ark breeding settings spreadsheet

Powered by Invision Community. Lowering this lowers the impact. Table of Breeding - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki Your welcome to join our server if you want to give Genesis a go pm or look at my post history for deets. If single player is checked these changes will compound with the SP increased ratesand go to warp 11. tl;dr: Decide what is the longest or average time you want to wait and calculate what rate you want. This can be ignored as long as the maturation time is higher than the cuddle interval. Make sure you have saved the changes to the Game.ini file and closed it. Those are presumably set by wildcard and so should be balanced with one another. Your browser has JavaScript disabled. Edit: When I did the calculations of maturation speed of 45 on singleplayer settings, I get that it should've taken about 1.3 minutes. giga takes 5hrs and 6 minutes to mature. Valve Corporation. Do you know the setting it would be for a Rex then? I know about the smart breeding app but we're looking for something like a spreadsheet or arkmanager which doesn't seem up to date anymore. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. Powered by Invision Community. I'm happily accepting constructive criticism in order to make the spreadsheet even better. Auto trap newborns to help automate the breeding process. Ive been breeding rexes for so long I rarely need to record anything new unless I get a random mutation or Im trying to breed a new color breeder after an event. There is also the matter of singleplayer settings. gigas takes 2 days and 2 hrs to mature with the settings below and will have 23 imprint actions and everything else will imprint at 100%, Normally the formula is BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier = 1/BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier, Owner of FORMIDABLE FORESTS CLUSTER on Xbox/Win10. Tools. By Shutdown the Ark Survival Evolved Dedicated Server. Basically before we start breeding, we figure out the best setting for that particular creature, update the multipliers, restart the server, and then breed. Example: Thanks you! Basically before we start breeding, we figure out the best setting for that particular creature, update the multipliers, restart the server, and then breed. To find your Game.ini file, look in your server's directory for one of the following directories, depending on which OS your server box is running: ShooterGame\Saved\Config\Windows\ ShooterGame\Saved\Config\Linux\. Trying to get 100% imprint on everything but not from just one time I appreciate the work on the sheet. I'm looking for a solution to keep track of the dinos we're breeding that the whole tribe can easily use. I like 30x on single player. A higher number makes them get the job done faster. BabyCuddleLoseImprintQualitySpeedMultiplier 0.015. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Egg Baby Juvenile Adolescent Total Time; Allosaurus. I think you are mistaking the debuff giga gets to damage from taming. This directory can be found in the 'ShooterGame' directory of your Ark Server. This is intended to only work by inputting the stat points you're looking for to manage your creature's levels 3 Award Favorite Share Created by CookieNinja50 Offline Choose a multiplier and divide the time by that. You can see what other settings are changed here: Creaturer Maturation. SAVE THE DINO'S STATS WITH FOLDERS ON THEM. Ark Survival Evolved Breeding Settings You Need for Imprinting Medium and LARGE Dinos | PART 2 Blowout Gaming 19.7K subscribers Subscribe 39K views 1 year ago ALL the Ark Admin Commands /. But was wondering what others like to use. We have all base stats aswell as links to images with 100% imprint stats, and different colour variations. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. TheFallenWill, August 1, 2020 in General Discussion. Lower numbers mean they wait less between mating. The columns "% PER IMPRINT" and "MAX IMPRINT" then display the error message #DIV/0!. Public on the web. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. This is second part that will change your ark imprinting settings.-Baby imprint stat scale multiplier. Dododecks actually gives the breakdown of the rates used for breeding, and other things, when you click the single player option. Insert. This is intended to only work by inputting the stat points you're looking for to manage your creature's levels. Copyright 2022 Studio Wildcard. On 6/22/2022 at 7:39 PM, Griffin998 said: Copyright 2022 Studio Wildcard. Remember, you must save and close the file after editing it. Maybe I should just look into getting them all using it. I know about the smart breeding app but we're looking for something like a spreadsheet or arkmanager which doesn't seem up to date anymore. Breeding - Imprinting 100% :: ARK: Survival Evolved General Discussions It would be interesting to see what other animals are in the same category as those two. LayEggIntervalMultiplier controls the time between eggs. Looking good dude. It's not super easy or intuitive to use, but it's the best thing we've found so far. There is also the matter of singleplayer settings. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. This is because of how different dinos gain stats based on sources, (e.g. No use standing around waiting for a baby for hours. The dodo is at the bottom of the list at 7h 42m total, which equates to 462 minutes. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Calculate. Best. If you base everything around the Rex, you will be fine. Anything out there that people don't know about? Basically you do the hand feeding/babysitting until the first imprint at 30 min andonce the baby is at 10% (usually by the first imprint)the rest of the time is just keeping the troughs full. In the spreadsheet you can see how long it takes for creatures to hatch from eggs or, in the case of mammals, the gestation period and the maturation times. ARK Survival Evolved Google Sheets (Dinosaur Library, Resource Here is an example of when I was breeding procoptodons. You said 20 seconds. All rights reserved. Typically a setting that works for big creatures will work for all big creatures, and settings that work for small creatures will work for all small creatures. Press "OK" to save the settings. Look at the custom code generated by our tool. But do copy everything else and put it in your Game.ini file under where that line appears. Having information specified more than once can cause havoc with the server. I want something that take long but not official long. If something goes wrong you can just restore your backed up files and be back to where you started. Changes how quickly dinos want imprinting. Data. This is the sheet I used to keep track of my X-Rex breeding. This is a Google Sheet, and to access it you need a Google account., 200% giga does do twice the damage from 100%. Note: These numbers will not work if single player is checked. 0 efectively disables it. I think that was one the I thought looked overly complicated but I'll give it a shot. Simple Dino Breeding Spreadsheet through Google Docs : playark. All rights reserved. I've been getting a little bit into breeding recently and have started looking for an app or spread sheet to help keep track of stats. Once you get your stats combined I don't really use a spreadsheet. Let me know in the comments below how these ark single player breeding rates work out for you. I just threw this together for visibility. Consume Mult. Also the faster you make it, odds are you get very little wiggle room on some dinos. This will change Egg hatching speed. Steam Community :: Guide :: Breeding Tracker [spreadsheet] And yes. On 8/2/2020 at 11:53 AM, TheFallenWill said: You might want to try 4which would take a giga 114 minutes (1h 54m), a dodo about 3minutes and a Rex 38minutes. those ravagers and ankylos are murder to get 100% imprint on because of this. 1 hr 39 min : 4 hr 37 min : 18 hr 31 min : 23 hr 8 min : 1 day 21 hr 50 min : Anglerfish. BabyCuddleLoseImprintQualitySpeedMultiplier controls the speed at which imprinting quality decreases once you have exceeded the grace period. Cool! Definitely the fastest way to extract stats and it has good suggestions about what should be bred with what. BabyImprintingStatScaleMultiplier controls how much imprinting will affect the final stats of the baby. There's a Google docs spreadsheet out there somewhere that I've seen, but it doesn't work for abberant dinos. You should use a spread sheet on Google drive, you can set who can see it and edit it. Higher values decrease the time required. Ark Survival Evolved Breeding Settings You Need for - YouTube Beacon: Breeding Multipliers Did tou make this from scratch? This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Not an official support channel. I thought it might be helpful if you did a series of 4 videos that broke down the ark breeding settings by dino type so that you will get ark 100 percent breeding settings no matter which dino you choose to breed.Dinos that Work with Settings Shown -Alllo-Anky-Carno-Chali-Daeodon-Deinonychus-Direbear-Direwolf-Equus-Galli-Iguanodon-Maewing-Megalania-Megatherium-Morellatops-Moschops-Ovis-Packyrhino-Parasaur-Phiomia-Procoptodon-Pulmomoscorpian-Raptor-Ravager-Sabertooth-Shadowmane-Terror Bird-Thorny Dragon-Thylacoleo-Trike-Velonasaur-Lymantria-Pelagornis-PT-Gasbag-Bulbdog-Featherlight-Glowtail-Shinehorn Just add some room to the cuddling interval so you can get 100% I remember caculating similar to this formula before I started using nanny. Dinos names keep track of the info I need, so all my 0 mutation females are named CLEAN and mutations are named with the stat and mutation count. Ark Breeding Template - Google Sheets All rights reserved. Now we have to test things. MatingIntervalMultiplier controls the cooldown between mating. Play around with maturation to see what feels satisfying and like you earned it. BabyCuddleGracePeriodMultiplier controls how late you can be for a cuddle before imprinting decreases. That sounds interesting might have a play around with something similar. Welcome to my Easy to understand Breeding Guide for 2021. ARK Breeding & Mutations Guide - Dododex Help I just use office and record my Dinos stats, I can work out imprints and everything else in my head. Btw would it be recommended to disable SP settings to have things like 45x maturation time without it growing up instantly. Ark Breeding Spreadsheet. : r/playark - Me and my big group of my friends have our own PvP server and we want to customize the breeding to fit our somewhat casual lifestyles. Changes the speed of incubation timer.-Baby mature speed. You no longer have to dig through the code, this tool will create it for you. Do you have any suggestion on where we can host the database file that everyone can easily access automated? Press J to jump to the feed. You can see what other settings are changed here: Example: Table of Breeding - ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki Advertisement ARK: Survival Evolved Fandom 10,596 pages Explore Navigation Useful pages Technical lists Games in: Pages to include in other pages, Tables English Table of Breeding View source This page is designed to be included in other pages using { {:Table of Breeding}}. I do not believe that it is reasonably possible to create a proper formula to calculate the stat values. Make it accessible via mobile device or anything other than a PC. Settings in ARK Smart Breeding.exe Go to your Smart Breeding application Go to file -> Settings -> Tab "Multipliers" and make sure all values are copied. I usually play 3-4 hours at a time and I play singleplayer. By Easy to understand Breeding Guide 2021 - Ark Survival Evolved No need for any extra app. You should be seeing 20/20 mutations on the patrilineal side, and 0/20 mutations on the matrilineal side. Subscribe and join this awesome ark community!#arktutorial #arkmutations #arkps4 #arkxbox Videos I suggest NEXT Need help enabling creative mode settings , or need any commands check out the videos belowArk Admin Commands Ps4 Top 5 Ark Commands Ps4 | Easy \u0026 Useful Commands You Need to Know Dino Settings Explained out the discord for extra bonus contact and to connect with other members of the community! Ark Single Player Breeding Settings - YouTube loading.. Times for Breeding (Incubation) Dino. MatingSpeedMultiplier controls how long it takes for the dinos to mate. I use Google Drive spreadsheets with conditional formatting. you can get 100% giga if you dont miss any imprints and you dont take any longer than 30 secs between each imprinting when it needs attention again. What are good breeding settings, I want something OP but not within 10min a giga is finished. Ark has a lot of breeding settings allowing admins to control things like baby mature speed, imprint frequency, and mating cooldown. 8 comments. By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. 1 37 37 comments Best Add a Comment MoogleMan3 5 yr. ago Are you talking about egg hatching speed? I use these exact ark single player breeding settings ps4 on my breeding single player ps4 server. BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier controls the speed at which babies eat thier food. If those are set - as they would be in your singleplayer game unless you explicitly changed it - whatever multiplier you choose is multiplied by another 36.799. Nitrado Server Breeding Settings : r/ARK - reddit Sycoa 2 yr. ago. It's just a bit of a pain having all the people in the tribe using it / uploading the database file. **The first thing I want to say about the ark imprinting settings and ark breeding settings shown here are done with single player box checked** Now with that out of the way I have been doing these ark settings videos for awhile now and noticed that people are commenting looking for more specific breeding and imprinting settings ark depending on the dinos that they are breeding. They also affect how many times you will have to cuddle, as well as various settings related to maturation. As far as I know its his base dmg x his melee %, so he does less when tamed i think because they end up at below 100% if their level is low enuogh. That is why I said earlier that it is important to read the instructions and information. Anyone know what the settings should be for a 5x? How much of a boost you get on your stats from imprinting. just an FYI :), Been pretty nice since i switched to this. I play on single player because all official servers and none official server usually range around 300 ping. Did you check the time wrong or am I misunderstanding what setting you're talking about? This is part one to change the rate of your ark imprint settings.-Baby food consumption speed. If you do one wrong it messes with the other. Best boosted breeding settings? - General Discussion - ARK - Official All rights reserved. If someone makes an application based on this, that will be great. If the first line already exists in your Game.ini file, do not copy that line. You still have to put in some time, but not your whole life. Thanks for your feedback. You can also find out how many Imprints are required, what percentage a single Imprint yields and whether full Imprinting is possible or not. Like I want stuff to generally take 40min or longer. You will continue to get mutations that will be born on the Matrilineal side, but will switch to the Patrilineal side when you breed it with your base level females. Another sheet will show you the grand totals in a grid. Ark Smart Breeding is what I and most people use. One of the most effective ways to do that is through breeding. My multiplier is 110 - same as setting 3 when using singleplayer settings- which takes the giga to 153 minutes or 2h 33minutes; the rex to50 minutes and the dodo to 4 minutes. You can also find out how many Imprints are required, what percentage a single Imprint yields and whether full Imprinting is possible or not. Format. ARK Smart Breeding Application setup | Supreme Gaming Forums I ignore most features and just use the stat extractor and sometimes breeding plan. This is with imprint settings so they fully imprint in a couple interactions: Mating multiplier .0009 Hatch speed multiplier 46 Mature speed 80 Cuddle Interval 0.003 Imprint Amount Modifier 20 Grace period 10 Food consumption .25 Lose imprint 0.015, Edit sorry about the bad formatting mobile is tough lol. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Also a great platform to communicate with me on! (Still a need for an app for large scale breeding but good to keep base stats shown on dinos in game). iRaGeTiM3, June 18, 2022 in General Discussion. BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier affects how often you will need to cuddle with the baby. This step by step turtorial I will be showing you the best boosted ark single player breeding settings that will absolutly change the way you are breeding on your single player server! All rights reserved. Ark Breeding Spreadsheet. Higher means you will have to cuddle more often. Which also changes how many imprints are needed. The first line in the box may already exist in your file. This gives you the complete experience, High tier dinos, like Yutys, or Magmasaurus take 6 hours, but weaker dinos like raptors take only 2 hours. One hopes. It's easy! This is with imprint settings so they fully imprint in a couple interactions: It is only visible to you. The settings to mass produce rex may still leave you with an hour hatch time on a giga, for example. Check the Game.ini file again. If the server likes the code, it will all still be there. You can go between the different categories and it'll display a total per section and a grand total. However I do know via ini configs that stat scaling in general is not a linear process. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. This would help a lot for all the breeding bobs out there, me included, Good job, been looking for an updated spreadsheet as mine is quite old, Only thing I'd add to it if possible is spare time per imprint just to give an idea how tight it will be to get the final imprint done which is an issue with some dinos on faster mature speeds, especially on console single player where you can't modify the imprint amount, not a big issue as I can work it out anyway but am a bit lazy. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, SURVIVING ON ARK OFFICIAL (XBOX) SINCE DEC '15 - 6,800 hrs. Tallinlen, May 31, 2020 in General Discussion. If you would like to use all features of this site, it is mandatory to enable JavaScript. To use this spreadsheet, you will need to go to the Duration tab. A lower value causes dinos to lay eggs more often. Shut it down, make a copy of your 'Saved' directory and put it somewhere safe. All rights reserved. Copyright 2022 Studio Wildcard. Sign up for a new account in our community. That's 16 835 minutes. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Welcome to the Ark: Survival Evolved Subreddit, Press J to jump to the feed. I tried raptors with 45 maturation speed and they finished in 20 seconds so I don't want something that over powered to the point where I can breed OP dino instantly. Screenshot It's pretty useful, since usually I would just use a notepad. You are now 'cheating' the mutation system. Ark Breeding Calculator. Ark Survival Evolved Game & Server Customization Use our custom tool to configure the game and server settings for the various aspects of breeding, egg laying, mating and imprinting in Ark. Nitrado now has an official Discord server to bring communities, friends and other gamers together! 4 hr 59 min : 3 hr 42 min : 14 hr 48 min : 18 hr 31 min . The giga is at the top of the list at 11d 16h 35m total. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Each creature is affected differently by the multipliers. At least not the last I heard. Depends on what you want to breed and how fast you want to breed it. If anyone has experience in this matter Id greatly appreciate it! Ark Smart Breeding is what I and most people use. AllowAnyoneBabyImprintCuddle if this is set to true, then anyone can tend the baby. Depends on what you want to breed and how fast you want to breed it. I've setup Dropbox that everyone can access for now and we're using ARK Smart Breeding. I'm impressed and want a copy :). I incorporated your suggestion into the spreadsheet. A setting that works for one creature may not work for a different creature. This will backup your world, character profiles, and current configuration files just in case. Unfortunately there's no way to just sort of say "Imprint 5x faster" in Ark. By Default is 1 to each setting so what you can do is x20 one and 1/24 the other, x50 and 1/55, something like that and try it out until it fits your needs. Using ARK Smart Breeding.exe Then disconnect from your server and shut it down. The settings to mass produce rex may still leave you with an hour hatch time on a giga, for example. wild, taming affinity, level up, and mutations) However, Im still looking into it, and if you have any tips please share them, and Ill work on an updated version! Valve Corporation. We had the same problem until we found this spreadsheet: Simple Dino Breeding Spreadsheet through Google Docs : playark It lets you determine the best settings for whatever creature you're currently breeding. Hatch Mult. If you have already added code to this file, then there are two possibilities. Hey thanks for your reply! All rights reserved. In the spreadsheet you can see how long it takes for creatures to hatch from eggs or, in the case of mammals, the gestation period and the maturation times. Anyone on the Internet can find and access. My server I host is a bunch of older players, with families, so we like it at x30 maturation and x10 hatching. When I was doing Rex mutations, I set it as follows. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with ARK: Survival Evolved. And last but not least, the player is able to see the times for the maturation and cuddle interval. I would like to share a spreadsheet with you that will give an overview of the creatures currently being breed able. Check what that does to the maximum or minimum times to find out whether it's an acceptable range. Because ya know, we need to pay attention to that kind of thing for all the breeding aspects. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Why does a 200% giga not the twice the damage a 100% does? This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. Dude your the goat thank you so much! I ignore most features and just use the stat extractor and sometimes breeding plan. The changes to the ark breeding settings I show you will enable you to -Change how long you will wait between dino breeding-Ark incubation settings.

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