kills the Brachiosaurus. After being told by Mae that there is a platform in the desert, the five head out. They go back inside, while Blue breaks down the door, and when the Scorpios roar at them the other one appears. As they continue walking towards the Research Lab, Brooklynn continues to accuse Sammy of stealing her phone. When Kenji expressed anger towards Darius for putting Brooklynn's life at risk, Brooklynn (who was rescued) comforts him. Initially, Darius seems to conflict with the brash Kenji Kon. As they run, the speakers turn on with Brooklynn's voice even though they can't hear them, then Darius and Sammy try to inform the others through charades that Mitch and Tiff are headed to the watering hole to kill the dinosaurs. Wu arrives and orders the mercenaries to clear the entrance. But deciding to prevent this from happening, they first decide to steal his laptop in hopes of turning it over to the authorities to prevent any more hybrids from being created, and race to try and get to the lab before Wu does. The group then encounter some bioluminescent Parasaurolophus in the underground river, and are then agitated by Bumpy's screams, beginning to attack the campers, before they abruptly flee. Jenna Ortega as Brooklynn, a famous travel vlogger and camper at Camp Cretaceous. Darius is upset that he left his necklace in his bunker. Just then, two park staff members approach the tower and attempt to alert them to the out-of-containment asset. They fail to remove the tree at all, as they hear a roar which turns out to be two Stegosaurus fighting. Meanwhile, Brooklynn tries to pick a lock, even when Darius accidentally bumps into her, informing her that the dock area is not safe. They briefly go inside the hall, before coming out of another entrance shortly after which leads to the woods. They watch as the Mosasaurus eats a man trying to escape on a helicopter, then run to try to find their fellow campers. Vehicle Type: Ship. Arriving at the broken down fence, they discover that Toro has also escaped.

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