moose pond maine water quality

Long Lake is the second largest water body in southern Maine and is part of the Presumpscot River drainage. jQuery("#video-popup").fadeOut(); During the boom years of tourism at Moosehead Lake, numerous steamboats offered cruises to visitors. Water Company eventually took control of the main dam in Denmark. Long-term trend analysis indicates chlorophyll concentrations are stable, total phosphorus concentrations are increasing, and clarity readings are stable. Background During the spring of 2020, the Moose Pond Association (MPA) and Lakes Environmental Association (LEA) conducted a water-shed survey within a portion of the Moose Pond Watershed. The Maine Department of Environmental Protection has given Moose Pond an "above average" water quality rating. Moose Pond Main Basins long-term chlorophyll trend is decreasing, indicating that there is less chlorophyll in the water over time. Because of the variety of shoreline and water depths, Moose Pond is a favorite for local fishermen. Moose Pond (Great Moose Pond) Harmony, Hartland, Somerset, Maine MIDAS 2590 Water Quality These charts display the values of water quality indicators for this lake, compared to the range of values seen across all of Maine's surveyed lakes . Moose Pond is the setting for one of the most striking views of the area, that of Pleasant Mountain and Shawnee Peak ski area from the Route 302 causeway that bisects Moose Pond. Lovewell Pond Activity Area - One of the most beautiful places on Earth.. . The pond also supports populations of largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, yellow perch, white perch, chain pickerel, hornpout, rainbow smelt, white sucker, fallfish, golden shiners, pumpkinseed sunfish and slimy sculpin. Data for this page extracted on 02/09/2011. Area thickness indicates frequency of measurements at that value. 1697 surface area (acres) 68 max. Maine Revised Statutes Title 38, 468. We will work with you every step of the way to make your real estate transaction a positive experience! To further explore the statewide distribution of indicator values, click on the bar chart icon . When vegetation is removed and the soil is exposed they can be susceptible to erosion. Long-term trend analysis indicates chlorophyll concentrations are stable, total phosphorus concentrations are stable, and clarity readings are stable. Trend analysis from 1990-2010 as well as from 2000-2010 both show a downward trend in water clarity which is a key indicator of lake health. Aquatic vegetation is sparsely scattered along the shore, providing limited habitat for warmwater fish. Since the pond does not thermally stratify, unsuitable late summer water temperatures significantly limit the success of coldwater fishery management efforts. As we welcome March 2023 this week, the numbers for last month are in, and here are the trends and facts as to where things stand in Maine this year. I hope this latest version of the MPAs Moose Pond Matters newsletter finds you happy and well. The most common taxon is Variable leaf milfoil (found in 25 waterbodies). Fax: 207-287-7826, Maine Department of Environmental Protection. 0000002723 00000 n I3ecause of the heavy utilization, it may become necessary to reduce the exploitation particularly on salmon and lake trout through more restrictive regulations. Video: Panel: Experience of Alum Treatment as Lake Association (July 15, 2022), Video: Overview of Climate Change in ME (June 17, 2022), A product of Lake Stewards of Maine Thank you for your patience. The timing coincides with the period when lakes usually show their worst water quality: lowest dissolved oxygen, lowest transparency and highest algae and phosphorus levels. We also have a public carry-in launch on Stevens Brook for smaller watercraft. "The salmon are biting on . An excellent hard-top boat launch is located on Route 302 on the eastern end of the causeway. We even have 4 Kayaks and 3 Fishing Poles for our guests. It connects to Brandy Pond and Sebago Lake, making it popular with water-skiers and boaters. Type A soils tend to be well drained sands, loams, and gravels. 52 percent of soils in the watershed are type C soils. 1,187 were here. For years Moose Pond was controlled by economic interests; saw, grist and woolen Site by Yellahoose, hosting by Packawhallop, 2023     Terms of Use. Moose Pond North Basins long-term clarity trend is stable, indicating neither deeper nor shallower Secchi readings over time. Area thickness indicates frequency of measurements at that value. Moose Pond Main Basins long-term clarity trend is stable, indicating neither deeper nor shallower Secchi readings over time. Page Contact Information: Maine Water Data Maintainer Page Last Modified: 2023-03-03 02:38:33 EST 0.79 0.6 vaww02 . Coldwater fish habitat was marginal for a few weeks in June but became unsuitable by July and remained that way through September. At 3,584 acres it has a maximum recorded depth of just 51 feet. A canoe, kayak or a float tube will greatly enhance your ability to fish them. Explore the NEW USGS National Water Dashboard; interactive map to access real-time water data from over 13,500 stations nationwide. average phosphorus concentration was within the moderate range. All rights reserved. In the spring of 2010, LEA worked with the Moose Pond Association and Cumberland County Soil and Water Conservation District to conduct a survey of erosion sites within the ponds 11,170 acre watershed. To your right is the wilder, more undeveloped north end of Moose Pond and to your left is the main body of the pond with the massive bulk of Pleasant Mountain, fronted by the ski area, looming up behind. Our Number One goal is to provide customers with high quality, reliable drinking water. document.write('&\#115;&\#116;&\#101;&\#119;&\#97;&\#114;&\#100;&\#115;@&\#108;&\#97;&\#107;'+''+'&\#101;&\#115;&\#116;&\#101;&\#119;&\#97;&\#114;&\#100;&\#115;&\#77;&\#69;.&\#111;&\#114;&\#103;<\/a>'); Maine Lakes Transparency, Color & Chemistry: Annual Mean Values. Looking to spend a day on a beautiful Maine lake? depth (ft) Go back. Select Station: Station #3Station #1Station #2. Zillow has 2 homes for sale in Hartland ME matching Moose Lake. The chlorophyll average of 3.1 ppb falls into the moderate range. Who do I contact if I have a problem with my drinking water? The average deep water phosphorus value was not significantly above surface water phosphorus values, which suggests phosphorus recycling is not problematic. We have three hard public boat launches for larger watercraft one on Moose Pond, another on Highland Lake, and a third on Long Lake. The Maine Department of Environmental Protection has given Moose Pond an "above average" water quality rating. Spawning and nursery habitat is inadequate for brook trout to sustain a native population so annual stockings provide the fishery. jQuery("#video-popup").css("top",(jQuery(window).scrollTop() + 80) + "px").fadeIn(); The chimney and foundation of a house on the western shore of Moose Pond. Phosphorus: Moose Pond North Basins 2021 average phosphorus concentration was within the moderate range. Area thickness increases as more measurements are reported at that value. The vertical black line represents the long-term average value. 0000001846 00000 n The presentation will also discuss the challenges in developing advisories for harmful algal blooms. The average color reading for 2021 was 23.4 SPU, indicating that water in Moose Ponds south basin is moderately colored. In the summer, take a break from the pond to hike up Pleasant Mountain and enjoy the magnificent views. The distance around the perimeter of this riboon of water is over 33 miles. Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District 6 Moose Pond's Water Quality Water quality data for Moose Pond has been collected since 1976. jQuery("#gray-bg").fadeOut(); The causeway that now separates the north basin from the main basin was once a low wooden bridge on top of pine cribbing, which was built by cutting holes through the ice in the winter of 1834. To help ensure water quality here, several environmental organizations will join forces May 8, for an erosion survey seeking to map out the over 11,000 acres that encompass the Moose Pond watershed. All we needed was a moose to walk by. The average total phosphorus reading of 8.9 ppb falls into the moderate range. This will be discussed in the context of the statewide fish consumption advisory for methylmercury and the emerging PFAS contaminants. stable, indicating neither more nor less phosphorus in the water over time. Site by Yellahoose, hosting by Packawhallop, 2023     Terms of Use. Color ramps represent the range of values across all lakes. 113 Moose Pond Dr, Bridgton, ME 04009 Sold : $487,500Sold on 10/30/20 Zestimate : $624,100 Est. The main purpose of the survey was to identify and prioritize sources of pollution to the lake from its watershed. 32 Blossom Lane The remaining 13 percent of the watershed is taken up by the pond. Look no further than Bridgton. The MPAs Lake Section Captain Initiative: Loon Population & Protection on Moose Pond! Moose Pond Main Basins. Area thickness increases as more measurements are reported at that value. Wilson Lake is an oligotrophic lake, meaning that it has high water quality and low levels of nutrients.The lake has a mean depth of 17 feet and a maximum depth of 44 feet. Moose Pond is the setting for one of the most striking views of the area, that of Pleasant Mountain and Shawnee Peak ski area from the Route 302 causeway that bisects Moose Pond. Enjoy a various array of local foods on this great 3-hour tour. BBC Travel has recently published an interesting piece about this history. Moose Pond Bridgton, Denmark, Sweden, OXFORD, Maine MIDAS 3134 Water Quality These charts display the values of water quality indicators for this lake, compared to the range of values seen across all of Maine's surveyed lakes . 0000001478 00000 n Title 38: WATERS AND NAVIGATION . 0000002499 00000 n Moose Pond south basins surface water chlorophyll (ppb), phosphorus (ppb), and Secchi depth (meters) data comparison. How do I find information about Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae)? Click to hide News Bulletins Explore the NEW USGS National Water Dashboard interactive map to access real-time water data from over 13,500 stations nationwide. You can swim right in front of your own cabin. Moose Pond is home to many different fish species including bass, perch, trout, and pickerel. Moose Pond North Basins long-term total phosphorus trend is stable, indicating neither more nor less phosphorus in the water over time. Yellow diamonds display the mean values for this lake, as averaged across all sampling sites. 0000030054 00000 n The shoreline is owned by the state of New York, having been purchased by . Site by Yellahoose, hosting by Packawhallop, 2023     Terms of Use. Chlorophyll: Moose Pond Main Basins 2021 average chlorophyll concentration was within the moderate range. Moose Pond North Basins long-term clarity trend is stable, indicating neither deeper nor shallower Secchi readings over time. Native to North America. The Brown family is enjoying the 3rd generation of children to grow up at the wonderful Wyonegonic and Winona Camps on Moose Pond. Boating in Bridgton. }); Moose Pond Otisfield, OXFORD, Maine MIDAS 3438 Water Quality These charts display the values of water quality indicators for this lake, compared to the range of values seen across all of Maine's surveyed lakes . Theres a public boat launch at the causeway. Heavy Metals, PFAS, Cyanotoxins in Maine Lakes Risk assessment approaches to Toxic Substances. This presentation will discuss how Maine CDC determines how much is too much chemical contamination in fish tissue and how that is considered in deriving fish consumption advisories. ZsKi h+,3s\{/SZ\[|+zjlI.'Q!jPhd.Nc6T0_smbUZU Xn-|NQ$=u[LS.2w~ys17&WxO(*O;&X 0000003261 00000 n How do I report problems with a septic system? As part of the project, volunteers and technical staff identified 178 erosion sites that are having negative impacts on the pond. Moose Pond is a 1,694-acre body of water which straddles the towns of Denmark and Sweden in Oxford County, and Bridgeton in Cumberland County (see The Maine Atlas and Gazetteer Map 4 A&B3). How do I make an environmental complaint or express my concern about a site? Explore the NEW USGS National Water Dashboard; interactive map to access real-time water data from over 13,500 stations nationwide. View Map The average color reading for 2021 was 24.3 SPU, indicating that water in Moose Ponds north basin is moderately colored. In the summer, take a break from the pond to hike up Pleasant Mountain and enjoy the magnificent views. A second hard-top boat launch (which I did not visit) is located at the southern end of the lake off Denmark . Maine Revised Statutes . Check out all the lakefront property for saleon Moose Pond and other area lakes and ponds by going to, Lakefront Property Sales Information for the Sebago Lakes Region in Maine, Naples, Maine, at the Heart of the Lakes Region. The Moose River is an 83-mile-long (134 km) river in Maine.Its source is in Beattie (Maine Township 2, Range 8, WBKP), on the Canada-United States border, which runs along the height of land between the watersheds of the Kennebec River in Maine and the Chaudire River inFrom there, the river runs east through Attean Pond and Wood Pond, past the town of Moose River, then through Long Pond . Full News; Click to hide state-specific text. Colored areas represent the long-term range of values, from minimum to maximum. Moose Pond North Basins long-term chlorophyll trend is stable, indicating that chlorophyll concentrations in the water are neither higher nor lower over time. In case you don't know, Moose Pond is located within the towns of Bridgton, Denmark and Sweden, Maine in the Western Maine lakes region. Site by Yellahoose, hosting by Packawhallop, 2023     Terms of Use. The average total phosphorus reading of 6.1 ppb falls into the moderate range. In 1918 Cumberland Power and Light Company gained control because they needed the impoundment to feed water to the Great Falls Hydroelectric Dam. The Maine Department of Environmental Protection implements water quality programs under the Clean Water Act and state law. stable, indicating neither deeper nor shallower Secchi readings over time. Welcome to theMoose Pond Associationwebsite. But they are not. The upper basin (north of Route 302), is considered to have above average water quality based on measures of Secchi Disk Classifications of minor drainages }); 18 Olde Village West, Naples, Maine 04055. Coordinates: 44.0273, -70.7931. Coordinates: 44.9197, -69.5401. Wilson Lake. The Moose Pond Watershed is located in the towns of Bridgton, Denmark, and Sweden in both Oxford and Cumberland County and has a drainage area of 11,170 acres. Moose Pond, this past weekend, had vehicles parked on both sides of the road. Great Moose Lake is a beautiful water body located in central Maine. The red lines on the histogram show data from one or more sampling stations for this lake superimposed on the statewide distribution for the indicator.NOTE: Where data are identical for multiple stations, those station numbers will be superimposed on each other on the histograms and may thus be difficult to differentiate from each other. Main Basin: The average Secchi disk reading for 2021 was 7.7 meters, which falls into the high clarity range. The Devastating Impact of Invasive Plants, Hancock and Sand Ponds Survey Report 2006. ), Moose Pond is divided into three distinct basins with each basin providing habitat for various species of game fish. There are a number of lakes and streams in our area that have milfoil infestations. LakeSmart: Promotes Lake-Friendly Landscaping, Lake Health Statistics for Moose Pond: What Gets Measured and Why, The Importance of the Sleep-Away Summer Camps on Moose Pond. Here the pond is nearly a mile wide and its maximum depth reaches 70 feet. We will provide you with the professional services that you need to sell or purchase a property. Click on any diamond to view the data. Happy holidays to all of you. Does Moose Pond (Bridgtons Lakes) Need a Marine Safety Officer? Chlorophyll: Moose Pond North Basins 2021 average chlorophyll concentration was within the moderate range. jQuery("#video-closer").click( function() { Explore the NEW USGS National Water Dashboard interactive map to access real-time water data from over 13,500 stations nationwide. Here the pond is nearly a mile wide and its maximum depth reaches 70 feet. Moose Pond in West Bridgton stretches seven miles from its wilder reaches in its north end in Sweden to its shallower, more placid south end in Denmark. In between find its widest and deepest section in Bridgton just south of the Route 302 causeway. Colored areas represent the long-term range of values, from minimum to maximum. 0000001456 00000 n Maine Revised Statutes 38 468. 12 percent of soils in the watershed are type B soils. 2021 average water clarity was within the moderately clear range.

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